• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Ships Haven Split *High School Rp* (Closed)



"They call me the weirdest rich chick in the East Side"-Valentina "Val" Bruno

Name: Valentina Aurora Bruno

Age: Seventeen

Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown

Dyed Hair Color: Platinum Blonde

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 5'4

Weight: 154


*Playing Sports
*Causing Trouble
*Lots of Money
*Social Media

*Anything that is very girly
*Very Loud People
*The Normal Class Clowns
*People who think they are better than others


East Side

Valentina grew up in a foster home until she was only 10 years old when she got adopted into a very rich family in the east side. Every day she is very lucky to even be adopted into that type of family, Valentina had everything she ever wanted as a little girl, puppies, lots of dolls and to be a little pretty princess. From the outside, everyone thought that the Bruno's were always the happy family with the three children but they are all wrong. Even though her mother is a fashion designer and her father is a company owner while her older brother is a model every family does have their flaws.

When she started going to high school on the east side she saw that during her freshmen year all you saw was the girls wearing skirts and dress in heels and make-up while the guys would wear jeans and a button down shirt and Val was the type of a tomboy when she was 13 she didn't want the dress or the skirts she didn't feel right wearing them and that's what upsets her parents the most even when your mother is a fashion designer. Both of her parents think that she is ruining the family's image for them which she really didn't care because she knew they deserve it after beating her nights and clean throughout the day, but she always has a strong suit on and always puts on a smile for everyone. She was soon forced to wear makeup when going to school but along with the tome boy outfits she would wear, she didn't care as long as she didn't have to wear a dress. Once she heard that the Westside school was going to be sharing with them because they "fireworked" their own school which she thought was pretty awesome. However, from what her family says and others on the east side they were very dangerous people in that area. She is not much to judge them like they say everyone has their flaws.

Family: Mother(38) Father(42) Older Brother(19)
Pets: Diana


code by pasta
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Name: Walter O'Brien
Age (15-18): 17
Appearance: Calm and casual
Gender: Genderfluid
Hair Colour: Black with Cameral highlights
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 6'3
Weight: 190

Personality (+ and -): Walter is a calm guy and not known for getting angry, but when he does he gets ANGRY
Likes: Planes, Chocolate, Flying, His Bed, Phone Cats
Dislikes: Heat, P.e, Dogs(Kinda), Donald Trump
Sexuality: Gay
East or West: East
History [Please be descriptive]: Walter has always had the life of luxury, his family has always had billions of dollars, but once his father left when he was 12 his family was thrown into dark time, but that all changed when his mother came into a huge sum of money and they have been living well ever since. His sister died when he was 111 and that is the sole reason his father left, his father died when he was 13, his mother passed away last year and he's been on his own, other than his full house of staff, his Genderfluid lifestyle has been a tough, along with being gay, hasn't got him friends in the past but hopefully that will change


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Name: Walter O'Brien
Age (15-18): 17
Appearance: Calm and casual
Gender: Genderfluid
Hair Colour: Black with Cameral highlights
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 6'3
Weight: 190

Personality (+ and -): Walter is a calm guy and not known for getting angry, but when he does he gets ANGRY
Likes: Planes, Chocolate, Flying, His Bed, Phone Cats
Dislikes: Heat, P.e, Dogs(Kinda), Donald Trump
Sexuality: Gay
East or West: East
History [Please be descriptive]: Walter has always had the life of luxury, his family has always had billions of dollars, but once his father left when he was 12 his family was thrown into dark time, but that all changed when his mother came into a huge sum of money and they have been living well ever since. His sister died when he was 111 and that is the sole reason his father left, his father died when he was 13, his mother passed away last year and he's been on his own, other than his full house of staff, his Genderfluid lifestyle has been a tough, along with being gay, hasn't got him friends in the past but hopefully that will change



Realistic photo/gif for a faceclaim please!

