.::.Silverwood's Home for the Engaged.::. RP (Member only)

Sarah raised an eyebrow when he spoke of given it a shot and asking her if she was as well. That was a difficult question, sure she was going to check out who she was engaged too. David was just such a nice guy though, so nice he would probably bore her to death if she ended up with him. That or finally push her to acts of dishonor in which she never thought she would go before. Stepping back a bit more her eyes trailed over him, taken him in. He wasn’t that bad looking after all, a little skinny but that can’t be a totally bad thing. There were other suitors here that ranked other him easily when it came to looks, in fact only two or three that caught her eyes more.

“Tell you what, you start to stand up to me more and we may just work. If you can’t even give me a bit of fire though . . .”Sarah sighed shaken her head at that. “I need someone who can tangle with me in ways, I love the debates the challenges, and it keeps life interesting at times. I need someone who can stand up and tell when I’m wrong WHEN I’m wrong, and manage to live past any wrath that might occur. Not someone who will continue to let me make foolish mistakes because they ‘see no harm in it’.” Her eyes narrowed daring him to protest these request. “If you can’t do that you may as well run away right now, if you aren’t sure you can but are willing to try, good luck, because I can be quite a hand full.”

It was just about then as if her line trigged the attack, that she noticed Conall out of the corner of her eye curl in pain. Slapping her palm to her head, she knew this place was going to be full of idiots and rebels, and some that had a bit of both. One more glance to David she only nodded her head towards Conall as if letting him know she was about to head over that way soon in case he wanted to join her. She left first to head for the bar though.

Getting a cool glass of water for the poor guy no ice she joined the now hurt man’s side holding it out for him. “You probably deserved that.” She said with not a gentle tone in her voice. Sure he probably deserved that . . . but in her eyes it was a bit too much to do to anyone unless you were really desperate to escape. Only to watch Lily run off with another on the random suitors before not being able to hold back a laugh any longer “and here I felt sorry for who got you, now it’s the other way around.”

Whisper wandered around the place looking at the decor, wondering if anyone was around at all. "Maybe I have arrived early..." eyes lowered walking to a chair that overlooked outside she could see outside...nature was everywhere. Home was almost like this so the feeling of anxiety and an unknown presence didn't crawl its way to her mind and body. The cell phone she was given by her Work went off, the only people that had her number was Mother and her agent."hello...yes mother I've arrived but i do not see anyone at all...yes i know I always make you proud..." Never once did she go against mother or anyone for that matter, it was not lady like to protest in such a manner that would make one look bad. Although when she stepped behind the camera a different person would emerge and it felt nice at times.
[MENTION=2337]Snow ducky[/MENTION] - Joker's not on for a few days so I'll throw you Micheal to interact with :)


David nodded at Sarah pleased that they were almost on the same page when she told him to be a little more feisty and generally a little more aggressive before moving to help Conall. He had been hearing that for quite some time and he had never really had a problem with how he was until now. For some reason he especially wanted to impress Sarah and now that she had mentioned it, he was beginning to see some flaws with how meek he was. If he couldn't fight for anything how was he supposed to fight for himself... after all the money that he was so indifferent towards was the only reason that he didn't have to fight. If you wealthy enough people caved to you to suit your demands.

David had no fight in him because he never had to fight. He hated this revelation because he wasn't sure if it had come only because of Sarah. But maybe... she would teach him how to be more of a shark and he could teach her how to be more of a guppy.

Despite this thread of thought David pandered over to the bar and got himself a drink. There would be time in the future and he wasn't going to follow her around like a puppy for the rest of the day. That or she would interpret this as cowardice. Oh well, he was thirsty so he ordered a coke before moving to wander around the rest of the house. He had after all, only seen this room.


Micheal finished his drink and had ordered another when he began to feel his headache from his previous hangover slipping away and finally providing him with some relief. He briefly considered heading back to his spot on the couch when he glanced around the room to find that there weren't many people just milling about just ready to be spoken to although he had chuckled softly to himself when he had watched Conall's unfortunate accident.

So there wasn't much here, but there had to be more than just them... after all he had watched Lily and Chase exit the building. Maybe there were people outside? He wasn't ready to find Amber especially if she was in a sour mood as he suspected that he was.

