Skin Slip (Bookworm0492 and Wingal)

Maxwell blushed even more feeling awkward about having this kind of conversation with someone other than his parents. "Idiot" he thought to himself beginning to sniffle a bit as he noticed how Darla looked "She was pretty much like a big sister he thought to himself stopping himself before she could notice and began working on his pose. "Like this" he asked smiling trying to master that same posture that was demonstrated to him earlier.
She laughed a little and ruffled up his hair. "Close enough, keep practicing sweety." She turned back to the street and for the next few hours she and the other girls get approached by various men and women, but Max is never left alone and he gets hit on by more than a few people, more men than women, the females seeming to think hes more cute and little-brotherly than anything. Until finally darla turns to the girls. "Alright ladies lets head home." They walked back to the compoun and when they were inside she turned to him. "Not bad for a first night sugar. Ill tell carla how ya did you just go and get some sleep ok?" She smiled sweetly and turned to go. "Oh and dont forget what I said Maxy..."

After hours of labor Terry finally finished all of the shit that dave wanted him to do. Man's a ******* slave driver. I did less work living on the streets. He finally got permission to leave and went back to his and Max's room, stripped down and tossed his cothes down the laundry chute before getting that nice warm shower, getting all the grease and grime off. He left the bathroom and cursed realizing he didnt have any spare clothes yet. Ugh. ****. He was too ired to care. So, towel still around his waist he flopped back on the bed, ready to pass out. 'Wonder where Max is...' he thought.
"Alright" he said to Darla smiling as he went back into this room. "Not soticing anybody had been in the room and even momentarily forgetting Terry was there he stripped out of the leather tight pants and the dazzling shirt and folded them up placing them in the cupboard before flopping onto the bed only to see that he was on top of someone" "Oh hey Terry" he said surprised.
(0o wow, Im slow, I just now noticed that the f word is censored lol)

Terry yelped and jumped up a little when something landed on him. He looked down to see his lap full of dog-shifter. "Jesus Max!! You scared the hell out of me!!" He flushed a little seeing the slightly compromising position the two were in now but tried to ignore it. "Where the hell were you anyway? Its like 2 in the morning." He sat up, trying to forget that he was in just a towel and that Max wouldnt notice (but seeing as he was still damp and his hair was still wet that was a stretch.)
Maxwell Smiled glad he asked but then thought that maybe Terry shouldn't know or they would have to leave "I was out with some other people doing some community service" he came up with quick snapping in his mind at the nice comeback as he felt something damp where his hands were. "Why are your clothes so wet" he asked Terry not noticing what he was really feeling.
Terry turned a darker shade of red, kindve glad that it was dark. "Ah...well..." Screw it. Best be honest besides they were both guys. "Im....kindve in a towel. I took a shower an I dont really hve any clean clothes and I uh...was too tired to really care at the moment..." He winced waiting for the oncoming freakout. Geeze. Itd been way too long since hed had a fricken roommate.
"Oh umm okay" Max said trying to keep himself from freaking out all over the place as he rolled off of Terry and onto the other side of the bed. "That was close" he thought Nervously thinking about what could've happened if he didn't get off before shaking his head. "No terry is just a friend thats all" he said to himself quietly before yawning once and going to sleep.
Ughghghghgghhghghghghdsjvbbfbs;fa;asjfbn;so;sg. This kid. THIS kid.This kid. Was going to be the fricken death of him!! He was the temptation that went above all other temptations in his life. Half naked. In the same bed as him. Completely edible (in the good way). It was like all his favorite things in the world, pizza, fish, video games, and a good fight all rolled into one!!

Well...maybe not that.

That would be weird.

He glanced over at the younger male, his cat eyes able to see him alot better in the dark and found it harder and harder to follow his 'look but dont touch' rule. And so damn innocent too..most guys'd wanna run away from it but the thought reeled the tiger in more. But hes still just a ki Ter. He groaned a little and put a pillow over his face to try and sleep.

