Silence in the Woods

GoldenCharizard4 said:
nice! i would but im waiting for @Shimakage Thunder to say yay or nay to my questions. X3 im such a kid!
Sorry, I took so long, I was sleeping. Anyway, yes, you may take my Character's Spouse, but their child, not so much ^^ I'd like to keep the child for myself, sorry ^^'
GoldenCharizard4 said:
darn! *snaps finger* eh alright! you ever watch fairy tail?
Heard of it, Merchandise for it keeps appearing in my Recommendations on Amazon, otherwise, not really.
NAME: Elvira ShadowDraker

Seems to be around 25, but I'd actually 666,666,665 years old.



Shadow Controller Queen



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/733593-bigthumbnail.jpg.c60e0f4cba8e8d6d3ed57c0031c246f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/733593-bigthumbnail.jpg.c60e0f4cba8e8d6d3ed57c0031c246f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Even though she is the most cruelest of them all, she is marvelously gorgeous. The main reason why she has so many male followers is because she controls them with her beauty.

POWERS: She can manipulate shadows by will. When she touches your shadow, she can form into it and control your movement. When she touches it she can tell what your feelings are and what you are thinking. The only few people she cannot control are the Lady, the King, and The White Wolf Queen.

WEAKNESSES: She mainly does her battles at night. The sun burns her eyes and so if she does come out during the day, she will have to wear a really dark cloak.

She may be beautiful on the outside, but in the inside she is wicked. She doesn't care if your poor, rich, sick, healthy. She only loves one person and that person is most likely not you.

The Shadow Hermit. That what she was known as in her school. When she was young and in grade school, that was when she discovered her powers. She introduced this new gift (or curse) to her classmates, but as soon as she did, they feared her. No body sat at lunch with her and nobody played with her. She planned to run away till a boy named, Luis, arrived at her school. The students warned him about Elvira but he thought her power was amazing. A month later him and Elvira were a couple, they grew up as child hood sweet hearts all though grade school, middle, and high. But when they were 18 and decided to take a walk in the woods, they were attacked by a green Gorgon. The Gorgon found interest in Luis and turned him to stone. Elvira was heartbroken. Suddenly an army of shadow demons rose from the ground and eliminated the Gorgon. A hour later, Elvira woke up on the ground to her love paralized. She spent the whole day crying by his stone body. She then decided to take vengeance on the woods when she was powerful enough. Now she lives in a black wicked castle, in a land where it is always night. She still has Luis's statue in the main hall.


NAME: The Night Reaper

No one knows



The Shadow Controller Queen's Pet

No one knows, not even Elvira


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/3b370622428b5696da2d5d148bed679a.jpg.72a9323e3aadceac374519af402a3043.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/3b370622428b5696da2d5d148bed679a.jpg.72a9323e3aadceac374519af402a3043.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

They say his eyes could paralize you. He can control blue flames (Fun Fact: A blue flame is known as the devil flame)

No one really knows if he has a weakness. But there is a certain woman he has a soft spot for. (It isn't Elvira)

He hardly ever speaks. No one knows if he is as cruel as Elvira or if he has a kind heart. He only comes out when his queen calls for him.



Elvira's castle

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/092e71612728baf19ee5844f77047585.jpg.26cc88eb60846775027939ab49305ab9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/092e71612728baf19ee5844f77047585.jpg.26cc88eb60846775027939ab49305ab9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
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NAME: Drakhon "Drake" The Rogue

AGE: 2060 (looks 25)



POSITION: None( he is a hunter)




Drake's Force: Allows him to release a large force of energy, which creates a sonic boom.

Rogue's Bomb This allows him to charge energy into explosives(i.e. Creating an explosive bubble)


  • His explosives take a time to create.
  • He is vulnerable to exploding himself as well if the explosion is close.
  • Large explosions and energy forces take a lot of energy out of him, as such he doesn't use them regularly.
    PERSONALITY: He is very cold and brutal, although this is sometimes covered by his sinister "joyful" diminour. He doesn't like taking things seriously and sometimes jokes around too much, but he is undoubtedly sinister and loves to kill.
    BIO: Just like all the other Rogues, Drakhon was created for the sole purpose of causing chaos and killing. The Rogues are genetically evolved to kill their targets, and sometimes they have specific people to kill.
    He was created 40 years after Roman appeared out of his ice, and thus it is speculated that Drakhon was created to kill him.
    Rogues always have a companion with them, and Drake's companion is the wolf "EclipseFang", who has super speed and strength.
    Black Blood
Name: Felniir

