Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

Aedyn saw the girl blush and didn't quite understand what had caused it, "I'm sorry. We can talk after class" Siren whispered with another smile. Aedyn smiled back and nodded, then settled back to concentrate on Mrs. Gnome's lecture without falling asleep. All night without sleep, and the effort it had taken to change the spell on her cloak, were taking their toll on her and the monotonous speech really wasn't helping.

It seemed to take forever for the class to be over. But eventually the bell rang, and students grabbed their things and fled, streaming through the door as quickly as they could without knocking each other over. Aedyn waited a bit longer than the rest, her height wouldn't let herget through the door easily, and walking on two legs was still difficult.
The girl was monsterously tall. Siren couldn't help but stare a bit as the girl left the classroom. She seemed un easy on her feet. She went up to her. "Hey Aedyn, sorry for getting you in trouble in there." Siren brushed a wisp of blonde hair from her face. "That teacher is a bit snotty." Puddles gruffed at her feet in agreement. The Siren could only imagine how much being demoted to lizard status was affecting him..
The girl, Siren, followed Aeden as she left the room and apologised for getting her into trouble while brushing a wisp of blonde hair out of her face "That teacher is a bit snotty." She observed. Aedyn laughed as the large lizard at her feet snorted in apparent agreement, "Yes I suppose you could say that, but you needn't apologise, I'm just glad that you didn't get into trouble because of me." Aedyn stumbled, and reached out a hand to the wall to steady herself then continued to walk. "So, Siren, how has your day been?"
Siren sighed and rolled her eyes involuntarily at the mention of the day she has had. "It's been...interesting." She replied. "I was late this morning because Puddles didnt wake me up, and I got lost in the hallway, some boy tried to help me, but then we both got sent to the principles office...and another boy was their too, he was in our history class. The one with the black hair and earing. Then ofcourse history happened...really it's just been a long day of being late and getting yelled at...schools tough." Siren felt like she was babbling..."soooo..How about you?" she asked Aedyn cheerfully.
"Oh!" Aedyn exclaimed "was that you? Now that I think about it I do remember seeing your hair." She chuckled "My day? Don't remind me, I traveled all night to get here, and I'm SO tired, I've hit my head on doorframes twice. I slipped on the hall floor and the principle tripped over me and then yelled at me for sitting in the hall. Not my best day but it hasn't been too horrid, after all, I've made a friend haven't I? Two, if I count Puddles. I'm hoping the day gets better from here on out."
Thomas ran through the door he had fallen asleep on the bus to school and had to walk all the way back to the school. As he entered people came out of the classrooms. He had missed the first class. He tried his best to blend in with the flow of students but of course he was caught by one of the adults was sent to the office, and then let out with a paper showing classes. He again followed the flow of students.
Friend? did she say friend? Thank God! Siren was scared for a minute that nothing good was gonna come out of this day. "Yah totally, Im glad to have met a new friend." she said positivily. Puddles jumped up and made an approving sound as well. he rubbed his head across Aedyn's palm, Siren pulled him back embarassed. "Sorry, he isnt really a social butterfly." Siren sneered. "Hey I am soooo hungry, you wanna catch some lun ch in the caf?"
Drake followed the black haired guy with the earring, running up he tried to introduce himself but tripped yet again and got another bloody nose. He pulled some tissue out of his pocket and said, "Hi my name is Drake what's yours?" He was hoping the guy would be more friendly now than he seemed that morning.
Kaze ignored the entire rest of the lecture out of spite, and didn't even realize when the new girl came in. After class he headed to the cafeteria. The other boy who had gotten in trouble with him and the blonde girl ran up, tripped, fell on his face, got a bloody nose and then came up introducing himself. Kaze didn't stop to look at the guy, but replied. "Kaze." And continued on his way to lunch. When he got there some jerk knocked his lunch on the ground and he had to go get another. Instead of sitting at a table inside he sat out side on the brick half wall. Eating his lunch in peace.
Siren walked into the cafeteria, Aedyn near by somewhere. She had kinda drifted off somewhere between class and food. OH GOD FOOD!! Siren had had such a busy and weird days he had almost forgotten that she had not eaten a thing! She got picked up a sandwitch and snuck a second one for Puddles, then she went to find a seat. Sadly all the seats were taken...and she was beginning to feel way to chlostraphobic. Puddles was so close to her he was literally clinging to her leg. "so outside then, right?" she said with a sideways glance to the little dragon. He made a very human-like nodand then sped up in front of her to the doors going to the courtyard. Siren chucked, then followed and opened the door for him. They found a spot under a cherry tree where she decided to take out one of her magic books and do some hidden practicing where nobody could see her.
Kaze glanced around making sure that nobody was looking before he chilled his drink. The blonde girl and her framliier walked outside and disappeared behind a cherry tree. Kaze considered following to talk to her or see if she would prove she was a witch some how. He swung his legs over the wall when the jerk who had knocked his lunch over came outside. Calling insults out at Kaze. 'Was this guy following him intentionally making trouble?' Kaze wondered. He really didn't want more trouble. "Why do you keep picking fights?"

