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Graded [Sky Kingdom] Carrel in the Clouds

Time: Morning

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe Border Processing Building

Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Moonberry Moonberry Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario

Kane Blackburne

Kane might have felt a bit bad when Squink reacted the way to Victoriuqe’s teasing but he didn’t say a word.

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png
“Awh Squink, it’s okay! You’re fine!” The bot reassured her. He also nodded, “Yeah I’m okay! Even if i fell over I don’t think it’d damage me! I’m made of some pretty tough material, at least that’s what the boss said!” Iro further reassured Squink in his ability to flip and probably not get severely injured if it went wrong.

Then there was the back and forth dialogue between her and Finn which Kane couldn’t help but continue to find somewhat entertaining, chuckling a bit with the discourse, knowing full well that sort of talk would no doubt fluster Eliza which was always entertaining.

“Yeah I can’t say i’m the best to hang around.” Kane added.

“Thanks for the assist if I need it.” He preemptively thanked Victorique knowing that she was quite good at arguing if need be.

Eliza Talton

Eliza had been rather distracted by everything that had been going on and the new incoming information , but by the point that Victorique was mentioning her brothers she’d sigh.

“I can assure you Victorique ,they’re a lot better than your first introduction would suggest…usually. Granted Affonso..can be a bit difficult at times, Adriano..was having problems.” She put it lightly, not seeming like she wanted to get too much deeper into the whole ordeal that that mess was understandably.

When Victorique asked Kane what was missed, Eliza looked over curiously his way, he clenched his fist a bit tightly, before he looked over at Victorique.

“Listen, I’m far from the kind of guy that is the type to just go out and play hero or whatever, but what happened to Illya is something that crosses many lines… It’s pretty obvious to me that some Widersian Noble tore her wings off and now they’re sending people after her to finish the job or bring her back to extract some kind of sick control fantasy where they can claim they have some exotic small Fae in their collection to carry out whatever gods forsaken actions they please..Like Hell I’m gonna let some power trip hungry person send their people and come and do that..They shouldn’t have any jurisdiction up here to do as they please, so if they or their people show up I might just have to fight.”

Kane spoke intuitively clearly not understanding the full backstory or what had happened but that was where his assumption had gone as to the backstory.

Kane would chuckle again, “As If Eliza wants anything to do with me.”

Eliza pouted once again with a bit of a huff, “Well maybe if you weren’t in such an awful profession and didn’t say the most ignorant things Kane, you’d be more tolerable.”


Ylvla chuckled herself, “[Such a shame that such a pretty boy is unable to speak this tongue. Perhaps you aren’t wrong about your assessment of his simpleness if he’s a human who never learned to speak something so common among his kind..]”

“[The fact that your kind can speak it so well is actually a surprise to me as well, as disappointing it is that he cannot speak it, it is as impressive that you can.]”
Ylva spoke.

Kane was only left finding this interaction a bit humorous once again.

After everyone seemed to speak out at the checkpoint as to why they were there and what weapons were there, Eliza also spoke up.

“[I am Eliza Talton from House Talton of the Kingdom of Rotia, To my understanding you were expecting me. I am here on business and pleasure, to see this part of the Sky Kingdom.] [My guards carry arming swords and shields, I myself do not have any weapons on my person.]"

Pandora who had been surprisingly quiet for the majority of the traveling period to the checkpoint gave a small bow and also spoke up. “[I am here to serve and protect Eliza Talton to the best of my ability. [I am capable of self defense in the form of two melee and ranged weapons.]” She spoke honestly, however she did not show the weapons themselves.
Desk Guy

The large suited winged man proceeded to write more details down with his dip pen. After some time he spoke back up.

“[I see just so I am clear, I will be admitting, a man with an axe who lops of heads for a living, a shorty who really likes her books to fly all the way up here and seems a bit nosey given her titles, an ancient owl who could pass away at any moment from age and fragility, a living doll, a hopeless idealist whose probably unemployed, a strange purple beast who might have amnesia since she doesn’t seem to know why she is here, as well as some small construct which looks like something one of our winged beasts might like as a snack, a noble woman and her guard who for some reason is fraternizing with these people, and an even smaller fae who for all I know could be a stowaway criminal, is that all correct?]”

He inquired speaking like it was the most natural sentence strewn together.

“[Could someone please tell me why the smallest one has a wanted title? I believe the name might be familiar to me.]”

Well that probably could have gone better as Kane clenched his fist once again for a different reason: , feeling a bit of anxiety at how this guy spoke, what if Illya was seriously in trouble and they literally just arrived?
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“Stop calling me Vicky or I'll figure out how to run you into the ground.” She sneered back at Finn, hating the nickname with a passion. “I honestly don't get why you'd visit a place without knowing the language the people speak there... or why you never even bothered to pick up Terran, with how similar to Common it is.” Probably Finn being an overly confident protagonist.

She wasn't sure if she needed to translate back into Terran, but she could at least clarify for Finn. “[What he's saying is that he's an idealist travelling around trying to be a good boy wherever he goes by using his protagonist vibes.]”

A tad surprised at Squink actually looking down, she'd feel the slightest bit bad. “Hey, don't be sad, to each their own right? We're all weird in some way.” She'd say, before focussing back on the business at hand.

Victorique's eyes squinted a bit. A random fairy searched for by someone from her home nation, refusing to give details as to why... Should she investigate more? When the Fairy told her they didn't know one another, she was quick to agree. “[Indeed, we do not.]” She wasn't looking forwards to getting into trouble over some random stranger that made a mess in her motherland.