Age: 70,009,675

Gender: Male

Alliance: Evil

Position: Ice King

Species: Ancient Ice Manipulator, an older version of the ice manipulators. They are scarce and rare, and can withstand extremely low temperatures. They are able to create ice without the need for water and moisture. Many of them have been killed in the last war, 100 years ago, leaving even fewer remaining alive.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.7c2e47651c50ca84b53b6eda537f68a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50553" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.7c2e47651c50ca84b53b6eda537f68a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When travelling through the woods:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.a6f54fa1ced27f4737a82207a7177692.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.a6f54fa1ced27f4737a82207a7177692.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Ice Manipulation, being an ancient, he is able to create ice out of thin air, not requiring water or moisture to create ice like others.

-Stronger ice, Felniir's ice is far stronger and colder than ordinary ice and can even withstand fire for hours without completely melting.

-Weather manipulation, he can change the weather to make it snowy or call down a hailstorm at will, but cannot make it sunny or anything. The changes will stay for a long while unless someone else with weather manipulation changes the wheather.


-Changing the weather takes up vast amounts of energy as stamina and can only be used 2-3 times per two days.

-He lives at the very top of a small, yet still fairly large mountain at the very edge of the woods. The high ground may be considered an advantage but it is not so easy for his to go up and down repeatedly, even with his ice powers.

-He is over-dependent of his powers, constantly relying on his manipulation of ice in all situations. Though he is powerful, he may be at a loss of what to do without his powers, so if something manages to negate his powers so that he cannot use it, he may panic.

Personality: Very cruel, Cold-hearted, and merciless. Many who challenge him end up dying a slow and painful death by freezing and frostbite.

Bio: Felniir once fought along-side Kuro, killing and torturing those that bothered them until they split up three thousand years ago for unknown reasons. He is the one that Kuro trusts the most, and the one that trusts Kuro the most due to their many years of knowing each-other. Before he met Kuro, not much was known about him except that he participated in the great war 100 years ago.


Name: Etheria

Age: 907

Gender: Female

Alliance: Evil

Position: None

Species: Undead, when 'killed', they can regenerate any limb, organ, or even revive themselves 7 times. When they run out of lives, they will die permanently when killed again. This resets every week (aka every seven days.)

Appearance: (form 1 and 2)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.1e6b1ea0e7d4dd6a78745889ad9cca18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.1e6b1ea0e7d4dd6a78745889ad9cca18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


-Higher regeneration of wounds than most humans and species.

-Can revive self and regenerate limbs and organs 7 times until it resets back to 7 after a week has passed.

-Increased strength, endurance, speed, and heightened senses by 6 times that of a normal human's, allowing her to easily fight bare-handed if she needs to.


-Will die permanently when killed again after 7 deaths or regenerated organs and limbs.

-Because of her power she often sacrifices a life or a limb if it seems necessary to her because she will regenerate, causing her to be a more easier target than most undead.

-She can be a coward at times, causing her to make stupid decisions she normally wouldn't make.

Personality: Cunning, Not as cruel or sadistic like most of the evil ones but does find joy in other's suffering, Has trust issues due to several events in the past

Bio: TBR (I'm a bit lazy right now lol @sitanomoto)

@sitanomoto you there?



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NAME: Echo nasille

AGE: (Looks around 22)

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE:(good or evil): Goood

POSITION: (if any) Royal Guard


APPEARANCE: (Pic please!):

POWERS: (Limit of 5)

1. Natural Healing- She can heal herself when around a healthy plant, and she can do the opposite, heal a sick plant when she, herself, is healthy.

2. Fading : The ability to teleport by fading through nature, such as trees and bushes

3. Semi- Flight : The ability to propel oneself through the air. Nymphs seemingly displayed the power of flight through green mist.

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3)

1. Iron

2. Cream (makes her drunk)

3. Lead

PERSONALITY: Echo is a bubbly, cute girl who everyone seems to either pick on, or hang out with. Shes not hated by a lot of people, but she doesn't really mind. Shes an extreme optimist, and though shes most probably the sharpest tool in the shed- shes a great problem solver.

