Silence in the Woods

NAME: Fentra Thunderhoof

AGE: 23

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE: Neutral (but leans towards the good side)

POSITION: Shopkeeper, Shaman

SPECIES: Minotaur


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/009a36fb8ad682466e8ba64e28825ca8.jpg.3e3aaca0bc131f7adb7136fa219aaa7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51924" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/009a36fb8ad682466e8ba64e28825ca8.jpg.3e3aaca0bc131f7adb7136fa219aaa7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

POWERS: Light manipulation, increased strength and stamina, healing

WEAKNESSES: Decreased speed, being easy to spot (she's 8 ft tall), temper can cause blind rage and she can become reckless

PERSONALITY: Nice, caring, but has a short temper. She's a bit of a show-off and loves to tell people's futures.




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NAME: Lady Ellarya Swan

AGE: 15

GENDER: Female


POSITION: Last survivor of an ancient family



POWERS: Allure (can seduce practically anything), Shout (a blast of force that will knock everyone back, knocking herself out cold and usually giving headaches and amnesia on awakening. Ability to heal any wound with serious personal damage.

PERSONALITY: Flirtatious, Sometimes dangerous, and she suffers from bouts of amnesia or violent headaches

WEAKNESS: She is a 15 year old girl with nothing to protect herself.

BIO: Her family was destroyed, and she is out for revenge.
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Dracos disguised character "Mioshi Jing"

He is Bad pretending to be good

Fake bio: He was rescued from a abusive family and is an transfer from the Gaurd camps where he was a General but now must take orders like he is a plain soldier

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-18.jpeg.db9f6558cb988ab881a13cf433bb012b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images-18.jpeg.db9f6558cb988ab881a13cf433bb012b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Ellarya said:
NAME: Ellarya Lightbane
AGE: 15

GENDER: Female


POSITION: Last survivor of an ancient family



POWERS: Allure (can seduce practically anything), Shout (a blast of force that will knock everyone back, knocking herself out cold and usually giving headaches and amnesia on awakening.

PERSONALITY: Flirtatious, Sometimes dangerous, and she suffers from bouts of amnesia or violent headaches

WEAKNESS: She is a 15 year old girl with nothing to protect herself.

BIO: Her family was destroyed, and she is out for revenge.
The allure thing, tone it down a bit, ok? Other than that, it's accepted.


JadeWuvsCookies said:
Mine and hers? :o
NAME: Fumo Tony' Kemuri

AGE: 29


ALLIANCE: Personal gain

POSITION: Creature

SPECIES: Enen-ra

APPEARANCE: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2694a559_IconTony.png.12f7ef9e5075c0498ad92f4083e80c94.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52066" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2694a559_IconTony.png.12f7ef9e5075c0498ad92f4083e80c94.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Smoke manipulation - Manipulation of smoke, ash to a great degree, and the heat the creates it to a limited degree.

Regeneration - Due to his race, Fumo can regenerate. While not enough to regrow an arm in an instant, he can keep himself alive far longer than any human.

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3)

Belief - Fumo is tied to belief at his core, due to the nature of his race. A double edged sword, as his belief in himself (along with the belief of others,) greatly effects himself and his abilities.

Holy magic - A weakness inherited from his race. Holy magic discomforts and irritates him. In high doses it can even make him ill. There is said to a be a specific kind of holy magic that he fears above all others, but he has yet to meet a being in this land that has been able to weaponize, or even utilize this.

Water - Due to his powers, water is a rather potent weapon against him. The colder the better, but, much like holy magic, it takes quite a lot of it to do any real harm to him. Water magic bothers him quite a bit.

Mystery of the Bandages - His right arm is wrapped in bandages, covering the skin beneath. Some claim this arm to be false, but none have ever been able to get confirmation on the rumor.

PERSONALITY: A kind hearted, if cynical man. He's driven by his own personal goals, wishing to avoid the conflict of the land and it's people. Fumo isn't above getting involved if it furthers his own agenda however.


Will be added as it's revealed. black blood

0/20 Pieces Currently Revealed.



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As long as your Cs follows the rules :D

NAME: Masao Byrd

AGE: 5

GENDER: male

ALLIANCE:(good or evil) good

POSITION: (if any) youngest son of Lady Byrd


APPEARANCE: (Pic please!)

POWERS: (Limit of 5)

1. can sing at a pitch that only the opponent can hear.

2. can use his voice to cause hallucinations.

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3)

1. if his opponent has any sort of vocal powers, Masao is easily beaten.

2. he's only five, so he's basically easily beaten by a lot of people.

3. if he is angry or upset, the only way to calm him is with his mothers voice. (not really a weakness but whatever cause i couldn't think of anything else.)

PERSONALITY: Masao is very kind and compassionate. he likes everyone that likes his his mom. but if they don't like his mom, well then he has a tendency to give them a private concert, if you know what i mean.

BIO: (optional)
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NAME: Ryla

AGE: 19




SPECIES: Humanoid Lightning Elemental




Lightning Elemental



Super speed: Due to being made of lightning his body is able to move faster.

Lightning Bolts: Ryla is able to create a lightning bolt from his hands and is stronger if he holds metal.

Shattering Voice: Can create a high pitch noise that can make a ringing noise in peoples ears.

Lightning Armour: Causes lightning to surround his body

Morph: Can change form from human to Elemental.

WEAKNESSES: negative energy, wood, blunt weapons

PERSONALITY: Outgoing, energetic when Ryla first meets people he's shy and defensive but over time he will become more friendly.