Maybe things would be better in the morning.
Maxwell seemed to be in these light room as he peered around confused "I must be dreaming again" he said out loud coming to that conclusion as he peered over to see a Sleeping Terry. "He's so cute when he's asleep" he thought when a sudden cold chill swept the room causing Max to shiver greatly. As Maxwell looked desperately around for a blanket but once again couldn't find one when he found a source of warmth in the source of Terry still snoozing. Max smiled knowing what he had and wanted to do as he layed down next to him snuggling up as close as humanly possible to Tiger Shifter. Though unaware Max's similar actions were happening in the real world as Max was pretty much under Terry facing towards the tiger shifter with Max's head snuggled into the place between his chin and shoulders. "Terry" he kept muttering happily unaware if the Tiger shifter was awake or not.
Murphy's Law has officially made him its b&^ch.

Terry had finally gotten asleep last night and slept hard, having dreams he wont be sharing anyttime soon when he awoke to find himself in once again another precarious situation with the pup. Curled right against him, looking might comfortable and still too damn tempting for words.

He had to hold in a groan. Maybe they should consider separate rooms...?

But as he looked down at the kid he knew he was foolin himself. He'd go fricken nuts if Max had to sleep somewhere alone. And he had the sneaking suspicion that hed just sneak back into Terry's room anyway.

He didnt know how the kid had quickly gotten under his skin like this, but he knew that little Max was gonna have him wrapped around his finger pretty damn soon. And as soon as he found out exactly how that happened he'd fix it. Maybe. But Terry knew this was a match he was slowly losing and no amount of street-fighting was gonna help him. But the real question was, would it really be so bad if he gave in? I mean hell, he would be legal in two years and that was just by America's standards, and God knows shifters had been mating or get physically attached at that age for ages. So....what the hell was making him so damn antsy about the whole deal.?

He sighed and for the moment decided to just ignore his chaotic mindset and put his arm around him and pull Max closer, lack of clothes be damned. A little selfishness was ok every now and then, and he'd give into temptation at least a little this time. At least until Max woke up.

And was....Max saying his name..?
Maxwell sighed happily as he felt something being wrapped around him seeming to pull himself even closer than he could get to Terry himself. After a few more minutes Maxwell felt some kind of normal sunlight hit his eyes which was slowly pulling him back to reality. After he had barely gotten his eyes open Max was confused as he seemed to be in the same position he was just in. After taking in the warmth for a few more minutes instead of pulling away like he usually did he dug himself in deeper to Terry. Max gazed up at the tiger shifter looking into his eyes knowing he was just as awake as he was now. "Does this mean" he thought happily coming to the quick conclusion once more. Maxy decided it was now or never as he picked himself up enough and kissed with a light peck on his lips. Maxwell not knowing what would happen pulled back a bit just to see his reaction.
Terry watched as the pups eyes fluttered open an nuzzled deeperinto his arms. Damn was he cute.

His sleepy bedhead looked up at Terry, looking soft and just too good right next too him. Just as he was thinking how kissable he looked, Max leaned up and gave him the sweetest peck on the lips. Soft, chaste and sweet. And it was enough to make him stop caring.

Whether or nor this was Max wanted, Terry leaned down and gae im a kiss of his own, but this was no peck. He braced his arm on the other side of Max and kissed him as deep as he could without using his tongue, slow but powerful and far from chase.

After a moment he pulled back to catch his breath, praying he ddint just scare the kid off.

Because he so wanted to do that again.
Max was more than happy when he was kissed up with so much passion that he might as well have overheated and collapsed. As soon as he was close to letting him go Maxwell noticed his hands were already wrapped around Terry's neck and mid back just to support himself up. after catching his breath again Maxwell's face was a deep red and a big smile was on his face. "I'm so Glad I actually tried this time" he thought before leaning in timidly by nature and attempting to do the same thing Terry just pulled off needing some obvious assistance being his first time.
The kid was nervous as hell but very eager, his inexperience showing in the hesitation of his movements. Well, that was something Terry would be happy to help with. He slipped his arms around his waist and pulled him onto his lap, not even caring about only being covered in a towel, he pulled Max's head down or another kiss but tis time let the young canine be in control for the moment, letting hm explore and learn. Terry would be more than willing to help him learn even more.
Maxwell was still even more nervous as he was set on Terry's lap. "Oh God this is scary but so worth it" he thought trying out new things slipping his finger into Terry's hair and coming even closer. He pulled back a few minutes later breathing heavily. "Terry you're so mean making me do all the work" he whined playfully laying back into the tiger shifter getting very comfortable.

