Silence in the Woods

Alright, something I forgot.

Every in needs to check the OOC tab for the rules before we start playing!

Yes, we go from there.
Name: Kuro

Age: 5,678

Gender: Male

Alliance: Evil

Position: Evil Master

Species: Ghostmane, they are large black, shadowy creatures with six glowing eyes with several barbs along their backs that have glowing coloured tips. These barbs are very poisonous and even a graze may be fatal, however the barbs become detached from it's back like a bee's stinger once something is wounded by it and a new one will grow in time. Mature ghostmanes have stronger poison and large barbs. Ghostmanes are very rare and most of them have been living for hundreds to thousands of years due to their longevity. There used to be many ghostmanes but they have been hunted to near extinction due to their potent poison and their strong hide and furs, as well as the precious eyes of theirs that will not rot and continue glowing, even after death.

Appearance: In this form, he appears to be a furry humanoid animal with sharp pointed teeth, large ears on his head, and a snout, as well as some other animal-like features. He appears to be a head or two shorter than an average adult human.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.c2db2eb86750cb7e8a7c258abcc3eacc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.c2db2eb86750cb7e8a7c258abcc3eacc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.63401d4e970b57d80ed34482cc9f4591.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.63401d4e970b57d80ed34482cc9f4591.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

True form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.46156cf8ca8f32982bdf7466f1f733ff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50335" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.46156cf8ca8f32982bdf7466f1f733ff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Strong hide and fur protects him from most/some blows but fire and several species may be able to pierce through his tough hide and fur easily.

-Petrification (not turning into stone), when maintaining direct eye contact with another, they will be unable to move, speak, and even breath, however he MUST maintain direct eye contact for this to work. He is quite vulnerable in this state as he pays most of his attention solely on the one he has petrified and even glancing away will allow them to move. (People can have their character blink or be paying attention to something else/distracted/etc. if you don't want your characters temporarily petrified. So it's optional.)

-Extremely agile and swift, as flexible and athletic as a cat. In his true form, despite his agility and speed, his size will still make him a fairly easy target. He can also be very silent, the pads on his feet muffle most of his sounds even when he isn't trying to be sneaky.

-Ghostmane eyes, they allow all ghostmanes to shapeshift into several forms. This is limited and some, like Kuro, can only shift into one other form besides his original, while others can shift into over twenty different forms. This is the primary reason why ghostmanes are hunted because their eyes give any non-Ghostmane holder the ability to shift their forms into the forms the ghostmanes were able to shift into.


-His ghostmane eyes are very limited, only allowing him to change into one other form which makes this power less useful than the rest.

-Though his punches are hard, he is almost nothing without his agility and speed, and mostly relies on it. If he became entangle or slowed down in some way or another, this will render his almost useless.

-Depending on how long he petrified someone, he will have to rest for a certain amount of time, almost paralysed by the side-effects of petrifying something. He doesn't have to rest immediately after using his petrification power, however if he doesn't rest before a certain amount of time has passed, he will feel it's effects coming over him and, like an exhausted person, fall asleep suddenly.

Personality: Clever, mischievous, cruel, selfish, strategic

Bio: TBR

Extra: Kuro's weapon is a buzz-saw shaped blade attached to what looks like a shield strapped onto his left arm that can spin at rapid speed just like abuzz-saw. This weapon is his owninvention, created and perfectedthroughout the many years of his life. It can be used as a shield and is very durable.

Black Blood



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POSITION: (royal guard)



POWERS: can see the week points in anything,can control electricity/lightning,can run extremely fast,can short range teleport

WEAKNESSES:every teleport slows him down (slightly) more and more ,no armor,week when covered in water

