Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or not?

Jukashi said:
Avoid edging into any personal antagonism, please.
Me and Shadow have been arguing with each other for a long while. I think he enjoys it as much as I do.
Kyeudo said:
Jukashi said:
Avoid edging into any personal antagonism, please.
Me and Shadow have been arguing with each other for a long while. I think he enjoys it as much as I do.
Not really. Your opinions are about as rubbish as Jeremy Clarkson's, and you stopped reading Misfiled Dreams, so you're not even useful as an "If he's ticked off, I'm doing something right" barometer anymore.

( :) )
Jukashi said:
Of course, a yozi could probably improve on the Jade Prison, if you gave them the blueprints. That would be a good idea, right?
A Twilight occult/craft specialist probably could.

Thus merely requiring you to con one of the targets into designing and building the super weapon.

That can't go wrong can it? 8)

Autocthon could as well, but I suspect he'd see this addressing the symptoms rahter than the problem.
Dahak said:
Jukashi said:
Of course, a yozi could probably improve on the Jade Prison, if you gave them the blueprints. That would be a good idea, right?
A Twilight occult/craft specialist probably could.

Thus merely requiring you to con one of the targets into designing and building the super weapon.

That can't go wrong can it? 8)

Autocthon could as well, but I suspect he'd see this addressing the symptoms rahter than the problem.
So, what's this for again? *looks at plans*

Erm... Bad things, err Abyssals, snakes, pandas shit no! wait, uhh Locust crusade! yes, that'll do.

Oh, ok. Yeah, I can make this better, you just replace this with wait, Pandas?
Thanqol said:
Snakes on a Panda.
Creation is doomed now.
No it's not. Samuel L. Jackson will be along shortly to Exalt as the Unconquered Sun and kick the motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking panda.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Can't sleep.
Sidereals will get me.

Can't eat.

Sidereals will poison me.

Can't move.

Sidereals have put invisible landmines around the bed.

Can't think.

Sidereals will mind control me.

Can't Cook.

Sidereals will eat me.
Ya forgot sumthin'-sumthin'.
krrackknut said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Can't sleep.
Sidereals will get me.

Can't eat.

Sidereals will poison me.

Can't move.

Sidereals have put invisible landmines around the bed.

Can't think.

Sidereals will mind control me.

Can't Cook.

Sidereals will eat me.
Ya forgot sumthin'-sumthin'.
I think you've misattributed a fear about Lunars to Sidereals, there...

I mean, the list of Sidereal abominations, atrocities, horrors and crimes against the natural order is so large it would take all the clerical demons of Malfeas and clerical gods of Yu-Shan to parse and prepare it... But I think that, at least, cannibalising their fellow exalted is not amongst them.

I mean, I'll quite cheerfully assume and attribute the worst up to and including kiddie-diddling (and no, I don't mean "ephebophilliac jailbait", I mean "eight and under",) to the Sidereals, but I think it's safe to presume innocence of actual Exaltophagus...


I mean, kiddie-diddling has got to be a lot less rare a vice than cannibalism, right? Anyone from a culture given to that sort of thing would almost certainly pop as a Lunar, not a Sidereal, I'd presume...

And even if, it's extremely unlikely they ever got into a position to eat an Exalt...

Right :?: :shock:
Well, a Sid did invent Water Spider at least cannibalize other's Essence sometimes, if nothing else...

As for cannibalistic Exalts, we have examples of Solars (Filial Wisdom), Abyssals (Most of them), and Lunars (just about anyone with the right knack, and some without it). I wouldn't be surprised if members of cannibalistic tribes who exalt as Dragonblooded or Sidereals resulted in similar. When you make your Dune People's kind of assumed.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I mean, the list of Sidereal abominations, atrocities, horrors and crimes against the natural order is so large it would take all the clerical demons of Malfeas and clerical gods of Yu-Shan to parse and prepare it... But I think that, at least, cannibalising their fellow exalted is not amongst them.
Only because they haven't yet developed a Martial Art that enables the user to learn the charms of those they eat.
Dahak said:
Only because they haven't yet developed a Martial Art that enables the user to learn the charms of those they eat.
Go read the Martial Arts section of MoEP: Abyssals again. Hungry Ghost Style's pinnacle Charm does just that. Want to master Water Dragon Style in a couple days? Just chow down on a temple full of Immaculates.
Kyeudo said:
Dahak said:
Only because they haven't yet developed a Martial Art that enables the user to learn the charms of those they eat.
Go read the Martial Arts section of MoEP: Abyssals again. Hungry Ghost Style's pinnacle Charm does just that. Want to master Water Dragon Style in a couple days? Just chow down on a temple full of Immaculates.
"At present, no one except Deathlords and Abyssals know Hungry Ghost Style."

"Few deathknights have even learned that Hungry Ghost Style has this secret final technique, which could set its masters to devouring their fellow Abyssals."

The implication is the Sideareals like most Abyssals don't know that charm exists.

And it's a bit limited since it doesn't get round the needing to be able to learn the charm limit for any length of time.

But give them time...
Thanqol said:
Aquillion said:
Ganking Lytek quietly, at least, is not possible. (On top of this, it's impossible to kill a god quietly, as his star will fall from the sky the instant he dies.)
Actually, an Infernal could help you here. Black Mirror Shintai+Loom Snaring Deception.

