.::.Silverwood's Home for the Engaged.::. RP (Member only)

David couldn't help but to feel a slight disappointment when Sarah dropped his hand and he realized that he had gotten carried away, there was perhaps merit to being a little more bold or confrontational, but he had started to edge towards being outright aggressive and perhaps a little cruel should he have kept going. It was good to knock a little sense into Lily, but he wasn't out to make enemies.

He smiled slightly when Lily seemed to reel herself in and she had apologized and even thanked him for calling her on how she was acting. He didn't know how to respond to her statements and found himself relieved that his parents had found happiness and aside from being needlessly rich he had grown up in a stable and normal home. He didn't have the baggage that she did and therefore he had been allowed to be soft and had not needed to be more confrontational.

He would have to work on Sarah... everything he did seemed just a little off. One moment he seemed to make her happy and the next she would push herself away from him again. The consistency was lacking there too but she kind of intrigued him. Sarah wasn't any ordinary girl and was unlike any of the ones that he had the unfortunate luck to meet before. He wanted to unravel her and figure out what she was like and what she liked.

He had time. They were to be at this home for quite some time, maybe he should ease up on trying to win her over and just let what happened happen. Let her see who he was rather than who he was trying to be, because now David had changed his mind and was once again suspicious that he had told Lily off because of Sarah.

He put all of his thoughts out of his mind when Conall suggested that they try to find a pool and he actually felt enthusiasm for the idea much to his surprise. He had a pretty wiry and thin physique and was strangely always pale, but he wasn't too worried about that. Instead he nodded quickly and answered with a growing smile, "Of course they'll be one. Should we go and find it?"


"You're right," Micheal laughed, "That name is pretty crazy. I'm going to call you May if that's alright with you." he made a show of checking his nametag and made the appropriate disappointed face, "I wish I was. My name's Micheal. I had to double-check because you're so beautiful that I'm having a hard time concentrating."

He slid onto the bench beside her and smiled warmly. He was about as subtle as a helicopter landing when he flirted, but he had never had much patience for subtlety. Micheal was the kind of guy who bored of girls in a week, and he was really only here to have fun and meet the girl who would have to deal with his antics until he bored of them... which seemed very unlikely. His dad was fifty-three and still had at least two mistresses that he was aware of. Besides, Amber actually seemed to be like him so he figured that she knew their marriage was just an elaborate show to keep their bank accounts fat.

Sarah had practically started to tone Lily out when she went on about some guy her age being like a brother, and something with her father. If the girl didn’t understand that Conall wasn’t her old man, it was no use wasting her own breath to explain it to her. It was when Lily turned to David stating she deserved being told off, Sarah couldn’t help feel a touch jealous. Perhaps wondering if she ever needed that snap off and on, of course here she was pondering thoughts over paying attention to half of what went on. She wasn’t sure though, why Lily dressed like that given attention to David so made Sarah worry in ways.

Given a slight breath of relief when Lily turned her attention to Conall, Sarah wondered if it was safe to relax now. Not expecting to get the girl’s attention next, she tensed when it was her turn. Who knew what may come from the woman’s lips. Only for Sarah to end up being confused when she got an . . . apology? Had she been judging the girl too harshly? Without really thinking Sarah merely nodded to answer Lily’s request. It would only sink in later that she had agreed to talk to the girl over the situation. Now things were getting really weird in Sarah’s eyes and she could already feel the stress of this place start to build. It seemed Sarah had already started to bit off more than she wished to chew in ways.

Luckily Conall’s suggestion of a pool had snapped Sarah out of her long dreaded thoughts. Already she was trying to figure out ways to help Lily, and already she was feeling sick and dreaded the idea of having too. She managed a little laugh at the hot air comment, only to smile thinking about the pool. Surly she wouldn’t get in it if it was found, but the cool breeze from it alone would be nice and relaxing.

Her eyes looked over David in question as he asked if they should find it. Was he asking her or Conall permission too? “I think I would like that.” Her voice was soft now as she still felt a bit worn out. She could only hope the cool waters of the pool distracted or at least sooth some of her thoughts when she found it. Oh what a true disappointment it would be if there wasn’t a pool even. Her eyes went to David, than to Conall, then back to David a bit, slowly she bit her lower lip in thought. “One of you lead the way, I think it may look a tad . . . odd for me to be leading to males outside . . . alone.”

