Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

Aedyn heard a muffled shout that jarred her out of her trance, the voice was familiar, if it wasn't it wouldn't have woken her up. She stood and ran to the wall putting her ear to the wall "Hello?" She shouted at the top of her lungs "Siren? Kaze?"
Siren heard Aedyn from inside the shed. She ran over and tried to jar it open. It was locked. Siren put both hands on the door handle, "Open!" she commanded. The door the burst open. Aedyn was standing inside the little room. Siren ran over and hugged her.
Aedyn listened intently at the wall, she heard some srabbling, then Sirens voice, "Open" she commanded suddenly one the wall to Aedyn's left detached and became a door, Siren stood outside of it, when she saw Aedyn she ran in and wrapped her arm around her, and Aedyn returned her embrace gratefully. "I'm so glad you are okay!" She said squeezing her and then releasing her and holding her at arms length "You are okay right?"
"Oh Yah, fine." replied Siren. She looked a little embarassed, "I have a lot of explaining to do, dont i? First we need to find Kaze. He has got to be around here somewhere." She pulled Aedyn out of the small space and into the woods. Puddles was waiting outside flapping his wings in the sunlight and holding the magic book in his mouth.
"Right, lets find Kaze!" Aedyn agreed. She sighed with releaf as she passed over the threshold from enclosing walls, to relatively open woodland. "Where do we look first?" She asked as Siren pulled her away, she followed willingly enough. Glad to be breathing fresh air again.
Siren stopped. The only way to find Kaze was by using the Lost and Found spell...Siren wondered if using it in front of Aedyn was a good idea. I mean c'mon, Siren thought, i pushed her through a portal, how could she not know. But Siren didn't think Aedyn did know, and if she did it was the first time someone didnt gasp and scream witch while running away..."Aedyn.."Siren said reproachfully, "how do you think we got here?"
"Well," Aedyn said slowly. "And I'm just spit-balling here, but, I'm gonna say, I was yanked through a magic portal." All this was said in a perfectly serious and resonable tone, Aedyn cocked her head, "Why do you ask?" Perhaps she doesn't know about magic. Aedyn thought to herself perhaps she really doesn't know.
"Yah i agree...ok um...we really need to find Kaze and you seem to be taking this whole portal thing quite well so...long story short I am a witch and i need to cast a spell." She didnt wait for a response, she didn't have time for the gawking or the screaming. She quickly casted the spell. Instead of a purple line of magic a blue one appeared. "So YAH let's go!" Bursted Siren and quickly started ahead of Aedyn. I dont know what her reaction is gonna be, but chances are if it's bad I am gonna wanna be veeery far away.
Siren was talking very fast. But Aedyn understood most of what she said, well, sort of. At 'I'm a witch and I need to cast a spell' Aedyn paused to say "Oh." But Siren didn't seem to notice, since she kept talking then suddenly she shouted "YAH let's go!" and took off at a run, following a floating line of blue light that vibrated with magic. Aedyn almost took off her shapeshift-cloak but decided not to. She could technically carry Siren on her back when she was in her normal shape, but she didn't want to freak Siren out anymore then she already seemed to be, so she pelted after her friend on two legs, shouting. "Hey wait up!"

Kaze hear people filing into the room outside. He backed into a corner of the closet and sat down. The small room was beginning to get hot and Kaze was sweating. He pulled off his coat and told himself he must stay awake. But if it got too much hotter he would be forced to use his ice magic and risk being found out as a mage.


Justin shuffled down the stairs and his thugs began searching for Kaze. Justin raised the temperature of the room, the ice mage wouldn't be able to do much in the heat. He was down here somewhere and he had to be found before to many people noticed what was going on. In an hour everyone would be here and the club would open, letting all the students know it was safe to reveal themselves. It was hard work keeping the under ground room warm. It was designed not to get hot when it was full of people.
Drake ended up in what seemed to be an underground hangout of some kind. Everyone was still arriving and he watched as some people sat down, some set up with instruments on the stage, and some just stood and talked. It looked like everyone was waiting for something. People glanced at the clock periodically and people came down the stairs in groups moving further back to make room for others. There was a sign that could light up that said Shmorgishborg on it. But it was not lit up yet, Drake wondered why.
Thomas was swept away in the crowd down some steps and into a net work of under ground rooms. 'A club? A restaurant? What was this place?' He wondered. But before he knew it he was swept deeper into the place. Thomas was glad that he could solidify his form so that he blended in with the others better.

