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Fandom Sionnach's Den


as wily as a fox

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little ember girl
Basic Information
Full Name
Emeteria Dean
Em, Emmie, Tera
Name Meaning
Half of a lion
10 years old
Date of Birth
March 23
Feline traits
Stanley Pines | Current Guardian
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Jennifer Dean | Previous Guardian
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Atalanta Dean | Best Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus.
Title 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Title 2

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
code by nano
Last edited:
Basic Information
Full Name
Loretta Jane McGucket
Lori, Lora, Etta
58 years old
Date of Birth
May 13
Art Credit
Once upon a time, Loretta was a brilliant woman. Viciously intelligent and ambitious, Loretta had big dreams, ones she held tight to with both hands. Either she was going to achieve them, or she was going to die trying. She was sociable and witty, never the sort to let people walk over her, with a loud laugh and a bright smile. Though usually rather bold, she had a noticeable soft spot for children, and quietly cherished the thought of someday starting a family of her own.

That woman isn't gone, necessarily. She's just...faded. You can still catch glimpses of her, sometimes, in the way she stares at the night sky and the smile on her face when she talks to children. Tragically, while those glimpses are becoming more and more common, they're not all Loretta is. These days, Loretta is a very anxious woman, always looking over her shoulder. She's much more soft-spoken than she used to be, and for the most part, she's very placid and gentle. However, on occasion, she's known to snap into bouts of pure, manic paranoia. During these phases, Loretta's much more aggressive, and will lash out at anyone she doesn't recognize or feels is threatening her. Unfortunately, when she's in that headspace, that's just about everyone.
Considering all the stress and trauma she's gone through in her life, it's a bit of a miracle that Loretta aged as gracefully as she did. Her face is heart shaped, with a delicate button nose and petal pink lips. Her eyes are ice blue, with crows feet at the corners and perpetual bags beneath them. A scar carves itself from a few inches beyond her hairline, down through her right eye, rendering her blind in that eye. She also has several small scars on her neck and on her hands, in varying degrees of length, depth, and severity. Her hair, though once a deep, rich brown, is now dark grey, with streaks of lighter grey throughout. It hangs almost to her hips in loose waves, and she usually has it pulled back into a sloppy ponytail or braid to keep it out of her face.

While she's not worryingly thin quite yet, she's definitely bonier than she was when she was young and healthy, with narrow shoulders and spindly limbs. Both of her legs are amputated from the knee down, and are outfitted with prosthetics that her brother made her. These days, her outfits are usually comprised of baggy cargo jackets over old, hand-me-down prairie dresses. She usually goes barefoot, but when she does wear shoes, it's always a heavy pair of work boots.
Loretta was raised with her elder brother, Fiddleford, on her family's farm in Tennessee. From a young age, she displayed a massive interest in both space and technology, interests that her more traditional family just couldn't seem to wrap their heads around. Fiddleford, however, always understood, and when he went off to college a couple of years before her, he often invited her to visit his campus and help him with his projects. It was through these meetings that she met, befriended, and began to date his roommate, Stanford.

In spite of her family's wishes, Loretta went on to attend college, and studied aerospace engineering. She graduated summa cum laude and had plans to pursue a doctorate, but put those plans on hold when Stanford requested that she come work with him in Gravity Falls as a research partner. Though anomalies weren't Loretta's field of study, the opportunity was still exciting, and Loretta jumped on it.

For years, Loretta lived with Stanford in Gravity Falls, chasing monsters and filling journals. They married when she was twenty-five, in a pretty forest clearing, and for a while, things were perfect. They loved each other more than anything, spent their days researching and their nights curled up in the same bed. They were, more than anything, happy. And then Stanford met Bill Cipher.

His deal with the supposed muse was kept secret even from his darling wife, though Loretta had suspicions that his ideas about the portal and reaching into alternate dimensions, which seemed to spring from nowhere, were coming from somewhere else. Still, she supported him, and helped him piece the portal together, keeping her concerns largely to herself.

Then, the time came to test it. Despite Fiddleford's nervous nagging, little care was given to safety precautions, and for twelve terrifying seconds, Loretta was pulled halfway through the portal. By the time they got her back out, she was sobbing and shaking, too terrified to be touched. Stanford pressed her for answers, desperate to know what she saw, and Loretta gave him an ultimatum: either the portal went, or she did. He chose the portal.