Micheal walked outside momentarily relishing the weather now that his headache was beginning to dissipate. He spotted someone sitting on a bench (Whisper) by herself.

"Hey!" he called out to her in a friendly voice approaching her although he had yet to realize that she was on the phone.
((aww thankies Aura :3)

"mother yes i understand...The photo shoot went as planned and will be out next month i sent a early copy to you..I know should not reveal my real name i know Yisu is not safe..Bye mother" she looked up from her phone a man was listening she looked shocked,"h-hi there..." puting the phone away to avoid his gaze to see someone else she wasn't ready,"you did not over here my conversation did you?" if anyone found out she was sure that word would spread this was her experience after all Yisu was only her Modeling name derived from her real name she loved to use more.

(didnt know what to say >_< sorry if it punctuation is not good>_>)
Not entirely faking it, Conall looked up at Sarah with his droopy eyes droopier than before. “Is that for me?” he asked in a pitiful little voice, and if anyone wanted to accuse him of playing it up, he’d deny it with a whimper. Taking the glass and gulping some in a strange mix of efficiency and classlessness, Conall let the cup rest over his assaulted region.

“She just has to come to terms with the intensity of her feelings for me,” he answered morosely to Sarah’s apparent genuine concern. “But I’m a patient man.” With no particular subtlety to the intention of his motions, Conall caught her free hand and placed a kiss on the back of her hand, lips cold and wet form the drink, and not dainty and civil like such things were supposed to be. “Your concern touches me, truly. I can see heaven has made inroads to your eyes.”

Sarah couldn’t help sigh as David went off. In truth she preferred backup around someone like Conall. He was just to forward in a creepy way at times. Hoping this time the kick to his treasured gems had cooled him off a bit at least. Her doubts never would stop her from approaching such a man. Back down and they gain power over you in some way after all . . . right? She had to show she was just as strong as him if not stronger.

At the look Conall gave her with the eyes and all, she sighed. Nodding not given any words to answer such a simple question, only watching him hoping the drink helped a touch. When he spoke of the other’s feelings her eyes went to look towards the door. “Is that so? You may need more than just patience with one like that though.”

Easily distracted with thoughts of what else he might need to handle someone as air headed yet want-to-be as Lily he managed her hand without protest. The wetness got such a look of disgust, one in which she may have hid if he didn’t catch her by surprise. It was almost like getting kissed by a small dog in ways. With this realization her eyes widen and she got the cutest smile of excitement. His words of sweetness brushed away by her oh so important realization.

“I figured it out!” She said leaning in closer to study his facial features, even give a small laugh. “Yes, it all makes such perfect sense now.” Not even thinking of it as an insult she stated the idea she thought to be brilliant. “You’re like a pug in many ways!” It fit, he was so ugly he managed some cuteness, and he had this way of affection that was sweet, yet at times it was like he was trying to hump your leg.
Pleased and smiling at her sudden proximity, Conall leaned closer under the guise of paying better attention. Her analogy didn’t draw a blink but a briefly look of contemplation, accompanied by an affected, thoughtful stroke of his chin. “There’s just one problem,” he said solemnly, meeting her eyes with all the intensity of someone delivering a life-altering message. “My face is not shaped right.” He reached up with his free hand and pushed his nose in for illustration. “I have been compared to a noble stallion, though. Can we do that roleplay instead?”

The truth of the incident was it hadn’t been a complimentary horse metaphor, but Conall was accustomed to making the best of things; it just so happened the best of things tended to result in his favor. Observe in his betrothed: she was beautiful even within a roomful of beautiful women. Plus, that much hot pepper could only be good in bed.

Lily let her hair down and her and the curls framed he face perfectly making her look innocent, along with het dress ghat clung to her curves in a ladylike manner. She looked beautiful, she had let out a unlady like snort and walked over to her fiancee gracfully "I have no feelimgs for you, at all" a beeping noise came and she pulled he phone out of her bra tapped on it and went to put it back

When Conall spoke of a problem Sarah couldn’t help but tilt her head slightly out of curiosity. It fit him so well, how could there be a problem? Only to laugh at his comment about his face not being the right shape. Taken in his new look as he pushed his nose. Happy he didn’t take it in a bad way; she didn’t mean it as such. Pugs were well loved after all, at least by some people right? “I see, but a simple nose job could fix that.” She teased, never one to truly suggest surgery . . . although not that it crossed her mind a bit of work on him and he might make it as handsome even.

