Sins and Virtues. [Inactive]

Kellin looked down at Eva, then glanced at Envy. He walked slowly, moving his arm around Eva's waist, holding her to himself. He looked down at her again and raised an eyebrow at her. "Where is that?" He asked as he walked along with her, looking at Envy with a smile.
Vara tried to untie herself, but nothing worked. She was hopeless. She still felt the spark serge in her veins from the kiss. She waited for the perfect attack against her. The virtues would sadly fall into the sins trap. There had to be something she could do about this. As much as the sins darkness influenced her, she still wanted to help the others. "So, I'm just going to sit here and watch all of you tear me up, bruise me and hurt me, erase my memory and then drop me back at the virtues? Great." She said with a half smile as if she almost enjoyed the plan. There was some feeling in her that seemed to make her feel at home, or at least semi happy here. Everything was so dark and evil, she kind of liked it. She shook her head to keep herself in check. She watched everyone walk away and such. But she just couldn't get the thoughts out of her head. They were dark and evil. And she almost wished she could cause havoc and such in the world to, but her restraints kept her from that.
Envy smiled back at Kellin before looking up at Eva once more. "Where is that Eva?" he asked in his childish tone. He looked over and saw a girl wining at her mom for a doll she saw in a window. He smiled when he saw another girl walk by with a similar doll. His purple eyes glowed and the doll-less girl leaped on the other girl fighting for the doll. "Gimme gimme!" she yelled. Envy on the other hand was laughing uncontrollably.
((I thought I posted a while ago >.< Guess I didn't)

Gluttony grinned wickedly as he passed Eva, in his hand had been what looked to be a human heart. It was obvious from the blood covering his figure that the man had just come back from a murder. With a another bite being taken out of the heart he looked to her grinning his hand holding it out as if to offer the female some. He then glanced to the other ones nearby offering them some as well.

((Little lost but yay I just caught myself back up :D
Eva grinned and ruffled Envy's hair as she watched the little cat fight. " lovely work my dear. " She leaned into Kellin as her eyes grew distant and determined. "There is a rare blood opal in an Egyptian queen's crown on display in the town museum. I think it'd look better on my head than on a bust, wouldn't you?" A burning desire to make it hers was evident in her face and the way the humans around her acted; They clutched at their belongings as if even a crow would swoop down and take them, no one bothered to spare a homeless man change. Why should they? It was theirs. Ha, if only they realized everything rightfully belonged to Evaris, the only being to deserve such things.

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Lux waved from his seat, "First of all, I'm not going to hurt you unless you're into that kind of thing. Who knows, I might even let you hurt me tonight blondie. Secondly you won't be able to watch the others hurt you because you'll pass out from the pain." He stretched both of his arms out in a welcoming manner. "Just think of it as BDSM sleepover that'll result in you wanting to stay with us forever!"
Vara rolled her eyes. "I can at least hold more pain than the average d*** head." She smirked and looked up at the guy. She twisted her hands when she saw the first sign of blood trickling down her arm. She stayed strong, it didn't hurt for once, pain was irrelevant. She started to close her eyes as she tilted her head up. She walked deep into her thoughts and imagined her fight to get out of the sins hide out. All the outcomes came up with her being badly hurt, but nothing to bad that she wouldn't survive through. One of them showed her hurting Evaris, but that one, she wouldn't make it out alive. So she opened her eyes and smiled with content. If she died, so be it.
Acedian smirked as he grabbed a chair and drug it to where his opposite was chained up, he flipped the chair around and sat in it backwards. Pure evil shining brightly in his eyes and evident in his voice as he whispered to the virtue "Eva told us no lasting wounds or mental disturbances... but for what you and your kind did to us... What Greed doesn't know won't hurt me." He winked and pulled the string of poisons from around his neck. "You on the other hand... might be in more pain then you bargained for.." He carefully chose a small black vile and poured the contents into his mouth. "This is one of my favorites.. excruciating pain, and demented hallucinations, quite a devious concoction." He said as he kissed Vara, forcing the poison into her mouth, he then leaned in close to he ear "And this is only the beginning.. You Virtuous scum will pay for our imprisonment.. you and your precious humans.."
She shook off the kiss, she wanted to so badly kick him in his soft spot.....she thought for a second, and then she did. Her heel point kicked perfectly in the right spot. She smirked "You won't hurt me easily." she said with pure confidence. She looked at Lux,"Cat got your tongue there?" She smiled with a flare in her eye. "Any harm that comes to me won't be taken wisely." She said. She sat up a little to the point where she was at least able to stand up but her arms still tied. "If anything I would at least like something to eat. Since I did jump out of a 12 story glass building." She said with a lifted eyebrow.
(Remember guys no god-modding! Even though they are not human they do have human feelings. Try to make the characters act as realistically as possible!)