Fiddleford had to practically carry her out, and Stanford told himself Loretta would come back. Whatever this hiccup was, surely, it wasn't enough to upend the years they'd spent in a committed relationship, was it? But Loretta didn't come back, and four months later, Stanford was sucked into the portal, with neither of his research partners being any the wiser.

Following the portal incident, Loretta's life completely spiraled. She was paranoid and fanatical, convinced that the end of the world was looming and everyone she loved was going to die. She was making herself sick with anxiety every night, and suffering night terrors that deprived her of sleep. She wasn't eating, couldn't hold a job for more than a week, and began to confine herself entirely to the house.

With only Fiddleford being capable of supporting them, their financial situation began to worsen. This, of course, only made Loretta feel worse, since she believed she was dragging her brother down with her. It was breaking Fiddleford's heart, watching her deteriorate the way she was, and desperately, he sought for a way to help her.

Thus, the memory gun was created, with Loretta serving as its first test subject. It worked like a charm! Her memory of whatever she saw in the portal was wiped away, and for a while, it was like Fiddleford had his sister back. But then she'd see something odd in town, or in the woods, and the anxiety would swell, and she'd start to fall apart once more. Before long, Fiddleford was using the memory gun on Loretta weekly, and the side effects began to make themselves known.

The periods of clarity between the break downs were growing shorter and shorter, and even when Loretta was "well," she was disoriented and anxious. Her mind was entirely scrambled, and sometimes, Fiddleford had the gut-wrenching suspicion that she didn't recognize him at all. The time spent developing the memory gun had hurt Fiddleford's professional life, which subsequently hurt their finances, and soon enough, they were more or less homeless.

Their lives only continued to decline in the years that followed. Loretta's mental health seemed to worsen with every year, and she was developing a reputation in town. Even with her mental state in shambles, Loretta isn't stupid—she can hear them all whispering behind her back, snickering as they theorize about what antics Loony Lori will get up to today—and it only drove her deeper into her self-imposed isolation.

Finally, it all came to a head when, in a fit of paranoid dissociation, Loretta jumped from one of the upper levels of the water tower. While she survived the fall, she mangled her legs badly enough that they had to be amputated from the knee down. It was then that Fiddleford was forced to accept that he just wasn't equipped to care for her on his own, and he began to seek outside help.

By the time Dipper and Mabel come to town, the McGucket siblings live in a ramshackle shack in the junkyard. Between the money spent on trying to improve Loretta's health and the time he has to dedicate to caring for her, Fiddleford's never been able to make enough to get their feet back under them, and Loretta's in no condition to work. While medication and therapy have helped stabilize Loretta to a degree, she still lives a series of ups and downs.

Good days show her to be gentle and good natured, if spacey and a bit of a wanderer; she'll sit with Fiddleford at their homemade table, drink tea, and try her best to remember the stories he tells her. Bad days have her fleeing the house in a panic because she has no idea who he is, and clawing at her own face because she doesn't recognize her reflection. Learning about how Fiddleford wiped her memories (a secret he'd tried to hide, ashamed of all the damage he'd done) was definitely a step in the right direction, but it didn't fix everything she was struggling with. Not nearly.

