.::.Silverwood's Home for the Engaged.::. RP (Member only)

On August 4th, 2012, Tyler Fletcher arrived at Silverwood's Home for the Engaged. He was looking for a girl named Emily, or his future fiance. As much as he wanted to keep his family's money, but there was a girl back home that he was in love with. So he was not exactly excited to meet his arranged wife.

Nicky Pecci arrived at his for-the-time-being house. He was about to be engaged to a woman named Kiara. To be perfectly honest, Nicky didn't care who he married. As long as he got to keep his father's money, he would marry a man, for God's sake. Well, not really. But still. He didn't know, or really care who this Kiara woman was, but it honestly didn't matter.
Trailing on the heels of two young men who looked shorter than him, Conall Flanagan shoved his hands into his pockets and idled his way up from the gate where he’d been deposited from his family’s limousine. The paving stone were slick, gleaming in the sun but he could tell the lights were on in the house, no doubt to create a welcoming atmosphere.

His parents had been sparse on the details beyond enforcing the fact that he
was going and he would marry this girl even if she was corrosive and ugly as he was, so he wasn’t sure if they were supposed to be shown around, but impatience got the better of him.

“Oi,” he called out lazily. “Am I marrying one of you?” The darker haired one looked slim enough to be a girl from behind, after all.

Nicky turned around and saw a tall boy behind him. This boy had a lazy look about him. "Do I look like a girl to you?" he grinned at the boy. "I'm Nicky. What's your name?"

Tyler turned at the commotion. "And I'm Tyler. How are you?" Tyler didn't really care about the other boy, but felt it was best to be polite. After all, he was representing his family here.
Quirking a brow and making very obvious the full body once over he gave each of them, a smirk twisted Conall’s mouth. “Absolutely you do. A pleasure to meet you, really.” He leaned his weight to one side, looking up at the glossy façade of the mansion, and then back at each.

“Conall Flanagan, anyway. Don’t suppose you’ve seen the chicks yet?”

Nicky shrugged. "No sign of em yet. Who are you with?" Nicky waited for the snarky boy to catch up with him in the hallway.
Emily unloaded her bags and looked up at the house. This was where she was supposed to meet her new fiance, Tyler. She was terribly upset about it. She hated the fact that her parents insisted on marrying her off like giving away some trophy. She let out a sigh as she shouldered one bag and rolled the rest of her luggage behind her. With her luck, Tyler would be some uninterested jerk who wouldn't even try to make this work. Hopefuly she could just marry him, stick around a bit and get divorced. No point in being married to someone you dislike.
Sarah wasn’t really one to date often, her father being more the type to ruin a guy he saw unworthy. The few people she did date it was in secret behind her parents back. Imagine her surprised when she was told she was betrothed to a ‘David Baker’ since she was a child. The rich marrying the rich, the high and mighty keeping their blood pure and the money in their ranks, she knew she should have seen it coming. It was just typical of her father to have set this up.

She had spent days protesting, whining, even pleading against such old fashion nonsense, only for it all to fall on a deaf ear. Upon arriving to her new school she would roll down her window and lower her sunglasses some to look it over. At least it had some style she suppose, not some two bit flea motel. If only she was used to not having the finer things in life, she could easily tell her father then just where to shove it.

Getting out of her car she took only her purse snapping her fingers as if to tell her driver to carry the rest in and up to her room for her. She knew very well that this so called fiancé of hers would find out real fast who would really wear the pants in the family. That was if he had any hopes of enjoying his life with her. Straighten the sunglasses back on her face she would smooth her blue flower dress, it going down to her knees. She was raised to be a good girl after all, or at least to pretend to be. For now though there was nothing else left for her to do but to head inside.
Taking just a moment to tip his head and appreciate the view of the retreating backside, Conall stepped up after him into the open doorway properly, looking up and side to side of the high ceiling, impersonal and tastefully decorated hall that led straight to the back of the house with doorways branching into various rooms. “Home sweet home,” he crowed, sarcasm in his mind though not on his tongue.

Shifting his balance again, he spin on the heel of his polished shoe and looked out at the glorious afternoon, spotting the very thing he had inquired after. “Lark and behold, I spy a female creature,” he declared, slipping one hand out of his pocket to shade his eyes. “I seek a girl-thing named Lily, but you don’t much resemble one,” he said to the approaching young woman, raking his drooping eyes from her neatly arranged hair to her obviously pricey shoes.

