.::.Silverwood's Home for the Engaged.::. RP (Member only)

((I'll be on vacation from Monday, August 6th until Tuesday, August 14th with little to no internet connection. Sorry))
“You know what they say about looks, doll,” Conall drawled, leaning more on the back of her chair with his weight firmly settled on the arm. Space invasion was a handy technique in his family. “Who wants a piece of meat with pretty wrapping and rot on the inside, anyway?”

What he had for David in follow up was railroaded over by…well wasn’t she just a cute little thing. Sliding off of Sarah’s chair, he stood several inches taller than Lily and although there wasn’t much space left between them after his movement, he was very proud of not putting his arms around her waist, which is exactly where they wanted to be. “I haven’t insulted a soul in my life and I wouldn’t dream of it, sweetcheeks,” he told her with an impish little smile. “Lily’s such a beautiful name; I just want to bestow it on every beautiful person I meet.”

Hearing David’s little mutter, Conall only tipped his head far enough to give him a little wink, then turned his gaze fully back on his betrothed.

Amber's pale cheeks flushed as he took her hand kissed it gently. She paused and followed behind him as to see what on Earth they had here. She was pleased to see they had a large supply of Diet Pepsi. She asked for that and, smiling, took it from the young bartender. She took a seat at the bar and popped the can open with a flick of her wrist. She supposed the karate lessons she had begged for had really payed off. She crossed her light legs and blinked her eyes "So, Micheal, do you have any...hobbies?" She said the word 'hobbies' with a vey naughty and mischievous way. Like it meant more than just hobbies. She tucked another lock of hair behind her ear to give a chance for her bright, glowing face to show.
When Conall leaned closer to her, speaking to her she frowned deeply. “Are you saying I’m uglier than the lily flower?” She narrowed her eyes, such a woman’s skill to turn around his words. She probably could make anything he said seem bad if she wanted too. Her eyes widen at his next question, wondering if he actually meant that as an insult or a compliment, it was so hard to tell. It seemed she may never get her answer though as one of the females came over announcing herself to be his Lily. She could have him, for all Sarah cared . . . sure Conall was quiet . . . interesting . . . but it was almost scary how curious it made her about him. Knowing it was probably best if she just kept her distant from his type.

Sarah was trying not to laugh at the foolishness of the real Lily alone, grateful for the mood change it caused. Did she know realize what she was doing or saying? She bared no insult to the name outside the fact it was named after a flower. She understood the reason why people would name their children after such. It was just . . . always weird to her in ways as well. Why wouldn’t they just give them a proper name, instead of expecting the child to grow or look like something else in some manner? Course she really couldn’t debate this too much seeing as she herself came from a long line of Sarah’s and knew her family probably expected her first daughter if she had one to be called Sarah as well.

Sarah caught the slight mutter from David and merely raised an eyebrow. Wondering what else ‘more’ did he think he had going for him? Most kids like them were nothing more than snobby brats, and sadly she knew she could count herself as one of them. Slowly she glanced down at her hands with this thought, what else did she really have going for her besides money . . . really? Here of course Sarah wouldn’t see that as standing up and defending them.

If she could, David would feel her fingers lightly tugging at his shirt. Then she held out a hand for him, hoping he would help her up and perhaps away from this all. She now found herself curious about what David meant in his mutter. Plus freedom from the creepy other would be greatly appreciated at the moment. If he took her hand she would lead him away, into a private corner all of their own, not too far to lose sight of Conall and Lily though. No, she was even close enough to listen in if she wished, crushing her curiosity. Her eyes staying on that couple she leaned in to whisper almost as if afraid of being over heard. “What else do you have to offer?”
((Alexina- I find it adorable the way you sort of ask to move my character around. Especially considering how I'm pretty much herding Saben around in Games.))

Micheal smiled once again as Amber followed him to the bar. She got a diet coke and he ordered a screwdriver with equal parts alcohol and orange juice. As long as his bank was loaded this was never considered a problem. Drinking was considered a hobby when the money flowed in the way that his did. Of course, to keep the money he had to marry this girl. So far it seemed as if she was playing straight into his hand... which meant that either she was naive or very similar to how he was. Either way he would play her like an instrument and probably see what the other girls in this house had to offer after. Just because he was here to spend time with his future wife didn't mean that he had to... after all, this marriage was assured.

