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Realistic or Modern Shoulda Woulda Coulda

Max glared at Sigurd as he pulled Ivar's chair "You should be so lucky that I am pregnant...or else I'd punch you in that smug face of yours." She hissed to him before helping Ivar into his chair

Henry chuckled some "Yeah I think that shouldn't be a problem." He murmured quickly shutting his mouth when Lana came running up to them lollipop in hans "And who gave you that little miss?" He questioned smiling happily and watching her
Carmen smiled and shook her head. “Alex. He’s been sucking on them all day.” She told him, lifting Lana up and carrying her to the car. “Where we gonna go get lunch then?” She asked, yawning bug and ready for a nap.

He just grumbled the whole time he was sat there, ignoring the way even Ubbe was getting annoyed with him until they were finally able to leave and he was taking max home, keeping her close in the back of the car. “I have meetings tomorrow all day. If I tell you to go stay in our room… don’t question. Just do. Please… for you not me.” He told her seriously
Henry chuckled a bit following her to the car "Hmmm well definitely somewhere with Chicken nuggets, Lana requested them." He said smiling some as he got into the driver's side.

Max cuddled him softly and rubbed his chest gently "Alright, just be careful okay?" She murmured kissing him gently before wincing some "Ah...looks like your child is awake and in a kicking mood."
She rolled her eyes a little. “Lana tomorrow night you are gonna stay with Kathryn and me and daddy are gonna go get some adult time.” She smiled, buckling her in. “Cause if we go to one more restaurant with chicken nuggets… I think I’m gonna lose it.” She sighed a little, getting in the passenger seat, leaning back and yawning some. “Wake me up when we get there.” She told him quietly.

Ivar frowned some, staring out the window while he continued to rub her bump gently, thinking about the meetings tomorrow more than anything
Henry chuckled a bit and smiled more at her "Make sure to pick somewhere real nice for tomorrow alright? I want to spoil you." He said softly before he started to drive off

Max started to drift off on their ride home just thinking of their future. She woke up when the car came to an abrupt stop frowning a bit "Whats going on?"
She sat through lunch with them after that and finally got home to the house they were renting, getting Lana down for a nap before going to lay on the couch with Henry, wrapping her arms around him tightly. “The reason I don’t want another kid til you’re done with the Witcher is that I want to be the one not working next time. I’m missing everything Henry. I’m missing her steps and her first word and her first day of school.. I wanna be there for the firsts next time.” She explained calmly.

Ivar frowned some and kissed her head. “Traffic jam. Go back to sleep alright?” He murmured, holding her close and just appreciating the quiet in the back of their car with her, resting his head back exhaustedly, feeling a migraine coming on
Henry wrapped his arms around her sighing heavily. He kept her close giving a small nod "I get that....I just...I want her to have siblings, and I don't want to wait so long that she'll be so much older than them that it'll be like the child is a single child again." He said quietly

Max gave a small nod cuddling up close to him again. She kissed his cheek gently before she started to fall asleep again
She frowned a little. “I also… I only just got my body back. I’m not ready to ruin it for a baby again.” She told him quietly “so I’m not saying no I’m saying not yet.” She told him quietly, resting her head against his shoulder.

Ivar sighed quietly and rest his head back, waiting tik they eventually got home and woke her up, getting her inside and up to bed with her, exhausted.
Henry gave a heavy sigh and nodded a bit at her "Alright, I can live with that." He murmured kissing the top of her head gently "If its worth anything, I thought you were absolutely gorgeous pregnant and post pregnancy." He said sweetly

Max was whiney the entire evening and next day. She was feeling beyond run down and didn't want to move at all. He was currently in a meeting but something was off, she could tell it. She frowned as she got up and felt pain course through her causing her to fall to the ground "Ivar! Ivar!" She yelled hoping he would come to her
She smiled and cupped his face. “I love you.” She told him quietly, squishing his cheeks and giggling. “We’re gonna go to the Soho House restaurant tomorrow night. Got us reservations already “ she told him quietly, getting up to go get a drink.

Ivar had been stressing over this meeting, not quite trusting this guy and what his motives were for the proposals he was making. It was why he wanted Max to stay away but she couldn’t have been more disruptive if she tried and by the time the guy had left Ivar was furious, heading back to their room. “Have you got any idea how stupid you were? “ he yelled at her until he walked in fully and saw her sitting on the floor in what looked like a puddle, taking a moment before it clicked that her water had broken.
Henry smiled and chuckled a bit "Well you let me know what suit you want me in." He murmured sitting up a bit and watching her go to the small kitchen

Max whimpered as he didn't come up calling for him again starting to feel more pain. She looked at him crying as he came into the room "Ivar...something is wrong.." she whimpered trying to breathe through the pain.
She smiled and shook her head. “Just a nice shirt babe. It’s not that fancy.” She pointed out and came back out to him, straddling his lap, “I love that she got your eyes.” She murmured, pecking his lips before moving to snuggle again, letting him put whatever he wanted on the tv and she started drifting off. “Can you walk Link a little later? I’ll start dinner once you go.” She promised.

He nodded and moved to be as close to her as possible, pulling a chair over near her and sat down. “Shh, calm for me okay? I’m gonna call for an ambulance but you gotta calm down, it will only make it worse to panic. I’m right here sweetheart.” He coaxed gently, taking her hand while he called 911.
Henry nodded smiling happily "Will do." He said sweetly before letting her drift off. It was about another hour before Link came padding into the room with Lana shaking the two of them awake "Huh? Oh hello princess." He murmured softly

Max whimpered before nodding and taking deep breaths to stay calm "I'm sorry...I'm sorry if I disrupted your meeting." She said to him as he got off of the phone.
Lana giggled as she got up on the couch cuddling into her dad. “Daddy can I go on links walk with you?” She asked him giggling still as link was desperately trying to get on the couch and find himself some space.

