Sins and Virtues. [Inactive]

If Vara wanted in, she would have had to play it cool with her Opposite. So she shook his hand hoping no tricks would be played. She stretched our her hand, shook his, and fell to the ground. Her long leather boots stretched out on the floor and her hair perfectly spread out as if she were on a pillow. Ugh! I'll gladly grip my hands on his neck if I could have. She thought, but her body was out cold.
(Yeah, probably. I'll write as if they were all done)

Theo carried her bag down the hallway. Asmodel had helped her get ready to go on the trip, and then he had had to go and pack up his things before it was time to go. She knocked on his door. "Asmodel," she said, standing in a skirt, a blouse, a light jacket, and flats with her hair up in a ponytail, "It's time to get going, it's already 10:10!" She knocked a little bit harder. She liked him and all, but sometimes he just took things too slowly. "C'mon!" she said, knocking faster.
Luxure looked at Acedian with a gleeful grin, "Good job buddy! But I did want to have some fun with her before you knocked her out." He bent down and picked the Virtue up and carried her to his now clean room, "I told you that a wolf would come and snatch you up but you didn't believe me." Lux placed her unconscious form on his bed and placed his specially made love handcuffs onto the girl's wrist and ankles. He leaned down and kissed Diligence before closing the door behind him, "Virtues - 0 Sins - 1! We're off to a great start."
Kellin smiled up at Eva and nodded his head. "Alright." He grinned at her. "I'll be your body guard." He mumbled as he leaned his head against her stomach again. He sighed and stood up, close to Eva. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek as he looked around. "Well, lets go fuck shit up." He grinned and picked her up, bridal style, walking toward the door.
Vara was having the strangest thoughts inside her head. Some of her childhood, some of the other virtues and how she would probably be seriously scorned for her behavior. Then it all turned black, the dark shadows were surrounding her thoughts, purple flames danced in her head and an entire fire broke loose in her mind. She couldn't bare it much longer, so she jerked herself up and realized she was in a bedroom. "What the f*** just happened?" She asked while looking around the massive room. The sheets were silk and so soft, the pillows were memory foam and she couldn't help but think the stuff that MIT have gone on in this exact bed. She bit her lower lip at the thought, she kind of, enjoyed being here.
Acedian smiled as Lux shut the door behind himself and the virtue. "Save some for me!" He called through the door. "I've been waiting for far too long to get my hands on that girl for our imprisonment" he mumbled to himself as he settled back into the chair he had been occupying, thumbing the vials around his neck. I wonder how long it will take for the other virtues to realize that they are one short. He thought as an evil smile formed on his face. Let them come...
Vara didn't seem to like the silence in the room. Her head just started to turn and she saw the man who brought her here. "You! Oh your gonna regret every bit of this once those... whatever. It's pointless, their not going to come because of what I did. Oh well. There is other things to do besides wait for my "knights in shining armor". Like I give to ***** about it." She looked at the guy and walked up to him with a devilish grin on. "Oh but Mr. Tough Guy can only keep a straight face because he doesn't trust the sexy little virtue. How pitiful." She walked around the room looking at all the items he had. "I could care less what you guys do to me. It's not like the Virtues would care. I'm the youngest there and probably the best at fighting. So really, you haven't "stolen" a virtue, or won any points. You've just got a little b**h in the making, and once I'm complete, there will be nothing you can do." She had a semi-evil smile, it was fun to mess with their heads.
Evaris glared daggers as the petty virtue dropped cold and was taken away. Oh no, this would not do. With a wrath that was most likely made worse by Kellin, Eva banged on the door as she shot Sloth a glare. "Do you two every think?! Hold it and tie her up in here!!" Her voice was as sharp as the diamonds glittering on her hands, daring absolutely anyone to defy her. " Now. " Evaris's voice was ice as she finally broke the handle and opened the door, standing there and tapping her high heel impatiently.

