Sins and Virtues. [Inactive]

Vara was looking at all the virtues. "So, what do you all think is going to happen with us?" she asked, she was hoping she would be able to get an answer, Charity didn't look well and if all the virtues were ambushed, nothing would be okay. She gave a half smile at the thought. Those sins were too arguable. Always thinking they had it all, and what did the virtues get? The sheer factor of watching everyone else leave to a dark side because they think its "cool". Vara shook her head, she wasn't going to just sit here and not do something. Her ADHD started to kick in and she couldn't stay put. Her fingers started to twitch and she was about ready to jump up and run to go do something random.
"All I heard was 'mess with humans'" Aanu says as she saunters in. "I'm in, by the way," she adds ignoring the rest of the conversation. She had little care for it as she had arrived, what she considered fashionably late. "What have I missed?" She questioned casually as if nothing that had happened was of importance until she arrived.
"So nice of you to join us, Aanu" Acedian said as he stopped his twirling chairr to face her. "We were just talking about how we think it would be a nice gesture to pay the humans a visit, and let the Virtues fully understand with we mean." He said as the cold smirk on his mouth turned into a sinister snarl.,,
Aanu couldn't help but match his smirk. "Anything to mess with humans .. or virtues for that matter." She added. Her pride had been shattered when the virtues defeated them and she was more than ready to fight back and destroy them as well as anyone else that got in the way of her defending her wounded pride. Deft fingers fiddled idly with her ring as she sat with them.
Acedian slowly got up from his chair and drifted over Aanu. "You know you should be proud.. Not everyone could escape the mental prisons we did." he said as he gently placed his hand over the small of her back. "Takes a lot of Pride to pull it off." Smiling he slouched next to her and fell asleep leaning against her.
Aanu shoved him off herself harshly. "Are you mocking me?" she accused as the force of hitting the ground woke him. She stood, bearing over him. "How are you mock me??" Yet again she felt she had to defend her pride and she would.
Theodora relaxed against Asmodel. She was a bit tired, but she liked the time they spent together. She looked over to Vesta. She considered her to be a big sister, after all, she was much more mature than herself. "I could probably get some," she said, "But then that would be a bit of a waste of food... Maybe could you try this food? It's really good."
Luxure looked over at Aanu and sighed to himself. "Calm down Aanu no one was trying to hurt your pride in any way." A feral grin spread across his face, "But me and you could do something to be proud of darlin'" he said with a wink.
He put his hand to his chest dramatically, "Ow that one really hurt my pride. Oh wait, that's something that you would know about right Aanu?" Lux flipped over in his chair and stretched out across the chair.
"Yeah yeah, very funny," Aanu muttered, rolling her eyes. One again she began to fiddle with her ring, glaring half heartedly at Lux.
Waking up slowly on the ground Acedian looked up at Aanu. "Babe, I don't have the energy to mock anyone.. I was simply stating facts." He said with a small smile on his face.. "No need for the temper.. I believe thats Kellins job." Acedian slowly got up and grabbed her shoulders. "We've escaped, and soon we will rule the world.. Be Proud."
A smirk grew on Aanu's lips as pride sparked in her eyes. "Yeah," she admitted, pleased, "this world will be ours as it rightfully should be."
(Reminder guys, no one-liners~!) Charity frowned at every virtue now within the room. This was happening much too quickly. "Alright, guys, quiet down please. I have bad news and I want you all to stay calm and not blow up on me cause it isn't my fault." The Virtue took a deep, cleansing breath before rushing into her words. "The Sins have escaped and I don't know their plans or their location and they might be able to influence us now, I'm not entirely sure." Now she waited for Hell to break lose for the first time in Virtues' headquarters, eyes clenched tightly shut.

Evaris's evil smirk grew as she heard every Sin talk. "Patience is a virtue my friends. And you are all correct in a way." She caught the way Kellin was staring and took the oppertunity to sit on a table, swinging her legs and watching the sparkles glitter from her high heeled shoes. "But you are missing the last detail. We do all of that while simaltaneously taking their little family right out from under them. They work together and help each other, unlike us, so...We kidnapp one." She grinned widly at everyone, ignoring the little squabble between Aanu and Acedian and Lux. "You three, stop flustering like little kids and focus on making evil plans. All of you are no where near good enough to even breath the same air as me."
Vara's eyes widened. That was the breaking point, she had to do something. "I volunteer to scout the cities and look for the headquarters of the sins. I'm diligent enough," she laughed, " and I'm great at quick thinking. Please Charity, if I don't get out of being cooped up in this place, no offense, I'm going to explode!" She smiled and walked over to Charity and held her hand, "Please?"
Fingers still idly sliding through Theodora's hair, working out a stubborn knot in the girl's bedhead, Asmodel felt his body tense up at the news. He paused a moment, taking a deep, slow breath to help steady himself.

"Vara, rushing off will do us no good," he reminded her, his tone gentle in his admonishment. "It's more likely to get us hurt, realistically speaking. We should think out a plan of action, first. Acting unthinkingly could get us hurt - and if they really can influence us now..." he suppressed a shudder at the thought, focusing on the rhythmic motion of his fingers through Theo's hair in order to help calm his spirit further. No use getting worked up about it, after all, or diving off head first into what might end up to be shallow water.