Name || Cedric Samuel Vanley
Age || Seventeen
Hair Colour || Dirty Blond
Eye Colour || Blue-Grey
Height || 5'11
Weight || 130



Personality //
+ Thick-skinned + Sympathetic + Altruistic + Adventurous
- Self-destructive - Reckless - Stubborn - Ignorant
Likes // Loud car engines, Free-running, Being out after dark, Road-trips, Camping
Dislikes // Authority figures, Sit-down meals, Shouting, Routine, Country music, reading
Sexuality // Heterosexual, starting to question
East or West // East
History //
Cedric Vanley was raised as the son of millionaire, Henry Vanley. Everything he wanted was immediately provided to him and he was labeled by many as a spoiled brat. They were probably right, but many also said he deserved it. After all, a child who was abandoned by his mother should be compensated in any way possible.
Henry was seen by many as a conceited man whose money and power had gone straight to his ego. They were most certainly correct, but that didn't bother Maya Thatcher. There were rumors that she only married him for his money, but that was surprisingly untrue. In their own way, the rather eccentric couple loved each other. When she got pregnant with a son, no one was happier than Henry himself. Somehow, his ego was willing to be set aside for a child.
Her miscarriage came as a complete surprise, several months into the pregnancy. The couple was not seen for months after they retreated to their Winter cabin in the mountains. However, they soon returned to their mansion in the city. To the surprise of many, Maya was already pregnant again. This time, the child was born without difficulty. Uproar soon followed when Maya, the proud mother, disappeared without trace. Her husband reassured everyone that she had not been kidnapped or murdered; in fact, she left a letter stating that she couldn't keep up with the pressure of being a millionaire's wife and had run away. Many suspected that he had something to do with her vanishing, but no one was crazy enough to try to prove it.
Henry carefully tucked away the scandal and refused to speak with his son about it, even when Cedric grew older. Cedric spent much of his childhood daydreaming about why his mother was gone. Perhaps she was a spy, or had been abducted by aliens. His father was also absent a lot, which only sparked his imagination. When he reached middle school age, his father firmly shut down his son's imagination on the matter. He even made a point to be at the mansion more often to keep his staff from encouraging the boy. Cedric went through those years growing more and more confused by his father's erratic behavior.
In high school, he realized that it didn't matter what was wrong with his father; the man clearly didn't care much for him, so why should he worry himself? The first couple years of highschool were quite a time of self-realization for Cedric as he grew into an expert trouble-maker. He found refuge in partying and staying out late. It was practically a miracle that he wasn't expelled, but Henry made sure his son wouldn't turn out a complete failure. The two had many fights which were also kept carefully hidden from the public eye. This obviously led Cedric to stay out later and more often. Henry eventually gave up, leaving his son in the care of his many staff members.

Pets || Stephen
Family || Father Mother- He doesn't remember her.


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Candice "Candy" Piper"All of these nice things were stolen."


  • 1a79038a96e65fe94312e3e70ad8fed9.jpg Age

    Hair Colour

    Eye Colour



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// BASICS //
Name: Paris Brennan Matthews
Age: 16
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 124 pounds

// Personal//
Personality: Paris is calm in most cases and just tries to enjoy every moment. Once and awhile, however, Paris will become extremely irritated and turn into a "nasty person", so don't overstep his boundaries or he WILL go off on you, no matter who you are.

Lighthearted and humorous, Paris has a tendency to tease people, either with their secrets or whatever Paris can make believable. He tends to be abrasive, sarcastic, and brutally honest, but he's generally relaxed and overall easy to get along with. Somewhat excitable, to the extent of being a little rash, and always has a witty comeback. He cares very little for high authority figures though, it wouldn't matter if you were the President, he would still treat you however he wants to.
+ Skateboarding
+ Longboarding
+ Body boarding
+ Music
- People who talk too much
- Prejudice people
- Being underestimated
- Obnoxious chewing
Sexuality: Bisexual
East or West?: East
History: What happens when you're dad is a top notch actor and your mom a successful author/journalist? You get spoiled with the richest of riches of course. Paris wasn't born into an ordinary family--by ordinary I mean average. His father is a Hollywood celebrity and his mother is an advocate for environmental safety, a journalist/author, and was even the host for a documentary show that dove into America's unsolved mysteries. Heck, even his brother is now a rising star, working for various modeling agencies and making multiple appearances at runway shows.