Ivar shook his head. “Shh, don’t worry about that right now. We’ll talk later okay?” He coaxed gently. “They will be here in fifteen minutes just try to stay calm okay?” He murmured, getting her some water.
Henry smiled sweetly at her before helping Link onto the couch for cuddles as well "No baby its getting late, I'm going to do a quick one tonight. Tomorrow though okay? I promise." He murmured sticking his pinky out to promise her.

Max nodded softly closing her eyes tight "They're two months early Ivar..." she said quietly before crying out as a particularly painful contraction hit her.
She pouted but nodded and gave him a hug before watching him get ready and leave to walk the dog, waking her mom up after a few more minutes and followed her to the kitchen to watch her make dinner.

Carmen yawned a bit while she got the spaghetti started and glanced over at Lana. “What time did your father leave for the walk?” She asked her

Ivar nodded “I know my love but you can’t worry about that right now.” He murmured calling to the paramedics once they were in the house, getting them upstairs and just stayed close by
Lana looked at her mom and frowned going to the clock "The line was at the top." She said meaning he left at 6 on the dot. She pointed at it for her to see "He said he go on quick walk."

Max nodded softly and talked to the paramedics as they arrived. Once they knew she was stable they immediately took her to the ambulance on a gurney.
She frowned some and shook her head a bit "Alright baby go wash your hands like we practiced then dinner will be five minutes okay?" She told her gently, kissing her head and picked up her cell to call Henry, chewing on her lip a little when it rang for ages before going to voicemail but she hadn't heard his phone in the house and he was always good about taking it with him these days. She left it after that and called him back once Lana was done with her hands, starting to get worried when it went to voicemail again.

Ivar waved for them to go, assuring her he was right behind her but they didn't have room for him in the back anyway and he called Hvitserk to come and give him a ride, feeling the stress start to eat. away at him a little now the more he thought about the situation they were in and especially now that Max was being looked after by the medics and he could show his worry
Lana frowned when she came back in hearing scratching at the door "Mommy? Mommy scary door! Monster!" She cried pointing at their front door thinking it was a scary monster or someone bad.

Hvitserk showed up about 10 minutes later frowning as he helped Ivar in "Shit dude do they know what could have happened to cause her water to break?"
Carmen frowned, heading for the door and getting Lana to wait in the kitchen, frowning when she heard whining and opened it to find Link on his own with his leash running inside. “Well I worked out why daddy isn’t picking up his pho-“ she cut herself off then when she noticed that he was covered in blood and trailing it into the house, feeling her stomach drop, more so when it became clear that the blood wasn’t his. She was grabbing the leash to stop him from tracking it everywhere and immediately called 999 in a panic, jumping out of her skin when her phone started ringing before she could dial. “Hello?!”

Ivar frowned shaking his head. “I don’t care right now just fucking drive!” He snapped at him, sitting there and chewing his nails until they arrived, getting out and going to see where she was at with everything, finally getting up to the maternity ward to speak to the nurses station there
A woman on the line frowned when she heard some one answer immediately "Hello? Is this Mrs. Cavill?" She asked thankful when she said yes "Mrs. Cavill your husband Henry is in the hospital at the moment. He has been stabbed multiple times, we ask that you please come down here as soon as possible."

The nurse looked up and frowned some at Ivar "Mr. Lothbrok she is currently in our emergency area being prepped for labor, if you would like we can see if you can scrub in to be there." She explained to him calmly
Carmen felt like she was going to be sick, agreeing quickly and soon found which one they’d taken him to, dropping Lana with the neighbours and leaving link in the kitchen, still making it there in record time, finding the police stood in the lobby waiting for her. “I want to see my husband before I answer any questions. Please, I just need to see hes okay.” She whimpered.

Ivar nodded and followed with them, going through all the motions, feeling a little weird that for once it wasn’t him dealing with the needles but he got in there with her and took her hand quickly. “Hey, hey I’m here love.” He murmured, taking a seat up near her head
The officer looked her over before giving a small nod "Just need to see ID ma'am." He said calmly to her before letting her in the room oncr she showed them her card. A nurse was in there already looking him over trying to get all his vitals down "Hello, are you his wife?"

Max looked at Ivar as he came giving him a droopy smile "Hey there....they gave me stuff for the pain.." she murmured before squeezing his hand "He is too early Ivar....way too early."
Carmen nodded quickly, standing to the side and staring at him, swallowing hard "Is he gonna be okay?" She asked worrying, wringing her hands alittle and watched her carefully until she was asked to leave the room so they could work and she sat outside, looking up at the officers "What happened?" She asked quietly, shaking a little.

Ivar shook his head, squeezing her hand reassuringly, "Shh, there's nothing you can do to change that, you need to stay calm and relaxed so they can help him okay? You're in good hands love I promise." He murmured, worried sick internally but now wasn't the time to panic.
The officers gave her a heavy sigh as she came out to sit down. One stood infront of her while the other sat next to her incase she needed comfort "From eye witnesses it looks like a hooded person came up to him and stabbed him multiple times before running off. We are currently looking into the near by street cameras."

Max gave a small nod taking a deep breath as they finally started to work on her and work on getting the baby out "You think he'll be okay?" She asked softly just staring at Ivar with scared eyes.

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