She allowed his comment about playing the role of a stallion to slide. After all it could have just been her mind putting it in such a light. She had been cruel enough to this boy enough for one night and had gain nothing but kindness in return. It was nice . . . he had somewhat of a brain at least, elegantly twisting things to the light. Of course her thoughts of such were smashed from her as Lily came back with a snort never the less.

At once Sarah pulled back willing just how close she was from Conall, feeling a bit foolish for not noticing before. “You aren’t even going to give him a chance? How much do you even know about this guy?” Sure they had just met that day but hell, Conall could be a good friend in ways sure it may take more talks. He wasn’t stupid and arrogant like most in this room, though. She wanted to go on more, to tell Lily how much of a twit and ***** she was being, but standing up for Conall at all at this point probably wasn’t looking well. “You know he hasn’t said a single bad thing about you yet, despite your vapid cruelness, and here you go putting your foot down. Well if you didn’t want to be here at all then why don’t you just go home?”

David took a thoughtful sip of his drink finally starting to feel more at ease now that he was letting Sarah do her own thing and where he wasn't trying to defend himself albeit in his weak way. He watched her help Conall feeling a slight hint of amusement and of sympathy when Lily kicked him in such a delicate place. At least he hadn't managed to make Sarah do that to him.

He was about to leave to stroll down the hallway when Lily returned. He moved just a little closer a little intrigued to determine what was about to be said. No matter how big of a creep Conall possibly was, surely kicking him had been enough to satisfy her no matter how he acted. The kick had been comparable to a finishing move in Mortal Kombat in his mind.

It almost seemed that she was about to walk right past her when she stopped and told him that she would never be interested in him in such a cold manner that David was actually offended for Conall. He shook his head and suddenly he realized this was as good as any moment that he could have. What Lily had done, while probably honest, had been cold and ruthless and this was the perfect chance for him to try and act more bold to show himself and Sarah that he wasn't completely spineless.

"Hey! Lily right?" he shouted as he bolted after her. He immediately felt himself clam up as he realized what he was about to do, "That was cold. I wouldn't be so picky when it comes to men since on the inside you're a hag." he stopped and although his voice was surprisingly strong, but his hands were trembling. Despite how anxious that ordeal had made him feel it was nice at the same time. It hurt to stand up to someone, but it was necessary. She was used to getting what she wanted and clearly she needed someone to tell her that she was being downright nasty.
Lily turned to Sarah and nodded"I only came herw to give him a chance but flirting with everyone, proposing thg we get married now, just to sleep with eachother, when had made it clear i dont do things that fast , touching my a** andall this in the space of 15 minuted blew it" she said
Wide eyed and attentive, Conall turned his head from speaker to speaker, not unlike how one watches a tennis match. His expression didn’t indicate deeper emotion than surprise and interest, through Lily’s insults and Sarah’s defense and David’s offense—though the attentive person might have seen the fleeting swoop of his gaze.

Seemingly anxious, Connal nibbled his lip for a moment and then eased himself to his feet, angling towards Lily cautiously. “Um, love…your words are slurring a bit,” he pointed out in what was almost a gentle tone. “Do you need to lie down? I can help with that.” Undaunted by the prior experience, he reached out and coiled a lock of her hair around his finger lightly. “Nice dress, though, babe.”


Sarah was truly shocked when David stepped forward. A smile crossed her face and she subconsciously put a hand to her chest as she couldn’t help like the fact he was stepping up to bat already. His words were truly cruel, she had expected him to stand up and defend, but to insult and attack with his words at the same time. Was that a piece of the man that had been locked away for so long?

Slowly she lowered her hand from her chest to walk up behind David and take one of his hands if he allowed. Only to pause realizing how much he was trembling. A soften look as she realized how truly hopeless he must be, but there was something nice about this fact as well. Did this mean he may never get angry with her? Just being accepting despite all her sins and flaws? Oh, if she could get him angry and snap at her even, would that merely prove how much he cared if she managed that? That thought alone got her heart rushing, why was making this man angry such a turn on?