Kaze started breathing hard. He had made a few ice blocks and was lying with them around him, but it just wasn't quite doing the trick. He reached his hand over to the wall touching the warm wall. And frost began to spread slowly from his finger tips onto the wall.


Justin sat at a table enjoying the warmth and the fact that Kaze would soon have to reveal himself. Justin smiled a bit and rose the temp. several degrees more.
Siren and Aedyn were walking through the woods following the blue shimmer of light to Kaze. Then all of a sudden Siren stopped. Aedyn almost bumped into her. "Hey I think we need to talk about what you just said back there," Aedyn said. "yah sure," Siren replied sadly, "but after we find Kaze." Which might take a little longer then she thought prior. The magic trail had stopped at the tree where Siren teleported out of. She reached a hand out and touched the tree. She touched bark, meaning the portal had closed.

"Ok, so the trail stops here." Siren said matter of factly, "this means that Kaze is far away and the magic trail is picking up on the last magic transportation residue it could find. This means we need to teleport again." Siren takes no time and pulls out her chalk. She makes the circles and mutters the spell. The tree's matter begins to shift, letting Siren know the portal was open. She looks to Aedyn.

"OK, now I have time to explain this. we are going through another portal. When you use portals you have to think about where you wanna go, or you will end up anywhere, example A," Siren gestured to their surroundings. "SO, when we jump into the portal we both have to imagine and think, 'KAZE,' understand? Oh! and take my hand, that way if we do mess up we will atleast get portalled out at the same place." She took Aedyns hand. "Ready?"
Aedyn already knew how to traverse portals, but Siren didn't know that, besides, the one she had went through earlier had felt different than the ones she was used to. "Ready?" Siren asked taking Aedyn's hand. Aedyn nodded decisively, gripping her hand firmly. Quickly she built a picture of Kaze in her mind. Jaw length black hair, piercing blue eyes, silver stud earring. 'Kaze' she thought feircely as they stepped through the oak tree portal.

Kaze should have frosted the entire room by now but the ice was just melting. So he concentrated on himself. He moved his hands shakily to his tie and undid it, unbuttoning his shirt down and placing his blessedly cold hands on his bare chest. He began to cool himself this way, just hoping that it would be enough.


Justin was growing impatient. Where was that blasted ice mage, Kaze? He should have been flushed out by now. Everyone was getting overly hot and it would soon be time to officially open the Shmorgishborg.
Siren and Aedyn went hurtling through the portal. It seemed to last a life time. Finally they were spat out and Siren hit wood floor, pretty damn hard at that. When she looked up she saw Aedyn lying next to her and three large boys looking pretty stunned, one of them she recognized as the red headed boy that Kaze dispized so much. Siren looked unpleased, thats right portal, she thought,slam me down in probably the WORST possible place!. Siren was beginning to dislike portalling.

"Where is Kaze," She asked in a very serious tone. Siren was getting sick of all this. She was sick of botching spells, of getting thrown around, and especially of bullies. The portal led her here so Kaze must be here, and Siren just knew from looking at the red headed boys expression that he knew exactly who she was talking about.

The boy narrowed his eyes at her, "Another freak?" He sized Siren up and down, "No, you are different. You are some kind of other freak. Get lost little freak, Kaze is mine." Ok. Siren was pissed. She pushed herself to her feet.

"Excuse me," she said, "but i asked you a question." Siren put out her open hand. Suddenly the red headed boy flew up into the air and thrashed backwards against the wooden wall. "Obviously you are a little dense, here, let me help you understand." She took er outreached hand and whipped it to the left. Red head boy went flying across the room. "Tell me where Kaze is, now!"

"I DONT KNOW!" shouted the red head boy, spitting blood as he talked. Siren looked him in the eyes, he was telling the truth.

"Fine," Siren said. She took a small bag out of her pocket. Inside was a white powder. She pulled some out and flung it non chalantly at Red and his lackies. "You dont want to be here," she said, "you dont know how you got here and you dont remember anything since the bell rang after school. You want to go home." Siren snapped her fingers. All three jerks looked stunned and then simply walked out of the room.