Fortunately, the first time Stanford saw Loretta since he was sucked into the portal, it was on one of her good days. Dipper and Mabel had dragged him out of the Shack to go get breakfast at Greasy's, and by pure chance, Loretta just so happened to be stopping in as well. For Stanford, it was like a punch to the gut: there she was, the love of his life...hobbling into a rundown diner on ill-fitting prosthetics, her clothes filthy and her eyes cloudy. This wasn't right. This wasn't what she deserved. Stanford had to fix this, somehow.
Stanford Pines | Love Interest
Simply put, Stanford is the love of Loretta's life. They connected from the moment they met, and it certainly wasn't a surprise to any of their peers or family when they decided to tie the knot. They understood each other in a way very few others did, and clicked in a way that's rare to find. Unfortunately, Stanford getting tangled up with Bill threw a wrench in their relationship, and now, thirty years have passed without either of them seeing each other. Between their complicated history, Loretta's mental state, and Stanford's own traumas, will they ever be able to rebuild their relationship?
Fiddleford McGucket | Brother
Considering he's the only member of her family that she actually remembers, it's no wonder that Loretta is so dependent on Fiddleford. They've been best friends since they were little children, back when she was trailing him like a shadow and pestering him to let her help him on all his science projects. Even with how Loretta has spiraled in the years since the portal incident, Fiddleford has never abandoned her, putting his entire life on hold to take care of and provide for her. Loretta doesn't think she could ever pay him back for all he's done for her.
Dipper and Mabel Pines | Friends
Though they got off to a bit of a rough start, Dipper and Mabel quickly became two of Loretta's only real friends in Gravity Falls. Mabel, in particular, is strangely protective of Loretta, who she insistently calls "endearingly quirky" rather than crazy. (It's a small distinction, but Loretta appreciates it.) After learning about Loretta and Fiddleford's involvement with the author, both of whom had forgotten about it through several years using the memory gun, the twins have been paying Loretta a little extra attention. Clearly, beneath her spaced out ramblings and bits of incoherence, there's a real genius buried.
Unsurprisingly, Loretta's dreams of being an aerospace engineer were never realized, but her love for space has never died. Almost any night she can, she chooses to sleep out under the stars in a sleeping bag.
In the time since the portal incident, Loretta has developed a crippling fear of small spaces.
Given that she spends so much time in the woods, it's no surprise that Loretta has developed friendships with many of the magical creatures that occupy the Gravity Falls forest.
code by nano
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Basic Information
Full Name
Sid (based on her acronym)
Name Meaning
Unsure what S.I.D. stands for
Questionably female
Questionably a teenager
Date of Birth
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Wendy Corduroy | Love Interest
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Jennifer Dean | ???
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Dipper and Mabel Pines | Friends
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
code by nano
Last edited:
code name: lapin
Basic Information
Full Name
Juliette Josephine Woods
Jules, JJ, Etta
19 years old
Date of Birth
August 13
Art Credit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Stanley Pines | Current Guardian
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Jennifer Dean | Previous Guardian
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Atalanta Dean | Best Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus.
Title 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Title 2

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
code by nano
Last edited:
foster child, pickpocket, runaway
Basic Information
Full Name
Juliette Jean Woods
JJ, Jules, Julie
12 years old
Date of Birth
April 13
Jules is, despite common belief, a very intelligent child. She's already reached a college reading level, and while her mathematical abilities aren't quite as strong, she's still a solid few levels ahead of others her age. She's fairly good at problem solving, is more mature than most of her peers, and has a very extensive vocabulary. Unfortunately, she prefers to make problems rather than solve them, take advantage of her maturity to manipulate those whose "brains haven't developed as much," and use her vocabulary to viciously curse out anyone who ticks her off. As you could probably tell, she's a little troubled.

Already jaded at only twelve years old, Jules holds a very cynical outlook on life, believing all humans to be apathetic monsters and the world to be rapidly devolving into a complete garbage pile. Subsequently, Jules doesn't see much of a point in pleasantries. Every moment of Jules's life is about survival—she doesn't have time to chatter and goof off. She's always thinking of what she has to do next, of how she's going to get by, where her food's going to come from, where she's going to sleep. Unfortunately, this means that Jules can be a little cutthroat, since she's learned to look out for herself before anyone else. However, she's also learned to be resourceful, quick-thinking, and fiercely independent, so she supposes it's not all negatives.

Though she's outwardly snarky and defensive, and can certainly come across as a little selfish, Jules really isn't a bad person. It takes a lot to earn her affection, but she's fiercely loyal once someone does, and will jump to their defense at the slightest provocation. She has a notoriously big soft spot for animals of all shapes and sizes, and is capable of incredible gentleness and kindness, even if she's often too wary to show it. She can be pretty funny when she wants to be, even if her sense of humor is pretty dark, and does secretly love to make people laugh. At her core, Jules is more lonely than anything, and desperately longs to connect to someone.
Jules is an exceptionally cute kid, which makes her blunt words and general sharpness even more shocking. Standing at only four feet and four inches, she's rather short for a kid her age, and is almost worrying scrawny. Her skin is a warm, russet tone, and is almost always covered in bruises and band-aids. Though her face is naturally round in shape, it still seems narrow due to a lack of fat on her cheeks, with a dainty button nose and thin lips. Her eyes, arguably her best feature, are deep ocean blue and framed by long, dark eyelashes. Her hair is raven black, a wild mane of loose curls that probably hasn't been brushed in weeks, and it hangs down to her hips.