Sarah would be greeted by not the most . . . handsome male she ever seen. In fact far from it, his tone, his choice of words even made her wrinkle her nose slightly in disgust. Almost glad her glasses hide the glare she flashed him. “Luck me then.” She would answer with a curt tongue. “My father had enough sense not to name me after a flower.” She needed spend much time with this ‘boy-thing’ if he wasn’t David, and seeing as he was looking for another she figured it was safe to assume.

Truth be told she was feeling sorry for this Lily girl. Perhaps this was just a set up though, show them all some gangly little dweeb them there decent looking mates. Make them feel grateful they weren’t getting some rich overly inbred fool. “You know, if this isn’t some sick gag after all, you may want to call her something else besides ‘some girl-thing’.”
((Alright! I'm finished finally!))

It was a warm evening as she pulled into the drive way of Silverwood. Amber remembered the place frpm her childhood when she accompanied her older sister tp her time at Silverwood. The outside hadn't changed a bit and she was slightly excited about seeing the interior. The driver exited the front and came arpund back, respectfully opening the door for Amber tp step out in her sparkly silver heels. Everything about Amber Alana Glover shouted 'rich girl', from her carefully spiraled hair down to her monogrammed silver pumps. She stalked up the drive, not even pausing at the waiting boys. She remembered from her sister's visit that you just walked in, got your name tag and mingled. The door was unlocked and she twisted the silver knob, the door slipping open to reveal a charming looking young woman in a sparkling red dress. She smiled at Amber and scrolled through her tablet searching for a photo that matched her face. She found it and spoke in a warm voice "Miss Glover, we're pleased to have you." She handed her a red and white adhesive name tag that had her name scrawled upon it. Amber furrowed her perfectly plucked eyebrows and frowned. When did they down grade to adhesive? Shrugging, she carefully smoothed it onto the frpnt of her silken grey dress. Amber knew she was lppking fpr a young man by the name of Michael and she was determined to find and meet her husband to be.


Kiara was not a happy camper as she sat on the soft beige seats in the limo, tan arms crossed over the white blouse her mother had forced her to wear. It was frustrating being forced to marry a man she didn't even know. There were so many thoughts racing through her head that she didn't notice when the family driver opened her door, a grin on his dapper face. She smiled back without much enthusiasm. Travis held put a white gloved hand to her and she took it with her own lightly tanned one. She slipped out, ducking her head as she came through the door. Travis smiled and hugged her "You'll be missed, Madame Ruiz." She pulled back and took the envelope he handed her, sticking it in her blue purse. Her eyes stung with tears at the realization that she would never see the old man again. He tapped the bottom of her chin as he usually did and she smiled a bit wider. She could do this. He shut the door and turned to the already open trunk to begin unloading Kiara's bags. She took a deep breath and began walking up the drive, her ballet flats making no sound on the pavement. She passed several young men and a lady or two as she entered Silverwood. She was greeted by a woman, who handed her an adhesive name tag. Kiara thanked her and slapped it on a bare spot by her heart. She was directed to the living room where she spotted a very snotty looking roaming about in an all silver outfit. Kiara rolled her eyes and plopped dpwn on the cream colored couch. She was lppking fpr a boy by the name of Tyler. She hoped he'd come to her and she wouldn't have to roam around looking for him.
((Kiara is supposed to be with Nicky))

Nicky flipped his hair out of his face as he pinned on his name tag. Where was Kiara. While searching, he got thirsty, and made his way to the bar. "Just a can of coke for now, please." He paid for it and continued his search. Finally, he came across her. "Kiara? Hello, I'm Nicholas. You can call me Nick or Nicky."