The summer before school had started, Paris gradually fell in love with a boy who is much adored by Paris' mother. After his father had finished shooting his most recent movie, he was given tickets to an amusement park in another state, a well-known amusement park, might I add. However, the park itself was crowded with tourists from all over the country and world. So, when his father pulled over their SUV, to ask a boy what else there was to do in the state, the boy instantly charmed Paris' parents. This of course crafted feelings of jealousy and competition amongst Paris and this new boy. Throughout the rest of the day, the boy continued to crack jokes, tell stories, and do whatever else he could to impress the celebrity family. Eventually, the boy and his father, whom he works for, escorted the celebrity family back to their house, where the rest of the boy's family prepared the guest rooms, as the Matthews were going to be in the state for about half-a-week. A day after, Paris slowly became romantically interested in the boy and eventually confessed his feelings, as did the boy.

Later that night, the boy, who's name was earlier to be discovered as Mason, persuaded his family and Paris' to go to a club. Mason, having connections to the owner of the club, was allowed in, along with his fellow entourage. That night, Mason sang two songs about love and a song that started a fight. His voice was so incredible, that he impressed even his own family, as they were shocked to see such talent. Throughout the summer break, Mason and his family would come to Ships Haven and spend a week or two with the Matthews, in the separate house located in their backyard.
// Home Life //
Car: N/A; he has skateboard...that's good enough
Family: His father, Pierce (64), his mother, Keely (61), and his brother Dylan (20) [in order]
// Other//
~ He has a boyfriend, but he's in a different state. During breaks and Summer he'll visit Paris. His boyfriend is actually a social media star, and rising celebrity, because of his pitch perfect voice and ability to play piano. Not only is he a star, but he saved Paris' mother's life at a party. P.S. His boyfriend's name is Mason. [I'll probably explain more in the RP].
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Name: Miles MacDonald
Nickname: Mi, Mac
Gender: Cis-Male
Age: 18
Hair and eye color: Light Brown
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150 lbs

Style: X : X : X




Description: Despite Miles's past and what he does for a living, he is generally a sweet, kind, and happy guy. He has a soft spot for people with pasts like his, and will always try to help them out in any way he can. Miles loves to meet people and make friends, so he's not really like most West-siders. He is super adventurous, and will try anything at least once, definitely more than once if it turns out to be fun. Miles is the type of guy who doesn't take shit from anyone, especially those who bully. He may seem intimidating with his muscular body and tattoos, but underneath it all, he's a teddy bear. Miles is mostly a peace keeper, and will try to stand up for both sides to diffuse situations.

Likes: Playing guitar, drinking, partying, doing drugs (especially hallucinogenics and psychedelics), making friends, hanging out with people, skateboarding, running, keeping in shape

Dislikes: meat (he's a vegetarian), judgmental people, bullies, airplanes, conformity, seagulls, the smell of cleaning products, being told what to do and how to do it, selfishness

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Side: West



History: Miles moved to the West Side when he was a young kid, about four years old. His mother had had a one night stand with a local mafia lieutenant, and became pregnant at seventeen. She hid Miles from the mafia for those four years, not wanting to get him involved in the criminal activity that they support and complete. However, eventually Miles' father found out about him, and gave his mother an ultimatum: either she comes to live with the mafia and brings Miles with her, which meant she would have to live there and be unmarried until the day she died, or simply drop Miles off with his father. Miles' mother was a bit selfish, and decided that she was too young to just throw her life away. So instead, she left Miles with the mafia and never contacted him again.

Miles grew up to be a soldier in the mafia, doing whatever he was told and being disciplined if he didn't. It was a rough life for a kid, but his father expected him to be the next-in-line lieutenant when he moved into the position of boss. Miles was never really about that life, he didn't like hurting people or taking from those that don't have much to give. But he did fall in love with party and drugs. Thus, when Miles' father eventually died in a deal gone bad, Miles left the mafia and began a career as a drug dealer. He is known to the west-siders as the guy who can get you any kind of drug you wished, even those that can only be found in other countries. He has a house in the west side where he often throws parties, but otherwise lives alone.