"Because, Kaze I know your secret. And I don't like it." He said coming closer.

'What? He knows my name, and that-I'm a -mage? I'm probably over reacting.' "Who are you and what do you mean secret?"

A teacher came outside to eat also and the guy suddenly adopted a friendly look of innocence. "My name is Justin. Nice to meet you. Let's talk more after school new friend." Justin then turned and left without another word. Leaving Kaze confused and sure that he didn't want to go meet Justin, least of all by himself.
Aedyn was about to answer Sirens questions when several other students pushed them apart, oh well, she thought to herself almost too hungry to bother worrying about it. She would see Siren later right now she needed some food. She was getting used to walking on two legs by now, but still ended up last in the lunch line. She got all the way to the food server until she realized that she didn't have any money. She apologised to the cafeteria lady and left the line. The cafeteria was full, not a single seat was open, so she made her way outside. It was much less crowded on the lawn and she felt much more at home in the fresh air. She found a nice spot on the grass, and sat down, thinking fondly of salad, and novels.
After seeing the black-haired girl and angry faced man leave, Crispin had been at a loss of what to do. So he had crept along the hallway, listening to the doors. He finally found a door that didn't have any voices coming in from behind it. It read "Janitor." Heh... well he had already missed the class anyway so Crispin swiftly closed himself in the closet and slept. He was awoken by ths sound of the bell and the loud commotion of everyone going to lunch. Maybe he should go out and eat... he was pretty hungry...

Crispin waited until he was pretty sure no one was outside the closet and exited. Seeing as no one noticed him and there were still some people all going the same way, he assumed that to be the way he should go as well. He followed them and to his relief found it was lunch time. He got his lunch and about fifteen packs of ketchup. He then, seeing no where to sit and eat, exited the building and found a nice secluded corner where he could enjoy his meal. So he dumped the ketchup over all his food and began to eat.
Siren was just about finished with the second chapter of her magic book and was reciting an incantation to turn a small piece of grass from green to blue (she didnt see the point in a spell that's sole purpose was to change the color of grass, but it sure was ammusing). Puddles was asleep in a lump next to her, the shapeshifting spell she had conjured on him to make him look like a lizard was holding nicely. All of a sudden she heard something from behind her little cozy tree, Siren turned to see what was the matter. She saw the black haired boy from earlier, and another boy who didnt seem to be to interested in friendly conversation with him. This boy seems to find trouble pretty easily. Siren decided to go over and lend a hand, maybe if the big angry boy knew the other kid had friends, he would back off. Then a teacher came out and the mean boy's demeanor completly changed. Siren was it seemed like the boys were friends? She was having a hard time keeping up with the social life in this school.

