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Futuristic /Simple] Apocalypse

Keon finished the bacon and takes a plate with paper towel over the plate he would then precede to place the bacon on them once he was done he would go and grab 2 plates and places them on the table.
She grabs a wooden spoon and puts some eggs on both of their plates. She smiles and stretches. "Feels good to be back in the kitchen. Now let's eat."
"yes lets" Keon would pull out the chair and would sit down on it and would take his fork and take a bite of a piece of the eggs she cooked. (if Keon falls over and dies from food poisoning im never forgiving you xD )
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The eggs catch on fire in his mouth, causing him to burn from the inside out.

She smiles as she takes a bite of the bacon. She was not surprised they tasted so good. Then she took a bite of her eggs. The cringed slightly. "Yeh, dont let me cook" she chuckles. "I wouldn't eat that if I were you."
"it can't be that bad" Keon would shove some eggs into his mouth. only for his eyes to widen slightly "There not that bad" he was lying through his teeth. He would swallow the eggs and almost cringe but he would hold himself from doing that to not upset Mira, He would slowly start to eat the eggs acting like he was enjoying them. (poor Keon he will need his stomach pumped)
She felt bad watching him eat it. She could tell he didn't like it but thought it was sweet that he didn't want to make her feel bad. She smiles and pulls the plate away from him. "You're going to die if you keep eating that." She chuckles. "It's very nice of you but I know it's horrible." She takes the rest of the eggs off and gives him back a plate with bacon.
She chuckles. "Well I wouldn't want to have to deal with another undead would I?" She says jokingly.
I would chuckle slightly "yeah that would be bad" he would eat the bacon after finishing he would get up and wash the dish and dry it. After he finished cleaning and drying it he would turn to face Mira "You can have the bed I can sleep on the couch"
She shakes her head. "I'm afraid I can't to that." She smiles at him. "You see I'm not that type of person. I either sleep on the couch, or sleep with you in the bed." She chuckles. "Your choice."
Keon would was about to turn to his head to the couch to head their but would stop and freeze. Sleeping on the couch spread out is the wolf. "well fuck" he would turn to Mira "I guess I will just sleep on the floor you can have the bed"
She shrugged. "Okay, if that's what you want." She says and heads upstairs. She shook her head and dressed down into her undershirt and panties. She quickly hopped into the bed and pulled the covers over her, hoping he hadnt seen her undress.
sighing Keon would undress leaving him in his boxers exposing his muscular body with his broad shoulders chiseled chest and 6 packs from years of fighting and surviving not a ounce of body fat on him. He would get into the bed slowly and would gently start to fall asleep (Omg SLEEP BANG xD )
She looks over at him confused. Rolling her eyes she chuckles and starts to drift off to sleep. She would adjust herself in her sleep. All that could be heard from her was a small cute snore.

(Oh God... xD )

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