Car: 1969 Camaro
House: 2 bedroom house
Pets: None
Family: None

Miles MacDonald

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Name: Mason West
Age: 18
Hair Colour : Dirty blonde
Eye Colour: blue
Height: 5 ft 11

Personality (+ and -)
Charismatic, confident, Self-centered, Obnoxious, Witty, clever
Likes: Attention, video games, candy, partying, fast cars
Dislikes: Being bored, commitment, reading
Sexuality: Heterosexual
East or West: East side, all the way

Mason is an IVF baby. His parents had tried for years to have a baby, but they had no luck. Eventually, they went to a fertility clinic to get help, and luckily they had money on their side to try as many times that they needed. It took three times for them to finally get pregnant. And then Mason was born. His parents acted like he was a miracle child and gave him anything he ever wanted and asked for. They tried once to give Mason a sibling, but it did not work. Unfortunately, having his parents constantly catering to him did not help his ego and self-centeredness. He always expects to get what he wants, and acts like he’s entitled to everything. As he got older, his parents continued to smother him as much as they could. His mother became a stay-at-home mom as soon as Mason was born, but once Mason was in grade school, she went back to writing for magazines, and working on her own books. She occasionally leaves on book tours, but messages Mason the whole time she’s gone. His father owns his own business, and expects Mason to take over one day.



Mother – Molly west
Father – Christopher West

Mason West
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code by pasta


Name • Ezra Terrence Dean
Age • Eighteen
Hair Colour • Dark brown, curly and usually cut short
Eye Colour • Dark brown
Height • 6'2
Weight • 179

Personality —
+ Charming, Endearing, Thoughtful, Witty, Playful
- Sensitive, Trusting, Sassy/Sarcastic, Follower, Passive, occasionally passive-aggressive
Likes — Science • Reading • Arcades • Climbing stuff • Asian food • Libraries
Dislikes — When people crack body parts (knuckles, neck, back, etc.) • Secrets • Silence • Contact sports • Agressive people
Sexuality — Bisexual
East or West — East
History — Ezra was mostly raised by a single father. His father is a very reserved man, so he isn't entirely sure where his mother is, but then again, he never really wanted to know. His father was always very careful in how he raised Ezra, never spoiling him, but also making sure he didn't lack anything he needed. They were never rich, but they certianly weren't as poor as the West siders. When Ezra was ten years old, they almost had to sell their house, but somehow his father came into a lot of money so they got to stay. In fact, it was so much money that his father got to quit his job and start his dream of becoming a professional painter. Ezra was always quite different from his father, since he was hardly reserved and he wasn't much of an artist, but they were happy with just the two of them.
They traveled a lot, either for his father's art conventions, or just because they could. Because of their busy lifestyle, Ezra alternated between going to school and being homeschooled.
One day, his father brought up the idea of adopting a younger sibling for Ezra. At first he hated the idea, but his father, who had been looking into it for a while, showed him Tia. She was just four years old and had come from a horrible West side family. Somehow, Ezra couldn't say no after he saw her picture. Almost a year later, they brought Tia home and Ezra loved the role of protective older brother.
The three of them settled in as a family fairly quickly, although they traveled a lot less than they had when it was just the two boys. But Ezra didn't mind, since he actually preferred school to homeschooling. Tia is homeschooled out of preference, so she and their father still travel sometimes and leave Ezra at home. He doesn't mind too much, since some of his friends like to come over for parties. Although he is always very careful to clean up afterwards.

Pet- Winston, the sugar glider
Family- Father, Sister- Tia

The Bad Boy of the East Side

Xander Reyes
"Don't act like you're not impressed."

basic data
Xander Reyes


Eye Color

Hair Color




Personality Pros

Personality Cons
-Quick tempered

-winning/being first, flirting with pretty girls, partying, big dogs, sports

-being told what to do, hats, cats, coffee, his dad

East or West

Xander may be from the East Side, but that's simply because his parents have money. That doesn't make him the star quarterback, or the valedictorian of the school. His dad is an executive of some company that requires alot of travel time, but that's fine because when he's home he's usually drunk and yelling anyway. His mom travels alot as well, as a travel nurse, but he would die to protect her. He's the bad boy of the east side. He slacks off in school, and would rather spend his time flirting with a pretty girl than studying.

