Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

(Night guys. Me too.)

Kaze stands up wading through the grass and checking his schedule as he went. "I have physical science. Looks like we'll be splitting up for now." Kaze said, hoping that Justin wouldn't have any of the same classes.

But as Kaze exited the grass Justin shoved by saying, "See you in science, and creative writing after that."

Kaze swallowed checking the paper again. He had creative writing after science. 'How does he know so much about me?' He fretted to himself.
After the hecticness of Lunch the day seemed to be uneventful. Siren flew through creative writing and daydreamed through physics (god that class seems awful). She couldnt stop wondering about the grass at lunch and Aedyns strange reaction to it. It all seemed so...normal to her, like a regular day at home when she botched a spell....but that couldnt be possible, Siren was the only Witch at North Shores High (Sorry i dont know if we named the school yet, best i could come up with).

Last bell rang and Siren picked up her things and ran. Puddles was two steps ahead of her, waaay to excited to finally be able to shrug the lizard look and spread his wings again. Siren laughed, Puddles looked good as a lizard, but looked better as a dragon. As soon as they got outside Siren grabbed Puddles before he changed and tucked him behind an oak tree. "Shhh!" she hissed at Puddles, then smiled an excited grin. She took out a peice of chalk and drew a large oval on the side of the tree. Kids were filing out of the school like ants from a anthill now, so she had to be careful. "portense de habiterea" Suddenly the oval disapeared and a cold win blew. The tree still looked normal, but as Siren plunged a hand in the wood blurred and a portal was obviously opened.

"Ok Puddles," Siren sighed, "lets go home. It's been one heck of a day."
(I actually didn't name the school so North Shores High is fine. That will be the name.)

Kaze ran outside trying to avoid running back into Justin. He looked around trying to find Siren or Aedyn. And he called out for them, but wasn't having any luck. He noticed most of the students were heading the same way but the didn't see either of them in the rush. But he did spot Justin and it looked like he had brought friends this time. 'Crud I could really use some help right now. Or for everyone to leave faster so I might have chance of using some magic.' Kaze ran towards the oak in hopes to climb it and hide or toss things at Justin and his lackeys to discourage them from bugging him today. 'This is what happens if you don't play invisible.' Kaze thought angrily silently cursing the principal for catching him this morning and starting his bad day. Though he knew wasn't really his fault.
Siren was about to step into the portal she had created when she saw a boy running toward the tree. It was Kaze and, OH SHIT, he was coming toward the oak tree. He was too close for Siren to close the portal and Puddles was looking at her expectantly. "Sorry Pudds, we need to hold of for just a minute." Siren dropped her bag in front of the portal, "Guard the doorway." she told Puddles. He nodded, proud to be of use.

Siren rushed up to cut Kaze off. "HI!" she said a little to perky, she was trying to hard to mask the anxiety bubbling under her skin. She should have waited to make the doorway.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful, and Aedyn was sad that she didn't have any more classes with Siren. Creative writing was the only other upside of the day besides meeting Siren, if the day however didn't get any worse, than lunch. Finally the bell signaling the end of the class rang, and Aedyn slowly plodded her way, thankfully, to the dorms. She had managed to stay awake through the day, but she was too tired to think, almost to tired to walk. But she noticed that most of the students were leaving the school and assumed that the dorms were for scholership students.
"Oh, thank goodness. I need you to help me, Justin's back and with two other guys." Kaze said to relived to notice how odd Siren was acting. Kaze glanced behind him, he saw Aedyn down by the flow of students. "Maybe we should go out with everyone else and they'll buzz off." Kaze didn't know whether it was just the fact that Justin seemed to know more than he should, or if it was something else but Kaze for the first time was actually afraid of someone. And Justin seemed to know that too.
Siren looked over to Aedyn, she was awfully far away. Siren couldnt get to far from that portal without closing it. Who knows who could jump in without her seeing it? She was beginning to get jumpy "No! i mean..lets call Aedyn to us!" "Aedyn!" she shouted, "Aedyn! Over here!" Please for the love of God Aedyn answer me! thought Siren in a panic.
Aedyn heard Sirens voice faintly, calling her name. She looked up and saw Siren standing with Kaze by the tree that had whacked her shoulder this morning, Aedyn waved, and ran over. "Hey Siren to bad we didn't have anymore classes together." She paused, taking in their expressions, then continued, "But you seem worried, what is it and how can I help?"
"Oh, some boys are giving Kaze a hard time. Maybe all of us together will be enough to scare them off." Siren said. Her eyes slanted toward the oak tree. Puddles looked at her from around the trunk, a pleading expression on his face.
"Justin." Kaze said just as Justin called out to him. Kaze stiffened for a brief second before turning around. The kids with Justin looked like thugs for hire, and he was the next target.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/thug1.jpg.2913d8c275ef2dbef9b3affbcddb9ecf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="846" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/thug1.jpg.2913d8c275ef2dbef9b3affbcddb9ecf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/thug2.jpg.2fb90520d878b50b48c8839b6593861b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_05/thug2.jpg.2fb90520d878b50b48c8839b6593861b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aedyn watched the kids approach and nearly growled. "Bully beating? My pleasure!" She tried not to get too angry. She didn't want her magic getting loose again and and have the tree strangle them, or random squirrels attacking them. 'Not to say that that wouldn't be amusing but it isn't a good idea.' she thought to herself.
Siren saw the large boy Kaze was so scared of. Well...yah he was kinda intimidating...Siren was losing time, Justin didn't look to back-offish of the two girls and Kaze....He began walking over to the three friends. He was coming right up to Kaze with a look that could kill. Siren was beginning to panic. On top of that the portal was beginning to glitch. The tree was beginning to look blurry and less focused in reality, the residuals of the spell beginning to take effect.

