Sins and Virtues. [Inactive]

Charity thought about it as she chewed on her bottom lip. After a minute she nodded, "You're right asmodel. You and Theodora will go with her. " This was safer. They were stronger together.She just hoped the Sins wouldn't exploit that."


Evaris smirked again, messing up Kellins hair. "Not killing. More torturing and such like Lux suggested. Who wants to stalk the wench? I'd love to but we sense each other."
(Somehow Asmodel's gotten very attached to Theodora. You're his new little sister/baby girl and he's gonna protect you and love you forever.)

He was going along with them? A slight frown creased Asmodel's features as he thought about this - he was more the planning department then the action one, and yet... he couldn't see any reason not to go. At least he would be there to try and keep the other two safe. He couldn't bear the idea, especially of little Theodora who was barely more than a child, and this way... yes, it was a good idea, all things considered. He nodded his assent.

"The three of us, then. And we leave tonight, correct?" He confirmed, looking again to the little girl who was practically in his lap - she was such a small thing, so venerable, so kind and so utterly unsuspecting of the bad things in the world. He wouldn't allow any harm to befall her, if he had to give his own life up in exchange - oh, but that was a bit hasty to think, now wasn't it? He paused and pushed the thought to the back of his mind.

"Theo, we should comb your hair and put it up before we think of going out or it'll tangle on everything. Do you want me to braid it for you? And... Vara, where would you like us to meet you, once we're ready? We should at least try to plan this out."
Envy watched the bickering of his fellow sins with annoyance. He was happy when Eva broke it up, sometimes the sin thought he lived with idiots. He perked up at Eva's plan and smiled, this would give the youngest something to do and it would be fun. He looked up at Evaris "I'll stalk the wench. This should be fun!" he giggled with glee.
Kellin frowned when Eva messed up his hair. He ran his fingers through his hair again and fixed it back. He slid his hands around her to the small of her back and leaned his head on her stomach. "If Envy goes then I am stuck here bored out of my mind." He grumbled as he glanced up at Eva with a slight smirk pulling at the corner of his lips.
Bree updated Sins and Virtues. with a new update entry:

Need a vote~!

Alright guys, there are a total of three people at the moment wanting to become humans within the rp. BUT with the amount of people we have now and the fact that they'd just have themselves to rp with and would end up getting tortured or helped by us...I'm unsure if I want to add humans. Too many more people and it will become even more hard to manage. What do you guys think? Fell free to pm me your thoughts ^^
Read the rest of this update entry...
Vara nodded and looked at Charity, "Anything we can do to help you Charity. I will grab my stuff and meet back here at 10:00, if that's good for timing, besides, midnight is a sins happy hour, am I right?" She said chuckling. She looked at Charity with a light hearted smile. She would be able to finally show her worth, everyone was older than her and she was basically the only "little guy" there.
Bree updated Sins and Virtues. with a new update entry:

New Race

I have been given a new idea~! You know who you are~! Anyway, there will be another race, not exactly human but not exactly sin/virtue. I don't have all the details at the moment but if all the human people will be patient, they will be up in time ^^ You people will be the only ones I accept as the new race unless someone requests within the next hour. <3 Don't forget to rate the rp my pretties~!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Charity smiled at them, slowly picking apart her muffin and nibbling it. She let go of Vara's hand and took a seat at her spot. "That sounds perfect, Vara. As for the rest of us. Rounds in the human world, in pairs, to make sure they are influenced with good. Understood?" Her eyes raked over the virtues that were there, silently reminding them all of their important tasks that they have.