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Anya was doing her usual work at he spot, looking through reports and such. Suddenly, she came upon a report from someone claiming that there was activity with the Sins and that they were on the move, causing mayhem everywhere. "Charity, we may have a problem here." She walked over and showed her the report. "I believe you may find this to be urgent. Something must have gone wrong." She calmly returned to her work, not wanting to cause a commotion.
Charity frowned and took one last bite of her muffin before heading over. Her eyes raked over the files. "Sighting of Evaris, Kellin, and Emvy. Hm. Would you like to go and check it out with me? We can pop in on the group scouting them out on the way. "

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"If you wish, I shall join you." She got up, and set the work aside. "It's probably for the best." She walked to the door, and picked up her hammer she set beside it. "I'm ready to go whenever you are, Charity. I pray nothing has happened to the others." She said as she walked out the door.
Lux's eyes flashed at the hidden challenge and he walked over to Vara. He looked her in the eye and pushed the chair back to the ground. "Cat? No, but you just reminded me that there's someone that I'd love for you to meet." Luxure whistled and a howl echoed throughout the house before a cloud of dark blue smoke appeared beside him. A wolf larger than normal with dark blue fur that shined in the moonlight and piercing red eyes stepped out of the smoke and nuzzled Luxure affectionately. "This is my familiar Kaine and he will keep you company while I go get some food." He petted Kaine's head and headed for the kitchen. Kaine's bushy tail wagged slightly as he stared at Vara.
Vara starred at the wolf. Her eyes widened as she looked into its eyes. She tried to keep strong but the poison kind of faltered her. She buckled her knees and fell almost breaking her arm. "Damn it.." she said. She whistled to the wolf. She liked animals and she didn't expect the poor thing to kill her right away. She looked at her opposite still on the ground and rolled her eyes. She had a strong pain roll up her spine as she groaned with agony. She had to keep strong, just until this is all over. Which would likely be in a very long long while. She sighed and started to think of how she had wanted to die, i it was ever so brought up. Her red hair slid over her shoulder. She imagined a faint pain in her memories. She saw to many people die, but she endured the sadness. It was humiliating, but true. A long while back she wanted to be a normal girl, or just a dark sided girl. She had made to many battles with her thoughts of being dark. But the light always won, maybe it could turn out that way again.
Acedian grimaced as he stared at the dark red, almost black blood oozing from the puncture wound left from the heel of the virtue. "You'll pay for that Diligence.." He said darkly as he picked himself off the ground, brushing the dust from his jacket. He looked at the wolf and a crooked smile formed on his face. He knelt beside the wolf and gave it a quick scratch behind it's ear as he spoke softly "If she moves, attack." He arose from his knee and walked over to where Vara was and kicked the leg of the chair she was chained to. "A dead virtue is better then no virtue." He spat as he walked over to the couch and laid down. Nap time he thought happily, he was Sloth after all.
"As do I hun, as do I." Charity sheathed her sword to the holder in her waist and led the way out of the mansion. She headed towards the closest town, guided by sense of her Virtues. "...Something isn't right. I can sense everyone but Vara...It's weak, like it's blocked out...Are you getting the same thing?" The Virtue frowned as people walked by, unaware of the weapon on obvious display, as if it wasn't there.

(@Ember Spark @Nico I replied guys.)
"Yes, I've been aware of it since we left the meeting room. Something is definitely off. We should have everyone on standby for the worst case scenario. It pays to be prepared." She said, following Charity with her hammer across her waist. "I don't like this feeling. I don't like it at all. I have a feeling something big is about to happen, and that this is only the beginning." She looked worriedly at Charity. "Vara seems to be getting harder to feel by the moment."
Vara smirked with pleasure. She looked at the wolf and then back at the sleeping sin. She twisted her hand, making blood rush down her wrist, she winced quietly. She almost got it, the blood almost made the situation. She watched the wolf just sit there wagging his tail a little. "Want to play fetch?" she whispered, looking at the wolf's emotion. "Well hold on and maybe I can get you a ball." she said with a smile. She squeezed her hand, but he rope got tighter. "Gah, why did it have to be twine?" she said with pain. She watched as the blood made the rope turn to a faint red. She stopped as she watched the wolf in the corner of her eye walk over to the rope and like the blood. She closed her eyes and turned her head, afraid that the wolf would realize there was more on her arm. But luckily, that didn't happen since the wolf lie down on the floor beside her. She chuckled, he seemed like a regular dog... except the red eyes part, yeah that wasn't normal. She almost had her hand through until she felt a blast of pain her chest. She coughed up some blood, she knew there was poison running through her veins, and it was catching up quickly. If she didn't get out and get help from her fellow virtues, she could easily be dead in a matter of minutes.
When Acedian left Kaine snorted. 'I would never take orders from you idiot.' He watched as Vara coughed up more blood and wondered if it goes against his orders if the girl was to die on his watch. Kaine sat up and walked over to Acedian to retrieve a small vial of antidote. He tossed it to the girl and it landed in her lap. It would be enough to keep her alive and stop her from coughing up blood. Kaine used his telepathy, "Take it girl." Luxure entered the room and saw what Kaine had did and he smiled at his familiar, "Good boy." He held out a sandwich towards the girl but he ripped a piece off and ate it. "See no poison, so go ahead and dig in."
Vara watched the wolf toss the vile. She lifted her knee and bit the top off and drank it. She finally tugged one last time on her hand and watched it come loose, "Augh, god!" she said with pain rushing through her hand. She watched Lux walk in and give her a sandwich. She grabbed it and ate some while looking at him. Why is he doing this? she thought to herself. She sort of regained a bit of her strength, but only enough to move her body slowly. She felt a huge rush of energy, it was Charity's essence. She was close. Her eyes widened. She tried to send off a signal, but it didn't work. Something was blocking it. She tried to stand, but she dropped to the floor and just sat for a while eating her sandwich. Just peachy...
(lol, just read from where you last remembered. But a summary would be: Evaris is out with Wrath and Envy wrecking things in the human world, Vara is still captured, and Charity is out to investigate Evaris.)

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