The owl was a tad odd for not even taking a simple well-wish, but Victorique figured she'd leave it be. There was something she was more curious about. “You think if they're worth mentioning, there's also a chance they'll ask you to dull them or something?” She legit wondered how disarming the natural weapons of beasts would normally happen. If at all. One of those weird little things that you'd never think about, but that were actually pretty interesting the moment you started doing so.

“Perhaps they'll get a chance to prove it later.” She'd reply to Eliza, wondering if she should take her up on the offer to come visit whilst on the mecha ride, just to see if the brothers would be more 'normal' or not.

Kane's story about the pixie surprised her. “You'd think so... Hmmm...” She mumbled. If the pixie was some sort of war prisoner, perhaps? Yet otherwise it did seem extraordinarily cruel for a noble of her home nation to be up to such business. “I've got my doubts, but it might be something to investigate. Weeding out corrupt nobles in my home nation sounds like it could be fun, so long as I've got someone folk to help me stay alive and not die in a tragic accident.”

She sighed when Kane and Eliza were add it again. “The bickering between you two reminds me of my parents.” She dropped, partially because it did, otherwise because she just wanted to see the reaction that it'd get.

“[I pick up on languages rather easily.]” She'd reply to Ylva. “[He seems to be the polar opposite.]” At the very least it seemed she'd be getting along with the Sky folk decently enough, based on this conversation with Ylva.

Even her detective senses hadn't caught up on Pandora having so many weapons, which only made her more intrigued by the [Mechanical Marvel]. “As if you weren't interesting enough...” Victorique mumbled to herself.

However, her attention shifted when the large suited winged man spoke up. For a second after his speech, she was silent, the she busted out in laughter. “[Sorry... sorry, sir, but that's the most brilliant analysis I've ever heard. I'm not even mad.]”

“Hold up... I gotta... catch my breath. Then I'll translate.” She promised the others, holding still for a bit, before she'd take a deep breath and do so with her [Eidetic Memory] ability. “I swear I'm not making stuff up this time around. I couldn't come up with something this good even if I tried! He asked if he...

'will be admitting, a man with an axe who lops of heads for a living, an ancient owl who could pass away at any moment from age and fragility, a living doll, a hopeless idealist whose probably unemployed, a strange purple beast who might have amnesia since she doesn’t seem to know why she is here, as well as some small construct which looks like something one of our winged beasts might like as a snack, a noble woman and her guard who for some reason is fraternizing with these people, and a fae who for all he knows could be a stowaway criminal.'

Having translated it, with only one bit left out, she got a tad more serious again. She had no clue whether or not to trust the pixie, but if Kane did... “[From what I've gathered, she's been unfortunate enough to have caught the interest of a more perverse noble. Nothing political.]” She really hoped she wasn't backing up an actual criminal here, but she'd take her chances. She'd particularly put some Ultimate Argument power behind the 'nothing political' part.

Ultimate Argument – Appraisal B, Heightened Senses [Hearing/Sight/Smell/Taste/Balance] B, Insight B, Perception B, Persuasion B, Law B, Energised B – Character takes in any information they can from someone and uses it when carefully picking their tone of voice and mannerisms to convey their argument in the most persuasive manner, tailored to whatever might suit the person they're trying to convince. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

"...Yea I think you are getting under my skin now." Finn nodded, thinking about the whole thing. "Suppous I am a idealist, but better to be a idealist than one who eats filth and pretends to enjoy it, or complains and does nothing to improve their lot." The man scratched his eyebrow, getting abit ticked now...

But he sighed, guessing he was either going to be turned away or badgered more. He instead took his time looking at the room around him, but also glancing at Ilyia...

Shes... been through hell that one, if she was telling the truth...

But... He also had to consider... Could that eye have actually seen everything about him...? Its abit hard to believe. Not too many times he gets analyised, honestly hes more suprised he doesn't get barred entry due to his abilities... were they ignoring him? Or could they just not see...? He considered his skills... capable of raising the dead, leveling a city block, breaking curses... But yet, he was never treated with fear, or even really trepidation. Honestly, maybe that was for the best, but it still made him unsure of he was... Actually being looked at.

If he were a guardian if nobility, he would never even allow a person like him near his charge... Much less anyone he need protect.

Others were odd in this party as well, Kane seemed pretty confident, and so did the others... Except maybe that squid lady. Who was an oddity to say the least...

Oh well... What was he to say or do...

"Guess hoping for some good to do here is too much out of the question..." he seemed annoyed. "Maybe I shouldn't have come here..."


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet

"It's okay... " Squink answered softly to Illya's reassurance, also thinking the same for Victorique's earlier reassurance about weird not being bad. Listening to Oden and hearing that Finn must have meant he was some sort of travelling knight, she supposed that meant she was also some kind of errant. But for what exactly, she didn't have a clue. Thinking for a moment, she nodded with a small cheerful look.
"I guess I'm also a traveller, though I don't know really what I'm looking for. Being an adventurer sounds really fun, you'd get to go to all sorts of places and meet so many different people, though it does seem rather dangerous. Maybe if I was a little stronger or braver, I'd love to go on great adventures with friends and stuff. Though I don't think I'm really there yet, maybe if I had like a personal friend or companion that could keep me company, that'd be a lot nicer" she said gleefully for a moment, before panicking for a little bit.