Then, as if, "social life," was the magic word, Siren caught a glimpse of a tall pretty figure sitting on the grass. Aedyn!! There she was, Siren quickly picked up her things and hustled Puddles away. Then walked quickly over to sit with Aedyn.
"Oh, hey Siren" Aedyn said as she noticed the blonde girl approach, and scooted over, making room for her and puddles to sit down "What did you get to eat?"
"Oh some weird sandwitch," Siren replied to Aedyn. "I think its turkey, Puddles got one too." she said with a smile. Puddles nudged the left overs of his sandwitch and looked up at Aedyn with a proud grin, as if he caught the damn sandwitch on his own. "So where did you go? I lost you in the hallways somewhere." Siren said, laying down on the grass so the sun could hit her achey bones.
"Oh, that sounds delishous" Aedyn sighed with a wistful smile. "Some people got between us just before we got to the cafeteria, I'm sorry, I should have looked for you a bit harder before going to find something to eat, but I was very hungry." She plucked a stalk of grass and began chewing it. "Well, Puddles, you look happy, I guess you enjoyed your sandwich. You know he seems to be a very intelligent creature." this last bit was directed toward Siren.
Siren almost gagged on her next bite of sandwitch. "ahem! U-um...intelligent?? w-well..i guess..i mean lizards are known to be kinda smart...he definetly has a personality.." Dammit Puddles! Siren could only give him so many warnings before he blew her cover all together. She looked at her little dragon and eased up a bit...She geussed he couldn't help it, being intelligent, he was a dragon afterall. Puddles looked at Siren, then stuck out his tounge like a dog. Siren giggled, "oh yeah, definetly has a personality, haha, so do you have any pets?"
((BTW Justin looks like the picture I'm attaching.))

Kaze leaned back against the wall glad the teacher had come out for once. He didn't like how Justin had turned goody-to-shoes when the teacher appeared. It meant that if anything happened because of Justin the teachers wouldn't believe him if he told. He might need to actually make some friends, Kaze didn't like the idea as he was usually a loner. But it wasn't terrible to have friends espeacailly when the other option is being beaten to a pulp. Kaze jumped off the wall and headed towards and blonde girl and the really tall girl. Though he stops short unsure of what to say.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda286b3a_RedHead2.jpg.e85b6b03ca76e73fe2774a371092e065.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/57a8bda286b3a_RedHead2.jpg.e85b6b03ca76e73fe2774a371092e065.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Siren was enjoying the sunlight and company of Aedyn, her first real friend. When all of a sudden she got a feeling of being watched she looked around and behind her. There she saw the black haired boy. he was standing there, just staring at her and Aedyn....Something about him seemed endeering. The poor guy had had one hell of a day too it seemed. Ha, Siren thought, maybe the should all start a club. The worst first day kids club. The thought made her smile. She waved to the black haired boy and beckoned him over.
Aedyn laughed, "I really like him, so you needn't apologise for it. I don't have a um . . . pet, but I will someday." She wasn't sure whether or not she was supposed to talk about her druid training, or the familiar she would get if she passed the Ordeal. "What's your next class?" Aedyn asked trying not to stare at the remains of Siren's sandwich.
Siren caught Aedyn eyeing her sandwitch, "you want the rest?" she asked, and handed it to Aedyn. "You should get one, it's alway good to have a companion. Someone to help you and stuff. I like Puddles, but he actually wasn't my first choice of a companion. I kind of always wanted a horse." Puddles looked hurt by this, Siren gave him a smile and threw him a small piece of meat. He perked up. "Oh, and im not sure...I think its Creative least I hope so."
Then Aedyn noticed that Siren was looking elsewhere and waving, and turned to see who she was beckoning to join them, He looked vaguely familiar, with lank black hair,and and a silver earing. Aedyn smiled at him. "Could I really? Oh, thank you!" she accepted the sandwich. "I would love to get a pet. But I don't think I will be able to untill I graduate." She smiled "I love writing, I hope we're in the same class again!"
Kaze was a little embarrassed being caught staring at the girls. When he was beckoned over he walked awkwardly over and sat down. "I'm Kaze." He said sitting beside the blonde girl. He felt a drop of moisture and looked at his hand, realizing that he was the only one with a nice cool drink he quickly hid the can behind his pants leg. He wasn't quite sure what to say now. He wasn't good with people that's why he just stayed by himself.
Aedyn thought the boy looked shy, he introduced himself and sat down next to Siren."Hi, I'm Aedyn!" Aedyn said cheerfully smiling happily. "How has your day been?" She asked taking a bite of the sandwich that Siren had given her.

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