Jules also has a variety of scars scattered across her body, the most notable of which are the three inch one across her left palm and the six inch one on her sternum. More often than not, Jules doesn't have much of a variety when it comes to her clothes, since it's kind of dependent on donations and things she can snatch from gift shops. As a result, she can usually be found in giant hoodies and t-shirts, cargo shorts or ragged jeans, and sneakers that are so worn out they're almost falling apart. She's also never seen without a rainbow beaded necklace around her neck, though she usually keeps it tucked beneath her sweatshirt.
Born to a teenage mother with a drug addiction and no familial support, Jules may as well have been doomed from the start. Her father wanted nothing to do with her or her mother, and her mother, as much as she may have loved Jules, was entirely unequipped to take care of her. The first six years of Jules's life were spent alternating between bouts of homelessness and couch surfing, rooting through donation bins for clothes and living largely off of moldy bread. Finally, when she was seven, Jules was removed from her mother's care, and placed in the foster system.

For the first two years, Jules bounced around, sporadically getting to enjoy supervised meetings with her mother. (Throughout the years, these meetings became less and less frequent. These days, Jules is lucky to get the occasional letter.) Finally, when she was nine, Jules landed with her foster mother, a woman named Eleanor Bridges, who was already fostering three other children.

Unfortunately, though it was a more stable living arrangement, Eleanor was anything but a doting parent. She was incredibly controlling and emotionally abusive, even crossing the border into physical abuse on numerous occasions. Her abuse turned the children against each other, so Jules couldn't even find any consolation in her foster siblings. Shortly after her twelfth birthday, Jules finally had enough, and ran away from home.

For the past few months, Jules has been on the run, surviving off of stolen granola bars and bottled waters. One afternoon, while she's attempting to steal from a small convenience store, the clerk—a young man by the name of Graham Anderson, who also does some work as an electrician at an opera house—catches her in the act. Though suitably unimpressed, he's not heartless, and he knows all too well what it feels like to go hungry. Next thing he knows, he's watching her scarf down his microwave lunch in the backroom, shivering and looking like she could pass out any minute.

It's an uncomfortably familiar image. If he looks hard enough, Graham can just about see himself in her position, starving, freezing, teetering on the edge of consciousness. If she's struggling now, he can't imagine the state she'll be in once winter comes, only a month or two away. She looks up, wary in a way no child should have to be, and in spite of himself, Graham feels himself softening. No, it's a terrible idea. He can't provide for a kid. Not financially, not emotionally, damn sure not morally—but then, he can't just let her go on like she is.

...well, shit. Looks like he's got a new roommate.
Graham Anderson | Surrogate Brother
Despite Jules's learned distrust of adults and Graham's complete lack of experience with children, it didn't take long for the two to start forming an attachment, however vitriolic it was at first. Loathe as he was to admit it, Graham saw a lot of himself in Jules, a spitfire orphan in dire straits. Whether or not he means to, he ends up taking responsibility for her. Perhaps in part because helping her could be a way to atone for his past crimes, perhaps because he wants to experience something close to a proper family, perhaps a little of both.
Rosalie Woods | Biological Mother
Jules's feelings about Rosalie are...complicated. Try as she might, Jules can't bring herself to stop loving her. She knows her mother cares about her, knows she was trying her best, but that doesn't stop the fact that Rosalie fell short so many times from hurting her. She adores and resents her mother in equal measure, and secretly covets the idea of someday being able to reconnect and have a proper relationship with her.
Eleanor Bridges | Foster Mother
Unlike her feelings for her biological mother, Jules's feelings for her foster mother are much more cut and dry: she hates her. From the deepest recesses of Jules's young little heart, she loathes Eleanor, and she doesn't think that will ever change. As hard as she tries to hide it, however, Jules also fears Eleanor, and she will fight tooth and nail to avoid being returned to Eleanor's care.
Given that she's never learned to swim, it should come as no surprise that Jules has a crippling fear of deep water.
As hard as Jules has tried not to let herself entertain any fanciful dreams, she still wants desperately to be an astronaut. She's been in love with space for as long as she can remember, and has read every book on it that she can get her hands on.
One of the ways Eleanor enforced her control was by controlling every facet of Jules's appearance, from what she wore to how long she kept her silky hair. Now that she's run away, Jules keeps telling herself she's going to cut it, but she hasn't found the courage yet.
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Basic Information
Full Name
Hakoda named her "Nokomis"
Noko, Komi, Selkie
Name Meaning
Daughter of the moon
Young adult
Seal spirit
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Nunc feugiat nibh rhoncus urna auctor gravida nec in purus. Maecenas dictum vestibulum varius. Praesent at dui dictum augue tempor molestie. Maecenas interdum a orci nec dictum.