Tyler pinned on his nametag and sat down. He was waiting for this Emily girl to come find him. He knew he was lazy, but he didn't really want to meet this woman. For she was not the woman he loved, his beautiful Allison. But Allison was not rich enough for his father. Instead, this Emily girl was meant to be his wife, a fact he did not care for. Hopefully, though, she would be the agreeable sort.
Kiara looked up at the boy in front of her and gave him a grim smile. "Kiara. You can just call me Kia." She sighed and crossed her long legs that were practically uncovered her skirt was so short. She bit the inside of her lip, feeling the back of her snake bites and patted the couch cushion next to her. She gave him a warmer smile as she saw a bit of gentleness in his eyes. The air around her was cool and being in the outfit she was in she was getting the chills. She shivered again and glanced at Nick's jacket. She was silently cursing her mother for choosing such a horridly skimpy outfit. She uncrossed her legs and recrossed them again as she stared at her black ballet flats. Her feet were getting chillier by the minute. She shivered again and brushed her hair out of her chocolate brown eyes.
Emily walked into the main hall and took her nametag. She adhered it to her black tank top. She grinned, remembering the fact that, while her parents had decided to force her into an unwanted marriage, they couldn't force her into more appropriate attire. She was attending Silverwood in a black spaghetti strap tank top, black skinny jeans, black and white converse, and a studded belt, leaving her shaggy red hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. She was here to meet her fiance, but couldn't care less about impressing him. Maybe he'd at least be bearable. She looked around the room until she saw a guy with the Tyler nametag. He was lazing around, not bothering to search for her. Oh, wasn't this going to be fun? She walked over to him, putting her black sunglasses on her head. "Tyler?" she asked, trying to get his attention.

"We're here sir." the limo driver announced in a pleasing calm voice.

"Don't say that Jeeves." he said and swore loudly taking in the extravagant house. His driver was named Alan Smith, but he had always called him as Jeeves, he figured that he had picked it up from a movie. He lurched out of the car stumbling to the pavement where he swore again. His driver Alan appeared at his side offering him a pair of sunglasses which Micheal accepted gratefully.

"I'll be out of here before you know it." he promised his driver shaking his head.

"Yes sir, with your future wife in tow."

"You know that you can really be a jerk Jeeves?"

"Yes sir. Do you want me to carry your bags in?"

"I'm fine." Micheal nodded waving his driver off. He grabbed a large duffel bag and began to roll his other large bag towards the house. Once inside he didn't let the extravagant surroundings sway him as he put his bags to the side to collect his name tag. How crude.

Micheal frowned looking around the building where the others were station staring at the name tags of the girls trying to figure out who exactly he was being forced to marry. He couldn't exactly live the poor life so to keep his family's fortune he'd have to find his... fiance.

"I'm Micheal. I guess I'm your fiance." he spoke striding up to the girl wearing the name tag Amber. From his quick glance around the room he was pleased to note that she was probably one of the prettiest, although all of the girls were quite fetching.



He tugged on the sleeve of his sweater nervously as his driver pulled into the lot. Here he was... about to meet the girl he was to marry. His wife. His tongue felt heavy at the sheer thought. What were they? In the seventeenth century? Some crude nation? They were supposed to be past the age of arranged marriages here. They were supposed to believe in love here. And yet here he was... to be married to a complete stranger. It was absurd. He resented his parents and wondered not for the first time why he was letting them do this to him. He didn't like the money that much, he could stand to have it taken from him... only a sense of obligation held him here. He didn't want to emancipate himself from his family and friends because this was an important event to all of them. To preserve his name and the family's ludicrous bank account.

"Wish me luck." he told his driver hopping out of the car carrying two medium-sized duffel bags.

Once inside he grabbed his name tag and clung to a wall. He tried to pick out 'Sarah' out of the girls without staring too hard at any of them or looking creepy. Eventually he was able to find her and with a sigh he pulled himself away from the wall. He couldn't exactly avoid her... she was going to be his wife.

"Hey, I'm David." he announced extending a hand forward for her to shake.
Lily was sitting inside her slacks and a huge hoodie, she wasn't impressed with this deal and knew she wouldn't get anyone good, but she didn't care, her older sister had been through this and was looking for a way out. They had found a loop-hole already but she didn't like it. more than the marriage. Her barbie doll mother glared at her from where she had been dropped of and she smiled and waved, sweetly. But that wasn't her attitude, no instead of the dresses and thing her mum had packed, her sister helped her smuggle everything she needed to prank. Her long hair was pulled into a messy bun and she had no makeup on. Her hoodie said 'I Hate Manw****s' and went to her mid thigh, she loved it. she sat there as the staff gave her glances of disgust, only one was decent and had to cover up laughs and she imitated their faces, when they weren't looking. This girls name was Sylvia, and being the first one there, she had chosen her as her 'maid' at first Lily downright refused to have one, but Sylvia needed the job and she seemed decent. her stuff was in her room and Sylvia had promised not to tell about her pranks stuff but refused to help her with them, unless it was extream.
With her last sly comment to the first boy who approached her Sarah would life her head and head inside. Only to pause insulted by the red and white sticky name tags. “You have GOT to be kidding me.” Wouldn’t it have been more tasteful to hand out each other’s pictures? She would refuse to place it on her dress, and after much debate the tag ended up on her bag instead. Even then she was far from satisfied and it took ever effort not to just rip it off and toss it to the wayside.