Evaris giggled (did she just giggle? Really? Nope, this would not do.) at Kellin as she tangled her fingers in his hair, once again messing it up. "No you won't because we'll go out a wreak havoc. I need a body guard anyway. As for the rest, you can do the same because little Envy is doing this all by himself. Consider it initiation of manhood within the Sins." Her grin wasn't vicious for once, and instead inviting, as if she was daring him to refuse the wonderful honor.
((So are the ages listed in the Virtues and Sins char sheets actually their ages? Are they all the same ages, or is the age listed proportional to their actual age? (Like Theo could be 100 years old but still be the youngest)))
((Proportional to their actual ages. That Theo is still the youngest one but still older than most humans.))
((She's really happy, in case you couldn't tell)

"Yes!" Theo said. This was going to be one of her first times outside of the house! She was born towards the end of the war, and thus was too young to participate in the battle. "Oh," Theo said at Asmodel, "Yes, I have to look good if I'm going to go out. Thank you!" She ran over to Charity and hugged her. "Thank you!" she said, running back over to Asmodel and hugging him too.
Vara ran towards her room, rushed to pack things, tied her hair up, but there is always that one strand of hair that landed perfectly framing her face, and started to dress all in black leather. She wanted to fit into the dark, but her almost glowing blonde hair, might not be the best thing. So she went to the next best, she took out some hair dye, colored her hair dark red, and walked towards the board room looking almost like the black widow. She kept her glace blade with her at all times, just for extra safety. Her duffel bag was filled with potions, weapons, ropes, and grappling hooks. She was ready for the mission, and she would succeed, hopefully. It was around 10 already and she was patiently waiting around at the window of the board room. She watched as the day turned into the night and watched as all the city lights turned on simultaneously. She was ready.
Luxure could see the moonlight shining through the window and a feral grin appeared on his face. He leapt up and ran to his room to prepare for the long night ahead of him. He slipped on a pair of black dress pants, a black button up shirt, a navy blue vest with a matching tie, and his whip that easily attached to his side. "Gotta dress to impress," he sang to himself. Lux exited his room and patted Envy on the shoulder, "Good luck little bro." He turned towards Evaris after checking his shiny black shoes, "I'm going to go ahead and start my own little party, I'll see you guys later~" Lux waved his hand as he headed towards the door that would take him outside of the warehouse.
Vara was waiting patiently for Asmodel and Theodora. She looked at her watch and saw that they were almost 10 minutes late. She was about to break through the windows, fall on something random, start to run, and then look out for Sins. But she knew if Charity found out she, would easily do something to discipline her. Vara started to actually think about what the Sins looked like. She always saw a picture of Evaris, but nobody else. She knew about some of the other Sins that needed to have a watchful eye on. She almost did it, she almost crashed through that window. She started to pace herself in the room. I'm sure the Sins are having a blast, probably partying and having fun. She thought. Right now, she wasn't having much fun. She watched the clock in agony, and then, she grabbed her duffel bag and jumped out the window. Really she could have chose a safer choice, but she couldn't help herself, she felt the rush of the wind flowing through her hair as she fell from the sky. Oddly enough there was a mattress truck....coincidence much? She got off the truck and started to walk down the street. She almost wanted to freak out and squeel like a little seven year old. But she had to keep calm and find the Sin's hideout.
Asmodel smiled, one arm coming down to wrap around the girl in a half hug. "Yes, come on, let's take care of that for you," he suggested, pulling slightly on her little frame to guide her towards the door so that they could move to the youngest virtue's room and care about her proper tending. "We'll put your hair up so that it doesn't catch on anything and so that no one can grab at it, okay?"

