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Fantasy Silence in the Woods

The Queen turned to the blonde and said, "I am sorry miss. But I was not informed of your presence." She examined the girl and asked, "May you state who you are if you don't mind me asking?"

Night Reaver looked back at the group and saw a new woman. He stood and slowly walked to the group. He looked at the girl and frowned.
"Who I am, is of little consequence to you. I am simply a wandering soul, looking for the land's queen." She said, giving a light curtsey, her umbrella hanging in the air for a moment as she seemed too bothered to hold it herself. Whoever this woman was, she had a strange air about here.
jack tried to get up but fell back down.

"how did i get here"

Rodwen turned to the woman

"i am this lands queen"

Rodwen did not like the fact she couldn't read her power

she couldnt let the queen be hurt again

Zelkova said:
"Who I am, is of little consequence to you. I am simply a wandering soul, looking for the land's queen." She said, giving a light curtsey, her umbrella hanging in the air for a moment as she seemed too bothered to hold it herself. Whoever this woman was, she had a strange air about here.
((I replied as well ;) , not to bug ya!
The Queen looked over at Rodwen. She didn't know if she should thank her or yell at her. Lady Rodwen didn't know what would happen. The Queen waved her hand to Rodwen behind her back, saying thanks. She turned back to the girl.

Night Reaper frowned at the girl. "What do you need with the land's queen?", he asked. Sure it didn't really involve him, but these people saved him. This was his way of thanking them.
"Oh wonderful~!" She said and smiled. Slowly a feeling would slide up Rodwin's arm. "Unfortunatly, you are also lying to me." She said, then opened her eyes. "Do you feel that? The movement in your arms?" She asked, the feeling extending up from their wrist to their elbow. "I simply wish to speak to the woman."

"Honestly, yeah I kinda did think that."
"Sneaking into a palace is pathetic." She said with a small growl. "Its stupid and idiotic as well. I mean, its a palace. If we snuck in, we would surely be caught." She stated, pushing her hair back. @Zelkova
"you dare belittle me the white wolf queen"

Rodwen smiled

"if you wish to speak with me,you would be wise not to insult me"

"A shame, I was saving this treat for the elvish queen. Oh well~" The woman said, an unimaginable pain shooting up through Rodwin's arm. To say this was debilitating was an understatement of the highest degree. "I know you feel that. That is ever muscle fiber in your arm coming loose and twisting." She said, perfectly cheerful. "They will continue to do so, until your muscles snap the bone in two...or the real queen steps forward."

"I dunno, I've snuck into places they say you couldn't before."
"thats all well and good but unfortunately for you i am the queen and i am also the bane of my sword"

Rodwen smiled at the woman

"ill ask you nicely to deactivate your spell....... or i will"

The Queen looked at Rodwen shocked. She made a face like: 'Just tell her.' Night Reaper's hand erupted in flames and he gritted his teeth. "Thats enough!", he hissed.
"Such a shame...Unless one of you dears are the true queen, I fear this mutt will lose her arm. What a pity~" The woman said and sighed, then looked to Reaper. " Oh do calm yourself dearie...We wouldn't want an...accident to happen to you or the dear mutt here would we?" She said, taking a fan out to cover her mouth and laughing behind it.

"Uh...I'd rather not answer that." He said, a blush spreading across his face.
She looked over at Tony, curiosity spreading through her once again. "Alright, now you've /got/ to tell me." She said with a small laugh. @Zelkova
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Rose clapped her hands together "Ah, you're awake, how are you feeling?" She asked with a small smile as she sat beside him.

@Mr Swiftshots


Isaac had gotten bored of sitting in the background, barely acknowledged, he took himself and the small cat that slept in the hook of his arm back to the castle.

((Sorry I'm just trying to fit my characters in somewhere))
i looked sad. "oh... okie auntie Golden.... it's right. this one can take a few to drink..." i curled around and laid down. my ribs already showed.


i started to wail under the bed becuse i was hungry and wanted to be held, really bad.

(later tonight if i don't resp, tag me in ALL posts related to me. @sitanomoto you get Marth for now and @GoldenWolf you get waylyn. this is so im still in the rp while im gone. c ya!)
Nonalaka said:
Rose clapped her hands together "Ah, you're awake, how are you feeling?" She asked with a small smile as she sat beside him.
@Mr Swiftshots


Isaac had gotten bored of sitting in the background, barely acknowledged, he took himself and the small cat that slept in the hook of his arm back to the castle.

((Sorry I'm just trying to fit my characters in somewhere))
((If you'd like, you can always go look for echo
((Lol okay :'D @xoloveox ))

Isaac places the small cat on a couch and tucks her in so she can sleep in peace, all this carrying around must have been annoying for her he thought to himself. Isaac stood up and gave a stretch and a yawn before making his way outside to look for echo.
Echo stayed on the inside of the woods, before quickly taking Tonys hand and walking him towards the castle. She couldnt help but wonder where Issac was. Hopefully he wasnt in the woods alone. That sould make her paranoid. @Nonalaka @Zelkova
Isaac was walking down the small worn out dirt trail from the castle into the forest. As he wandered along with his hand in his pockets he spotted Echo with that man from before, he began to make his way over "hey Echo" he paused and tilted his head slightly at the twos conjoined hands. "What're you up to?" He asked.

Zendrin had spotted Issac but was unaware of who he was. His lack of social skills made it difficult and he asked "Hey, who are you?" Without realising how rude that sounded

Isaac stared at him with a confused expression "I should be asking you the same thing... regardless, I'm Isaac Ulara, royal guard"


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