Bio- Echo's mother had passed away when she was born, but Her father was a very respected royal guard before he passed away, and since he was very close to the queen, he asked the queen to simply make Echo a royal guard, in orser to protected.
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Name: Golden

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Alliance: Good

Position: Mage/Alchemist (Also a trader and merchant of medical products)

Species: Wolf Shifter


Powers: Shape shifting from wolf^ to girl/human^ She is mostly seen as a werewolf, for she likes to stay in what she calls her "true form"

Also... Healing, alchemy, magic

Weaknesses: Silver

Personality: She is curious and loves to meet new people. Sometimes her odd way of speaking is hard to understand, but people that hang around her get used to it. She is kind and smart.

BIO: Her parents were killed by hunters when she was just a pup, and she was raised by ravens that named her "Golden" The ravens taught her the art of medicine until she wanted to leave to travel and see new places. Golden now walks among the forests and heals any wounded creature she happens to come across. :3
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A few things.

First: Welcome to RP nation!

Second: the rules are under the Out Of Character Chat tab.

Third: wolf shifter instead of werewolf would be best. I'm going to edit a few things on your post, but it's really minor. Let me know if I've overstepped, ok?

And you need two more weaknesses.
*Is terrible at following directions.*

NAME: Thalia Silverblood the Mouse Mage

AGE: Unknown

GENDER: Female


POSITION: Shopkeeper, Sorceress


APPEARANCE: Thalia sports shoulder length brown hair tied back in a ponytail with amber eyes behind a pair of round spectacles. She typically wears silver and white robes with intricate runes embroidered upon them but when traveling she wears silver dyed riding clothes with a greatcoat dyed black and silver. She always carries a metallic staff with four shimmering crystals magically suspended beneath the T-shaped head of the staff and often seen reclining lazily on top of the staff, when not buzzing around her head, is her companion Go, an egocentric pixie with an attitude.

Picture of Thalia


Picture of Go


POWERS: Generalist with preference to Transmutation and Conjuration. Offensive Magic: Temporal Stasis, Disintegrate, Baleful Polymorph, Fireball, and Maze.

WEAKNESSES: Thal is physically weaker than most and is susceptible to illness, she is also not fond of combat; she would rather flee or avoid it all together. There is an emotional disconnect with Thalia and looks at things logically which makes her the last pick for diplomatic situations.

PERSONALITY: She is a socially awkward, mousy person with a strange paranoia of thieves; her entire home and shop are marked with over a dozen different runes with varying security effects. If unfortunate enough to receive visitors she can be very cold and distant, often ignoring them or giving short, irritated answers. Thalia is difficult to befriend and does not trust easily but when she does her magical services are highly appreciated.


Black Blood
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NAME: Rasputin

AGE: 35,000

GENDER: male

ALLIANCE:(good or evil) evil

POSITION: (if any)

SPECIES: Shadow creature

APPEARANCE: (Pic please!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-29_12-48-33.jpeg.cfd8c65ccaa420e7d8029dda323cec43.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50735" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-29_12-48-33.jpeg.cfd8c65ccaa420e7d8029dda323cec43.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

POWERS: (Limit of 5) Teleportation, can manipulate and control the powers of darkness, regeneration, can hide completely in the shadows, immune to ordinary weapons.

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3) bright lights, magic, magical enhanced items.

PERSONALITY: Loves to kill and cause pain, very curious, has a fear of the light, can easily become enraged.



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Would you be willing to have a God that has been trapped in the form of a cat, and lost most of their powers?
sitanomoto said:
NAME: shaland



POSITION: huntress

SPECIES: elf / wolf shifter

APPEARANCE: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/AnimeElf.jpg.02bb4cf660cbdc41c494876f1dd18c84.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/AnimeElf.jpg.02bb4cf660cbdc41c494876f1dd18c84.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

POWERS: necromancy

WEAKNESSES:fire sea creatures and love

PERSONALITY: shy but has anger issues loves trees and drawing

BIO: her family was murdered by her own father she alone escaped with just a mark on her sholder
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/oss-1.jpg.dd5fb3119fadd756981557f72f989951.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50983" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/oss-1.jpg.dd5fb3119fadd756981557f72f989951.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hmm... I didn't really think about which God.

I guess it could be Bast. I was thinking something along the lines of the God possessing a cat (though transforming into a cat wouldn't really make a difference) and then someone putting a curse on them that traps them there.

I guess it should probably be Bast.

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