"N-not that it's not like you aren't, I mean like a pet or a follower like how Eliza has Pandora or something" she immediately followed up, not wanting it to seem like she was disrespecting hers and the owl's friendship in any way. Waiting for a little while, Victorique's recollection of what the desk-man said was rather weird when it was put that way.
"I don't know if I have amnesia or something, it's not like I've really met many of my kind at all, but I don't really remember where home is... I-I guess, maybe that's what amnesia is then... " she mumbled awkwardly, though there was obviously that one male ilithid she met back in Kuridan and then just insert the whole thing about manly ilithids and muscular tentacles and Squink fantasizing and stuff here, for now the cephalopod-like woman just blushed and looked a little off at the ceiling as she thought about such things during the waiting time.​
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Oden (#ACA9A7)
"Don't worry, I think I can understand where you're coming from Squink. Although I don't think Pandora would appreciate being equated to a pet." Oden chuckled gently, harmlessly poking fun at her response. The idea of having little companions by her side was quite comforting to herself as well. After all, she hadn't ever been more alone than she was now with her clan completely scattered.

"Though I suppose we don't have the actual title, I think we're quite the adventurers already don't you think? We helped escort the Leilosis worshippers from Ryke to the Otenzian Empire, we aided the refugee camp in Yasaki City in Kuridan and now we're here in the Sky Kingdom. I'm sure you've had many other adventures I don't know about as well." The old owl thought back nostalgically, recalling their recent continent-wide explorations as of late.

"If you'd feel more comfortable with a pet or follower though, I'm sure we could try and find an animal tamer or an assistant broker. Maybe even here in the Sky Kingdom if you're interested." Oden offered gently with a tilt of her head, only half-listening in as conversations were exchanged in Terran.

"Hoho, he's not wrong." At Victorique's blunt translation, the old owl merely shook her head with a slight chuckle, though her dark eyes did visibly sadden slightly. Running out of time with no achievements to her name, that was all her life had amounted to, hadn't it? It certainly wasn't the time for such thoughts, but she couldn't help the slight recoil at his truthful statement.

Fortunately, her ilithid friend's little mutterings quickly brought her out of her thoughts. Just as she was about say some words of comfort about her amnesia and lost home, she noticed the dazed blush on Squink's cheeks and decided to leave her to whatever she was thinking about with a slight chuckle. As long as she was not thinking about negative things, all was well.
Illya Mellondew

Illya hovered in the air, a delicate figure suspended in a world that seemed increasingly complex and alien. The voices around her melded into a distant murmur, an unintelligible symphony that she struggled to understand. But then, Kane's voice cut through the haze, speaking up for her with a fervor that brought a rosy blush to her cheeks. Her eyes darted around nervously, the instinct to vanish warring with the realization that such an escape was no longer an option.

As Victorique began translating her story to the desk clerk, Illya's irritation flickered like a candle in the wind, her lips pressed into a thin line. Once Victorique finished, Illya drifted closer to the halfling, her wings stirring the air gently.

"Look, I know you're upset because I took some of your buffet food and didn't return it," she began, her voice soft yet tinged with earnestness. "But please, don't make me out to be the villain. I was an honorable soldier for the Fae See before I was captured. I'm not a bad person." Her arms crossed over her chest, a pout forming on her lips.

Her gaze swept over Kane, Eliza, Squink, Finn, and even the feather-brained individual. A sigh escaped her, laden with a mix of resignation and determination. "But listen, I don't want anyone to get caught up in my troubles. I angered someone powerful, and they might send someone after me. If it comes to that, I'll just find a way back to the ground and disappear again."

She glanced at Victorique, her resolve firm as she hovered, a small, defiant figure against the uncertainty that loomed around her.

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Time: Morning

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe Border Processing Building

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Femboy Femboy Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario

Kane Blackburne

Kane felt a bit relieved that Victorique seemed to at least understand what he was talking about even if she was skeptical as he had been expecting. If she wanted to go and take out some corrupt nobles he’d definitely be there. He was as relieved as Eliza probably had been to hear that Victorique was willing to give her brothers another chance at some point from the sounds of things.

Instead of being flustered or annoyed by what Victorique said regarding the parents line Kane couldn’t help but chuckle upon seeing Eliza get pouty again, even if he had been targeted too.

“Probably because she’s a master of it, you say one little thing and it sets her off.”

Eliza Talton

“Oh hush, it simply isn’t my fault that I must travel under these conditions with him.”


“[Hah, maybe he’ll pick something up eventually with a teacher, I hear you land dwellers have schools too, perhaps he needs to find the right one.]”


Pandora glanced over at Victorique like she heard her and gave a bashful smile with her hand behind her head if albeit briefly, as if she was as innocent as could possibly be. What was more curious was how there weren’t really obvious weapons on her, perhaps hidden on her person or maybe in the pocket dimension technique she had used.

Desk Guy

“[I’m glad that you find it humorous nosy.]” He replied reiterating the latter bit, sounding as business-like as could be.

After Victorique translated, Kane already knew what was up, finding it somewhat humorous that she left her bit out, but that wasn’t his main focus..the main focus was how receptive this desk guy was going to be with her explanation given how this was pretty serious business, they could all get in trouble by association if Illya was deemed a criminal.

“[I think I have seen that name..but you raise a point that it’s a name which doesn’t have any relation up here..I guess I can let her in.]” He said in thought before replying.

The large desk figure then spoke in common, but not before letting out a hearty chuckle, looking at Finn.