She looked away not really caring the wind blew as she closed her eyes. The smells of the air somewhat familiar to her he boy wanted to call her May. He seems okay not really honest it seemed like he was staring at her body the whole time not her eyes. She hated this kind of man the most she scooted over,"yes that is fine.." her tone was Indifferent eyes shifted over the scenery. A single question lingered on her toung but to ask she felt bad. It wasn't in her nature to be so nosey.a butterfly flew by landing on mayisu's dress her laugh seemed to jingle giving off a honest laugh."it do pretty" her laugh made her hair move around watching the butterfly move about"tell me why do you stare at me like that. Like you undress me with your eyes?" gazing at him seriously despite her cute nature.
Rosa milled about the garden in search of her fiancé; she let Rella off leash and smiled as the dog raced about the bushes and benches. Chase was easy to spot for he was the only one who was alone and was not wearing a staff uniform. A cautious smile curled across her lips, he had a kind look about him but she knew that that could be deceiving. “Um Hello, I am Rosalind Zinc,” she said in a small voice extending her hand out to him.
Chase smiled at her and shook her hand. He said "Hey, I'm Chase." he patted the bench next to him and said "Is that your dog, she's very energetic" He looked her up adn down and overall thought she was pretty. SHe looked very timid
Rosa took a seat her eyes still following Rella, “Yes sir, that’s Rella she can be a bit hyper when she is excited. But she quiets right down once you get her on a leash,” she added quickly. Her father had always hated the dog’s energy, he said it was a nuisance and threatened to take the dog away multiple times. A pause hung in the air, she was unsure of whether it was her job to fill it or his.
Chase friwned when she called him sir "My name is chase, not sir please dont call me that. I dont mind i love dogs they are so playful" he said watching Rella and he putchis hand out and waited to see if Rella woukd sniff it, he hoped her dog liked him
David nodded with the assumption that Conall had suggested the pool because he had an interest in finding it. He was not used to leading, but he made some vague motion for the two of them to follow him as he trudged along deeper into the expansive lawn of this home. There was no doubt in his mind that they would find one so he didn't feel trepidation leading them along, it was just one of those things that people looking to awe and impress would include.

After about five minutes of moving through the lawns in search of the pool was when a sneaking doubt took root in his mind. How awful would he feel leading them about only to not find a pool? David considered saying something about how he wouldn't be able to find one when he thought that he could hear the sound of water. He paused where he stood for a moment before determining that the sound had come from his left before he wandered off towards the cite.

Surely enough, a large expansive pool was to be found nestled in the elaborate garden and lush greenery surrounding it. Like everything else in this house, the designers and builders had sought to impress and the pool seemed to jump straight out of the pages of a magazine.

It was when he was standing before the pool feeling slightly victorious for finally finding it when he realized that he was standing alone. He had made the assumption that the two of them were following him and he hoped that they had been and that they were just nearby. At the very worst, he had the pool to himself and he wasn't one that was bothered by having time to himself.

David paused for a moment and shrugged to himself making the assumption that they had not followed him. He quickly shrugged off his plain t-shirt before hesitating. He had brought swim trunks, but they were wherever his bags had wound up... in the end he came to the conclusion that his clothes would dry and after slipping out of his jeans he jumped into the frigid waters of the pool.

(I didn't want to bunny so Conall and Sarah could have followed him if you two wanted.)

Externally Micheal remained as collected as ever only faintly letting a sly smirk cross his face, but internally he was reeling from what Mayisu had asked him. He had never been asked such a question and he had always just done his dance until he had gotten what he wanted from the girl and bored of her. It was something that he didn't put much effort into, it was always enough to wave his cash around, compliment the girl, and to look good to get what he wanted.

Here she was, sitting here and calling him out on the fact that he had no interest in her. She was something to be used for fun and thrown away lazily. He wondered briefly if he should simply try to dart around her question and convince her that she was mistaken even though she wasn't... he had never hit a brick wall before so Micheal was actually astonished.

"Well why not? You should take it as a compliment that I think you're worth my time." he answered after quickly sifting through what to say. He had never met someone who had deviated from his planned script and that had never managed to make him struggle with what to say. It was well overdue of course, he couldn't get his way all of the time.
his straight forward answer made her look away in disgust, never would she do such things with someone she was not in love with. in her anger she stood and looked at him straight in the face her nose scrunched up."look sir..i do not partake in such lustful desires without having any feelings of love for the guy." her tone was strict as if she was lecturing him. Being brought up from a small town the values were somewhat different and living in the city didnt change her one bit. although magazines would show that she was sleeping witha new guy each week. she hated it with every fiber in her being.

