Sins and Virtues. [Inactive]

Greg stood in the center of a broken down gym. At one point it had been a well kept gym for a group of boxers to have matches. Slowly over time though, people stopped coming and the gym shut down. Greg used this old run down place to train. It still had a lot of the abandoned equipment and so he would come here every day and use an old dusty punching bag to work combos. He had finished for the day and stood there in a sweaty black tank top and black sweat pants. Greg sighed and wiped sweat off his forehead before grabbing opening the doors to the street. He hummed as he walked down the sidewalk towards his little house on the street. It had been a while since he had time to practice by himself, having spent so much time following Kindness around. "I wonder if I really can be any help to the virtues." He was questioning himself today in particular after he had gotten into another scrap. It was a simple story, an old lady walking on the street had her purse stolen and Greg helped to get the purse back. Sure he had done it by beating the robber to the point of bleeding but he just wanted to help. The words of the robber as he fell to the ground still bothered Greg. What are you some kind of demon! Greg shook the words off as he opened the door to his home and sat down on his sofa for a quick rest.
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