Integer pharetra sit amet ipsum eu pellentesque. Phasellus venenatis id dolor sit amet dictum. Donec cursus sapien neque, sit amet congue ante facilisis sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla dapibus ultrices lobortis. Quisque tincidunt ex eget diam interdum, sed bibendum neque vehicula. Phasellus eget massa eu ex semper bibendum. Praesent blandit enim placerat dolor blandit lacinia sagittis eget sem. Nullam sapien ex, porttitor eu scelerisque ut, lacinia a risus.
Hakoda | Love Interest
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Bato | Friend
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Sokka & Katara | Friends
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus.

Kanna | Mentor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id. Fusce vitae est congue, efficitur arcu eu, efficitur magna. Maecenas a purus in nunc pharetra pellentesque vel lacinia sapien. Sed elementum mollis lacus, aliquet malesuada felis tempus eget. Nullam bibendum tortor in luctus laoreet. Etiam sed lacus elit. Ut eget scelerisque risus. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam. Donec viverra felis eu tortor tristique commodo. Sed ante augue, congue non semper a, pellentesque ut erat. Vivamus non nibh quam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ornare massa ante, sed ullamcorper turpis consequat id.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Basic Information
Full Name
Viridia Ieress Eklund
Vie, Dia, Pixie
19 years old
Flight, skilled healer
"We're gonna have a little fun instead."

If there was ever an arrangement of words that could have perfectly summed up Viridia Ecklund, those would be them. Name just about any situation, and Viridia will have a way to put an entertaining spin on it. A friendly and warm person who likes making others laugh, Viridia generally has several tricks and jokes tucked up her sleeve, prepared to whip them out the moment someone seems upset. She's outgoing, compassionate, and vibrant, the type of person that people are naturally attracted to just because they exude such warm, inviting energy. Her wild imagination results in her being very skilled with children, and in a way, she's almost like a giant child herself, impatient, fast-paced, and bubbly.

However, despite her generally good nature, Viridia does have a rebellious streak a mile wide. She loves the rush of adrenaline she gets doing something she knows she shouldn't, and is prone to sneaking out to pubs or slipping the occasional fish into the boots of someone who's wronged her. Her temper's a little shorter than she'd like, and she has a bit of an issue with authority, given that Madame Razz wasn't much for discipline when she was growing up. She doesn't take kindly to being bossed around, refuses to let anyone chastise her, and will often do the exact opposite of whatever she's told to do, just to prove a point.

But despite what people seem to think, there's more to Viridia than bad jokes and teenage rebellion. She's more responsible than people give her credit for, and knows when a situation needs to be taken seriously. She's undyingly loyal to those she cares about, and while not a genius by any means, she's far from dumb and can usually find a way out of a sticky situation using her wit and charm. Though she can be a little rough around the edges and is by no means perfect, Viridia does genuinely have a lot of love in her heart—for Razz, for Etheria and its citizens, for herself—and she's capable of an incredible amount of compassion.
If someone tried to picture a pixie, they'd probably picture someone a lot like Viridia. She's slight in stature, only just breaking five feet in height with a slender physique and long, spindly limbs. Don't let her delicate appearance deceive you, however—a very active lifestyle means that Viridia's lined with lithe muscle, though she is admittedly built more for speed and dexterity than strength.

Her skin is a light, cool green, and she has a decidedly impish face, narrow with high cheekbones, a pointed little nose, and olive green eyes. The tips of her ears come into a subtle point, and she's incredibly embarrassed of them. Her hair hangs to her mid-back in a curtain of coppery red, cut with straight bangs and usually adorned with several small braids. Two sheer, golden wings sprout from the center of her back, and despite her general disregard for he rest of her appearance, Viridia is immensely proud of her wings and is careful to keep them well-maintained and healthy.
Viridia was born to Reseda and Phthalo Ecklund, two citizens of a kingdom called Esmereladis. What set Esmeraldis apart from the other kingdoms of Etheria was that its inhabitants were entirely tree-dwelling; with all native born Esmeraldians possessings wings, they chose to live expansive, intricate, sprawling communities of tree houses, spread all throughout the Whispering Woods.