This particular cure, however, is probably a hobjillion times worse than the disease.
We need 50 Akuma Sidereals, Stat!
Why yes, selling you my soul for ultimate power was all part of my genius plan to keep you locked up forever, my Yozi master. Really. I'm still crazy enough to believe this after I've already doomed all of Creation for the 5th time this week. Isn't it fun being a Sidereal.

Hubris. It's what's for dinner.
Why yes, selling you my soul for ultimate power was all part of my genius plan to keep you locked up forever, my Yozi master. Really. I'm still crazy enough to believe this after I've already doomed all of Creation for the 5th time this week. Isn't it fun being a Sidereal.
Hubris. It's what's for dinner.
Even Malfeas would have a hard time gagging down that much hubris.
Ya know, the fun thing about Akuma is, it doesn't matter what they believed before, or why they sold their souls, because as soon as the Yozis are done, they believe whatever the Yozis want them to believe. That's what makes them so much fun. For example, take a Dragon Blood who is serving as lieutenant for a Solar. Feeling that they are too weak, they turn to the Yozis in order to gain strength, to better serve his Solar. However, the Yozis alter him so that his urge is "Subtly betray your Solar master to the Yozis." And then, the hapless Terrestrial has no choice in the matter.
Aasharu said:
Ya know, the fun thing about Akuma is, it doesn't matter what they believed before, or why they sold their souls, because as soon as the Yozis are done, they believe whatever the Yozis want them to believe. That's what makes them so much fun. For example, take a Dragon Blood who is serving as lieutenant for a Solar. Feeling that they are too weak, they turn to the Yozis in order to gain strength, to better serve his Solar. However, the Yozis alter him so that his urge is "Subtly betray your Solar master to the Yozis." And then, the hapless Terrestrial has no choice in the matter.
I think the point was that with a Sidereal that freaking crazy, it doesn't matter what the Yozis implant - the Siddie will still believe he is proceeding on his original course of action.
Re: Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or no

ShadowDragon8685 said:
krrackknut said:
I mean, the list of Sidereal abominations, atrocities, horrors and crimes against the natural order is so large it would take all the clerical demons of Malfeas and clerical gods of Yu-Shan to parse and prepare it... But I think that, at least, cannibalising their fellow exalted is not amongst them.
I don't have all the books. What outside of the Usurption are they guilty of?
Re: Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or no

brilliantlight said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
krrackknut said:
I mean, the list of Sidereal abominations, atrocities, horrors and crimes against the natural order is so large it would take all the clerical demons of Malfeas and clerical gods of Yu-Shan to parse and prepare it... But I think that, at least, cannibalising their fellow exalted is not amongst them.
I don't have all the books. What outside of the Usurption are they guilty of?
Directly or indirectly, everything following the Usurpation. The Great Contagion, for example, would've been more like the Great Snuffles with Solar Medicine getting up in it's shit. Instead it was only slightly nicer to Creation than the Solanum virus would've been, by which I mean you were looking at the real possibility of an extinction of humanity. The Balorian Crusade as well, since the Solars at the Gates would've kicked the fey in their Wyld Nuts and sent them packing with the Directional Titans.

Oh, and the Reclamation and the Abyssals' crusade to destroy all things. Yeah, no Sidereals, no Usurpation? No that.

All the horrors that raged in the wake of the Solars' disappearance, all the collapsing infrastructure, all the riots, all the people the Terrestrials murdered? Yep, them too.

The Sidereals traded one possible Creation-Damnation Scenario for no less than three. Granted, I can't quite find a way to blame them directly for the Locust Crusade, and I can only blame them for the Contagion and the Crusade's effects, not for causing them. They robbed Creation of it's most powerful defenders. If Chungira the Chungian had shown up in the post-Usurpation world, the Primordials would be back on top.

Sidereals are fucking morons. They're fate-ninja, and blind to things outside Fate. The amount of hubris it took to never conceive that they might not be able to detect and defeat an external threat before it steamrolled Creation is barely-conceivably huge. I think to measure it, I'll have to invent and use the unit "GigaHitlers." They're utterly, cluelessly retarded; morons, babies. They have no business being in charge of Creation, and that's the position they put themselves in. They're the evil vizier who did in the kings and realized he can't control the kingdom on his own, much less effectively fight it's outside enemies.
Re: Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or no

In a way, all the Exalt types now suffer from trying to do everything by themselves. They were designed to be a team.
Re: Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or no

Jukashi said:
In a way, all the Exalt types now suffer from trying to do everything by themselves. They were designed to be a team.
This is true, however, no Exalt type is more equipped to go it alone than the Solars... And none are less equipped to do so than Sidereals.
Re: Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or no

ShadowDragon8685 said:
This is true, however, no Exalt type is more equipped to go it alone than the Solars... And none are less equipped to do so than Sidereals.
I would have said it was more Lunars that are best at going alone. Solars are leaders, so they need followers.
Re: Sidereals: Unstoppable Survival Horror Fate Ninja, or no

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Instead it was only slightly nicer to Creation than the Solanum virus would've been, by which I mean you were looking at the real possibility of an extinction of humanity.
Solanum virus?

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