“Seriously, I thought you were an idealist not a pessimist, all because I said how I saw it, you’re ready to turn tail and give up? Someone as powerful with as many titles as yourself? Are you not a knight prepared to go on adventurer and do good deeds, if you don’t like my initial assessment then by all means prove me wrong!”

“Or you can give up and turn around right now. Less paperwork for me.”

The large wing one then turned to Squink, “And you speak with some conviction! You’re going to be entering the Sky Kingdom shortly, If these are your friends you should be just fine, just don’t make any of the big guys like me mad.”

Thankfully as far as Squink’s comment, Pandora did not appear to be particularly offended.

“Oh Finn, don’t feel like you need to prove to him anything!” She continued, “I have faith that you’re a good man, and that you want to do what you told me on the way over here and that you’re more than capable of it, whether you can speak Terran or whatever else is irrelevant, if you’d like I could certainly teach you if you have some time later..” She offered sounding earnest.

“But that’s beside the point, you spoke with the words of someone who means them! ” She offered, sounding earnest.

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1.png

“It’s okay Squink! I’ll be with you for a while at least! maybe I can be your companion!”

“And you small construct don’t go out there getting yourself killed if you can help it, you’ll be a lot more useful to them alive.”

“As for you beast winged one, you should fit in okay enough, we have winged beasts here, even if they are not as plentiful as other tribes of these lands, the fact that you have wings will open doors to you that others may not have as easily.”

(edited due to Aftermath of part 2) "Small Winged Fae, given your title You will be taken for additional questioning."

“Anyway I’ve already gotten a record of all your weapons here, and the identity of who is crossing, you may all enter.”
The large desk man finally finished, gesturing to a large intricately carved door on the other side.

With that said Ylva gestured to the door, “Very well then, you all may continue to the other side. He is right in that it’s easier for people with wings to get around, but there will be some options for those of you who lack them coming up quite shortly.”

Kane almost let out a sigh of relief when he heard the judgment.

For all the hype on the other side of the door, there was another fairly blank stone platform much like the one they had walked over, what was far beyond that was far more interesting, with three sizable floating Runic stones with a bluish glow, placed a distance away from the door which they had been directed to go through, and beyond them in the distance were some more long house inspired buildings and a sizable wall, with buildings of different heights, much of it built up, it would become apparent to the group that in order to get to the actual city they would need to somehow get across the large expanse of sky, in which it became apparent it would be much easier for someone with wings to clear, with a guided path of sorts of smaller floating stones creating a path for someone who was winged to follow spreading across the way.
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SilverFeathers SilverFeathers TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Orikanyo Orikanyo SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet

"I speak with conviction? Didn't think that's something someone would say of me, usually I always think I sound awkward and lost... " Squink mumbled to herself as she thought about the comment the bird-man said. Nobody ever said she ever sounded like she spoke with conviction, that meant confident right? Squink was the complete opposite of confident. Well, she also couldn't tell or recognise at all if someone was being sarcastic, nor really what the use of the word Conviction meant. At least she... maybe, impressed one person here, or something. Squink decided not to think too much on things that confused her. On the other hand...

"S-she's not a pet I know, I didn't mean that, don't tell her I accidentally said anything like that or- just- no- I'll stop talking, yeah... " Squink mumbled as she trailed off, not wanting to get caught in another infinite loop of trying to defend herself from an accidental mistake in her silly little Squink wording. Nodding aggressively, she gave an alert look to Mr. Bird-desk-man over there.
"Y-yes, I'll make sure not to make any trouble and be on my best behaviour" the ilithid added, hoping that this wasn't some weird omen that the stronger people of the Sky Kingdom were prone to being angered easily. Squink couldn't do with that kind of pressure, awkwardly fidgeting with her hands as she looked up elsewhere trying not tho think about any of the bad parts. She had to remember to stay confident as the bird-guy probably didn't mean anything about her being confident, but she was being too mentally confused to understand things and words right now.

Smiling and trying to put said thoughts behind her, her attention was turned to Iro.
"You being my companion? I hadn't thought about that... w-well I thought about it a while ago but not right now, that would be really nice, though that'd depend if Copper would let me do that. I guess if we show that we're great friernds and all then maybe he'd consider it and think it's a good idea for you, maybe it'd help his name or something, or help him get field research or, stuff that sciency-inventy people do" she answered, gently clapping her facial tentacles together in pleasant delight.
"Though, if I could have like, a mount friend, like a cute creature or something, that'd be the kind of thing to make all that adventurer-travelling around stuff a lot easier too! Though I wouldn't know what kind of mount I'd find or ride, maybe that's for another time" she thought, thinking about Oden's recommendation for beast tamers, animal friends were a good idea to make things less lonely and certain conveniences much easier.

"I'll still help you if you need it Illya, well, the best I can... " Squink said with a gleeful expression, still wanting to offer her assistance to the little fairy if she wanted it. Her thoughts soon turned to the recommendation of things being easier to fly to get around, and while both Oden and Illya were winged and capable of flight she as a cephalopod-like purple being was indeed not winged or capable of flight...


"Ooh, Oden, you can fly right, would you pleease like to be my partner and help me with something? I thought about sky-places when we were on the airship while I was practicing my skills and I got a really neat idea, though I messed up on accident last time and it hurt a little. Do you think you could help me a little so I could try to fly... w-with, my mind, so that I don't get hurt if I drop myself or mess up? It would be fun, we could like, fly around together and stuff, and I've never flown before... n-not like, the airship flying, but like, actual flying. Off the ground, my feet not touching it- y-you know you get it right," she spoke as she questionably stammered around trying to deliver her great idea she wanted to try, if she could figure out how to fly then she was well on her way to figuring out a lot of things. Most people probably haven't seen a flying beastkin like her, and neither had she, so it'd be a big accomplishment to add to her very fragile and little ego.