That was it. There was nothing left for Siren to do, she was running out of time. In a moment Justin was gonna come over here a beat Kaze to a pulp and the portal was gonna absorb a whole oak tree! try explaining that one. Siren needed to do something.

All of a sudden she snapped. Justin was to close and she had a second to close the portal. She grabbed Kaze and Aedyn and through them into the doorway, then jumped in with Puddles before Justin or anyone else could see.
Before Aedyn had a chance to charge the thugs someone grabbed her cloak and yanked her backward there was a moment of disorienting darkness and crawly coldness and suddenly she was somewhere else on the ground, the ground seemed awfully soft, or maybe that was her exhaustion thinking.
"WOAH!" Kaze gasped as Siren pulled him and Aedyn into the tree. He felt like he was falling down a hole but it was different than that. Something didn't seem quite right with this though, and suddenly he was jerked to the side and began falling again. 'Have I changed courses?' He wondered. "Aedyn? Siren? Can you guys hear me?" He couldn't see them but it was had to keep eyes open when he was falling like this. He listened closely for an answer.

Meanwhile, Justin stood beside the oak tree with the same death glare painted on his face as one of the thugs tried to figure out where they went. He didn't like this Kaze or his new friends.

(Hey, I'm making Justin an offical character. I'm going to post his character page right now.)
Drake was watching but looked away for a second and when he turned back Kaze and the girls where gone. There was also a red headed boy and teo thugs looking around like they lost something. And were not happy about it. He waited to see what they would do.

Kaze hit the hardness of a bottom and got up looking around. He dusted himself off and found a door. He didn't hear anything from the other side at first then some scuffling of feet and chairs. It sounded like someone setting up a restaurant. He debated going and asking to use a phone or not, it would be hard to explain how he ended up here. So for now he just stayed in what appeared to be a supply closet.


Justin's second lackey came back with his report. "They all got split up. I think the ice mage is at the Shmorgishborg. The others locations are unknown."

"The only one I really wanted was him anyways. Let's go with the others when we get them search the place but try not to be to obvious about it." Justin growled, as they headed down to join the flow of students.
Aedyn contemplated going to sleep now and not worrying about it besides, her head was hurting. Then suddenly she remembered, Justin was going to try to hurt her new friends! She shot to her feet, forgetting for a moment that she only had two, and nearly fell down again. She paused, suddenly in an unfamiliar environment "Wha- where?" The tingle of magic was fading, but she had a headache.
Everybody landed on the lush grassy field with a thud. Siren was the first to come to her senses, teleporting was an everyday occurance for her. The others looked a little more woozy. Siren took this time to try and come up with an excuse about what happened...nothing was coming to mind...They had landed in a clearing about 1ooft from Madame's cottage in the woods. This is where she had grown up from 6yrs old. This is where she learned her craft. It used to be the safe place for her to practice magic and be herself, now she was staring blindly and anxiously at the 2 people she had teleported into it. Puddles stood p and shook himself, regaining his footing. He ran up to Siren and leaped on her, then looked at her with impatient eyes. Siren sighed, "Yah, why not, I mean it's not like a dragon can make anything worse right?" she lifted the spell off of Puddles and he looked like his old winged beasty self again. He immedietly spred his wings and took to the sky, circling the clearing. The others began to stir... 
(Jk, we can go with what u guys said. srry the posts didnt register I ended up in the field..u guys are gone)
Aedyn sat slowly, and looked around, taking in her surroundings she was in a smallish room with wood pannelled walls, and a dirt floor. It had no windows or light fixtures, so it should have been pitch black, but it was bright as day. There didn't seem to be any way out. She was trapped.
Siren sat in the field alone. Oh no! she bothed it. everybody must have gotten split up in the transport.."Well crap now what?" Suddenly Siren came to a solution. She searched through her bag and through open on of her spell books. She turned to a spell, Finding things that are lost, Siren used to use this spell to find her lost socks in the morning. hopefully it would work in this scenario too. siren recited the spell, replacing lost sock with Aedyns name(why not her first) and immedietly a shining purple line showed up in front of her trialing through the woods. "Great! Let's go Puddles, scavenger hunt time!" Puddles flew down and started haappily in front of Siren.
Aedyn thought about taking of her magic cloak and busting through the walls but dismissed it, or at least elected to postpone the idea until she found out where she was. She settled with practiced ease into the medatative trance. The trance would enhance and sharpen her magic sense, and hopefully allow her to feel what was outside the room. She felt the green of trees ash, oak, elm, and yew, all subtly different in their magic she felt fern and other woodland underbrush type plants. She was in the woods.
Siren followed the purple line of magic through the woods. She was walking toward Madames cottage, "Please god, dont let them end up in the cottage, Madame will kill me and then probably them unless i get to explain what happened." Siren picked up her pace. Puddles was way ahead of her. Suddenly Siren heard a screech,it was coming from Puddles. Siren ran to catch up to him. He was sitting on the grass like a dog, staring intently at a hunting shed. The purple line ran into it. "Aedyn?" Siren yelled.

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