Overall, Xander is the type of person you want on your side. He's not afraid to throw a punch, and his family has the type of money to keep it under wraps. When it comes to girls he can be a little pushy, but that's just because he's confident in himself to the point of being called cocky. He would never do anything that a girl didn't want to do, though; that's not the type of guy he is. He's used to getting things his way, and has been known to trash someone's name when they tried to wrong him.

He's never really had a serious relationship, because not alot of people can handle his crazy, rowdy personality. He likes to party, and sometimes doesn't know when to quit. But if he found someone who wouldn't take his shit, then maybe he could actually be considered a good guy. He's not a bad guy, just young and dumb. He would do anything for the people he actually gives a damn about, like his mother or the few true friends he has.



Marilee Williams
name: Marilee Renee Williams
age: 18

sex: Female
orientation: Heterosexual


s t a t s

Grade: 12
Height: 5'4
Body type: short, but curvy in the bum area
Overall Appearance: Only standing at 5'4, Marilee is a mixed girl with black shoulder length hair that is naturally curly. She has nice, plump lips, and often wears a nose ring. She has what you would call a video-vixen body, having a lot of booty and a flat stomach, due to working out twice a week. She has more of an "urban" style when it comes to clothing, obsessing over the latest and best trends.
Style: 1. 2. 3.

Likes: ♡ Singing/Listening to all types of music
Making money
Meeting new people
Dislikes: Arrogant people
School in general
Country music
Quirks: ♧ Always loud when talking, walking, or doing anything. You always know when she's in the building.
She hums when trying to think.
Her edges always have to be laid.
School: Westside

Personality: Marilee is definitely a girl you would either love or hate. Her personality rubs people the wrong way sometimes. She's very blunt, even if you're her best friend, she will always tell you how it is. Instead of being super uptight, she's more of a laid back, go with the flow, type of person.
Mari is extremely loud, but lovable, as well. Due to her tough upbringing, she never wants to be like her mother. She doesn't do drugs but smokes the occasional joint and drinks a few shots from time-to-time. She managed to do ok in school, averaging around C's in every single class. She's was more interested in her music than classes, When she sings, many people tell her she has an amazing voice. People often compare her to Alicia Keys and Rihanna.
Car: x
Apartment: x


b i o
Marilee grew up in a high crime, and drug-induced area, also known as Harlem, New York. At only the age of sixteen, Lorena Paterson had given birth to a biracial baby girl, Marilee Renee Williams, which didn't sit well with her parents. Lorena's parents were extremely appalled and outraged. They believed that she brought shame to the family name, and in result, she was cut off from all family contact. By seventeen, Lorena was on the Harlem street, homeless, with a one-year-old. After only a couple of months of being the street, her parents let her move back in, in hopes of changing her life style. They were wrong. Her mother turned to drugs and prostitution, because of her pain inside. She felt as if nobody understood her and that she was a burden, which was completely devasting.
Only being twelve, Mari has seen it all. Nothing phased her anymore. She had very little idea what her mom was like sober, and that statement alone made her feel different than the other kids. Did her mom love her? Did anybody love her? That's really all she wanted: a stable and loving family. Her grandparents hated her guts, that, she knew for a certain. With very little recollection of what her father was like, from what she remembered, she had only seen him twice. Once on her fourth birthday party, and another on Christmas Eve.
Now, being eighteen, she understands a lot more than she did. She knows that her mother does drugs, and she vowed that she would never be like her. When she's older, she aspires to become an R&B singer. She wants her story known to bring awareness to situations like hers.
coded by dwale
TW = Suicide, illness

Myr was born to Lebanese immigrants who came to America. Her parents moved to mother was a manicurist while her father was a host at a local lounge and bar. The family lived in Reno, Nevada. Neither of them had very high salaries and they were in the lower middle-class. As such, Myr didn't always get the things she wanted and the family had to receive loans from other gracious family members living in the states. She had to learn to adapt to unexpected situations, especially after the arrival of her baby sister, Zarifah, who was born when Myr was 9.

