Shmorgishborg (Actual rp)

"Hello," Siren said to Kaze smiling her warmest smile. "My name is Siren, and this Aedyn (she pointed to the other girl) Oh...and thats Puddles (pointing to the little reptile)." she could feel Kazes uncomfort and couldn't blame him. Siren wasn't the best socialite in the room, but she liked this boy. He had a familiar quality to him, a magical quality. It made Siren feel she was back with Madame working on her skills. "How is your day going?" Siren asked Kaze. 

(not exactly what i am picturing in my head, but pretty darn close)
"Like crap." Kaze replied. "I've pretty much just gotten yelled at all day . . . And maybe a death threat." Kaze says the last part with a small laugh but he is actually quite serious. "You guys haven't heard anything about a guy named, Justin?" He asked, hoping they knew something but betting they wouldn't. He didn't recognize Aedyn but he still didn't recognize a lot of people. 
(That's great. About what I was thinking too.:big grin: )
"no," said Siren, "who's he?" She thought maybe this had something to do with the guy he was talking to earlier, maybe not though. "and dont worry, haha, bad mornings seem to be the theme of the day." She gave Aedyn a knowing look and smiled.
Aedyn cocked her head to one side, and thought, she didn't think she knew anyone by that name, but Kaze seemed to be worried about it for some reason so she thought long and hard before answering, she finished her sandwich and licked her lips, then shook her head sadly "I'm sorry, I don't know anyone named Justin. Is he a friend of yours?" From the way he had asked the question Aedyn thought that the answer would be no, but held out a vague hope otherwise.
Right as Crispin started eating his lunch it was just his luck that a bird, perched on the edge of the roof above him, had to relieve himself. In doing so however the bird's feces dropped onto Crispin's head as well as into his food. Crispin looked up at the bird and calmly asked the bird what the hell he had done to deserve such treatment. He was not a toilet after all. He sighed. Well he couldn't eat this now and he needed to clean bird scat from his head. The problem was, he had no idea where the bathroom was. Well crap.... (pun slightly intended) People were starting to stare now, and laugh. He threw up the only defense he knew, acting tough. He sneered at those laughing at him and nodded his head. Let them laugh, let them think he enjoyed the attention. On the inside he was humiliated but he couldn't show it. He let them laugh and walked unashamedly towards the only source of getting clean he saw, a faucet on the side of the building. (The kind you hook hoses up to mind you.)
"I'm not sure. Some jerk that's been picking at me since lunch started definatly NOT a friend. Heh, well that's nice to know. At least I'm not the only one having a terrible day" Kaze took a quick drink from his drink, and set it back down.
Siren heard laughter from the school building. A very large boy was walking away froma group of sneerinf students toward a faucet, he had something on his head. "Kids in this school really like laughing and causing trouble dont they." Siren stated (more to herself than her companions) "Hey, do either of you know that boy over there?" she pointed to the boy washing his hair in the outside faucet
Crispin twisted the faucet, trying to get some water so he could clean himself. Of course Crispin had to pick the oldest, rustiest faucet at this school and it came off in his hand, soaking his entire front side with water. He sighed inwardly but made himself laugh outwardly. He stuck his head in the flow and removed the filthiness. He then walked away as if nothing had happened.... Of course technically he had just destroyed school property and it wasn't long before the principal came by, angry as ever. He demanded Crispin follow him to his office... just perfect.
Thomas wandered outside not bothering to get lunch. When he got there kids were laughing and someone was washing something out of their hair. He thought they looked like they could use some help. So he came over to ask if they would like a hand. But was too late,
  • "Yah me too..." Siren felt awful for the boy. It seemed he was having a hard time getting out whatever had gotten into his hair. A dangerous thought crossed her mind, she bit her bottom lip (a nervous habit). Under her leg and hidden from view, she crossed her index finger over her middle finger and turned her palm upright. Under her breath she muttered a little spell, clensento, The boy pulled his head out of the faucet and felt the top of his head, the white stuff was gone. Siren smiled to herself and turned around.
"I wouldn't be surprised. Do you think he wants friends?" Aedyn looked away from the boy, she refused to stare at him as he moved toward the tap. She heard a muffled explosion followed by a laugh and looked up to see him soaked with the ensuing spray.
The only good thing about the whole situation Crispin had just fallen in was that at least he had gotten the bird poop out of his hair. He thought he had heard someone trying to help him too... but maybe he was imagining it. Now he was sitting in the principal's office, being called a "delinquent," and something about not making a good first impression, and something else about the principal keeping his eye on him from now on, and blah blah blah.... This guy just wouldn't shut up!Apparently he had gotten detention. He also had to write an essay apologizing to the teacher of the class he had missed for being absent. Perfect first day!
Then the Principle came, Aedyn was begining to dislike that man, nobody had any business being angry all the time. The grass suddenly sprouted as though it was spring in fast motion. Weeds shot up everywhere, some ivy that was climbing up a tree suddenly went into hyperdrive and soon the entire trunk was covered with the small leaves 'Shaladin's hammer' Aedyn cursed herself why did her magic have to do that. 'of all the bloody times to do it too'
Siren began noticing things. Strange things. grass was growing and nature was going haywire. At first Siren thought that she was the problem, "Oh no," she thought to herself, "did i botch that spell?" Noo, she knew it worked...well then who is causing all this?
Thomas wanted to follow the boy but decided it was best not to. He didn't want to end up making the principal angry at him again. It seemed that the principal was always around just in time to yell at someone.
Drake watched Kaze from the trees. "Why didn't he come sit with me?" Drake wondered out loud before grass tickled his leg. He pushed it out of the way as it obsecured his view.
Aedyn wondered if she should try to go into the meditative trance that was supposed to help her control her powers, or if that would single her out as the only person among the entire school populace that wasn't wondering what the heck had happened. Then she decided that that didn't matter, because soon all the growing things in the vicinity were going to be too far out of their natural patterns to fix, this wasn't about students or secrest anymore, this was about the duties of a druid. Aedyn stood, her eyes closed and looked deep within herself to the green fire that was her magic. She took the magic and put it into a visualized container, making sure all the leaking strands were captured as well. She pulled as much of the magic as she dared back out of the surrounding greenery and slowly the plants went domant, just like they were supposed to be. Aedyn opened her eyes.

The grass had already grown as high as her stomach, higher in some places. 'The gardener's going to have his work cut out for him tomorrow, and the next day, it could take weeks to cut grass this tall. Satan's teeth of all the bad luck.' most of the students were talking about the grass as they made their way through it and to the school building lunch was over and it was time for class once more. Aedyn checked her schedule. 'Algebra, ugh, math.'
"What the crud?" Drake says surprised as the grass stops growing. 
Drake waits to se what the Kaze and the girls will do and follows the all the way to their next class. Taking care to stay out of sight.

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