Silly Dungeon Crawling Action:Meikyuu Kingdom

The most important part of the game. Looting shit to fuel expansion and pay off upkeep.

When you almost always have your bag full of stuff you need.
Lunches are shared between everyone but they heal kinda crap until you are able to produce high level ones. But you can eat multiple lunches like 3 times? Before you get the fat status effect which is bad unless you had like all ranged to mitigate the need to move which causes damage..

Anyway for directions you got got right, down, and down-right
They are kinda.

However in the directions I'm listing one is the option to go back to the starting room at like no cost. The other is to go right and enter the center room. And going diagonally down and right leads to another.

Or with coordinates you want to enter b2 or c2?
Not a problem for me. Long live Ride and Firearm.

Aaaand whichever coordinates/pathway leads to more monsters. Which Ninja is sure to know.
yeah decide on wood distribution and everyone who'd be damage heals 1 point and you're no longer need to eat lunch till next end of turn.

You're now a third quarter in the dungeon.
Ay, forgot to loot. 1-4 Prothallium, 5-6 Devil's Tongue.


  1. 1 Wood
  2. Nothing
  3. Nothing
  4. 1 Lunch
  5. 2 Wood
  6. Nothing

Also, since we took some lunch I am back at full health again.
Rolled this for monster impression.

  • [dice]5487[/dice]
  • The monsters stare at you, seeming to appraise your worth. If you increase the Upkeep Cost by 1D6 MG, they become
    Friendly. If you do not, resolve the encounter with Combat.

+1d6 upkeep is really fucking high. I vote we simply kill them.
Also anyone else wants to weigh in on the discussion on whether or not to risk that upkeep boost?

Or should I go ahead and move the encounter along?
Let's just shoot the bastards.

1d6 Upkeep is evil. Killing them and using the carnage for mats is good.

So shall I roll for initiative then?
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Mm, well guess need to see what Spook, Naut and Span would want. Either killing them, or accepting the 1d6 Upkeep Cost added
Gotta murderhobo for mats.

Right so who wants to roll for init? Oh yeah, Spook and Span should say their peace. But hey, 3 outta 5 ain't bad.
I have the worst wits so I'll pass on init.

Fearless Leader should probably give it a go since blum has the highest
When in doubt, go for the tried and true method of turning everything in a dungeon into chunky salsa. It's the safest and least costly method.
When we leave the room.

SO FEARLESS LEADER. Wanna roll for Init?

Think it was uh, one of those ones that just activate and you can't do shit about it?
yeah pool trap is one of those traps that activate once you hit the room and you can deactivate later after combat
I mean I can roll for init, like I did last time, if fearless leader isn't up to it.

Buuuuut, really higher wit better init.

Also how are the monsters organized?

All in range of my Firearm?

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