
Raekel waited back as the people around her spoke and took care of injuries. She was luck enough to have not gotten hurt at all. She had a few minor scrapes and bruises but she wasn't cut deep anywhere or had anything broken. Her ankle felt a little sprained but otherwise she was one of the few people to come out of the disaster unharmed.

So the young thief decided to go and see if she could be help otherwhere. She spotted a woman and what looked to be a dog down near the water. The woman seemed to be removing furniture from the water. She walked over.

"Planning on using the furniture for something? I guess once dry they would be good firewood."
Marella looked up to see the woman who had approached, "Something like that, I mean if we can find stuff to carry water that would be great, extra clothing, and once it dries it would be nice firewood but first we got to get it out of the water," she said pulling at the large chest of drawers. As the water level dropped the amount of weight she was pulling increased making it harder and harder to drag.

"Do you think it is worth it or do you think we should wait until the tide changes? We might risk losing," Marella said pausing for a moment to catch her breath. The lack of water was already starting to hit her and she cursed herself for not eating a full meal but how the heck was she supposed to know they were gonna wreck on an island.
Her accent sounded really thick and he took a guess that her nationality was Japanese. Did she really come that far on the boat, only to shipwreck with the rest of them here? Aaron smiled at the girl and with a nod, he took the cloth from her. "Thanks, it does."

He laid the cloth strips out neatly on the sand, thinking that they had just enough for everyone now.
Raekel nodded as she watched the woman drag a chest onto the shore. Not wanting to see her do it alone and seeing that she might not be all up to it, Raekel decided to help her out. She wasn't really strong but she was use to labor. She pushed the chest of drawers from behind.

"I'll help you. I'm sure if we move the furniture far enough the tide shouldn't get at them. Of course I know nothing of tides."
Marella nodded and within a few moments they had managed to drag the chest onto the moderately dry beach. She than began to pull the drawers out of their sheaths and sort through the contents. There was a leather pouch that could be used for water and a drenched quill, the metal tip could become useful. As she dug deeper she found a letter opener along with bits of soggy paper. The rest was jewelry that was useless aside from the metals but she didn't just discard it. If the owner was alive she would want it, if not the moment she got of the island Marella was selling it. Until than she just left it.

"You find anything?" she asked.
Raekel had taken to look around at the other objects trying to figure out which would be the easiest to drag to shore. She was not all that strong but she was determined. She heard the woman, whose name she did not know yet, and shook her head.

'I'm looking to drag more junk on land. But I'll search whatever I get. Have you found anything useful in the drawers?"

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