PERSONALITY: calm ,collected , smart,kind and trusting

BIO: my family was killed by bandits in the forest when i was young, a member of the royal guard trained me and raised me as a son until he passed leaving me his place in the guard. being one of the top swordsmen in the guard i stand as one of the personal guards of the lady.remains calm in all situations.hates working yet can be persuaded easily. he is known as the wrath of the forest due to his unrelenting attack style when angered .
some powers there dont connect with a human... and your like marth on the angred part. also you may be #1 in the guard but marth surpasses ya. he's always a winner cause he's so cute. xD i wanna say more but eeeh... still, good bio stuff. hope she accepts it! (thank god, another person who uses swords! FINALLY!)
GoldenCharizard4 said:
some powers there dont connect with a human... and your like marth on the angred part. also you may be #1 in the guard but marth surpasses ya. he's always a winner cause he's so cute. xD i wanna say more but eeeh... still, good bio stuff. hope she accepts it! (thank god, another person who uses swords! FINALLY!)
i know some stuff doesnt connect to a human but i wanted to get something from the elf that trained me and i said one of the top swords men. (encase someone said they were no.1 first)
GoldenCharizard4 said:
[that be me! but u can be meh rooval xD u 1 in guard and u get mad when a 5 year old beats you the 1st time saying you let me, the 2nd time you get waay mad then i fake getting hurt the 3rd time and lady byrd yells at you xD im gonna be her adopted son. atm shes finding me in the woods so yea. i dont have plans for this rp at aaall x3]
cheak my stuff above or a page back =3 hope she accepts you!
wait so basically ur saying im the no.1 guard and you beat me first try yeh?
New Character @sitanomoto

NAME: Molly Hasani (Molly 'love')

AGE: Looks 18 but is 40024

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE: Evil (May turn good at some point and stay)


SPECIES: Elf (Can shape shift into different people with a spell)

(Reduce the big horns on top of her head)

POWERS: Shape shifts into people she touches with a potion and an animal she wants with a rare potion)

WEAKNESSES: Fire, aluminum, and human girls

PERSONALITY: Sweet (when she wants to), Tricky, can get into your head easily

BIO: She was born into a happy family, but her horns and sharp teeth made the family give her up. She knows nothing of her past except for her name and age. She lived alone and hated everyone. She loved once but it all ended quickly. She loves animals as well and would never harm one.

Black Blood<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tasty_fantasy_woman_web_face_horn_elf_hd-wallpaper-1504917.jpg.9567b5fa3ffae37014dcbf3d269d3aa2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tasty_fantasy_woman_web_face_horn_elf_hd-wallpaper-1504917.jpg.9567b5fa3ffae37014dcbf3d269d3aa2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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NAME: White Oak

AGE: 20



POSITION: Voice of the Creatures of Present and Past


APPEARENCE: His usual appearance is that of pure white deer the size of a horse and large antlers.

POWERS: -Shape shifting that encumbuses mostly mammals from mammoths to rabbits.

-Size manipulation can increase or decrease his size.

-Minor appearance manipulation such as changing color or the length of fur.

-Has great strength in his legs in normal satyr form.

WEAKNESS: White Oak has a great fear of fire and lightning. Along side this he has a weakness unnatural products such as steel,which gives a burning sensation when touching skin. Otherwise, man made products mess with his senses.

PERSONALITY: White Oak is a kind and careing man when it comes to the animals. He will go out of his way to protect them, as far as fighting off hunters. Occasionally he can be nieve to what the world has in store so he has a natural curiosity. When it comes to women he is quite the flirt and isn't very shy but is wary of males.

BIO: As long as he can remember he has been outside amongst nature and was raised by the deer and the rabbits. They taught him what plants to eat and how to traverse the land. He loved the land in which he grew,the animals and the plants,all of it but man was always there destroying the land or killing a brother or sister. Finally, he confronted a hunter and stopped them from their slaughter. He has been doing the same ever since then.

New Character! @sitanomoto

NAME: Marceline Grayvale

AGE: 27

GENDER: Female


POSITION: Princess of the Fairy Kingdom



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/pregnant_anime_by_jessica_galbreth.jpg.c2b8954e2772ae5b2b1115d3da4ca4fa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50398" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/pregnant_anime_by_jessica_galbreth.jpg.c2b8954e2772ae5b2b1115d3da4ca4fa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Giving Life:
Can restore the life of Dead Plants, Trees and other Wild Life with a simple touch (Doesn't work on People or Animals, sadly)

-Healing: Through Magic, she can heal even the most devastating wounds

-Flying: As a Fairy, she has wings and is able to fly for an extended period of time

-Photographic Memory: She can remember events in perfect detail

-Telekinesis: Ability to influence a physical system without the need of physical interaction


-Energy Consumption:
Whenever she uses her healing powers, uses telekinesis or goes flying, she can sometimes end up using up a lot of her energy, tiring herself out quicker if she does so excessively.

-Pregnancy (Temporary):
With another life growing inside of her, she can only do so much at any given time. Strain is left on her back, and sometimes the aching can spread into her wings. Her stomach has expanded up to twenty times its normal size to accommodate her unborn offspring. Not to mention her raging hormones will sometimes cause her emotions to go out of control...Any negativity designated towards her pregnancy will often make her feel insecure about it.