Living so closse to nature, it's only natural that they valued it deeply, and much of Esmereladis's culture revolved around the worship of Etheria both as their home, and as a sort of divine being. Unfortunately, the majority of the Esmereldian communities existed right around the borders of what would eventually become the Fright Zone, and they didn't respond well to the damage the Horde was inflicting on the environment. But when it came to raw power, the Esmeraldians were massively outnumbered, and in the ensuing fight, their people were completely massacred.

Viridia was only a toddler when it happened, which has its pros and cons. While she's fortunately not plagued with nightmares or riddled with overt trauma, she also has no memory of her parents or her people, which, given that she may very well be the last of her people, doesn't bode well for the continued existence of her culture. Madame Razz found the orphaned toddler in the woods a few days after the massacre, and took her in. She raised Viridia to love Etheria, teaching her all she knew about magic, healing, and the planet.

Though she isn't directly involved in the war, Viridia is not immune to its effects. She can practically feel Etheria withering beneath her feet, and it breaks her heart. So when she finds Seven collapsed in the woods one afternoon, a spitting image of Hordak, she has every reason to turn her back on him, to leave him to his suffering...but she doesn't. Instead, she treats him, even as he spits and snarls. She helps hobble to safety, makes sure he's fed and warm and comforable as can be while he heals. She has every reason to hate him. But she doesn't.
"Seven" | Love Interest
For reasons that should be obvious, Viridia didn't quite trust Seven at first. For all she knew, he could've been a spy, sent by Hordak to scope out the Whispering Woods. But despite that distrust, Viridia wasn't the sort to refuse to help someone when she was capable, so she still did her best to try and nurture him back to health. Though he put up an aggressive front, Viridia is observant, and she frequently caught him in moments of quiet introspection, or of startling gentleness. These glimpses fasincated her. Seven was an enigma, and Virida wanted to figure him out.
Madame Razz | Mentor
Given that Madame Razz was the one to take Viridia in when her kingdom was massacred, it should come as no surprise that Viridia adores Razz, no matter how scattered or odd she may seem to others. She loves Razz like a mother, and has learned all that she knows from her. Subsequently, Viridia's grown to have an incredible respect for Etheria and all its creatures, and is finely attuned to the magical flow of the planet. Viridia is loyal to Razz over just about anyone else, and would gladly lay down her life if it meant keeping Razz safe.
Princess Perfuma of Plumeria | Friend
With Razz's home in the Whispering Woods being so close to the border of Plumeria, it makes sense that Perfuma is the only princess that Viridia has extended contact with growing up. Though Viridia was occasionally guilty of purposefully pushing Perfuma's buttons, for the most part, the two got along perfectly fine. They both have a massive soft spot for nature and a green thumb (that's literally Perfuma's power, after all), so what started as them initially crossing paths and taking the opportunity to exchange gardening tips gradually grew into a simple, pleasant friendship.
For a variety of reasons, Viridia chose to forgo eating meat. She entirely understands and respects others' choice to eat it, but it's not something she's comfortable with doing personally.
Perhaps it's a hereditary phobia, considering how many generations of her people lived in massive, open treetop communities, but Viridia is terrified of small spaces and, more specifically, of being trapped in them.
Though Viridia doesn't have any pets, per say, she's befriended a variety of the wild animals in the Whispering Woods.
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Basic Information
Identification Number
Seven, Sev
Enhanced technological ability
Galactic Horde (initially)
Art Credit
There is a very specific mold that Seven was supposed to fit. All Prime clones are supposed to be quiet, ruthless, and near fanatical in their devotion. They aren't supposed to feel. They are simply supposed to serve, smiling like contented pets when Prime wants them to, snarling like wild animals when Prime commands them to, hovering at his side like blank slates when he has no present use for them. They're servants and guard dogs spliced into one being, and, like guard dogs that have grown old or been grievously injured, they're discarded when they're no longer of use.

Therein lies the issue: Seven doesn't fit that mold. Though he's learned to act as though he does, desperate to please his master, confused by the things he feels, the things he wants, he just can't squeeze himself into that narrow box. Because beneath his cold, detached exterior, Seven is an astoundingly curious being. He questions everything he sees, and hungers for knowledge like it's life-giving fruit. Try as he might to suppress the desire, Seven wants to understand everything the universe has to offer.

