

Junior Member
(I'm assuming I just start? If there is something else that needs to be done, let me know and I'll edit this post.)

Poi slowly began to awaken on the beach. The sea water (in no way reflecting its prior violent torment), lapped lightly at her toes before drawing back. Each lap created a tickling sensation which was perhaps what caused her to come out of unconsciousness. She stirs and coughs as some water expels from her lungs, a small groan emitting from the back of her throat. Even though she isn't fully aware of her surroundings quite yet, she does realize one thing: her head hurts badly. She would have reached up to gingerly test the wound, except that her body is quite stiff from the earlier bashing of the sea.

The sea had also taken her ragged clothing and disheveled it even further. Disheveled, wet, and stiff, she slowly starts to sense the sand sticking to her face, the salt tickling the wounds on her feet, and the sounds of general life stirring on the beach.
Rose lay on her back, unconscious, at the edge of the shore. The tide came in and went up to about her waist before receding. Her dress was torn slightly, most of them condensed to her apron. Her cheek was slightly bruised and there were several more on her arms, most likely from hitting a rock at some point while being washed ashore
Poi stirred some more as she expelled some more water, and yet another groan followed as she slowly sat up. The sun was beating on the beach rather harshly, but she didn't even have the strength to lift her eyes and shade them. Instead, she glanced about the small area, taking everything in without really registering why she was here. As a matter of fact, she really couldn't seem to remember anything! Momentary panic filled her thoughts, but her own confusion drowned the sensation out rather quickly.

As she glanced around the beach, she noticed bodies. Many bodies lying all around, as though they too had been tossed ashore during the night. Her eyes followed the beach and found a looming mass in the distance. A ship? Was she on a ship before? Why was she here? Was anyone alive?

These questions and more flooded her brain as she tried to push herself up into a standing position, her arms shaking with the effort.
Marella grit her teeth as her wrist swelled to match the amount of pain she was enduring. However despite this she had still wrapped her arm around a huge plank of wood and was gripping Deuce's collar with her other hand. She and the dog were doing there best to move through the erratic waves to the only constant, the island before them. Land, ground, earth, anything they could stand on without fighting to stay afloat. And based on what Marella could see there were others on the island but she knew most of them would not be survivors. Suddenly her foot connected with the sandy bottom of the ocean and she was able to gain some footing. Now the girl began to push herself from the sandy bottom, propelling her and Deuce against the waves. "Hello," she croaked.

(I know this is petty, obnoxious and most likely quite annoying but I have made this rule where I do not roleplay my own male character until other guys have been created)
Poi watched the dog and the woman, blinking a few times to make sure she was seeing this right. Another survivor? Did she need help? Poi's immediate reaction was to be concerned over the other person, despite her own circumstance and condition.

She moved, stumbling over the beach weakly and dizzily, trying to approach the woman. "H-hey..!" she said weakly. The sound of her own voice surprised her. So she -did- know how to speak!
Marella fell on to the beach in a jumble of skirts, limbs and seaweed. Deuce lay down beside her with a thud and all though she could hear a voice nearby she needed a moment. She took a deep breath rolling onto her back and closing her eyes. The bright sunlight burned her eyelids and all she could see was read and when she opened her eyes her vision was a bit spotted. Sighing she sat up looking around for the voice she had heard only moments before.
She stopped several feet before the woman, not sure what she should do next. It wasn't as though she could help the woman, but it was somehow comforting to see another moving presence. She let her eyes fall to the dog, and her eyes widened. She couldn't remember her history for now, but she did have the strange feeling she had never seen such a creature before. The short movement to the woman had exhausted her though, and made her even more dizzy. As she slowly sank to her knees, she passed out once more.
Raekel's first thoughts was not if she was okay, where was she, or anything like that. It was if she still had all her things. Her eyes fluttered opened and she let out a sharp sound as the sun blinded her. Yay for landing face up.

Raekel groaned as she slowly re-opened her eyes. Sitting up, which took effort, she looked around patting herself up and down. No her clothes were still on ecept for the nice silk vest she had stolen. They weren't in good condition but she was lucky to see that her boots did not come off. Instead the knife was still there. At least she had that. But as the young girl checked she had lost most of her other items. Beside her knife and clothing she still had a few pieces of money, a lockpick and a hankerchief. Nothing really useful like the gun she had stolen before or food.

