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Realistic or Modern Shoulda Woulda Coulda

She frowned more and rubbed Henry’s back in large circles, kissing his shoulder repeatedly. “I’ll go call the vet.” She told him quietly, taking Lana to leave him with privacy for a minute then came back and sat with him again. “They’re gonna come pick him up okay?” She murmured, kissing his cheek. “You want me to rearrange the registry appointment for tomorrow?” She asked him quietly.

Ivar frowned more, resting his head back and watching her. “Talk to me.” He mumbled tiredly, feeling like someone was repeatedly slamming a sledgehammer into his spine and closed his eyes.
Henry gave a small nod just staring at Kal unable to say anything. He knew this day would come, but this was still harder than he had anticipated. He took deep breaths leaning into her a bit for comfort.

Max shook her head quietly before letting a few tears fall "There is nothing more I can say..." she whispered
She held him close with Lana until the doorbell rang and she went to answer it, letting them through and waiting for Henry in their living room, taking the moment of quiet as a chance to feed Lana for the morning before she got too fussy.

Ivar frowned watching her carefully and sighed in defeat. This was the last thing he wanted for her. “Alright… I’ll agree to them.” He told her quietly
Henry came out after they had taken him away not able to lift his eyes from the floor "I'm uh...I'm gonna go lay down for a minute. Do you need help with her?" He asked softly

Max looked at him in shock taking his hands in hers "Ivar....really?" She asked softly
She nodded and frowned. “Here, she’s almost finished. If you wait just a minute then you can take her up and she can nap in the Moses basket next to the bed. Have some daddy time.” She told him, standing up carefully while she was burping her and walked over to him. “I love you.” She murmured. “Get some rest.” She told him, passing Lana over.

Ivar just gave her hand a squeeze frowning a bit and watching her. “I love you… I’m not…. Trying to… to hurt you” he told her quietly, well and truly exhausted and still in agony.
Henry took Lana into his arms once she was done eating and made his way to the room. He layed with her next to him all wrapped up in her blankets and smiled softly "My little princess." He whispered

Max frowned softly giving a small nod "I know you aren't baby, I just want you safe." She said softly giving his hand a squeeze "Just rest okay?"
carmen sighed quietly and rest her head back, getting up to go feed Link and frowned at the empty bowl next to his, not wanting to clear it up yet. She stayed down there getting a few bits done for a couple hours then headed up to go lay with Henry, snuggling in behind him.

Ivar frowned some as he kept watching her, trying to get her to lay with him. “I love you.” He mumbled, squeezing her hand.
Henry shifted some looking at Carmen "She looks just like you." He whispered turning his attention back to their daughter.

Max moved to lay with him kissing him gently "I love you too Ivar, so much." She whispered
“I carried her for nine months. I should hope so.” She giggled and kissed his cheek. “I love you and our daughter. Very much.” She murmured softly to him, rubbing his chest gently.

He managed to hum in response before passing out again.
-6 months-

Henry smiled softly as he finished changing Lana while Carmen took a quick shower "There you go Lana Bear, all clean." He said before blowing a raspberry on her stomach. Things had been bliss these last six months for them all. The loss of Kal had been rough but Henry was doing much better now and was excited to soon be taking Lana home to England.

Max sat in the hospital with Ivar smiling softly at him. This was his past check up after his final surgery and she was happy to see him doing better for the time being. She rubbed her growing baby bump sighing happily as she watched him "How are you feeling?"
Carmen came out and smiled tiredly watching the two of them. “Is daddy being silly?” She cooed to her, kissing Henry cheek. “I got the call from Jenny… they want me on Vikings. For the costumes not on the screen.” She smiled at him. “So we’re gonna have to change our plans a little.” She explained to him. He had cut all his acting except for the Witcher for the next few years so that he could enjoy being there while Lana was growing up but carmen hadn’t had that luxury and so now they were just following her job all over the place.

Ivar leaned back in his seat, watching her a little. “Tired. A little concerned about the pain in my back.” He sighed. He knew max seemed to have this idea that for him doing the three surgeries they’d sorted for him before were final for a long time. But Ivar knew better than that at this point and he’d learnt to never get his hopes up that he was ever finally done for a long time.
Henry smiled happily at her giving a small nod "Aw well, I guess another time my dear Lana. I will show you my beautiful home soon enough." He said happily before kissing Carmen's cheek "So costumes eh? You'll have those Vikkng men looking immaculate." He said chuckling as Lana squealed in response "See? Even Lana agrees."

Max frowned softly and gave a small nod "Well hopefully with this check up they'll be able to figure out what it is." She said kissing his hand gently. She knew this wasn't permanent, the pain would eventually come back and never be fully gone. She just hoped this would help elivate it from what it was.
She smiled tiredly and rubbed his back, taking their little girl into her arms for a cuddle, “Well Ireland is close enough.” She pointed out, smiling a little as she went and out Lana down for her nap, coming back to Henry and slipping her arms around him. “I can’t stop feeling like all these good things were having at the moment and all the peace and quiet is just building up to be taken away with something bad.” She frowned, holding onto him tightly

Ivar sighed a little and watched her. “Mmm I love you.” He told her quietly. “Very much… We got lunch at my parents after this don’t forget.” He pointed out.
Henry held her close and frowned softly "Hey don't think like that. Its going to be okay I promise." He murmured kissing her lovingly "I promise its going to be fine."