Lily’s words brought her back to reality, a foolish smirk a bit ashamed of what came to mind. “Did you ever think maybe he’s just a big tease?” She glanced over Lily taken the girl’s new look in before sighing. “That even though you’re protesting, here you dress up more as if to taunt him? Perhaps it’s you who has your brain screwed in wrong.” Didn’t the girl get it that some people liked to just joke about like that? That they never really were serious, or at least that’s how Sarah was excusing Conall of such behavior.

It was when Conall stepped forward that Sarah actually silenced a bit, clinging to David some if he allowed. Perhaps she wanted him to be strong so that she didn’t always have to be at times. Watching Conall work his magic she merely pursed her lips. He was worried for this girl, even after all the insults, he was looking after her. What a fool . . . and she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

Lily laughed at sarahs words and said to her "No no Chase, dressed me like this, He loves playing dress ups, I only let him beacuse I do the same to him,it isnt always to his taste although it looks good, I will take your advise though" she sui turning to conell, not removing her hair from his hands "Were you joking? If you act this way, all the time and please don't joke about that stuff, perhaps I will tell you why later, when I trust you more, but I cannot stand jokes like that. We might get along, and thankyou for your consern, I do need to lie down, my oothers definition of decent sleep and mine are allot different." she said, swaying on the spot, and rubbing her eyes with her fists "No sexual jokes please" she added, leaning into him, a little bit
He was still trembling when Sarah took his hand and he felt a little ashamed at how his hands were shaking. He hoped that she didn't notice and he squeezed her hand tightly. He didn't know why Lily's words had upset him so much, he didn't know Conall at all and yet he had verbally assaulted Lily for his benefit. Was this because he was honestly upset over how this man had been treated and he had let a long dormant spark of anger out? Or was he letting Sarah mould him so slightly? He wasn't even willing to discount that he was similar to Conall, he was quite enraptured with Sarah and maybe Lily's rejection of Conall was playing to closely to his fear of rejection from Sarah. Either way he had insulted Lily and aside from his slight tremble it had not hurt him and it felt good to let Lily know how she was acting.

Unfortunately Conall seemed to soften and cave to Lily. He immediately fell back to trying to win her over and David felt a hollow ache in his chest. This was horrible for him to watch. Conall appeared quite willing to let her stomp all over him and the vapid creature probably wouldn't hesitate to do so. It was unnerving to see Conall respond to her in such a way considering her treatment of him and it made David wonder if this was how he would look in a few years, spineless and more than just a little bit pathetic.

Conall at least made him reach the hesitant conclusion that this slight aggression had been his own decision. He didn't want to wind up grovelling at the feet of some girl and this conclusion made him feel that he had not reacted in such a way because that was what Sarah wanted. Reaching this conclusion made David feel a little relief. If his own parents had tried for years to mould him to be more aggressive then how could a girl that he had known for less than an hour do it?

"Honestly? You're letting her walk all over you." he groaned exasperatedly at Conall hoping that he would see just how he was letting her wrap him around her finger.


Micheal had honestly not paying any attention to Whisper's conversation on the phone. He didn't spend much time listening to things that didn't involve him any manner and this proved to be no exception. Instead his eyes swept over the astounding scenery outside. They really pulled out all of the stops trying to impress a bunch of rich kids. Too bad it wasn't anything new to him. He had seen beautiful vistas like these all the time.

"Huh? Oh no, I didn't hear any of that." he responded honestly and with a broad smile he let his hand slip into his dark hair for just a moment, "Your name isn't Amber by any chance is it? I don't see a name-tag and you're definitely pretty enough to be my fiance."
Liking the defense Sarah was taking of him, Conall gave her a bright smile that would probably be considered too warm, and her perception into the tease of her gown didn’t diminish his humor. “Chase can dress you up as long as I get to dress you down.” Having been permitted to toy with her hair, Conall boldly slid his hand around behind her head, as if he were some great romancer in a performance, and to his delight, she leaned into him. “I’ll marry you for money, babe,” Conall murmured to her ear. “But I haven’t spent twenty years minding my mouth, I can’t imagine I’m about to learn it.”