She would find herself a nice seat to sit in, crossing her legs and doing her best not to seem interested in any of the goings on. Perhaps they were all below her, or maybe this was her own way to protest this whole setup. Her eyes did roam a bit though, lingering over a male here and there, wondering about them. She found them not bad looking, at least not all of them, and a few actually caught her eyes. There was this one with the most beautiful eyes and dark hair, she figured she could stare in those eyes all night long if need be. (Nick) Then there was this older looking one, mature, buff, the type that seemed like he could really protect a girl. (Micheal) If one of those were David, perhaps this deal wasn’t that bad of one after all.

She was actually starting to picture the good side of this when she was approached by another. Her eyes filtered up to him, and her smile dropped a bit. Where had he come from? She hadn’t even taken notice of him till now. Such plain features, but he had a few good qualities, and he wasn’t ugly at least. When he held out his hand to merely shake she glanced down to it, was he trying to seem commonly?

“Sarah Jane Elizabeth.” She announced her own name in its entirety before standing and straightens her dress. She had no clue what to say to him, he seemed nice, but she couldn’t let that fool her. Subconsciously a hand of hers actually went up to play with her hair a bit, the only true sign of her nerves. “I would like to announce now I’m not fully agreeing to this arrangement. I also won’t be like one of those simple trophy wives who just sits around and looks good. I have at least equal rights in the marriage if not more. This is more of a business arrangement after all . . . isn’t it?”
David felt awkward approaching her and when Sarah glanced at his extended hand but did not shake it he instead opted to run it through his brown hair with a slightly apprehensive nervous laugh. Already she was sending him the vibe that she wasn't going to make this easy. It didn't seem that somehow all of the pieces would fall together and that this arranged marriage would prove to be a good thing. Not if his feeling was right.

When she opened her mouth and spoke David nodded grimly. In a way he was relieved that Amber wasn't going to lounge around the house all day content to spend money and put on a show like a marionette doll. But he was also disappointed with the clinical and cold way she referred to their marriage... but he supposed that she was right. This was strictly a business arrangement. Maybe he had just gotten his hopes up too high that this could become something real at some point... in their long lives together.

"You're right." he said and glanced up at the high-vaulted ceilings ornately decorated for a moment before glancing back down at her. He stared at her face for a moment realizing that he didn't know what to say to this stranger before he coughed, "I'm..." (where was he going with that?) "glad to meet you. Do you have any hobbies?" He tried not to cringe, it felt and sounded just a little awkward, like a middle school dance. but at least that wasn't the worst thing that he could have said in that moment. He was used to girls doing most of the talking, and he preferred that even if their eyes never left his wallet. They at least tried to make it feel real.
Ever the gentleman, Conall stepped to one side as all the pretty boys and girls trotted past, so focused on their thoughts they barely took the time to acknowledge each other. He was starting to think he’d be the only one getting fun out of this venture. He made faces at their backs and when it seemed the parade was over, tottered in after them, hands still shoved in his pockets before he was stopped by the girl with the name tags. With lopsided grin, he took the name tag and slapped it on his upper thigh, right by the zipper of his pants.

Spotting the girl who had first addressed
(Sarah) him and the oh so subtle mocking contempt she had borne, he made his way over to her chair and propped his hip on the arm, glancing at the boy (David) who addressed her—not nearly as pretty as the first two he had encountered, but just as slim—and then turned his droopy eyes on her with his most charming smile. “Are you sure you don’t want to be Lily? No one would know, I promise.”

The grin he still wore he shared with the other boy and he added, “Or we can add some pep to the business deal and you could be Lily.”