"I'm really a fan of having fun. Of pretending that you're going to die tomorrow and living life accordingly." he answered leaning just a little closer towards her. This was going to be too easy.


David felt a little stunned when Conall replied in the way that he did. He was also completely caught off-guard to his complete flip after Lily had introduced herself to him. It seemed unexpected and he had anticipated some flippant remark rather than the almost tender answer. Maybe he had been too harsh to judge Conall, and had just assumed that he was ugly on the inside because of a few lewd comments. But Conall had made assumptions too... assuming that his comment was that he had looks to fall back on and not just money.

He didn't want to butt in on Lily and Conall although he was interested to see if this all was a show or if Lily was shallow enough to reject him, but he felt a tug on the corner of his shirt. He barely even noticed it but he glanced over to the source to find that Sarah had done it. Once she noticed that she had got his attention she extended a hand towards him.

Without hesitating or even pausing to think David gripped her hand and allowed her to lead him into a nearby corner. He didn't know what to expect, but he still allowed her to lead him. He usually required more time to think than she had let him so by the time they had stopped had he run through all of the possible reasons for her to isolate him from everyone.

David was about to ask her why she had when she asked him what he had to offer. This is what he had intended when he had said what he had to Conall instead of about his looks. David looked to the ground for a moment before bringing his eyes to Sarah's blue ones, "I don't know if this sounds good to you at all, but I'm real. I can offer you the truth, I can offer you myself as I am. I'm not going to put on any shows to impress you.... which sounds strange right now because everything I'm saying sounds so... rehearsed. But pretty much I can offer you reality. I'm a good guy and I have a personality. I'm not vacant and I'm not here to bend over backwards for my parent's cheque book."
Lily's lips twitched slightly and then she let out a laugh, which soon turned into a fit "You-find-him-beautiful?" she asked between laughs. She kept laughing until she calmed down and stopped. and said to everyone "Sorry, I'm more sarcastic than usual, Mum made me get up early to come here." she said "And i refused to get into what she wanted me to wear." she said grinning at her clothes.

Suddenly her phone wrang

"You don't know how sick you make me" the ringtone blared she held back more laughed before picking it up

"Hello" she said

"Hey, Lily Bug" Chase grinned Lily growled into the phone and said

"Don't call me that Chasy-boo!"

Chase scowled and then laughed. "So, I told my parents." he said

"Yeah? what did they say?" she asked

Chase was silent and then ran up to Lily and hugged her from behind. In reflex she elbowed him and he landed on the ground.

"Oh, chasy-boo" Lily shook her head "I would have though you have learned not to do that by now." she shook her head in mock disappointment.

"Lily-Bug, I can always hope." he grinned getting up.

"Don't call me that!" she said through gritted teeth.

Chase just grinned and poked her stomach "Hey, you call me Chasy boo" he defended

Lily stuck her tongue out at him "So much for a best friend, I thought gay guys make the best best friends" she pouted

Chase laughed and said "Of course we do! It's just you theme song is She's so mean" he grinned back at her and she laughed
Ophelia would shift uncomfortably in the backseat. The leather seats were subpar and rubbed against her exposed flesh most uncomfortably. Surly a longer dress might have avoided such an issue, but it wasn’t her responsibility to make up for the lack of quality. Indeed her parents will learn of their mistake the next time they spoke, if anything just to guilt them some when she was doing the effort of going through the motions of what they asked of her.

But of course she had no intentions of wedding the so called man named Saben Wagner. Hell he wasn’t even legal age yet, just what were her parents expecting of her here? Ophelia rolled her eyes, but of course she knew that they wanted here: they wanted their wild child of a daughter to settle down, to limit her freedoms and tie her to someone that can keep her at bay. All for the sake of the family name.

The fools were paranoid, sure enough Ophelia could be considered wild by their standards, but she was smart enough to keep her name out of the presses. It was merely speculation of the elders in their upper class society that got her into this mess. Alas, Ophelia wore the name Cruor like a badge of honor; it was her namesake and more importantly a name that opened doors. What good would it do for her to tarnish one of her freely gotten tools?