Taking a glance at the surroundings as they went along, she kept her attention mostly turned to Oden to see what her response on the idea was.​
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

She had no clue what had gotten under Finn's skin, but she didn't exactly care. “You're not wrong. The world needs its idealists. I just know I'd grow far too tired of being one to keep up the will to live and would fall into a depression within a day or two.” She replied to him, unclear if that was a compliment or an insult.

A tad surprised, she looked at Squink. “Don't let a lack of strength keep you from adventuring. I've been on a fair few adventurer's and I couldn't fight for the life of me. Just gotta learn how to run away or get yourself some hired muscle. Like that half-giant you saw, though I also hired a gangster and an Orc for a while and now I got Kane to help me out. Just find someone to fill in for what you're lacking, you know?” Perhaps it was due to her interest in Squinks mental magic, but she was genuinely trying to be nice for a bit.

Another surprise what that the owl agreed. “You're as young as you feel, or something, no?” She replied, wondering if that saying was known around here as well. Perhaps more curious about that than actually wanting to soften the blow, but the attempt was there.

She clicked her tongue at the Fairy. “You really think I'm that petty? I just explained that the one that's after you isn't tied in with some government or agency, so it's probably nothing of a national concern.” She replied, rather irked by the assumption she'd been an evil that badmouthed of the Fairy. “Although you're making me want to start an actual criminal investigation into what happened. We got an executioner who'd probably want to try his axe on some Widersian nobles as well. Standing offer.” She'd state, having become interested enough by now.

“Yes mom.” She replied when Eliza told her to hush. Their bickering reminded them of her parents even more at this stage. Being short enough to have to look up to them didn't help with that perception either. Seriously, people here were all way too bloody tall.

Ylva was more fun though. “[I'm not sure if we've got education special enough.]” She replied, regarding Finn. “[Man's a ticking time-bomb as well, from what I've gathered about how his protagonist powers work.]” She added, wondering who'd be brave enough to try school that one. Not like she wasn't confident she could get away from him if needed.

Seeing Pandora glance and be bashful... really got her going. “You're really making my inner detective flare up, you know.” She stated, wondering just what levels of stuff this girl was hiding. Were there weapons in her arms? Springs in her legs? Clearly something cool was going on, right? Right.

“[You're welcome, though considering your job is to read titles and question them, aren't you just as nosy?]” She replied, feeling a tad more confident with the big guy. Perhaps too much so.

She'd turn to Illya. “He's letting you in. I told you.” She scoffed. See. She could be a good and nice person and all that. If she wanted too.

She'd listen, a tad surprised, at the big guy giving everyone pep talks. How nice of him.

As she entered, she could see why wings were a big advantage here. “Soooo... is there public transpiration? Floating paths, breeze-riding-wind-currents, teleportation... something?” She asked, upon seeing nothing but air between her and her destination.
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Oden (#ACA9A7)
"A Fae See soldier? How admirable." Oden commented thoughtfully after Illya's admission, somewhat surprised to be reminded of the current war considering how distant the mainland was. If briefly, it made her ponder what the Sky Kingdom's stance on the war was too. Still, it was intriguing to learn the little pixie was a war soldier. One could truly never take a fae at face value.

Hearing the gatekeeper suddenly speak fluently in Common was both surprising and somewhat aggravating, considering thus far he had only spoken in Terran when it was clear some of them didn't understand the language. Pushing the thought aside, the old owl nodded gently at the information he directed towards herself in particular. It wasn't anything too surprising, but it was nice that he also addressed her personally nonetheless.

As they passed through the gates, the vast landscape and sky before them was both stunning and inviting. Oden's wings itched to be unfurled, and she couldn't help but ruffle her feathers in preparation. Her gaze roamed over the various levitating scenery, quietly pondering their weathered existences before turning to their valkyrie escort.

"These runic stones... do you mind sharing with me what you know of their history and origin?" She probed Ylva, tilting her head to the side curiously. There was much to learn about the Sky Kingdom, and she hoped once they reached the library, she'd get a chance to read up on many things, such as how this unique landscape was formed, as well as its journey of societal growth, before her thoughts were broken by Squink's harmless request.

"Of course my dear. I would be more than willing to aid you." Turning to face her, she smiled gently, both surprised and intrigued by the idea of flying around with her ilithid friend. She had only ever flown in the air with other bird-like or bug-like bestial companions, like eagles, parrots, bees and flying beetles. It had never even crossed her mind that she may one day fly with Squink, instead more thinking that she should work out so that she could carry her safely in the air one day.

"Let's practice around here first before hopping off the ledge, hm?" Oden advised cautiously, offering her friend a wrinkly old taloned hand to hold onto for starters as she fluttered and prepared her wings for flight.
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The knight sighed, Eliza seemed to be forthwith in attempting to placate any annoyance he had... He just had to remember his quest, no matter what. "Aye aye, I shouldn't let one hick up baffle me. No doubt theres something to be done up here, no doubt I wouldn't be here otherwise!

After all, thats always the case for protagonists hmm Victorique?" He went back to her normal name, as really she was the one starting to tick him off... Not really the other guy but hey, whatever.

Water under the seven hundred foot high bridge?