Entirely contrary to his desires, he withdrew his hand from his hold on her, taking half a step back so she could breathe despite the raw masculinity of his presence. “Go to bed, princess, you’re starting to sound drunk.” Playfully and openly, he winked at David’s mutter about submission, but didn’t contradict it. Sometimes there was something to be said for letting a woman lead you by the…belt; sometimes there wasn’t.

Lily gave David a glare and said "You haven't walked in my shoes, and will never, when and if you get to know me you will understand i am no where near perfect and don't attempt to be. In fact i hate pretending to be someone i'm not so please, untill then don't judge me, I have mood swings when I'm tired, ask Chase, he's put up with it for years"

She then turned to Conell and gave him a dead look and said "I relise that, but I'm not kidding, if you want to know how serious this is, again ask Chase, he has knows me better than " she rubbed her eyes and she nodded "Okay, If you need me, get my number from the desk and text me." she said jerking her head towards the snobby from desk women "Or ask Sylvia to get me," she said
Sarah glanced down at his hand as he squeezed hers. It was odd, this boy was a stranger, yet he adapted and took to her so easily. Her eyes lifted back to Lily as she was answered before frowning and shook her head. “It’s still bad that you came dress like you did, knocked probably some sense into the guy in the roughest manner you could think of, and then came out . . . well dress in away most men would probably get hard off of.” She paused at that thought glaring to David, wondering if he was checking Lily out even.

At David’s words about letting Lily walk all over Conall, Sarah merely raised an eyebrow. He was far from one to talk. She dropped his hand at that, if he was feeling that brave he could stand on his own. Here she thought he might needed her strength to break out of that fragile shell of his, but it seemed instead of learning to walk he may just start by running instead.

She couldn’t help smile some when the two started to get along. Hell she felt a bit of pride thinking she might have something to do with it. It was when Conall winked at David though she couldn’t help feel a touch of confusion from it. Glancing back and forth between them, was there something there that only the males got?

When Lily snapped at David, Sarah tired not to smirk, knowing the poor guy wasn’t used to it. The girl used excuses for her behavior, when in Sarah’s eyes there was none. Hell at least Sarah took most her blame fully in ways. Sure she could have worked with better, maybe worse, in different circumstances, but you always had a choice. It was always up to you to deal with what life threw at you in your own way. In the end you either buckle down and fight or give into the easy route. In Sarah’s eyes it seemed Lily had went the path of Rebel and beyond, losing all control of when it was best to use it and when not too.
Lily was going to wait for a reply but decided against it but when Sarah made the remark about her dress again she decided to say some things.

"I know this dress makes me look like a w****, but I didn't come in it I came is sweats and an oversized jumper because that is what I normally wear, I am comfey in it, I don't feel like a whore in it. I let chase choose this simply for the fact he is the only person, that has stayed in my life and put up with me. He is like my brother"

"People handle things in different ways, this is how I handle mine, this the way I was taught to handle mine. If you wanna know what has happened to me fine" nietherHer voice nor mood was angry bit exasperated and tired,that showed in her tone

y dad was like him, flirty. My mum was like me, and pushed that away. My mum fell for my dad, my dad had no interest in her, so all my life I watched her become someone she isn't for him. She's fake now, completely. Turns out my dad did love her, and had a cruel way of showing it. Now he is drunk almost all of the time. He hits on me, my little sister my older sister and has tried to force himself apon us. I understand if you don't like my methods of getting over it, and I do regret kneeing him, It was rash."

she then turned to David remembering overhearing his conversation with Sarah. "Quite honestly I deserved that, you telling me off I mean, and sorry for snapping at you. Sometimes all girls need is to be snapped back to reality. Keep it up." she said

and then turned to Conell "what i ment about acting that way, was is that how you act all the time? think about it, then get back to me.Please don't toy with my feeling, I've had that done enough." Lily then turned to Sarah again "I'm sorry I'm going to go to sleep now, can we continiue this conversation in later? so I don't do anything rash?" she asked and on her way out of the room she whispered to Sarah "Thankyou, for well you know" she said refering to her own and conells change in atitude, that talking too had made her think about her actions "I hope we get on better when I'm more like me, less like the grouch."