It didn’t matter now; she was stick in this dim place until she could make the other call it off. It should be easy enough figuring the guy out and manipulating him into ending the engagement of his own accord. Once done, Ophelia would hold no blame to his decision, and perhaps her parents would wisen up to not attempting such a crude and outdated practice as arranged marriage.

The Rolls Royce would slow and turn onto a long driveway and Ophelia turned her attention from her thoughts to the estate she would be stuck at for the duration. At least the place looked to have class, but that didn’t lighten her mood, it only gave her one less thing to complain about. The driver’s door snapped shut and Ophelia turned her attention to her driver as he made his way around the car before opening her door to let her out with a bow. Feigning a smile Ophelia would thank him as the man wasn’t just doing his job and brush off the offered hand as she helped herself out of the vehicle. She was far from helpless.

Not caring for the man or his deed of retrieving her luggage and having to find where it belongs she would brush a black ringlet from her face and run her fingers habitually down the matching cocktail dress. The soft and fitted fabric was an odd comfort, but she would take what she could get. As tough as Ophelia may be, she didn’t like the prospective of being housed with so many strangers, worse yet the idea of failure and having to wed one loomed in the back of her head.

Allowing herself only a moment of weakness Ophelia would wear a practiced smile and face held at ease as she entered. Taking in the decor some as she walked down the great hall it was only a matter of time until she would catch sight of the others, quickly avoiding the table with the name tags. This wasn’t kindergarteners dressed for play and fun, this was a war and a dress of this caliber wouldn’t be allotted a sticky substance as if it were otherwise.
((Ok well since the person my character is paired with isn't going to be on, I'm just going to drop this. Someone is welcome to take over my character (Emily) or you can just replace her))
((Aura: It’s just something I picked up over the years. ^.^ This way if you disagree with anything you could change it, and drop the rest of the paragraph like it never happened. If you went along then it follows. It allows post to stay long, but also keeps manners so you don’t risk bunnying.))

When David followed so easily, Sarah started to worry. He seemed like one of those nice guys, and she knew those guys only ended up being hurt in the end. Gaze easily lost for a moment, she couldn’t help wonder if he would always look away when he was thinking over his words. Only for her to step back some when he finally glance back up to catch her eyes again. She had to admire him for at least that . . . for being willing to look her in the eyes despite what the words may be.

His words . . . made her feel like crap. Most of Sarah’s life was an act, the good rich girl with high grades above everyone else. Hating everything she saw in her world around her, but too fearful to change, let alone not knowing where to begin. It was only when she snuck out at night to party and hang that she felt free. Even then though it was an act, dressing down, hiding the fact she was rich. She wasn’t bad and wild like some of her type got, she took things with wisdom and moderation, but . . . hell even she couldn’t tell him what was real about her in ways.

What was worse was HE was probably expecting a responds. Pursing her lips annoyed at not knowing what to say she finally thought of one. “Then I have no clue how you survive in our world.” Truthful, yet harsh, they lived in the world of sharks, one sign of weakness and you were swallowed alive. Here this boy was just screaming to be used, played, and tossed aside in ways. Sarah luckily wasn’t the type to do such things, in fact she felt bad when seeing others do them.

She glanced him over slowly hesitating as his last line finally sunk in. He wasn’t there for show? He wasn’t there for the check book? “Why are you here then?” For all she knew, he could be playing her and she just now realized this fact. He claims such truths and honesty, yet he went along willingly to his parents demands. There had to be SOME reason, unless he just went along willingly with anything that came his way.

Saben hated being dragged to this place, hated that his parents didn’t accept who he was, and hated more that he was pretty much told he had no choice when it came to how his life would be. There he was in the back of the limousine, his parents so disgusted with him they wouldn’t even come to say good bye. This boy had packed more clothes than probably most the females combine. He felt sorry for the poor girl who would marry him; she would never be able to claim true love from him.

In fact it was impossible for any female to claim his heart. A secret he kept well hidden for years. If it wasn’t for that twit of a maid who walked in on him and his last boyfriend, it may have remained a secret for even longer. Of course gossip in a house like his spread like wild fire and the next thing he knew he was arranged to marry some female he never met. Now his parents who couldn’t even get up the courage to face him was shipping him off to some school to meet her.