Siren sat down, extremely tired. "KAZE!" she yelled.
Aedyn got up and dusted herself off, rubbing the bruises she had sustained when she had landed on top of the jerk to Justin's left, and then the wooded floor. She glared at them as they left the room longing to plant the redhead a facer. What did the jerk want with her friends. Well, whatever it was, she wasn't about to let it happen. If she ever saw any of them again, she would likely grind them to pulp and ask questions later. She heard Siren Yell Kaze's name, and joined in at the top of her lungs, which were surprisingly strong.

Justin watched as the girls that were with Kaze earlier fall out of a portal, demanding to know where Kaze was. There was something about this girl was she an ice mage? "Another freak?" Justin sized Siren up and down, No that wasn't it. But she had powers. "No, you are different. You are some kind of other freak. Get lost little freak, Kaze is mine." If anyone was getting their hands on Kaze's scared little figure it was him. The girl pushed herself to her feet. Justin could tell she was quite angry now.

"Excuse me," she said, "but i asked you a question." She put out her open hand. Suddenly Justin flew up into the air and thrashed backwards against the wooden wall. "Obviously you are a little dense, here, let me help you understand." She snarled and taking her outreached hand she whipped it to the left. Justin went flying across the room. "Tell me where Kaze is, now!" She yelled.

Justin was hurting quite bad at this point. "I DONT KNOW!" He shouted, causing himself to spit blood as he talked. The girl looked him in the eyes, he was telling the truth.

"Fine," She said. She took a small bag out of her pocket. Inside was a white powder. She pulled some out and flung it non chalantly at Justin and the guys. "You don't want to be here," she said, "you dont know how you got here and you don't remember anything since the bell rang after school. You want to go home." Justin knew this magic and the wizard that followed him could have stopped it, but Justin knew a powerful witch and a dangerous enemy when he saw one. There would be plenty of time to go after Kaze later. She snapped her fingers. And Justin marched out of the room and home. Back in the room people stared at Siren before going back about their business


"KAZE!" he heard someone calling him. The air seemed cooler around him but he was already very hot. He tried to call out but his dry throat, and cracked lips would not form words. Kaze bumped a mop and it fell over banging against the door. He hoped they had heard that. Even if it was Justin who had called him, it would end this misery one way or another.
Aedyn had sharp ears, she would have heard a pin drop. Instead she heard wood knock against wood on he other side of a door marked "Janitor's Closet" and ran over to it, hoping it had been in response to her shouts she yanked the door open and the mop that had been leaning against the door nearly banged her head, she sidestepped it paying no attention to it, and keeping an eye on the other thing that had flopped out of the closet as she opened the door. Kaze looked small and miserable his black hair darker, with sweat his tie hanging off one shoulder and his shirt open. He looked dehydrated and exhausted. "Water, someone get me some water!" Aedyn shouted at the packed room. No one moved. She felt a surge of anger and she glared at the students each one individually her eyes glowing a toxic looking green "You don't seem to have heard me," she said slowly as though talking to the simpleminded, "I said; someone get me water. Since the only seemingly inteligent persons here are too exhausted to move that means one of you useless . . . People," she paused looking as though she would have liked to use a much stronger, more offensive term but was much to well mannered to do so. then continued "will have to do, I don't care who, but if someone doesn't get me a glass of water soon, heads are going to roll, I want that water NOW!" Students went scrambling in every direction and Aedyn took a deep breath to calm down, going into a half trance, stopping the magic from leaking out, before sqirrels started invading the room or the wooden floorboards began sprouting saplings.
Kaze managed to fall out of the closet and into Aedyn. He was relived it was a friendly face, but he felt stupid looking so helpless. Aedyn yelled at someone Kaze was to tired to look. That someone apparently was getting something. Kaze's hearing was fuzzy and he felt that if he looked at anything else he would past out.
Thomas kept calm as others spilled the water and ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. He got the water and brought it over to the tall girl. "Here you go." He said handing it to her. "Do you think he'll be okay?" Suddenly the Shmorgishborg sign lit up and the air shifted.
People begin to change their forms, removing their glimmours, or shifting magic. Several acquired little balls of different elements following them. Kaze could feel magic in the air.

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