"We should wait a while, at least until we have a stable plan so we can watch out for each other. We're strongest when we're together, after all, and going off solo... someone might get hurt and the rest of us could never even know it. So try to stay calm, Vara, please. Remember that's the reason I'm here at all - so that we don't fly off the handle and accidentally injure ourselves or make some grave mistake out of impatience." He paused, looking over to their raven haired leader, his eyes heavy with worry, despite his attempts to keep his features light with a half-present smile.

"Charity, your thoughts?"
Vara looked at Asmodel, "I don't care! God I hate those sins, thinking their all high in power, maybe if I just show them that virtues aren't all goody goody, MAYBE, we can get them where it hurts worst, at the top of their chain, Evaris." Vara looked with her eyes full of pain, she didn't want her friends, family, to get hurt anymore. "I'm still going to go, even if you lose me I'm not the most important, I'm the careful one, so hence, I will be more careful on this mission. But I'm not going to just sit here and watch them sneak up on us like a pack of dogs! This is war and we need to do what we can to fight them off." Vara looked around to see if anyone was agreeing with her. Then she stated, "My ADHD is at its max point right now, and if I don't get an answer, I'm out of here. I can trick the sins easily, maybe if I say that I'm turning to their side because the virtues were boring me, then maybe I can get access into their hide out." "Please Charity."
Charity gripped Varas hand, nodding. "He's right, we can't rush into this but....without Evaris they would dissolve into chaos amongst themselves...Vara im giving you a job. Scout out their hideout and learn her schedule. No more. Stay away from them. Understood?" Her eyes were alight with a new plan but she pinned the virtues down with the weight of her order.
Vara nodded, "When do I leave?" She asked with a smile of determination. It was her chance to show Charity that she was able to do a deed that might be way to much for a normal 17 year old. She was ready for this. Vara started to make a plan of how she would scout the city already. She was determined, excited, diligent, she laughed at the thought, and worthy of any possible mission.
"Yes Aanu, it will be.. soon." turning to the embodiment of Greed he laughed wickedly at the suggestion of his fellow sin. "I'm wondering Evaris.. Do you think if we ravaged the village around here.. would the virtues come to us?" He said slumping back into his chair, but as he was sitting he grabbed Aanu by the waist and pulled her into his lap.
Charity smiled slightly at her eagerness. This could be their biggest asset within the war that will rage soon and it could not be taken lightly. "Tonight. Is that alright with you?" She let go of Vara and took a sip of tea, her depressed mood lifting a bit.


Evaris shook her head, "But that's what they expect of us. That we're so uncivilized we'll attack with little planning. No, this needs to be meticulous in planning, covered up by some of you wreaking havoc on the humans." She took a pause, smirking and walking over to Kellin while addressing the others. "While this happens, every one of us shall corrupt our little goody-goodies."
Kellin grinned at Eva and watched her walk up to him. He placed his hands on her hips thinking about what she said. "So we kidnap one of them, then what?" He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. He removed one of his hands from her hip to run his fingers through his hair. "When we get one of them what are we going to do with it? I think we should kill it." He leaned back against the back of the chair, looking up at Eva.
Luxure agreed with Evaris about the Virtues underestimating them because of their primal instincts. He had already played out the scenario in his head and was more than ready wreak havoc on the humans. He would finally get the chance to show sweet, innocent Chastity how to let loose and go wild. Lux focused back on the conversation, "Why kill it when we could use it as Virtue bait and a way to get information about them."
Still somewhat unsettled by the idea of Vara going off on her own a frown deepened over Asmodel's features. He cared deeply for each of his other virtues, and the idea of one of them coming to harm... it was something he simply could not abide. He could barely entertain the thought without it paining him deeply. Perhaps it was because he was the eldest of them all, but he felt a deep protective urge when it came to each and every one of them - they were like his younger siblings, all.

"Charity, is it wise for her to go on her own?" He questioned finally, the words slow to fall from his mouth, almost methodical in their pronunciation. "It's not to call you incapable, Vara, I'm sure you could handle it, it's just... It would make me feel much better if we stuck to pairs of two, at the least - two and three, since there's an uneven number of us. After all, we're strongest when we're together, to send one of us out alone, vulnerable, even for something as simple and non-confrontational as a scouting mission. Wouldn't it be safest to handle it as a team? That way we always have someone to watch out for one another. Our greatest strength against the sins is how well we work together - we're better as a team. To split us up into individual parties feels like we're diverging into their tactics. With them back I have to advise caution - we shouldn't go out alone, even for day-to-day tasks like groceries, let alone for actual missions. Please, Charity, I beg you to consider being as careful and cautious as we can afford to be in this time of darkness. I don't want to see any of my family hurt, and we seem to be pushing blindly forward when it would be better to wait a while and make sure we approach things in the safest manner for all of us. We entrapped them once, surely we can do it again, even if we don't go at it immediately. Good always triumphs over evil, so I don't see any reason to panic and rush this."
Theodora, who hadn't been listening as much as she should have, sat up and looked at the other Virtues. "I could go with her," she said, leaning forward a bit, "I, mean, I don't like fighting so we might be able to talk with them if we meet them, and I'm also the least important Virtue." She said the last part a bit gingerly, knowing that someone would object to her statement. "Maybe if you don't want me and Vara going off by ourselves, we could drag Asmodel along with us!"

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