Sighing as the car arrived he merely glanced longingly out the window. What was he to tell the girl? Maybe nothing, maybe allow her to believe in the marriage. Perhaps he could merely claim to be a-sexual and avoid all awkwardness pass that point. He doubted she would just agree to marry him and each of them keeping separate lives on the side. Being a show for their parents and others but true bliss hidden away for each of them in its own fashion. A deep breath and he opened the car door to exit, ignoring his stuff knowing the servants would handle it properly. Running a hand through his blonde hair, fluffing it a touch he finally headed inside.

The name tags, why couldn’t they just be white . . . why did they have to get the ones with bits of red as well. Red didn’t go with his outfit, and he stayed at the table until his demand of scissors was answered. Once the tool was received, he neatly clipped off the top and bottom of the name tag leaving only the white section with his name. He took great care when placing it on his shirt that it was positioned perfectly.

When that was handled of course he joined the others in the social event. A kind smile on his face as he glanced over the other guest. Sadly he couldn’t help but let his eyes roam to some of the softer looking males. Knowing here he was only allowed to look but never touch broke his heart in some ways. That was a different issue though, at the moment he knew he should find his future wife. Despite this knowledge, Saben found his way to the bar for a ginger ale, avoiding the awkwardness of meeting her for now.
Finally she spotted the front desk where a manager was waiting, “Excuse me I am Rosalind Zinc I am here to check in and receive my…fiancés information,” the word did not exactly roll of the tongue quite yet but hopefully she would get used to it. The crisply dressed woman smiled and with a nod her fingers began to dart across the keyboard. Her nails were painted blood red, the same color as her lipstick and her blonde hair was pulled back in a tight bun secured on the side of her head. She wore a navy suit and white button up with a string pearls, it was also classic but there was no pizzazz or style.

“Here it is, you are engaged to a young man by the name of Chase here is his cellphone number. All of your stuff will be taken to you room, and it is mandatory for you to meet your betrothed within the next hour so I would get straight to that,” the woman said in an all too chipper voice. Rosa give a weak smile and picked up the slip of paper, sighing she made her way over to a brown leather chair and pulled out her phone. “I guess this is it Rella let the games begin,” she whispered to the dog sitting obediently next to her. She dialed the number and waited for her future husband to pick up.
David smiled knowingly, "Actually I think that's probably why we're engaged. My parents wanted a shark to carry on the family name and play with their money, but all that they got was a guppy."

In regards to her last question he was a little more unsure of how to respond. He told himself that he didn't need the money and that he could live happily with nothing more than the shirt on his back and yet here he was... he wanted to please his parents of course, but surely he couldn't be prepared to marry some stranger just to keep them content? Was he that spineless? Maybe.

"I saw no harm in it." he shrugged and that was the most bare that he could lay his motives. He had never struggled or protested because he didn't see how this would hurt him. He had never been in love and was pathetic at relationships. It would also be nice to be around a girl who wasn't trying to entwine herself with his wallet. "My parents fell in love at one of these places... or at least they tell me that."
Chase's phone wrung and as he heard the ringtone he had set for unknown numbers he picked it up, it could be his Fiancee, Rosa, he liked the name. and said "Hey, this is Chase, who's this?" In a polite tone, waiting for an answer with a lopsided grin on his face.
Amber bit into her pale pink lip as he leaned in towards her. She silently contemplated kissing him and her first thought was; Well, we'll be doing a hell of a lot more... And that was when she made the decision to lean in further and kiss him. As the bartender turned to hand her another drink his eyes grew wide and he dropped the soda can in his hand. It seemed to Fall in slow motion and as it hit the floor the can exploded in the faces of the three. Amber pulled back, her hands railing through her now damp hair. She blinked soda from her ice blue eyes and felt the carbonated water stig them. She had never felt such burning before. She wiped her face and sputtered unrecognizable words mostly in French.

Sarah glanced up surprised when he seemed to be along the same line of thoughts as she was. Shark was just how she saw it, but it was nothing she herself wanted to be truly. She did what she had to, to survive in this harsh world of money, looks, and power. When he spoke of being a guppy though she laughed, wondering if that made him worse than the sharks or not. “I don’t want to be a shark though.” She finally gave into honesty shrugging some. “I just want to be free to do what I want, when I want, for the reasons I want to do it.”