(Sorry for how short it is, suddenly feeling very ill. I promise posts will be back up to par tomorrow.)
"Okay," Theo said, letting herself be guided by Asmodel. They arrived at her room rather quickly, it was located somewhat close to the board room and kitchen. Walking into the room, she said, "So what do you think would be a good idea to wear? Is it going to be cold? Hot? Windy?" She pulled out several sets of clothing, including her favorite yukata. "Where are we going anyways? She grabbed a suitcase and folded them into the bag, everthing except the yukata being put away. "Could you turn around?" she said, getting ready to change, "I think we're late..."
As Luxure walked through the town with a smirk on his face and his whip hanging behind him like a tail. He brushed up against everyone that he walked and enjoyed the euphoric feeling that came from sharing his lust with others. This is how the world was truly meant to be like, a world where gender is no longer a factor when it comes to pleasure. Lux began to feel a little wild as his own lust increased the more that he spread around. He soon a spotted a lovely redhead dressed in black leather and couldn't resist her. As he walked closer to her he noticed her bright blonde eyebrows and wondered why she would hide her true color when it was already perfect. "Hello beautiful, would you like to go out with me?"
Acedian smiled as he leaned back in his chair, rubbing one of the vials of poison dangling from his neck. "I definitely wouldn't mind getting my hands on the virtue that put me away.." he closed his eyes and imagined the horrific end that he would make his opposite suffer. "I've been trapped in my mind for to long... I'm ready to actually do something for once.."
"Likely somewhere rather damp and dark - I would suggest darker colours, and soemthign that could get dirty if necessary," Asmodel responded after a moments thought. "Preferably something that won't get caught and isn't easily grabbed - for safety's sake. Don't worry about being late - it's better to be prepared, after all - we'll get there when we do. Vara will understand, I'm sure. She said we'd meet tonight which means we should have several hours to get ready."

(...given that Vara timeskipped several hours without us to ten PM when the meeting was in the morning do you just want to skip through getting ready and show up to meet her or...?)
Vara's eyes widened as she looked at the highly dressed man. "Well hello there.." She smirked, her eyes sort of glowed when the lights from the passing cars. Her inner teen started to kick in, and she nodded her head and looked into the mans eyes. She took down her pony tail and let her hair fall. She mistakenly left her duffel bag, but she didn't care, something was overpowering her to follow this man to finally have a good time.
'Perfect.' The embodiment of Lust was overjoyed at his new conquest and was cheering in his head. Luxure smirked, "Please follow me Little Red, if your not careful a wolf will come along to get you." He began to head back to the warehouse where he would have a lot of fun. Lux couldn't get over the feeling that something was different about this girl but he shrugged it off and blamed it on his overwhelming desire. He opened the door and saw that the others hadn't begun their own fun yet. Lux then realized that he hadn't been gone that long.
A sharp sense shot through Acedian like a bolt of lightning, he spun around staring at the door where Lux and his red haired companion were entering. "It's her.." He mumbled to himself his mind racing with possibilities, "What luck.." He slowly rose from his chair removing one of his non lethal poison vials from his necklace and crushing it in his hand, the powder piled in the palm of his hand.
Vara watched the guy stand up and crush some potions, she knew who he was, and she knew he knew. "Well then, um, where are we exactly?" She asked the guy who had brought her, she still hadn't gotten his name yet. She looked around the room and she was pretty sure she wouldn't get caught, as long as her opposite didn't fully recognize her.
Luxure turned around to answer the girl's question but he spotted Acedian and immediately recognized the look of pure hatred in his eyes. That's when it clicked and he understood the weird feeling coming from the girl. She was a Virtue. A wicked smirk crossed his features but quickly disappeared. Oh well, I always thought that my first time with a virtue would be with Chastity. "Well darling we're at my cousins home but a few of my cousins live here too."
"Well that's nice, glad to here your close with your family and all. Probably realized I'm a virtue and all that crap. God I hate that word, "virtue" it's just not appealing to me." She turned and looked at the guy and her fingers walked up to his chin and slid downward towards is chest. "But really this place seems more like home to me. All that crap from Chaerity telling us to stay inside 24/7 because she's worried. Ugh." She wasn't really meaning to say all these things, just as long as the sins believed her, she would be fine. She almost had a flame dancing in her eyes as she looked at the guy.
Acedian put his hands behind his back secretly rubbing the sleeping powder on both of his hands. With extreme concentration he hid the pure hatred in his eyes as he casually strolled over to where Lux and Diligence were standing. He forced himself to smile as he extended his hand to the girl. "Welcome to the dark side." He said through fake smile and gritted teeth.

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