...Actually the whole being in the sky thing was starting to get to him, HOW high up was he...?

Focusing on something else, he now noticed the more odd of the bunch amongst them talking. The large owl who had a feminine voice seemed to be talking with the squid woman. They were an odd sort, seemed decent at a glance... At least. Suffice to say he wasn't too worried about them as they seemed capable if non-offending sorts.

He suppoused he wasn't too drawn to beastfolk who weren't fluffy or had tails...?

"Have to say... I was sort of expecting this to be an issue..." he stood up next to the blinde halfling. "I had thought there was some marvel to help us along but... Really if we've no recourse, we may have to rely on others to lift us...

Maybe some sort of air carriage?

Perhaps Lady Talton can give us that ride you so wish for." The knight smirked, before looking the others over. "Or do you think Kane can flap his arms fast enough to fly us over?"


SilverFeathers SilverFeathers TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Orikanyo Orikanyo Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet

Smiling cheerfully now that Oden agreed to be her flying partner, she clasped her hands together in delight.
"Wee~! Okay, thank you, r-right, right, starting here would be a better idea... " she said, quickly agreeing with her point that it would likely be a better idea to actually try it out in a safe place before jumping off any edges for no reason in particular other than the mere excuse of being able to fly. Then, she recalled that the others alongside them weren't able to fly.
"Oh, r-right, I can probably try levitate people that can't fly but want to as well, if... someone actually trusts me to do that and wants me to. Maybe I can just hold Iro if you want to come with me too, maybe it'd help some of you get around" she offered sheepishly, knowing that not likely all of them would so easily agree with the idea of being levitated off the ground by a octopus-looking woman they met two or three days ago.

Nevertheless, Squink gently and tenderly took Oden's hand in her own and tried to focus her concentration on getting herself off the ground. It didn't have to be fast or anything, just to be able to experience flight and get around casually. It'd probably be around the same rate as if she levitated other people anyway, hopefully she wouldn't hurt herself by doing so this time. Plus, Oden was at least her fallback plan... though it would suck and be very embarrassing if she had to use said fallback plan. Maybe she'd get more respected if she could manage to fly. That'd be neat.

1. Fly using Flight (F). (Nova says that the skill on its own works and that the telekinesis levitation is for word-flavour explainyness so it's fine it worky)
Victorique Sopheana


Alternate art generated from:
Victorique de Blois
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Finn Orikanyo Orikanyo | Illya Moonberry Moonberry | Squink Femboy Femboy | Oden SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Victorique grew more and more annoyed. She took out her pipe, filled it with tobacco, lit it up and took a really deep breath of smoke. Normally that calmed her down, but she was still annoyed. “See, Kane, this is what always happens. If I'm my usual self and everyone seems to always pay attention and listen to what I see, only to then complain that I'm being mean. I try to be nice for a change and I'm ignored.”

She clicked her tongue, before going for another deep puff of smoke. She'd even meant it when she told the owl you're as old as you feel. Otherwise she herself would be a lot younger. Yet the owl hadn't even looked at her. She really was a senile old feather-gathering. She scoffed out her smoke.

Finn wasn't too much better. “I just admitted to you the world needs its idealist, protagonist or not. What more do you want from me?” She sneered back. She'd reached out an olive branch. Was he just going to try to start bickering all over again? Well FINE. She could do so as well. She'd talk him into walking off a Sky Island if she'd have too. See how much he'd like to bicker then. “Hmph.”

To her annoyance, Finn made it even worse by mentioning the Mecha ride. “How about you jump down to go get her mecha for her? Be a real gentleman.” She replied, annoyed that he'd tease her with the unfulfilled promise of all things.

The worst offender was the purple one. The bloody calamari had played all nice and been interesting and all that, so Victorique had given her an entire pep-talk! Going on about how strength wasn't needed to adventure and all that... She hadn't realised how bad it felt to be fully and utterly ignored after trying to put up an argument to help someone out.

She'd wait for a moment, still being nice enough to wait for the calamari to stop using her magic so that they wouldn't drop to the ground. They hadn't earned it, but she was just that gracious. Yet when Squink would stop her magic, she'd call out. “HEY SQUINK!”

Upon ensuring she'd get the purple's attention this time around, she'd smirk. “Do your mind reading. Right now.” She commanded. Then she'd just recall her entire pep-talk, from her perspective, looking at an entirely unresponsive Squink. Show the calamari how it felt to be ignored.
Illya Mellondew

Illya glanced hesitantly at the Desk man, then at the door, her heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Following Victorique's encouraging words, she swiftly flew through the door alongside the others. As they arrived at the new location, her eyes widened in awe at the glowing runes that adorned the walls, casting a mystical light over the space. She could hardly contain her excitement, a giggle escaping her lips as she marveled at the splendor around her.

She flitted closer to one of her companions, hovering nearby but staying just out of sight, not wanting to draw too much attention to herself. Illya's grin widened as she thought about Victorique's words a moment ago, her light chuckle echoing softly. Feeling a surge of relief that they were being allowed through, Illya turned to Victorique and whispered, "If you ever want to look into that case, I might be able to provide some payment... given some time to plan." Her voice was filled with a mix of gratitude and excitement at the prospect of contributing.

Though she tried to pay attention to the ongoing conversations, her curiosity got the better of her. Her eyes widened in awe at the glowing runes that adorned the walls, casting a mystical light over the space. She could hardly contain her excitement, a giggle escaping her lips as she marveled at the splendor around her.

Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Ilithid, Beastfolk, Ryke Nobility (F), Helper of Natori
Character Sheet

Cheerful that she was able to try such things out with Oden, she was abruptly startled by Victorique's voice calling her name all of a sudden as she suddenly squirmed and swung her head to face the short detective. From how it was said, it felt like she was being called out for doing something that would land her in trouble.

"Ah- w-what, I didn't mean to do do anything wrong-" Squink panicked, she was still trying to withhold her flight through self-lifting but was completely flustered and stammered out of surprise. She was immediately a little teary from being caught off-guard, the mere thought of getting into immense trouble here was something that felt like an incredible terror. Shivering a little, she felt a little nervous when it came from Victorique wondering what she had done that was wrong until she was instructed to perform her mind-reading ability. Hesitating rather nervously, her facial tentacles quivered as she swallowed and nodded.

"O-oh, s-sorry, I'll do that now, p-please, I'm not in trouble, right?... " she stuttered, still rather tense and on edge as she adhered to the little one's demand. Doing so and seeing the pep-talk once more from another point of view, she was a little confused on why she was being shown said thing until realising that she hadn't paid attention during said moment to even hear said pep talk when it was originally being spoken. Feeling rather silent and embarassed for a moment, she fell quiet as she answered.

"O-oh, I guess I f-forgot to answer a little, s-sorry I was rather distracted on other things. Sorry, t-that's my fault... maybe I should learn to pay better attention and not get so distracted as easy by my own selfish things... " the ilithid mumbled softly, hesitantly glancing to Oden for a little moment before deciding to not lift herself anymore and gently lowering herself to the ground carefully.

"M-maybe it should wait until later so I can pay attention, Oden, s-sorry, maybe I got a little too excited for the moment, I'll try to calm down and be careful... " she added softly, for the moment when it felt like her day was going positively swell it seemed almost immediately that she had done something wrong to upset someone. Maybe for the long while, she should just keep quiet and to herself.

1. Psychic Commune: Magic (D) + Telepathy (F) + Empathy (F) + Seduction (F) + Energized (D) + Magic Range (E) + Indirect Affinity (E) + Magic Targets (F) + Selective Magic (E) + Spell Duration (E) - Use enhanced capabilities to invade the mind of a target using mental powers in order to converse, listen in or even just speak into their mind. Seduction assists with convincing and gaslighting people into doing things. (De Grade) (1 Post Cooldown) (On Victorique)
Time: Morning

Temperature: Outside Cool

Place: The Sky, Sky Kingdom, Hallson Tribe Transit Platform

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers


The large winged man did not correct Squink, that he had meant it the other way, more like a command rather than commenting on the fact that she was doing that well.

He did however did give her a nod when she said she’d behave herself.

Kane Blackburne

Kane listened to the dialogue which Victorique spouted, it was nice to hear her being encouraging some, before he nodded, “You know it’s true..if they’re criminals who are doing acts like I believe they have, I’m certain swift justice would be in order.” Kane reaffirmed Victorique’s words, with a bit of a dark chuckle after. Truthfully he would very much enjoy punishing those who dared to commit such immoral acts, let them beg for their lives after they had abused the people around them for their own gain, that was probably part of the job of being an executioner that he could get down with the most, carrying out justice on those who truly deserved it.

Eliza Talton

“Oh I didn’t know you found me motherly Victorique~ That is rather darling.” She replied cheerily a moment later as if she totally didn’t understand the intended sarcasm. Kane on the other hand chuckled some more at this.

“Don’t worry Victorique, I’m sure she’ll be more than occupied with Finn to be complaining about me if he’s gonna be hanging around too.”

At that Eliza would pout a bit more once again.

Ylva looked at Victorique before she let out a hearty laugh, “[OH I see! You landfolk jest! Special education! Because his minds has special needs! Yes I understand! But what are these protagonist powers you speak of? Despite his mind does he have special powers?]” She’d ask sounding a bit more curious now.


Pandora simply continued to smile a bit bashfully nodding “oh is that so? It’s really no big deal.I can't imagine I'm all that interesting for someone as skilled as yourself to use those sorts of time and resources on me.”

“[No one’s ever put it that way before! Most are too afraid of my size to use their tongue in the way you just did! I guess you hit it right on the nose, perceptive as your titles would suggest! That’ll do you well here if you’re trying to learn. Hey I guess I kind of like your spunk, if you need help later just say Sif said you could!]” He told Victorique on their way out.

He then continued in common, “And remember I’m taking a gamble on letting you all in out here so my neck will be on the line too if you do something stupid! So you better all not disappoint me!” He’d call after the lot.

Kane was a bit surprised to hear that, “[Looks like you’re pretty popular with new comers huh Victorique?]”

Unit #2 “Iro”
Screenshot 2024-02-02 at 10.20.26 PM-1-3.png
“Frabjous Day Squink! I would like it very much if the boss would allow me to follow you around, perhaps he would agree if we say it’s for field work like you say! I could send him the data I collect on our journeys.”

“Something to ride would definitely be nice! There is lots of terrain out for adventuring which would be made easier to transverse if we had something like that.”

Iro also looked to Illya when Squink said that. “I too wish to assist as long as I am able to travel along side Squink and her friends!”

Iro was at attention when Squink mentioned flying with her mind, looking curious at the whole thing.