And more than just being fascinated by the universe, Seven is filled with a wonderful amount of love for the universe. He marvels at plants blossoming in unlikely places. He catalogues every new constellation he spots. He fawns over wild, beautiful creatures. Once he's removed from an environment that requires him to fight, Seven proves himself to be a surprisingly gentle person, contemplative and quiet. That isn't to say he's a harmless, tender-hearted creature—he's often unintentionally insensitive, due to a lack of positive socialization, and can still be vicious when he or someone he cares about is threatened—but he is an overall good soul.
Considering that he's a literal clone, it should come as no surprise that, at first, Seven looks like every single one of his fellow clones. He stands at six feet and seven inches in height, with broad shoulders and strong limbs. He's comprised of both genetic material and technological components, and his skin is either alabaster white or blue-grey depending on its place on his body. Like all of his brothers, he has an angular face, and large, bat-like ears. His hair was initially white, slicked back into the same style as all the other clones, and his eyes were a glowing lime green.

However, after being severed from the Hive Mind and, subsequently, his connection from Horde Prime, Seven's appearance began to become more individualized. (He theorizes that this is a result of his technological parts updating now that they don't have Prime as their base, and adjusting his appearance as a result, taking inspiration from his surroundings.) His hair starts to grow in chestnut brown instead of white, and, though it's still straight, it becomes more unruly. His eyes shift from green to orange, and overall, he becomes more expressive.
Seven could not tell you when he was brought into existence. He couldn't tell you how much time has passed since that day. In truth, most of his days blur together, passing in a meaningless haze. Who knows how much time he wasted, standing as an eternal, stoic sentry, or hooking Prime into his rejuvenator. His only bits of respite were his brief periods of stasis, or the ventures onto other planets. Seven treasured these ventures, and deeply relished the chance to observe foreign flora and fauna, and learn about unknown cultures...until the fighting would begin, as it always would. He repressed the feelings as best he could, but still, something in him twisted in shame every time he watched another culture crumble beneath their feet, another planet start to die.

Unfortunately, these feelings weren't a secret from Prime, who could see into his mind with the slightest bit of effort. Seven doesn't remember the circumstances of his banishment. Hell, he doesn't remember that he was banished at all—just that one day he was on Prime's ship, and the next, he was waking up on an unfamiliar planet, bleeding and wounded, with a stranger hovering over him. Despite his bravado and snarled aggression, the stranger, evidently named Viridia, still helped him back to her home, and set herself about nursing him back to health. Seven doesn't think he'll ever understand why she showed him that kindness, but he comes to be immensely grateful for it.
Viridia Eklund | Love Interest
Seven and Viridia got off to a rough start, considering Seven's programmed aggression and Viridia's wariness. But despite that rough patch, the simple truth was that Viridia was the first person in Seven's life to show him something resembling kindness, so it would've been impossible for him not to grow attached. Try as he might to hide it, Viridia easily picked up on his fascination with Etheria, and considering how much she loved her planet and everything on it, she was ecstatic to have someone to teach. That ended up being the basis of their bonding: mutual awe over Etheria. The same way Viridia was intrigued by Seven's enchantment with Etheria, Seven marveled at Viridia's incredible knowledge of and love for her planet.
Horde Prime | Master
Though Seven will insist to anyone who asks that Prime was a just and benevolent ruler, that he thrived as a member of Prime's court and enjoyed his life as a servant, it's a flat out lie. He can't even truly say that he was miserable—he was just numb. He felt nothing serving under Prime. Not devotion. Not fear. The only time he truly felt anything was when they made ventures out onto other planets, and the fact that Prime was displeased by those emotions should be plenty of indication that he didn't care about Seven, nor any of his clones.
Madame Razz | Friend
Just as Seven took a bit of an issue with Viridia at first, it took him a while to adjust to Madame Razz. She was a complete oddity, and even once he starts to grow fond of her, he's not quite sure he'll ever understand her. Madame Razz is a bit of a motherer by nature, and she was quite happy to, in her words, "add another duckling to her brood." As much as he may have huffed about it at first, Seven comes to enjoy being roped into baking pies or picking berries with her, and ends up spending many an afternoon with her, chatting about Viridia and rolling out dough for whatever treat they want to make next.
Seven's never been on a planet with thunderstorms before Etheria. They scare him a little bit at first, but Viridia and Razz help him get over it.
Viridia develops a habit of weaving tiny braids into Seven's hair. It's so short that they usually look ridiculous and stick up in all directions, but Seven finds having it braided so soothing that he doesn't complain.
While he loves plants, at the start, Seven is a total black thumb. He's almost embarrassing giddy the first time a flower he plants manages to survive long enough to blossom.
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