(I think someone should walk in xD )
(dont get ahead of me woman!!! 0o or sir, O.o I just realized I dont know. O_O )

Terry grinned. "Well howre ya gonna learn if you dont try it for youself?" But he complied with Max's wishes and leaned down ad kissed him again, taking control and trying to coax the younger males mouth open, thinking he might just stay here all day with him.

A knock came on the door and before they could yell anything out the door swung open and carla walked in, her eyes widening a little at tier...predicament. Then they narrowed and she said in a clipped voice. "Breakfast is ready and your assignments are as well. Hurry the hell up." Then she slammed the door closed.

Terry scowled. "Hasnt she ever heard of privacy? Damn."
(Facepalms- Its sir :3)

Maxwell nearly jumped off Terry's lap as Carla walked inside looking at them. "Y-y-y-y-y-y" he kept stuttering the y until she finally slammed the door shut causing him to jump again. "Oh great I hope she doesn't kick us out" he thought shuddering before standing up from Terry's lap. "I know I really hopes she doesn't like to gossip" he commented changing from the pair of clothes he was wearing into a completely new set. Normally he would have went into the bathroom but after what just happened he didn't mind as he stood at the door. "Hurry up Ill save ya something" he told Terry walking out.
(ohhhh xD tis Miss over here)

Terry let out a breath of air and shook his head. That kid sure could rol with the punches. he got up and dressed as well and headed out to meet up with him, what just happened rolling around in his head. How far was he going to take it with this kid?

Carla waited for Max to arrive and pointed for him to sit right next to her, a plate already set up for him. "So. How did working go for you yesterday?"
MAxwell sat down awkwardly next to Carla even more nervous then usual when you figure what she walked in on. "Max was about to dig in straight into the food when he hear Carla ask about the jobs. "Well the first job was okay nothing too bad happened he replied when he was thinking about the 2nd job. "The other job was kinda fun I got noticed more than people expected" he answered taking a bite.
Carla nodded. "Im glad to hear that. I was thinking of putting you permanently on the second job, since the others said you did very well. But iff we're going to do that Im going to need to aks you some persona questions." Her eyes were serious and she wasnt going to take any bull-shit answers. "First off, tell me straight. Isthat boy your mate and what exactly have you done with him?"
"Well" MAxwell said now playing with his food "I hate this lady so much for making me talk about it like this" he thought before giving a heavy sigh. "Well me and him Didn't come here as Mates but with all that happened and what you walked in on we might be leaning towards it" he said. "And this was the first time we have ever Kissed or done anything like That I promise" he replied putting his right hand up.
Carla nodded. "Good. Thats good to hear." She leaned in closer to Max. "Im sure you understand by now what last night was all about. And Im sure you know what Im going to be having you do." She folded her hands. "Do you know anything about geishas? the....women of japan?" Before he could comment she went on. "When they first staretd our their careers, as virgins, that precious thing they had ws sold to th highest bidder, and they actually kept record of whos sold for the most amount of money. Now, we dont have any records like that, but, unspoiled......young people such as yourselves will bringg in alot of money for us that will help everyone here. It will give us more food, or supplies in general, help us pay the rent and bills." she smiled sweetly. "Dont you want to help with that?"
Maxwell felt extremely pressured now "I really could do all of that for this place" he asked just to reassure himself as Carla nodded in response. Max looked over at the rest of the kids and adults living here on barely anything and couldn't help feeling a pang of responsibility. Maxwell barely took Terry in thought because he felt he was doing more than him.

After one more sigh Maxwell gives in and turns back to Carla "Ill do it" he told her embarrassed at the thought of what could happen. "But I want everyone to have a little less work and more time to have some time together" he added.
Carla smiled at him. "Thats wonderful to hear. Ill send the word out to the clients tonight, but firstI'll need you to go back to your room and get those clothes back on so I can send them pictures. Let them know what theyre betting on." She reached over and touched his shoulder. "Youre doing the right thing."

Terry scowled, not liking the way Carla was talking to Max one bit. Something was up. He rubbed his forehead and left his breakfast to head back to their room. 'Maybe staying here is a bad idea...' he went back so he could pack up their things.
Maxwell nodded as he finished the rest of the breakfast and walked over to his room too change into the clothes. He noticed Terry but didn't want to make that much eye contact with him in a fear that he would ask something. After a few minutes of changing in the room Maxwell quickly walked past Terry again before closing the door behind him and standing in front of Carla. "Take away" he said simply/

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