Truthfully Kane was curious too when he heard her pitch that idea. If she was going to be following him and Victorique around, then surely if she could pull off that sort of mind flying ability it would probably be pretty useful all things considered. Granted he wasn’t entirely sure how strong Squink was in that way yet, it would be pretty damn difficult to survive if any of them ended up going into a free fall off these platforms in the sky…

Iro spoke up cheerily upon hearing that “Hey Squink if you can do that can I come flying too?!” What was a bit peculiar to Kane was how Victorique had a fair point, everyone seemed a bit too distracted when she had reached out.

After Victorique went off feeling annoyed, Kane replied,

“Well that blows. I know it might not be much consolation cause lets be real I’m not the best guy..to put words together in the way those…more educated guys do but Just so you know you can tell me anything Victorique and I’ll listen, even if I hate what I’m hearing, I meant it when I wanted you as my friend, friends listen..and they care..so uh..yeah.” He finally finished a bit awkwardly. At this point he was hoping they could go do what they needed to and do their respective things at this point once they got across. Frankly he didn’t mind seeing her be a bit spiteful, it felt pretty justified based on what he saw and what she said.

Eliza looked between Finn and Victorique and looked a bit disheartened at the development, but she didn’t speak, Pandora looked over to her with a look suggesting ‘it’s a bit tense right now but it’ll get better’. It seemed like she managed to refrain from saying anything in hopes to not make it worse.

Kane rolled his eyes a bit at what Finn had to say and merely let out a "Tch" figuring he'd let Victorique handle it as she was, knowing full well what was coming.

Thankfully with Oden’s question, Ylva would speak up eventualy, “LISTEN UP EVERYONE!” She’d call out to get the attention of the group’s whose attention seemed to split all over from her perspective, between bickering and or observing.

“Thankfully for you landfolk, it was voted to keep at least a few port stones around mainly for those who aren’t flying so good anymore rather than your kind, which your feathered winged friend just mentioned! We’ve had them for many years even when I was a much younger lass!, and I guess you could say they’re similar to the gates you landfolk use, but they’re believed to have been carved and forged by a divine being in his arcane forge of the heavens many many years ago! The material itself is an enigma quite unlike anything we’ve seen which brings further credit to it’s divine origin!” She answered oden more fully.

She’d gesture to a particularly large central one “This one’ll take you right into the entrance of town, all you gotta do is touch it for a bit and it'll take you all there, of course with the right authorization, Which I’ll now be granting.”

Ylva made her way over and placed her hand on the large rock and began to recite some sort of text which even Victorique would have some difficulty discerning what she was saying, like some some sort of Sky Kingdom dialect. However the large stones began to light up..as the runes shifted on the surface. After she finished reciting it she’d say “Well come on then make contact with it! I’m warning you now it might feel strange the first time!”


(Due to Airship Part 2 Aftermath Illya is not permitted to partake in Sky Kingdom RPs beyond this one until she clears her Wanted title and re-enters.)

Kane would look to Victorique, before making his way over and placing his hand on it. Iro would follow suit, as would Eliza, Pandora, and Eliza’s guard, and anyone else who was intent on making it through successfully without flying across, and after there was enough time for those to touch who were intending on coming, the whole world begin to shift sort of like a vortex around those who touched the stone as they were thrown into a disorientating realm of light and dark blue as well as white arcane energy shifting all around them completely as the sky and platform went completely out of view…sending them to the next place with a whirring sound coming from all around. Then, darkness and silence, followed by some dizziness for most. Until the light would be shown again. And it became apparent those who came were standing at the front gates of the very place they had looked across too.

The large gates with winged guards along the walls were opened up and before them were streets of winged vendors, and incredibly tall buildings, with additional platforms jutting out from the tall long house stylized buildings, for those who could fly to access presumably with more points of interest on them. a processional way leading toward a central rotary ornate water fountain of a winged warrior with a sword and shield with a unique helmet standing tall and proud, from the fountain split off into all sorts of paths and side streets from there. There were plenty of presumably citizens flying about as well going about their day, indeed the group had finally made it to the Sky Kingdom and all that the Hallson Tribe would have to offer them.

Narrator Note: Thank you all for joining in on this RP and seeing it until the end! We finally made it to the Sky Kingdom. Hope you all found it enjoyable enough! I will likely be narrating other parts up here soon enough.

(Note: Do not add to character sheet until approved by grading mod)

Narrator Reward Suggestion:


Optional Title Acquired -[Untethered] Character has successfully made an ambitious journey only made by a minority to the Sky Kingdom from the realm’s surface world and in doing so has cut their tether from the earth from which they came. People who value exploring and traveling are more likely to have a positive reception and or be impressed of character.
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Isekai Hell Grade

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Moonberry Moonberry Orikanyo Orikanyo

Nice rp overall in fleshing out border control for the sky nations, but permission to rp in the sky nation was granted or denied in last rp when ship docked. This means Illya was deported and Oden never arrived as far as lore is concerned (of course, this is with the knowledge that the grade for the last one didn't arrive until this one had already concluded). The rest are free to move about the nations at their own risk. Sounds like plenty of mystery and adventure remains up here in the skies of a land from forgotten iterations.




optional title acquired by all except partial participants [Clear to Disembark] - characters have gotten through a nations security. Less likely to be halted and questioned unnecessarily on future entries.

Kane Blackburne - 61pts (narrator)

Victorique - 34pts

Squink - 82pts (attentive student)

Finn - 17pts
(will need to add equipped titles section to benefit from any of the titles the character has)

partial participants

Oden - 10pts

Illya Melondew - 6pts

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