Silly Dungeon Crawling Action:Meikyuu Kingdom

But they're trapped to deal 1 damage half the time and heal 1d6 the other half.

I'll have to look up pot costs I guess.
5 regeant per pot again not counting making leveled versions which will have astronomically high costs
Right. So for the plant people.

Since we are keeping the formation of Reggie/Winter/Mayo in Frontlines and Dice/Shirona in back.

How close are we, respectively speaking to the Plant Monsters? And want the init for combat in OOC or IC?
yes you're keeping the formation.

you can only change it during camp or like kingdom phase or whatever but not during an encounter.

Also you're in range except for the two in the rear.

I don't care
Anyway roll for init and beat 6

Also your gun is more than good enough to plink them from a distance although, it might be good to shoot in the back first
Of course, considering I am a Glass Cannon, and the only one who could really hurt the ones back there.

Wit check right?

Alright then! Another Prothalium! Sweet, aaand looks like all the monsters moved to vanguard?

And the Current Situation of Spooky Monsters being...


1 Prothalium

1 Devil Tongue



Still all good with my 3 range to hit any of those bastards?

Anyone else wanna roll init for this round, cause pretty sure only one feller needs to do that. Unless it is same one who started out the init rolling for it everytime.

Quick Edit: AH yeah, already representative of the Court for this aren't I for initializing it.
Attack roll, subtracting 1 for the Greatsword ability to increase damage by 1. Convering the 6 into Drive, leaving the roll as a 6.


Damage roll...


And of course, burning the Drive from this roll to use Blade Opera.
Hooray hit the Devil Tongue that I wanted to hit earlier!


And Deed of Arms from earlier for overkill...


And since Devil Tongue is dead, applying the Deed of Arms onto, let's say Right Promathium?
Aaaand mission accomplished! Time for looting! Gonna individual loot all six of 'em. And gonna do it in ordeeeer...

  1. Proth - Nothing
  2. Devil Tongue - Nothing
  3. Proth - 3 Mats from Monster Table (Wood)
  4. Devil Tongue - 1 Mats from Monster Table (Wood)
  5. Proth - Nothing
  6. Proth - 1 Mats from Monster Table (Wood)






5 Wood yay!
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First two are Devil's Tongue, last 4 are Prothallium.


That gives us:

1. Nothing

2. Nothing

3. 3 Materials

4. 1 material

5. 1 material

6. A Lunch

So 5 wood and a lunchbox.
Loot Order:

1-4. Prothallium

5-6. Devil's Tongue






So, in total, two wood and two lunches.
Lunches stack right? Cause we're gonna need it soon. Spooks loot those lunches. I'll eat mine to ward off starvation.

then I got free spot for wood mats, without sacrificing the regents the potions will net us.

Right so we've mucked about in Newbgeon for too long, what ways can we move in this particular room?
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Ah shit right we all have to loot don't we.


Prolathium- 3 wood

Prolathium- 3 wood

Prolathium- lunch

Prolathium- 2 wood

Devil Heart- 2 wood

Devil Heart- 1 wood

11 wood and a lunch.
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