Finally the girl looked around to check out her locations. It looked like what she would imagine a beach to look like. Trees were around and there was mostly sand and dirt. There was also other people here too. Raekel examined them. She hoped some of the bodies still on the shore not moving yet were just knocked out and not dead. Still if they were the ocean was right there.
At the sight of the collapsing girl Marella staggered to her feet muttering a few choice words under her breath. Deuce turned his massive black head panting heavily as he watched her stumble over to the girl. "Hey, hey, um excuse me, Miss, Mam, are you okay?" she asked figuring the question was pretty stupid. No one was okay and this woman had jsut passed out.
Poi was certainly passed out. She lied there in the sand, breathing slowly as her back rose and fell to show that she was at least still breathing. However, she had certainly tried to stress her body far too much way too soon. Sweat droplets were beaded across her brow, and her face was slightly twisted from the pain and physical exhaustion.
Raekel saw that someone might have passed out again. At least she hoped so. Another woman was near her. Raekel shrugged not paying much attention to them. She looked around trying to see if any of the items, whether from the ship or a person, had landed on the shore with them. She saw a crate or two but she wasn't sure they were empty or not. Then she saw it.

Her gun.

Well her stolen gun to be more precise. Still it was here. It might not shot now though. The powder was probably wet. Still Raekel made her way to it and shoved it into her pants. If it still worked it would be helpful.
Aaron's eyes slowly opened and the first thing his vision was blasted with was the blazing warm, bright sunlight. He snapped his eyes shut again. Sunlight? Outside? The captain told him once already not to sleep out on the deck, so how he got out here was a mystery. The familiar rocking of the boat from sailing across the sea was no longer there, replaced by what felt like sand. He went to raise his arm up over his face, wishing for nothing more than to create a barrier between the sunlight and himself so he could see and make sense of just what had happened to him.

A sharp pain shot through his shoulder, down his arm and back up, causing him to yelp. He shut his lips tight and lifted his head slightly to look at his shoulder. He realized it was dislocated and groaned loudly. He threw his head back and shut his eyes tight. This wasn't the first time he dislocated his shoulder, but the question still stood. How did this even happen?

At this point for some unexplainable reason, the weird dream he recalled having came to mind. He couldn’t remember what happened exactly, something about a shipwreck maybe? There was a lot of thrashing around and things falling off shelves, he remembered that too. Now that he thought about it, the dream was becoming more vivid to him, more clear. No way, they couldn't of shipwrecked, not with such a well-put together crew.

He had to know. So he slowly lifted his head and turned it around, while staying conscious of his shoulder and how much movement it would allow. Once his squinted eyes adjusted to the brighter setting, he indeed saw sand. And much greenery in the far distance. There were broken boards scattered around in the sand, as well as larger pieces from something much bigger. Possibly something you'd see in a wreckage...and then his eyes met with people lying in the distance. Some moving around, some not. Realization spread across his face and he felt his stomach sink into somewhere deep and unknown. "...oh, God."
Poi finally began to stir once more. The pain she felt was absolutely mind numbing, but at least this time she wasn't as disoriented, and she knew what to expect. She knew that she had to move slowly or she'd pass out again, so it was with great deliberation that she began to push herself up. She squinted around the beach and noticed that more people seemed to be moving.

This was good....This was good. She winced when it hurt to breathe, so she tried also to take more shallow breaths.

"Jyu!" she cried out to some of the people, before blinking a little bit, trying to get the sand out of her eyelashes. "Jyu!" She tried to get their attention, struggling to get to her feet as she hugged the rags around her body. Her accent was thick and foreign.
Marella jumped as the person before her began to stir and yell. She had knelt down next to the girl trying to prod her awake and then suddenly she had begun to yell something in a heavy accent. "Shh, Shh your going to be okay," she said trying to calm the woman before worried that she might stress herself again. "We need to get you out of the sun," Marella continued one hand still pulled close to her chest.

By this time Deuce was also up albeit panting and scratched up the dog looked okay. He stood up shakily wobbling on his paws yet still looking strong. Marella offered her good hand to the girl to help her up. She noticed out of the corner of her a few men and woman stirring, "Oi, hey over here," she called in a croaking voice.

Marcus Cartwright was worth money, wait, not only was he worth money he had money. Money and pride, and those two things could get you practically anywhere in his land. He could do whatever he wanted good or bad and he did a fair bit of both. To say Marcus was mean is a bit harsh but you would never call him a nice person. He knew where he stood in society and how to work it but as he sat on this beach with Commoners he was beginning to realize how little his life actually meant. You can't buy yourself out of a disaster you have to work at it and survive.
Aaron heard voices a bit further down the beach and felt major relief. This was good, people were recovering! But how many would, from something like this? He wasn't sure. Slowly, he pulled himself into a sitting position while holding his shoulder for support. It was still agonizing but not as much so if he was careful with it.

He craned his neck around, looking at the survivors and his surroundings, the sinking feeling in his stomach not showing any kind of relief at the sight of the devastation. He shook his hair out as much as he could without causing his arm to act out again and sand fell into his lap. He sighed and looked ahead at the ocean, trying to look for signs of land somewhere. Anywhere...