"if you will excuse me..I rather not talk to you anymore..playboy." her back shown to him walking gracefully as if she were a delicate flower gliding in the wind. her tone despite her anger was very adorable."i feel sorry for your future wife...perhaps not speaking will not ruin the image you give off...otherwise its a waste."
Rella jogged over to her owner and sat down with a humph still panting wildly. The dog nosed at the hand offered to her then rocked onto her hide legs using it as a perch for her front legs. This allowed her to get closer to the boy and attempt to lick his face. She kept missing and she began to hop a bit. Rosa nodded, “Yes si…Uh Chase; she can be a bit wild. If she is bothering you just let me know,” she added anxiously. “So my father has told me that you are a successful business man?” she asked. Rosa had no idea if it was true, for all she knew she and he could have been fed false information but she felt conversation was necessary.
Chase smiled and picked up Rella placing the puppy on his lap "It's fine I love enegrtic dogs they arr so playful" he said and then he adressed her question "yes, i suppose, my parents want me to take over the company. I love the job but the people" he made a face "they are all so rude and stuck up, som of the men boss around the woman like they are bettrr than them, it is discusting"
Chase’s words surprised he, she had been raised under that belief system and fully understood and accepted it. Rosa’s life had been a sheltered one with very little freedom, she had been educated by hand picked tutors and media entertainment had been monitored by her father. “What do you mean, the man supports the woman and provides for her therefore she must obey him. To behave otherwise would be ungrateful and rude,” she said innocently. She ran a hand over Rella’s head as she rested in Chase’s lap.

Sarah smiled and started to follow pausing only a moment to wave Conall to do the same. She was right behind David for awhile only for her to end up slowing down to take in the marvels of the garden. She didn’t even realize she stopped and had lost David as her eyes roamed about. There was a gentle smile on her face as she went to smell one of the flowers, glancing up to take in the beautiful night sky. It was almost too romantic in ways. Whoever ran this school, took great pride in the wonders of nature that was for sure.

It was a few minutes before Sarah even snapped back to her senses glancing around worried. She had lost David. Stumbling about it took her a touch longer to find the pool, even though she was more determined to do so and avoiding the distractions the best she could now. The shimmer of the water in the night was magical. She stepped forward silently, enjoying the cool breeze it gave, taken off her shoes willing to at least get her feet wet.

Sarah sat on the edge of the pool allowing her legs and feet in the water only. She did not want to ruin her dress, by getting it wet, so she raised it a bit making sure nothing . . . really showed more than leg. Leaning over to look after David’s clothes she didn’t realize that . . . none of them had proper swimming gear. Her hands moved to neatly fold and straighten them for him, to pause suddenly.

A deep blush crossed her cheeks as she realized. It wouldn’t be normal for him to be in swim trunks . . . what . . . what, was he . . . Quickly she would glance away from the pool, not really watching David before now so for all she knew he might be skinny dipping. Fingers tapped over the cool ground as she was trying to find the best way to deal with the situation. She could get up and leave, or comment, but wouldn’t that make her seem like she was no fun at all.

Slowly she tried to catch David out of the corner of her eye obviously curious now. Feeling very shameful for doing so though, she couldn’t help have a bit of a smile never the less. This was something more of the poor kids would do. Most the rich kids were too competitive to . . . risk certain things being compared, and the poor kids couldn’t always afford outfits, or well . . . didn’t see the fun at times.

She was honestly, for the first time at a loss of what to do around David. So there she sat blushing pondering what other bad boy traits he may have. Wondering if she should risk it to push and find out or just let him be. There was one thing for sure though; she knew she couldn’t allow him to catch her just staring at him. To show any interest at this time would merely give him the upper hand. This was the only reason she kept her head turned from him, wishing she could join him. Only . . . if she did and kept her underwear on she knew the wetness would ruin the dress when she placed it back on. And if she went without . . . she shook her head quickly trying to remove such thoughts from her head.

Chase was taken aback, she had been raised to abide by those rules? it discusted him and any close relationship between his family and hers would be gone fast if his father found out. Chase thought for a way to explain diferent and said "But without women men wouln't be able to do anything for themselves, if they acted that way. Women have there own rights, do you want to do something for yourslef, as a job or personally, I shouldn't be able to stop you. Women do more for men than they relise" he said, ranting a little
David was treading water enjoying the coolness of the water when he felt an itch at the back of his mind. It was that strange faux-sense telling him that he was being watched and he immediately glanced up from the waters. He shouldn't have been surprised that Sarah had followed him but when he saw her standing there he couldn't help but to give a start. He hoped that his momentary fright hadn't been noticed and he couldn't help but to feel a little embarrassed. It had been alright before but now he was wondering what she was thinking?