-Trust Issues:
Because she's been mistreated by many for a majority of her life, it is difficult for her to trust people outside of her Family. She doesn't understand why she was picked on so much, but it could have been because of the simple fact that she is from a Noble Family.

She has a fear of Thunder and Lightning. As a Teenager, she was once struck by Lightning while flying in a Thunderstorm.


Ever since she was a child, her mother taught her how to show sympathy, tenderness and generosity not just to people she already know for so long but also to people she just met or in other words everyone, which results to her friendly nature and easy to get along personality.

-Weak: Although not physically weak but emotionally weak; just one rude comment can make her burst into tears and fall down but she hates this part of herself, often times she would hide this side of herself and only shows it to the people very close around her or more often just bottle it all up inside of her.

-Respectful: Treat her the way that you want to be treated. Be nice to her and she will be nice to you. Simple as that.

-Understanding: Although sometimes she can’t understand her feelings, she’s a professional when understanding others, she can get a person’s feelings and know what to do just by talking to her. This results to her forgiving side too, which sometimes becomes her dilemma ‘cause even of someone did a really bad thing to her, she would forgive him/her easily even before s/he apologizes to her.

-Responsible: Family affects her life the most, they're all she has apparently until that one incident come and she have learnt to become responsible ever since.

-Intelligent: In her spare time, she took the opportunity to read a lot of books and from there she would get to know more than a person going to school knows.

Marceline was born and raised in a Noble Family. So growing up, she always had the best Education available to her. Marceline would grow up into a Kind and Understanding young woman. Sadly, she is often misunderstood by others. Currently, she is expecting her first child with her mate and midwives have predicted a girl, much to her happiness.

(Her Husband is up for grabs if anyone wants to play him)

Black Blood



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wish i was the kid. still im up for the baby as a girl or boy. or i can have my char alex be the father. you can pick. i actully used to ALWAYS rp a baby (a phase yes) so i dont mind being either gender for you @Shimakage Thunder !
xD truuue. if i had 4 slots i have a few evil people i could use buuut i dont. i offered my two slots to be @Shimakage Thunder 's husband and kid in this rp.
NAME: Rose Ulara

AGE: looks around 20

GENDER: female


POSITION: Maid/servant





- Can heal wounds


- When healing, any wounds she heals appear on her own body for a while so she must rest for an hour or two.

she cannot heal herself right away, instead she heals at an accelerated rate.

- She is very naïve.


Rose has a very quiet, friendly personality, but has the same passionate and strongwilled nature as her brother.

BIO: Rose was found at the same time as her brother Isaac, they were both taken in and given jobs, Issac moved up in the ranks because of his determination and skill with weapons but, Rose was happy with where she was.

((Just trying to even out the genders a bit @sitanomoto ))
GoldenCharizard4 said:
(not cool... that pic my gf used for one of our pm rp's! deja vu much?!)
....I'm sorry? o-o;
NAME: White Wolf Queen

AGE: No one knows her real age



White Wolf Queen

Wild Wolf Shifter


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.c2204b2a76daf7736bd73a17b1660ed1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.c2204b2a76daf7736bd73a17b1660ed1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She can talk to all creatures, good or evil, animal or humanoid. She can heal the sick and injured. She canturn creatures to humans and vice versa.

When it comes to the creatures of the forest, she will do anything to keep them safe.

The White Wolf Queen is the guardian of the good creatures of the Forbidden Wood. She is kind, gentle, and caring for all. She is always accompanied by at least one wolf guardian who usually wears a blue crystal collar.


*Black Blood*



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NAME: Roman Thermeze

AGE: speculated to be 3 000(although he looks 23)






(Human form)

(True form)

POWERS: Like all the legendary Fades, can summon the dead and control shadows.


  • Fire
  • He can only summon back dead warriors who died in battle.
  • They have to turn into their true form in order for them to use their necromancy.

PERSONALITY: He is calm, calculating and kind(sometimes). He likes to do some things on his own, believing that he is the only one capable of doing them. Also, he is not very trusting, although he is loyal enough when he gets to know someone.

BIO: He doesn't remember much about his past, all he knows is that he was frozen underground in the Woods for his whole childhood life, although somehow he still grew. He ws released by an explosion in his location 3 000 years ago, and since then he has taken it upon himself to protect the Woods because he believes that he was released for that purpose.

He has traveled a lot and thus knows his surroundings very well.

Black Blood
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