BIO: Ryla was born from a bolt of lightning hitting a dying ancient tree. Ryla learn to be alone and to fend for himself and lives in the forest in a small cave made from two rocks over a hole near a rock cliff.
NAME: Kioti Harumi

AGE: 17

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE: Undecided

POSITION: 1st Sargent 80th platoon


APPEARANCE: (Pic please!)

POWERS: Nature control, Speed, Sticky hands(can climb vertical surfaces or hold onto something without falling)

WEAKNESSES: Fire, Poison, Demon blades

PERSONALITY: Friendly but can also be tempermental at points

BIO: She joind the gaurd at age 15. She has been alone all her life and she is a tough being to mess with because of it. But... all she wants is a real friend and someone to love
NAME: Zendin Nil Fuath

AGE: 187 ( Looks 30)


ALLIANCE: Good but he is often assumed to be evil due to his powers.

SPECIES: Fomorian (being of chaos)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Fomorian.jpg.87b0261c0a1c0fccb7375622cc1862cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52304" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Fomorian.jpg.87b0261c0a1c0fccb7375622cc1862cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

POWERS: 1:Can manipulate matter in a seemingly random manner. 2: Limited shapeshifting abilities such as human (i.e no gender bending, cannot gain new powers etc) 3: Limited regenerating abilities (can still be killed if taken enough of a beating)

WEAKNESSES: 1: Ice Magic has strong negative effects on him. 2: Unaware of social rules. 3: Unfocused when angry.

PERSONALITY: Hyper and chaotic but with good intentions. He lost his father to a rogue Light Elf yet does not resent all Light Elves as that would be irrational. He is logical and quick minded but struggles to concentrate. Eccentric and does not take being called "crazy" or "insane" as an insult. Often makes jokes that seem offensive or dark but never with harmful intent. Can live for 1000 years and has had a lot of free time.



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I like him!


jakobtatee said:
NAME: Masao Byrd
AGE: 5

GENDER: male

ALLIANCE:(good or evil) good

POSITION: (if any) youngest son of Lady Byrd


APPEARANCE: (Pic please!)

POWERS: (Limit of 5)

1. can sing at a pitch that only the opponent can hear.

2. can use his voice to cause hallucinations.

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3)

1. if his opponent has any sort of vocal powers, Masao is easily beaten.

2. he's only five, so he's basically easily beaten by a lot of people.

3. if he is angry or upset, the only way to calm him is with his mothers voice. (not really a weakness but whatever cause i couldn't think of anything else.)

PERSONALITY: Masao is very kind and compassionate. he likes everyone that likes his his mom. but if they don't like his mom, well then he has a tendency to give them a private concert, if you know what i mean.

BIO: (optional)
Masao is accepted!
NAME: Violet

AGE: She swears she's 18

GENDER: Female




APPEARANCE:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/sample-e66bc2d20fb57efb0c2e17dcbdeb6cb0.jpg.f7b5f2c038200fb850282591ca543466.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/sample-e66bc2d20fb57efb0c2e17dcbdeb6cb0.jpg.f7b5f2c038200fb850282591ca543466.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

POWERS: Manipulation of boundaries.


Boundriless item/concepts.



PERSONALITY: An enigma wrapped into a rubix cube, with a sprinkle of a puzzle. She seems to have little patterns to her actions, acting on a whim to further a plan that spans generations.

BIO: (optional)

Black blood makes wonderful tea~



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Name: Yura

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alliance: Neutral, he's a mercenary

Position: Mercenary

Species: Dark Entity.


Powers: Teleportation every 5 seconds, can manipulate the shadows.

Weaknesses: Fire, Mirrors, and very large rays of light.

Personality: A bit flirty, but only interested in the job. He usually keeps to himself and extremely aggressive.

Bio: ???
NAME: Stella

AGE: 23

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE: Mostly good, just don't make her angry.

POSITION: Gardener

SPECIES: Demon Dryad (A child of a Dryad and Demon.)



POWERS: She can turn into any plant, She can talk to any plant, she can also hide easily in the darkness. She can call upon dark creatures, and make things, as long as they are plants.

WEAKNESSES: Fire, Steel, Little sun, too much water.

PERSONALITY: She's sweet, and Kind, and caring. Though she seems like a perfect person, her background is quite dark. She has an evil side she tries to cover up. But anger is what sets her off in the first place.

BIO: Her father was a demon and her mother was a Dryad. They married and gave birth to Stella. Though her mother and kind and caring, her father brought rage, anger, and suicide to thousands of people in a single village. Her parents split up, and sadly never saw her dad again. Around the time she was 5, her mother had been murdered by her father. Her father wanted her to go with him, however she refused. She ran away from him and grew up by herself. She now lives alone and grows flowers, food, and rare exotic flourish.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]NAME: Stella
AGE: 23

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE: Mostly good, just don't make her angry.

POSITION: Gardener

SPECIES: Demon Dryad (A child of a Dryad and Demon.)



POWERS: She can turn into any plant, She can talk to any plant, she can also hide easily in the darkness. She can call upon dark creatures, and make things, as long as they are plants.

WEAKNESSES: Fire, Steel, Little sun, too much water.

PERSONALITY: She's sweet, and Kind, and caring. Though she seems like a perfect person, her background is quite dark. She has an evil side she tries to cover up. But anger is what sets her off in the first place.

BIO: Her father was a demon and her mother was a Dryad. They married and gave birth to Stella. Though her mother and kind and caring, her father brought rage, anger, and suicide to thousands of people in a single village. Her parents split up, and sadly never saw her dad again. Around the time she was 5, her mother had been murdered by her father. Her father wanted her to go with him, however she refused. She ran away from him and grew up by herself. She now lives alone and grows flowers, food, and rare exotic flourish.

(:3) She's beautiful!

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