"I've... I've got my boxers on still." he called out sheepishly from where he was swimming feeling quite scrutinized. Before he spoke he came to the hesitant conclusion that she had been watching him, although she seemed to be trying not to. He didn't know what to make of this and he assumed that she was trying to figure out if he was wearing anything or even that he was making her uncomfortable.

After speaking he tried to gauge her reaction, but before she could answer he blurted out, "The water's nice. You should come in?" the boldness of his suggestion surprised even him. He figured that he was just being polite and inviting her to join him although everything felt strange to him considering he was supposed to marry this girl. It wasn't the same as inviting a friend to swim. He was probably just reading into everything too much.

Micheal was floored by this woman. He had never been rejected and he wanted to shake her. Didn't she see him? He couldn't believe that she had not only outright rejected him, but she had told him that she didn't even want to speak to him any longer. He had never been rejected let alone how she had treated him. He was fuming and felt irrationally upset like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Wait, who said anything about..." how had she phrased it?... "lustful desires? I think you're making unfair assumptions about me!" he scoffed trailing after her quickly. He couldn't help it and Micheal was aware of how much of a fool he looked actually chasing after someone. He wanted to win, he had never been rejected. Somehow that made him want her more than her appearance ever would. Maybe he just needed another drink? His headache was starting to return... he had never drank so little in his life.

When he spoke of boxers Sarah relaxed a bit, but shamefully found herself a touch disappointed. Her eyes slowly going to take in his form fully for once. Boxers were just like swimming in a swim suit in away right? He had a decent body, not to thin, not to full of muscles, but before she could enjoy his cute shy ways he did something . . . extremely bold.

Now he had done it, this had to be a test right? A game of sorts, and Sarah refused to lose it. “Come in?” She said slowly standing and looking down at her dress a bit. “You see I have been considering it, but this dress is white with blue flowers. If I go in with my underwear, when I get out I will have to shiver until it gets dry.” At that she bent down as if to tease him, slowly lifting the bottom of her dress some. “If I go on with nothing on, it would be a bit too much.” Underwear was just like wearing a swim suit she found herself repeating as she tried to toy with him in a way only a woman could tease a man.

Slowly she lifted the dress to where it just barely covered her, still hiding her underwear. She allowed it to dangle just at that length, biting her bottom lip just slightly as she tried to catch his eyes with hers. “So what do you suggest?” This was perfect; she could see how much of a pervert or gentleman he was. Where he stood, how he handled such advances. “If you could find at least away for me to get dry without shivering before redressing, I may just join you.”

(@TheJoker - It wouldn't be too hard to hop in. Just pretend your characters arrived later and then just interact with whoever. I'm too lazy to explain anything. Micheal's hitting on Mayisu who I believe is Tyler's fiance and I think that's really the only thing relevant to you)

David had been enthused when Sarah had arrived but she certainly knew how to confuse him. His invite had been friendly and now here he was trying to avoid eye-contact as she lifted up her dress. Logic told him that her underwear was no different then if she was wearing a bikini and yet he felt flushed and awkward at the thought. He really had been sheltered as a child. He never had found a girl he trusted enough to actually like him rather than his wallet so he was rather inexperienced in all matters of love and lust. Sure, he had been kissed before but it hadn't really gone any further than that.

So as a result, he turned an unhealthy shade of crimson and looked away. Sure, he liked where this was going, but he felt somewhat akin to a peeping-tom in this type of setting. It was so open where they stood and he hadn't known her for more than an hour so this whole event felt bizarre and foreign. He couldn't help but to wonder how her romantic life was and if she was prone to pulling up her dress in gardens.