Myr had to "grow up quickly" and learn to take care of her sister, who was diagnosed with autism. They had fun and played as most sisters do, but she had to take responsibility at a young age, earning enough money to help pay for Zarifah's medications and helping her to calm down during tantrums. She knew that her sister wasn't doing it on purpose and she had a great understanding of autism for her age.

When she was 12, her mother was found dead from suicide due to a drug overdose. The whole family was shaken by this and in an attempt to get away from it all and start new, they moved to the West Side months later. Her father found a job as a factory worker and Myr had to work as a waitress to help with her father and Zarifah. When she was 16, she saved money and got a tattoo with her father's consent. It was a memoir dedicated her late mother and after that, she found that she enjoyed the look of tattoos and wanted to become an artist. Myr still lives with her father and sister and she hopes to earn enough money to move out and buy an apartment.

Name: Myrna Halouani
Nickname: Myr
Age: 17
Gender: Cis female
Sexuality: Bisexual
West Side or East Side: West Side

Faceclaim: Lara Ghraoui
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Dark hazel
Height: 5'9
Weight: 125 lbs
Clothing Style: xxxxx
Tattoos: Petunias
Vices: Reserved - Myr is one of the quietest people you'll ever meet. She finds socialization to be unnecessary and a burden and she prefers being a loner rather than hanging out with others. She tends to be very cold and sharp with strangers.

Judgemental - Myr is quick to judge people before even getting to know them, especially by their reputation or appearance. She thinks that all East Siders are just petty little brats who have everything handed to them on a golden platter lined with diamonds.

Secretive - Myr is very secretive, whether it comes to her mother or her family's financial situation. She doesn't tell anything to anyone and it takes a while to gain her trust. If she feels someone asks something or makes a statement that threatens her privacy, she doesn't hesitate to lash out.

Arrogant - Myr's confidence causes her to be arrogant at times. She sometimes thinks that whatever she says is better and she can look down on the opinions of others because of this. Many times she will not even think about any advice given to her due to her absolute certainty that whatever she decides is good.

Apathetic - Most times, Myr will be very oblivious to people's emotions and empathy does not come easily to her, especially when dealing with East Siders. If someone tells her their life story, her reaction will mostly likely be "boohoo, get over it".

Virtues: Confident - Perhaps one of Myr's more notable traits is her confidence. She has no doubts whatsoever in what she says or does. She is not one to worry about the future and she is very confident in her abilities.

Self-Disciplined - Myr is the kind of student who will get to school early and complete her homework on time while remembering what she has to do during the day. She doesn't allow herself to slack off and she is extremely punctual and organized in what she does. When she sets a goal, she will do all she can to reach it.

Strong-Willed - When Myr knows that she wants to do something, she will go for it. She is the kind of person who will mean what she says and she will accomplish what she says she will. She wants to become a tattoo artist and while her father was doubtful in her decision for a career, she knew she wanted to do it.

Independent - Myr is a person who prefers to do things by herself without help. She prefers to figure out things herself without advice from other people and she enjoys a challenge. She has her own set of beliefs and views that don't change for anyone and she will stand her ground to the end.

Altruistic - While she doesn't seem like it, Myr puts the needs of the people she cares about before her own. She has a caring side to her only revealed to her family and close friends, but especially towards her sister, who she helped to raise. She would do anything for her loved ones, even if it meant doing something that would place her in a very uncomfortable or overwhelming situation.
Likes: Drawing, tattoos, metalcore and punk music, books, dark colors, mystery, dogs

Dislikes: Socializing, crowds, people who are very chatty/loud or extroverted, bright colors (especially pink and yellow), cats, romance movies



coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
note: all pictures are clickable
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But I got smarter​

Name: Cassie Laura Westwood

Age: 16

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue

Height: 5'4

Weight: 115 lbs
I got harder​


-Easily Attached
-Trusts Easily

Likes: Country music, pop music, curly hair, tall guys, blue eyes, skirts, acoustic guitar, cowgirl boots, accents, horseback riding, and family.