Rolling her eyes at herself she glanced back to Conall and Lily before shaken her head. “I promised myself to do my best not to be one of those girls with nothing but air between their ears.” Of course when his answer was a simple ‘I saw no harm in it’ she would give him such a dry look. “So you will do whatever anyone tells you as long as you see no harm in it?” God was he worse than the air head girls who just didn’t know better. Here he seemed to have somewhat of a brain but didn’t feel like using it.

“You’re pathetic” harsh, bold and beautiful, Sarah was able at times to rip people to shreds without trying. “Here I was worried that I would be pushed aside as nothing more than a trophy wife; only to find the one I am to marry would rather not think for himself in any ways.” This was annoying, she liked a bit of fight, of flare, it got her juices going and here she got a mere idiot that could be dragged around on a chain.

She did calm a touch though when he spoke of his parents finding love at a place like this. Her eyes trailing the room looking over the other couples, and sadness filled them. It was hard to find love in this world when you were picking it, let alone when you’re suddenly shoved together with someone. “Please tell me, you at least have that same hope. That it was a slight reason for you to come in hopes of. Although we both know the odds of finding love is slim anywhere let alone here.” She spoke wrong, and she pursued her lips some for doing so. She didn’t know what he knew or not, but for some reason she was already including him in some of her speech.

With an unexpected level of blasé politeness, Conall shifted his weight back and surveyed the pair--his intended and...clearly a friend of some sort--and their incorrigibly childish antics, seemingly forgotten. Well that just wouldn't do. Disregarding the ring of Chasy-boo's phone and his classy answer to the solicitor, Conall slid his feet over the slick floor until he was between the male and the female and slung an arm around each other their shoulders.

"So, threesome?" He offered his most charming smile to Chase. A clatter and a curse made him glance over at the bar where it looked like one of the girls had just dropped a soda on herself, incoherent French tumbling from her mouth. "Don't be jealous, doll; you can join in!"

Amber's icy eyes turned to the man, who happened to be between two others. Fire burned in her eyes as she said in her best French yet, "Je préfère baiser avec un chien, putain homme sale!*" She stood and stomped up the glass-like stairs, her heels clanging distinctly against the bullet proof glass. Amber hurried to her room where a maid was unpacking her things. She stormed past her and entered the bathroom, slamming the white door behind her. She walked over to the gold framed mirror and examined her running makeup. She sighed and turned the knob on the tub faucet. This was not going as she had expected.

*Id rather f*ck a dog, you dirty man whore!
While the phone rang Rosa tried to prevent herself from hyperventilating. She knew that if she were standing she would be pacing back and forth like an idiot; just another reason sitting down was a good idea. When he finally answered it took her a moment to gather her wits and reply. Finally her voice came back to her although the first words quivered in her throat she was able to speak. “This is Rosa Zinc, I was wondering if maybe we could talk?” she asked. Her father had given her strict instruction not to assume that he would want to see her. She was not his top priority seeing as he came from a well off family and she was only to do as he wished.
tChase smiled as he hearf her voice it was beautif even though he didnt swing thar way "Why dont we just meet up?" he asked her in his calm voice wondering why she didnt suggest it in the first place "Are you doing anythig now?" he asked hopefully not chase thought he really wanted to meet her. The only thing he worried about was whn she found out he was gay she would thik less of him. "Im in the home, we could go for a walk?" he sugested
Clicking his tongue at the unassailable preoccupation of this newest bit of eye candy for his personal delight, Conall tipped his gaze back to his betrothed. "I know we're supposed to be here for a while, but I say why procrastinate?" Slipping his arm away from Chase's shoulders, Conall bent abruptly and swung around to fit his shoulder against Lily's abdomen, hooking the arm around her waist.

The next second he stood up straight, the slender girl slung easily over his shoulder. "What d'you say we consummate this thing now and then get on with the boring stuff?"

Rosa was surprised that he was even interested in meeting her. Her father had always shown a severe disinterest in her and her mother unless he felt that had done something wrong, than his anger seemed to be endless. She had learned to prefer those moments when his attention was elsewhere. “Um, that sounds nice where should I meet you?” she asked standing up quickly. Rella mimicked her owner and stood up as well. Rosa handed her handbag over to one of the men taking her luggage up stairs and straightened her top once again.
A car pulled up to the home it was black, tinted windows, very expensive looking. A man got out of the front, he had a suit with sunglasses. "some place this is very cute don't you think?" getting out with a reluctant smile her mother had sent her here to marry even though in her heart she had someone in mind."I can walk from here thank you." lets get this going then...goodbye my love. with a deep breath,Whisper walked up looking around it reminded her of home a bit,"hello?" her attire was basic as to not attract attention to herself, pink country dress with white sandals.
Chase smiled, even though she couln't see "Well, I looked at the gardens and they seem nice, I'll meet you there?" he asked he was hoping that he and his betrothed could be friends, as he was gay they couldn't be more, even if he wasn't they might hate eachother.

Lily had tried to elbow him before he picked her up but there was no space to do so. She started squirming "Put me down, and don't look at my a** thanks" she said and when he had finished that sentance she squirmed even more, a discusted look on her face"Let's not, did you read my jumper? oh and also even after the all that boring stuff, don't expect much." she said mannaging to slide down from his sholder enough to knee him where the sun don't shine.
Huffing a little as her elbow skidded off his collarbone, Conall pattered her backside in mock-affection. “I can think of better things to do than look.” He made the slight miscalculation then of starting to let her down in accordance with her wiggles, which gave her the exact leverage she needed to introduce the wrong part of her anatomy to his groin.

Sucking in a breath to break the tight constriction of pain around his chest, Conall let her fall as she may, curling around his lower body on protective instinct. “My dear,” he wheezed, blinking back watering eyes. “You definitely did that wrong.” Fortunately Sarah’s abandoned chair was close enough for him to fall back on comfortably.

David flinched at her words when she called him pathetic. He was working under the theory that he was spineless, but at least he didn't have thin skin. While he wanted her to like him because it would make life a lot simpler, it wasn't as if he had been personally affronted when she called him pathetic. He wasn't about to begin crying or to go somewhere and sulk although his pride was seriously injured and an insidious thread of thought crossed into his mind... he was coming off as pathetic because he was? He banished that thought hastily, this girl had no bearing on who he was.

However, he had nothing to say in response to this. He wasn't confrontational naturally and he felt that he had nothing to prove to her (maybe himself) so he was about to cut his losses and walk away when his added note about his parents seemed to soften Sarah up.

"I came here willing to give it a shot..." he shrugged and then paused before adding, "That is if you are too. There's not much point in being here otherwise... you seem to actually have a brain which is more than I suspect for some of these girls here."


All it had taken to send Amber away was a soda and an ill-timed comment from that strange guy who seemed to be propositioning anyone nearby to do stuff with him. She stormed away cursing French and Micheal pulled himself away from the bar after ordering another drink. At least it wasn't because of anything he had done, he hadn't messed up anything yet.

He momentarily considered following Amber to comfort her, but he decided against that quickly. He wasn't in the mood to grovel especially considering how receptive she had been to him. He could use this time to get to know someone else maybe. He wasn't married yet anyways. He glanced around before throwing himself onto the couch where he took a large sip of his drink. A lot of the people were talking to their fiances, but he was waiting on the couch for someone who didn't want to speak to them.
Lily landed on the floor, in a not-so-fracfull position, she wasn't mad at Conell for that, she had kneed him after all. She got up a satisfied smirk on her face "No no, I'm sure i did that right." she dusted herself of and rolled her sholders "Although" she started "I could have landed a little better" she glanced at chase who was on the phone and mouthed "Fiancee?"

Chase nodded at Lily and mouthed "Yeah"

Lily mouthed back "You can't meet her in that!"

Chase smirked and mouthed "Fine, but i get too choose a dress for you."

Lily pouted but nodded.

Chase said "I'll meet you there ok? I've got to go change, but i'l be there in a sec, see you" he hung up, exited to get revenge on Lily and said to Conell "We'll be right back" and dragged her to her room, instantly picking out a dress. The dress was white and went to her knee, it had a black ivy patern down the side. He pushed Lily out to where they had been before, once she had finished changing and ran into the gardens.

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