Contrary to everything he felt he still managed to choke out, "You can have my clothes. They'll be dry." he motioned over to where his shirt and his jeans lay at the edge of the pool. He was so flirtatious and confident. Like a preschooler talking about kissing girls... which was not at all. He hoped that she wouldn't judge him too harshly for being more sheltered than plants in greenhouses.
(sorry for not posting i got uhh..held up in second life..haha its my new drug addiction 0o...i was like zombie ducky for a bit haha)

who does he think he is, im Yisu not a stupid city girl. those tricks wont work on me, i use them all the time when i tune my inner model.laughing in her mind a bit, this man was using the same tricks she used when she was in model mode. lust, desire, false passion, things herself would never understand but as yisu she could clearly and probably use him as much as he wanted her right now. over the years mayisu had developed her other personality to cope with the crazy world of modeling to keep her true self safe and pure. One wouldn't even connect the dots. they were clearly too very different auras. She stopped upon hearing his words facing him eye to eye with a stern look on her face."Sorry but your showing your true colors Micheal...Ive seen your type before, you see my body not my heart or mind, wanting to claim me as some sick toy to do what you please only to DUMP me when you find a fresher NEWER younger MODEL!" her tone was raised as the past came to her in a flash seeing his face clearly, like a old movie playing. quickly she turned,what was that.for a second he..no he is not HIM she looked at his face, oddly she touched it observing him as if he were on display. realizing what she was doing her hands dropped and she kept walking a little faster heading for her room that should be about ready. she needed to say something to throw him off pretending she did not just act strangely nose in the air."You should not follow like a little child throwing a fit...its not very manly and quiet frankly a A major turn off...I will NOT be your TOY.."

Sarah couldn’t help lift a hand to her mouth and giggle some as she could swear she noticed David grow a touch more red. Then again it could have been her imagination or the lighting of the pool in the dark. She wasn’t one to normally notice a guy blush, easily distracted with her thoughts or the surroundings, but somehow, for at least now, David had managed to get her full attention. Something about how innocent and honest he really seemed to be oddly enough was attractive and scary at the same time. She never figured a good boy like him could catch her eye even in such a small way.

She let go of her dress after awhile, and when he spoke of given her his clothes she couldn’t help laugh even more. He was just so cute; did he even realize what he said? Her eyes went to them and she shrugged before appearing to walk off. Only to stop near one of the benches that overlooked yet was further from the water. There she lifted her dress slowly; wanting to tease him now, hoping that he really was blushing and it wasn’t her imagination. It made her feel good to think that she might be able to make another blush. There she neatly sat her dress on the bench before glancing back to the pool and him. She had white underwear with little lacy frills, in their own ways matching her dress.

Taken a deep breath she would nod determined before running towards and jumping head first into the poor. A simple dive but well moved, emerging again with a smile. “You do realize, that you did not just offer the shirt off your back, but your pants as well.” She teased David as she swam closer to get a better look. “I’ll just need the shirt though while I dry. Maybe we can sneak back in the back way as well, so most don’t see or ask questions.” She laughed amused how this man really didn’t think things through, did that make him hopeless? Eh if so he did it with a charm of sorts.

She leaned back some, allowing herself to just relax and float, enjoying the beauty of the stars before her. “Tell me about you some? Since I can’t really tell you about me in ways.” To explain about herself, she would have to know who she really was after all. “What are things you like? You do? How do you survive being a guppy in the world of the sharks?” At that she suddenly stopped floating to face him a smile of excitement and hope on her face. “Have you ever thought of just escaping it in ways?”

Rosa couldn’t understand his frustration, “Did I upset you?” she asked confusion masking her already quiet voice. His words seemingly made sense but they went against everything she had been taught. “A system has been set up for years upon years and to break it would harm tradition. I have always been told that my wants come second to any males especially once I am married. If you want me to take a job I will, if you want me to stay at home I will. I am well equipped for both lifestyles,” she said a hint of pride in her voice.
Sorry guys, real life is getting busy so I'm going to have to go on hiatus. Sorry!
Chase shook his head "No, you havent offended me, not at all." he said and listening to her words he grew angry, not at her but at her father, or whoever raised her. "You should not have to slave away for sake of some tradition, change can be good and this change is, at one point a tradition is always going to be broken whethere it is you or your great great grandchildren.' Chase was very opinionated on this and hated people that thought otherwise, she wasn't mad at Rosa, she had been taught that way but her father seemed to know about it and ignore it.
Rosa was so frustrated, she was attempting to do right by him and he was not accepting her kindness and respect. He was acting as if he was helping her but in reality she felt seriously confused. “Seeing as this conversation is going nowhere I propose that we postpone it too a later date. Meeting a person and beginning with a frustrating conversation is never pleasant,” she said folding her hands in her lap carefully. Her movements were meticulous almost robotic, everything was restrained to prevent any possibility of mistake.

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