Amber's eyes roamed up and down the young man before her. She smirked and gave a tiny chuckle "I am Amber Alana Glover. You must be Micheal." He was indeed a fine specimen and quite handsome. He was well built too. She patted her curls and gave a bit of a warmer smile to him. She held out a finely manicured hand for him to shake since he apparently didn't seem to want to hold his out. Her eyes roamed the room until her pale blue eyes locked with the darker eyes of another girl. She seemed to be looking Micheal over and Amber gave her a sly look.
Sarah was taken aback by the first words that left David’s mouth after her demands. Blinking quiet surprised, she never expected the guy just to agree with her. Give some fight at least, right? I mean, it’s not like he decided to marry her, he was being forced as well. “I’m right? I mean of course I’m right.” She watched the male stare off, only to try to chat with her in a civil manner. Smiling a touch, it wasn’t what she expected by far. She was expecting him to tell her off, or run off to cancel the marriage or god knows what. It would have been easier if she scared the other off after all right?

When he asked her about her hobbies, she knew he was fishing though, trying to be polite. She wasn’t one of the more chatty girls, well not one to ramble off to strangers at least. Her hobbies tended to be of the more mindless ones as well, entertainment, shows, moves, since that’s where most the magic was in ways. She bit her lower lip as she thought of somewhat of a more educated sounding answer. She couldn’t very well say she loved to sneak out at night and hang out at clubs, just to see what interesting people were out their either. Just as she was about to open her mouth to announce something boring like stocks, or managing things Conall would have joined them.

Mouth staying open due to the shock Conall gave her alone. Closing it after realizing she may actually catch flies that way she turned to the boy with a look of true amazement. “I don’t look like a Lily remember?” She snapped suddenly at the other, grateful for his interruption only due to the fact she was at a lot of what to talk about. “I’m more than sure my parents would know if I started to go by that name.”

It was when the boy addressed David about being Lily that a blush actually crossed her face when she realized what he may have be proposing. Oh this was good, her eyes going to David waiting for him to do the manly thing and protect. Well, whatever men did in situations like this, hoping to god the boy wasn’t foolish enough to agree to such an absurd notion. After all, him being called Lily would be far more an insult than her being called it.
Lily heard all of this and looked at the one ooking ofr her and groaned "He's even more stupider than he looks!" she said, not so quietly, making Sylvia go into another round of giggles. She stood up and walked over smiling sweetly and put her hands on her hips. "I'm Lily, and I don't like it when people use me as an insult, also people insult what seem like decent people, so far, just my luck i get him." she said jerking her head towards Conall. Lily was pretty sure that Sylvia couldn't breath, but continued anyway. "I know how Innocent and harmless my name sounds, but I'm not, say I am in front of anyone and they will laugh." she gave him a glare. She fished out a phone rom hr hoodie and tapped on it then put it back,-.

(Ooc: GUYS GUYS GUYS is this still open? cause if someone else signs up I wanna make the other charictar ok?))
Micheal smiled warmly and he took Alana's hand in his own bringing it up to his lips to kiss it. He knew how to work his way around women and it often didn't take much more than a few bright smiles and kind words for them to fork over their hearts.

"Now if you'll excuse me I've got a wicked hangover and I really need a drink." Or other times he simply became lazy.

His head was pounding and he looked like a loser still wearing his sunglasses indoors to shield himself from the absurd brightness of this house. Besides, it was always good to leave a woman waiting and to leave her on her toes. They always wanted what they couldn't have. And Micheal didn't have any doubts that he looked like someone worth having.

"Care for anything wifey?" he asked after walking a few strides away. He stopped and turned around folding his arms over his broad chest to wait for her response.


David gaped at Conall for a brief moment after his comment and shook his head. He was about to say something in return (what he was going to say was still yet a mystery to even himself) when Conall's future wife came up to them. She told him that she was anything but innocent but he wasn't sure that her words were going to be taken the way that they had been intended. After what Conall had just propositioned with him, he was sure that he was going to take her comment inappropriately. A small part of him was actually a little excited to watch what Conall would have to say.

"At least I have more than my money going for me..." David muttered. It was out of character for him to make such a remark and as a result it was relatively weak compared to what Conall could probably dish out, but it was more to establish himself as a little more than a pushover. He wasn't prepared to let Conall walk all over him or even Sarah.

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