Dislikes: Rap music, hard rock, losing someone close, loud noises, arrogance, pettiness, ignorance, people with no manners, and judging.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

East or West: East
In the​

Cassie Laura Westwood was born and raised in Ships Haven. Her mother was a journalist for the town newspaper and her father is the owner of a therapeutic horse stable further into the east side, near the woods and trails. They have a nice ranch near the stables and are pretty well off financially.

Cassie has been an only child her own life, making her a bit spoiled due to her parents giving her everything she wished, but that didn't change Cassie's attitude. She's a sweet girl with a heart of gold and would never hurt anything, even a fly.

This blondie used to be very social as a child. She didn't have to worry about school stereotypes and people judging her. She had her friends on the playground and her horses at the stables.

During most of Cassie's schooling, she was homeschooled until Freshman year when she went to Ships Haven Prep. Cassie didn't fit in whatsoever. She was way too shy, innocent and fragile for the kids in Ships Haven Prep. Plus Cassie, of course, had her southern accent and her favorite rose embroidered cowgirl boots where everyone else was different than that. Oh, let's not forget she's the only daughter to the only southerners in town. Those two years of Ships Haven Prep were awful, at least she got good grades and teachers actually loved her.

During the winter of sophomore year, her mother got into a horrible riding accident and ended up passing a day later from the wounds. Cassie at that time, being lost with herself losing her best friend, her mom, went back to homeschooling to cope with her feelings through it all.

Now, Cassie is going back to school for Junior year since the death of her mother. She has no want to be that loner kid anymore, Cassie wants to reinvent herself. After the death of her mother she doesn't care about the grades or making it out, all she wants to do is forget about it and live. Cassie wants to now lose her reputation as the "good girl" from the south and discover a whole new world.
nick of time​

Mother | Lauren Westwood | Deceased
Father | Adam Westwood | 45

Extras: N/A

But I got smarter​

Name: Cassie Laura Westwood

Age: 16

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue

Height: 5'4

Weight: 115 lbs

I got harder​


-Easily Attached
-Trusts Easily

Likes: Country music, pop music, curly hair, tall guys, blue eyes, skirts, acoustic guitar, cowgirl boots, accents, horseback riding, and family.

Dislikes: Rap music, hard rock, losing someone close, loud noises, arrogance, pettiness, ignorance, people with no manners, and judging.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

East or West: East

In the​

Cassie Laura Westwood was born and raised in Ships Haven. Her mother was a journalist for the town newspaper and her father is the owner of a therapeutic horse stable further into the east side, near the woods and trails. They have a nice ranch near the stables and are pretty well off financially.

Cassie has been an only child her own life, making her a bit spoiled due to her parents giving her everything she wished, but that didn't change Cassie's attitude. She's a sweet girl with a heart of gold and would never hurt anything, even a fly.

This blondie used to be very social as a child. She didn't have to worry about school stereotypes and people judging her. She had her friends on the playground and her horses at the stables.

During most of Cassie's schooling, she was homeschooled until Freshman year when she went to Ships Haven Prep. Cassie didn't fit in whatsoever. She was way too shy, innocent and fragile for the kids in Ships Haven Prep. Plus Cassie, of course, had her southern accent and her favorite rose embroidered cowgirl boots where everyone else was different than that. Oh, let's not forget she's the only daughter to the only southerners in town. Those two years of Ships Haven Prep were awful, at least she got good grades and teachers actually loved her.

During the winter of sophomore year, her mother got into a horrible riding accident and ended up passing a day later from the wounds. Cassie at that time, being lost with herself losing her best friend, her mom, went back to homeschooling to cope with her feelings through it all.

Now, Cassie is going back to school for Junior year since the death of her mother. She has no want to be that loner kid anymore, Cassie wants to reinvent herself. After the death of her mother she doesn't care about the grades or making it out, all she wants to do is forget about it and live. Cassie wants to now lose her reputation as the "good girl" from the south and discover a whole new world.

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Mother | Lauren Westwood | Deceased
Father | