Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

Aedy accepted the cold glass and thanked the boy who had handed it to her. Ignoring the sudden buzz of magic in the air, she held the glass to Kaze's lips. "Drink this," She said as she concentrated her magic, so a little of it slid into the water, causing the water to atain healing properties not normally associated with plain water. It also had several other uses, such as restoring used up magic, and such. "You'll feel much better." she assured him. Aedyn turned to the boy who had brought the water "Thank you again. And yes, he should be fine in a moment or two."
Kaze had a hard time swallowing the water at first, but as it worked it's way down his throat he began to feel better. Soon he could support himself albeit with some wobbling. He reached over and picked up his jacket but didn't put it back on. He turned to look at the room. It was filled with all sorts of magical beings! "What?" He asked very confused. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, but they were still there. So it wasn't just the sweat in his eyes. But was it really true that they were somewhere where magical beings intentionally came into a group revealing their true forms, and powers?
Drake waited until the place was full of people and the sign lit up then he saw magical beings "WOW!" Drake said "They all have powers or are nekos like me or something"
Thomas was glad that he could help and that the guy was going to be okay. "Your welcome." He replied softly to the girl. Watching closely and pretty much ignoring the rest of the room again he was amazed at how right the girl was. Soon the guy was up and feeling a good bit better though he was still shaky. And it seemed he could only make it up to on his hands and knees. Thomas readied himself to catch the gut if he fell.
Aedyn put a supporting hand on Kaze's shoulder to steady him a little, until he was able to stand easily without wobbling. He picked up his jacket, but didn't put it on, instead he hung it over his arm. "What happened Kaze?" Aedyn asked, Kaze still seemed a bit confused, he was staring about the room in confusion and wonder "Kaze. What's the matter?" She followed his gaze to the rest of the rather large room and understood his silent astonishment. The room one moment ago had been filled with perfectly normal human beings, now milling aimlessly in their places were magic users and magical beings of all shapes and sizes, Aedyn wasn't exactly surprized about the fact that there were other magic weilders in the school, but so many of them, and all hiding their abilities, that she didn't understand, then again where she came from they lived behind ancient magical wards and perhaps in a sort of lifestyle that these people would call primative, but no one hid their magic, because mages and druids and such were well treated and highly honored and their talents were much sought after.
Kaze heard Aedyn's question and without turning to look at her replied. "Where's Siren? I think we may all need to have a talk. I'll tell you what happened when we're all together." He leaned on Aedyn as he was still having trouble standing on his own.
Aedyn nodded. "She's sitting over there. I think she's tired, come on." She turned to the boy who had brought the water. "Could you bring me another glass of water please." She asked with a sweet smile as she supported Kaze over to the table that Siren was sitting at.
Kaze scooted in the booth at the table where Siren was. "Thanks Aedyn. You okay, Siren?" He asked she did look very tired. 'I probably look about that bad.' He thought. But they needed to talk about what was going on and now was probably the best chance would get.
Aedyn accepted the glass, thanking the boy once again, after infusing it with the healing magic she took a sip and her exhaustion eased then she handed the glass to Siren who looked likely to pass out. Then she turned back to the student who had brought the water. "Hi." She said cheerfully "I'm Aedyn. What's your name?"
"My name is Thomas." He replied. It was nice that someone was finally paying attention to him. These people looked like quite the group. He knew from over hearing the talk of other students that they were all new like him, and yet they already seemed to have a strong bond. 'I mean the other girl threw someone around the room looking for this guy.' Thomas said in his mind. They looked like they'd be a good group of friends and would stick together for a long time.
"Well it's nice meeting you Thomas."Aedyn said extending her hand to shake his. "Won't you join us? This is Kaze. and this is Siren." She gestured indicating them as she spoke.
"Thank you." Thomas said sitting down at the table and nodding in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Siren and Kaze."
Siren was to tired to answer Kazes question. She nodded instead. All of a sudden she seemed to notice a cool chill in the air. She looked up at Kaze, then into the janitors closet where Aedyn and picked him out of. There was the remenants of ice blocks and alot of water seepeding out of its doorway. She looked back at Kaze. Justin had called him a freak, a freak unlike her but still a freak. Siren was starting to piece things together.

"what are you?" she asked bluntly, staring straight into Kaze's ice cold eyes.
Kaze was glad that she was okay. And he answered Siren's blunt question with a blunt answer. "I'm an ice mage, Siren. Is what you told the principal true that you're a witch?" He questioned back. His gaze resting on her as they sat about the table. He waited for her answer, and her reaction to the fact that he was actually an ice mage.
Siren nodded. Ice mage, that made sense. "Yes," she answered him, "I am witch. Puddles is the framilar i was given as a child, his real name is Serpine Dracox, but when I was little I called him Puddles. I am an apprentice to Madame Trouve, Caster of the first Order. She was where that portal was suppose to take us...until we got seperated." Siren looked away from Kaze at that last one. It was her fault he had almost been beaten to a pulp a couple minutes ago. She looked at Aedyn who had been sitting quietly this whole time. "What about you," she asked her, "dont think I havent noticed the way nature seems to go beserk around you. That is you, am I right? So what are you, a sprite, imp?"
Aedyn chuckled "Yes, that's me, I'm a centaur, training to be a druid. Because of the way, 'nature goes berserk around me' it happens with animals too, so my parents sent me here to train." She put her hands flat on the table. "are you going to drink the water I gave you? And by the way this is Thomas" She gestures to the student whom she had invited to join them.
Siren smiled at Thomas and she took a sip of the water in front of her. "a Druid huh? thats a big accomplishment. I am trying to be a first order caster like my mentor, but thats a long way off. I was hoping by going to a human school i could get some more knowledge of the world around me, something very important to a inspiring caster."
"I hope you succeed then. You don't mind if I take off my cloak do you? Having feet instead of hooves still feels weird." Aedyn said standing. She unclasped the cloak and it slipped of her shoulders, settling like ahorse-blanket over her whithers.
Siren looked at Aedyn, her centaur form finally showing. Siren smiled, in a way she didnt look any different than her human form. Kaze seemed to look a bit taken back however. Siren was beginning to gain back her strength and composure and was beginning to play with a napkin laying on the table, magically twisting it in a circle with a gesture from her index finger. Suddenly she saw something. She stopped twisting the napkin and had it lay flat. On the top of the napkin was the word, Shmorgishborg, in big block letters.

"Is this where we are you think?" she asked out loud to Aedyn, kaze, and Thomas.
Aedyn shrugged "So it would seem, AlthoughI don't know exactly what 'Shmorgishborg' is supposed to be. Hmmm," She cocked her head thoughtfully "perhaps it's some sort of after school club. I wonder if you have to sign up for it." She yawned deeply wishing that she had left a day early to get to school. 'So tired.' even the magic infused water hadn't made up for an entire night's sleep.
Kaze had never seen a centaur before and was a little shocked at the sight but quickly got used to it. He ignored the look on Siren's face when she mentioned getting separated. He didn't blame her at all, it was Justin he blamed. "I guess that's what it's supposed to be. From what I heard while I was in the closet." He said nodding politely to Thomas.
"A ghost? Cool" Aedyn exclaims "Can you really walk through solid objects?" She was too tired to be extremely excited, but she was still very curious, "I met another ghost once, but she was so self absorbed that she couldn't stop feeling sorry for herself long enough to have a decent conversation. But never mind that, tell me thomas, why are you in school?" She spoke in a rapidly and until she finished no one had much of a chance to speak, what Aedyn said was slightly disjointed, she was having a little trouble concentrating.
She put a hand to her head feeling slightly dizzy and very lightheaded. "Hey, guys. I'm really tired, I think maybe I should find a place to crash, before I faint. First give me some of that water please, it should help." she took a couple sips from the glass, and it cleared her head a bit. "It's nice that no matter how bad a day I had, I still made friends. I'll see you guys tomorrow." And with that, she pivoted on her back hoof and strode away heading toward the dormitories 'sleep.' she thought gratefully, she had managed to stay awake through the entirety of the day and now she felt as though she would collapse any minute.

((I'm afraid this thread might be dead. Oh well, it's worth a try anyway.))

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