Max nodded some placing his hand on her bump. They had found out she thankfully wasn't a carrier of the specific gene that caused Ivar's health problems, it took a lot of stress off the both of them. "I love you too, and I do remember thank you very much. I only forgot that one time."
She frowned but just nodded and held onto him tightly, swaying slowly with him in their bedroom while she started calming down, eventually laying with him in bed for a bit.

He smiled tiredly and watched her bump. “Yeah but pregnancy. Rain and all that. You forgot everything yesterday.” He chuckled.
Max opened her mouth to retort but had nothing to say so she just stuck her tongue out at him instead "Oh shush you love me."

Henry layed with her once she was calmed enough and smiled softly "So I guess we need to find a place in Ireland now?"
She nodded, tracing patterns on his chest tiredly. “I just need to get details on where the set is gonna be before we work out where we’re gonna live.” She told him.

Ivar smiled a little, getting up when they called his name and made his way back there with her to go through the check up quickly and finally get over to his family’s for lunch straight after, starting to get really hungry
Henry gave a small nod holding her gently running his fingers through her hair "Alright well just let me know beautiful." He said happily

Max helped him the best she could once they got to his parents house. She smiled happily at Aslaug giving her a quick head before getting Ivar say down
-3 years-
Lana was busy running around the place at the set of Vikings, picking up leaves everywhere she found one and finally ran back over to her Dad giggling "Daddy I got more!" She squealed happily as he lifted her up, cuddling into him and keeping a hold on her leaves, "Daddy we go get mama and go get food? I hungy." She told him quietly, giving him the same pout she'd mastered from her mother

Ivar thanked her quietly, running a hand through his hair when she brought him a drink, sighing some. Every time she did something like this for him and the more pregnant she got, the more it frustrated him that he couldn't have her off her feet the whole time and taking better care of her. "Hvitserk... Why haven't you emailed me the dates for the meetings with Oleg?" He questioned his brother as he walked in the door.
Henry smiled widely when he saw his little girl run over to him. He picked her up looking over her leaves smiling more "Oh wow baby they're beautiful!" He said happily kissing her cheek gently. He gave a playful glare "You're hungry huh? Hmm well I guess we can get Mommy if you give me a kiss right here." He said before pointing to his cheek

Hvitserk rolled his eyes at him shaking his head some "I sent them earlier today Ivar, no business at family lunch." He mumbled before sitting down and smiled giving a quick kiss on the head "Hey Maxxie."
She squealed happily and pressed one of her wet leaves against his cheek. “No daddy!” She giggled but still cuddled into him.

Carmen was making her way over to them, worn out since being at work from three in the morning but smiled at her little family. “There’s my little nuggets… we ready to go get lunch?” She asked them. Her and Henry had argued the previous night. Their first row in a long time and she was a little tense about everything still

Ivar just rolled his eyes and leaned back, pulling his phone out to check it then nodded. “Fine. But it shouldn’t have taken you three weeks to send those over.” He muttered, getting up and heading into the kitchen to go see his mother.
Henry gasped softly but smiled happily at his daughter "Well would you look who it is?! Say Mommy we were just about to come find you." He said sweetly. Their fight hadn't peft his mind all day and he just hoped they could talk it out here soon.

Max kissed Ivar's cheek shaking her head some "Okay no more work, you can get onto him more once we're done here." She murmured happily before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
Carmen smiled and watched Lana wriggle to get down. “Baby go say hi to Alex real quick alright?” She told her and sent her to find one of the cast members before looking up at Genry. “I don’t wanna fight. Especially not in front of her…. We can talk later but right now… let’s just forget about it.” She told him, slipping her arms around his neck tightly “why have you got mud on your face?” She smiled a little, wiping it off.

He grumbled at her and just leaned back once he got back from the kitchen. “Why do o still agree to come to these things? I never have a good time.” He muttered.
Henry instinctively wrapped his arms around her and gave a small nod "I don't want to fight either." He whispered before chuckling softly when she wiped the mud off his face "Because you daughter has decided she is a leaf collector now and instead of giving me a kiss she put a wet, muddy leaf on my face." He explained before laughing some.

Max gave another small laugh before leaning in close to him "Because deep in that heart you have, you do still care for your family. Especially your mother and Hvitserk." She murmured in his ear
He rolled his eyes and glanced over at her "You do like to put words in my mouth." He muttered, shaking his head a little and followed her out to the dining room once food was ready, sighing heavily as Sigurd pulled his chair out too far at the last second like he enjoyed doing "You're a fucking child you snake." He snapped at him, getting up off the floor carefully.

Carmen giggled and licked her thumb, geting the last bit off, "I dunno, I think that part comes from you." She told him, glancing edown at the large pile of leaves he had in his hand now "You reckon we can leave them somewhere so she's not bringing bugs in the house?" She asked him, grimacing a little, "Its like she tried to find the filthy on- Hey sweetie, you ready to go?" She asked her, taking Lana's hand and walking with her towards the car

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