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(I don't even know myself but I'm trying to get things back on track. )

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(Since I've had trouble keeping up on my mobile I'll warn you guys now. Only the corresponding virtue or sin can influence each other. Also guys, this rp has to last for a month so try and pace things alright? I don't want this to be a one hit wonder. Ember I'm sorry about Kellin, I was focused on getting things on the track it should be. Apologies to anyone else's post I missed)

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Lux grinned childishly at the virtue and wiggled his finger in front of her. "Ah but that's where your wrong young one, I didn't plan to kidnap you specifically and you know how good hearted those idiotic virtues are. They'll come looking for you as soon as they realize how long you've been missing." He turned on his heel and smirked at Acedian. "For now we'll keep you prisoner ," he said as he picked her up and chained her to one of the wooden chairs that would have been at the table. When he finished he turned around to face Evaris, "There, you happy now joy-kill."
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"Yes, I am." Evaris patted his head and gave him a peck on the cheek before advancing on the virtue. "Now, no one talks to her. No one at all. Meetings will now be held in my room, since it's the cleanest." Her smirk was vicious as she turned on her heel, back facing Vara, and addressed her sins. "Which will be in soon, to decide her fate. This isn't who we want or who we need, as she said she's useless compared to the others, so it will take some thinking. Go out and make mischief or inflict a LITTLE pain on the girl for an hour." She pointed a finger at Sloth and Lust. "You two, I want no lasting wounds, no rape, and no lasting mental instability. We need her acting normal in case we send her back. Other than that, have at her." The very sttractive embodiment of Greed sauntered her way over to Kellin with a smile, twining her fingers in his hair. "Shall we go, sweetheart?"
"Yes, I am." Evaris patted his head and gave him a peck on the cheek before advancing on the virtue. "Now, no one talks to her. No one at all. Meetings will now be held in my room, since it's the cleanest." Her smirk was vicious as she turned on her heel, back facing Vara, and addressed her sins. "Which will be in soon, to decide her fate. This isn't who we want or who we need, as she said she's useless compared to the others, so it will take some thinking. Go out and make mischief or inflict a LITTLE pain on the girl for an hour." She pointed a finger at Sloth and Lust. "You two, I want no lasting wounds, no rape, and no lasting mental instability. We need her acting normal in case we send her back. Other than that, have at her." The very sttractive embodiment of Greed sauntered her way over to Kellin with a smile, twining her fingers in his hair. "Shall we go, sweetheart?"
(Here, Emby. A lot has gone down so feel free to look back or just roll with it ^^ But Eva had to stop and make some matters clear before leaving)
[QUOTE="Ember Spark](shit errr where are they going. I did not get alerts for this.)

(Out to cause mayhem)
Kellin smiled down at Eva and grabbed the hand in his hair. He mumbled something about 'later' and 'good time', locking his fingers with hers and pulling her toward the door. "Lets go, beautiful." He grinned and opened the door for her and moving out behind her. He glanced back at Envy with a evil grin. "Come on. You can tag along too." He motioned for Envy to follow.
Envy looked up from finishing his poptart and jumped up. He saw Eva and Kellin at the door and grinned back. 'Finally, some fun.' he thought. He ran over to them and stood beside Eva, he noted how short he was compared to the other sins. Being the youngest did have it's perks though, he got pretty much whatever he wanted just with a bat of his eyelashes or a whiny voice. "Lets go have some fun!" he smiled.
Luxure scoffed at Evaris' orders. How dare she accuse him of, of rape. Everyone that slept with him did it on their own free will. He crossed his arms and glared at her. "I've never raped anyone for your information Greed and I had no intention of raping her. She already likes me so as soon as my turn comes around we will have fun," he growled. Lux walked over to Vara and kissed her and winked, "See you in a little while baby."
Eva paused in walking out the door. "Lux, just make sure she forgets it in case we decide to send her back. " With a roll of her eye, Greed patted Envy's head and pulled them out of the warehouse. "I don't know about you two but I know exactly where I want to head first. "

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