His shoulder gave him another painful ache and he tried to keep the moan inside. If he was in the sort of situation he thought he was in, he knew he would not survive very long with an arm like this.
Poi realized a very strange thing as the woman reached out towards her and spoke. She didn't understand what the woman was saying. She recognized the word formation with certainty, but she didn't understand what the woman was trying to convey. She tried to fight through the confusion. Did these people speak a different language? Why had she been on a boat with people speaking another language?

She took the woman's hand, but then showed more concern in Marella's health. "Ety uíp pleu?"
Raekel looked at the people as more of them moved. She jabbed the nearest one with the butt of the gun to get a groan. Well at least that one was alive. But as Raekel scanned the people she noted that she was one of the few who were young.

'Great. Now they are going to baby me. I hate being the youngest.'

But there was little to do about it. She walked over to a man who had just waken. He was looking out at the water. What did he plan to see? Another ship? Another island? Something to give him hope that all was not lost? It didn't matter to the girl.

"Are you okay," she asked.
Aaron was startled by the sound of the girl's voice and at once he cursed himself for not being more aware of the things around him; intense pain enveloped his shoulder again, punishing him for the sudden movement. He flinched but didn't make a sound this time and squinted his eyes up at the girl, trying to get a good view of her in the overwhelming light.

He remembered seeing her on the ship but never once thought about talking to her. Not because he didn't want to, it just never came to mind. He noticed how tattered her clothes were, and when he glanced down at himself he realized he wasn't much better. He didn't care, there were other more important things to think about than his present wardrobe.

"Just...well, glad to be alive, for starters." He was surprised by how hoarse he sounded. He wondered how long he was out for. How long they all were out for. "Hey...guess you wouldn't know how to snap a shoulder back into place by any chance, would you?"

He felt stupid for asking. She was only a few years younger than him after all, but he had to exercise all his options. He knew - all too well - how to do the procedure himself because he remembered how painful it was when he was younger. Then there was that small bit of uncertainty that poked at him in the back of his mind, telling him he would accidentally screw up his joint, or something worse. But in this situation there really was no other way.
((Whatever you want [MENTION=1929]Ash Autopsy[/MENTION] ! ^.^ It's your character! Maybe you can have your character waking up on the beach and coming conscious. :) ))

As Poi heard other voices, she took her gaze off the woman she had been showing concern for. It looked like five or six people were finally coming to. As though it was in her natural state of mind, she immediately became concerned for them. She may not speak their language, but that didn't mean she couldn't help. Her eyes roamed the area until she saw some sailcloth on the beach. It was battered and torn, but it'd have to do. She limped over to it and dropped to her knees, grabbing a sea seashell and using the sharp edge to cut strips of cloth from the mass. -Someone-, after all, needed to start taking care of everyone's injuries.
Eva pulled each eyelid open slightly as they fluttered at the bright sun. She leaned over and coughed up some sea water that dissolved into the sand. She looked around. Her hair was caked with wet sand. She sat up ever so slowly and looked around. She took a deep breath and looked at her hand, realizing her ring wasn't on it. She scanned the sand all around her for it but she couldn't see it.

Evan oppened his eyes and looked up, straight at the sun. He squinted and covered his eyes, sitting straight up. He coughed a bit and then shook the sand from his hair and got up. "What the hell?" whispered to himself. He looked out at the water and at the bits of wreckage he could distantly see. He widened his eyes a little bit and looked at the shire to see mostly meaningless things. A suit case or two. He stepped on a small pointed shell and yelled. "God Damnit!" He ripped it from his foot and chucked it into the ocean angrily.
Raekel shrugged and got closer to the man. She looked at his shoulder and then to his face. Well if she was going to be standred with these people why not start making friends. She nodded then.

"I've done it before once or twice. But it will probably hurt." She moved to touch his shoulder, waiting for him to comfirm that she could go ahead. Touching his clothes and skin she blushed a little. It was not that she hadn't touch men before. She was still a virgin but certaintly not an innocent maid. Still it felt odd touching someone she barely knew.
Marella watched the girl hobble away to sail and begin cutting strips. She scanned the beach looking for a possible source of fresh water knowing the sooner they found that the better. She stood up unsteadily her arm still clutched close to her chest. "Deuce," she croaked just above a whisper and grasping the huge dog's collar with her good hand.

Then she set off for the edge of the jungle, she wasn't going in it but at least she could try and hear a stream or find one running towards the beach and follow it deeper for a cleaner source. The real question was whether or not she should go alone? What would she carry it in? how would she get it back with only one good hand? Marella stopped and turned back to face the survivors, she couldn't go off and be independent. She had to think about surviving and working with the other instead of on her own.

Marcus managed to get to his feet and although he was still unsteady he felt stronger once standing. He was about to bellow a hello to see if anyone was there but stopped himself. He could see movement up ahead and knew his best bet was to go towards the figures. He made his way carefully and slowly not wanting to risk stepping on anything that had washed up on the shore.

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