Lily walked off to her room and changed into what she was wearing before, save the hoodie and got out a photo frame. It contained her mum, or what used to be and a tear slid down her cheek.
a sigh of relief came to her, to reveal who she was now would prove disastrous. the man standing in front of her was handsome yes this type she could get along with, he reminded her of HIM bringing a smile to herself recalling her beloved she would have to forget....I miss already...her mind was lost in thought as it would always happen hearing his words as a distant echo 'Fiance' brought her back to reality."huh..sorry I was lost in thought sorry.." soft spoken and humble her feelings shown on her face honestly. she stood feeling bashful for spacing out extending her hand her mouth smiled as her eyes seemed to be sad,"I am Miyisuka, strange name I know my mother was obsessed with Japanese culture she gave it to me. Are you Tyler by chance?" realizing his words from before suddenly finding herself red, no one was ever that bold to say such things.
Even if he wasn’t by and large interested in politeness, Conall has been shown by example that there were times that feigning it was worth the confrontation it avoided. Being familiar with brick walls—seeing one every day in the mirror would do that—it wasn’t hard to see the one in Lily, although to his eyes hers was of shoddy masonry and sub quality material, and he didn’t think it had much to do with the weathering. Conall tipped his head in acknowledgement of the apology for injuring him, but didn’t even open his mouth as she went on and on.

Just another woman hitting her stride.

The best part of her walking off was getting to see the complimentary way the dress Chase had chosen hugged her rear. If they did make it to the alter, he might hire the boy to keep picking clothes for his woman. Finally, he rounded on Sarah and David again, and it struck him for the first time—seeing them side by side and standing—that they were in fact a couple. Feeling poetic and not the least bit sensible, Conall couldn’t help thinking the wide set of Sarah’s blue gray eyes would give her a wider scope of events and vision for the future, but David’s closer, narrower brown eyes offered him the insight into the details, the present, the things a forward moving wife like Sarah would miss and trip over.

Grinning at the thought, he hooked his thumbs on his belt lips, saying, “Goodness, that was a lot of hot air blowing around. I bet a Franklin there’s a big, fancy pool out back. Anyone care to cool off with me?” His green eyes slid back and forth between each of them with lazy hope.

Lily sighed and laughed dryly she had managed to blow up on her first day. She ran a hand through her hair and fell back on the bed, covereing her eyes. She remembered her little sister and smiled a little bit, she closed her eyes and remembered when she had first been 'caught' by their dad.

Lily had gone to school, she was fifteen at the time, her mother was away and their father was drunk. Lily came home to her sister screaming and puled their dad off her kicking him. the next day sh asked around and managed to obtain a gun. She taught her five year old sister how to use it and always made sure it was loaded before she went to school. Her sister would always wait by the door. She came home and her sister wasn't there so she cheched her room, sure enough there she was, asleep with the gun clenched in one hand and a teddy in the other.

Lily smiled at the memory and pluged her phone into the wall.
Went camping, but sick today. I'll make a nice post tomorrow I'm just letting you know I haven't bailed out or anything.
(lol I thought I had posted sorry Lilly)

Rosa nodded despite the fact that her fiancé was not there, “The garden sounds wonderful, and I will meet you there whenever you are ready. Um see you then?” she said before closing the phone. “I guess this is it Rella,” she whispered to the small brown and black hound. She swept her ebony bangs to the side out of habit before making her way down the hallway. One of the concierges pointed her towards the garden but only after giving a disdainful look towards her dog. “Be sure to use a doggy bag,” she practically hissed. Rosa simple turned around ignoring her comment and kept walking.

When she reached the garden she realized just how extensive they were. They sea of green and leaves upturned to the sky was only broken up by the pops of color. She noticed the gardeners milling about and once again she longed for a simpler life and job. Rosa did not need or want the froufrou lifestyle her parents had given her, oh no she would be much happier living out on a farm somewhere.
Chase smiled as he saw the gardens he loved the outdoors he sat by a fountan and hummed to himself. He hoped hie fiancee was nice she has souded it but looks can be decieving.

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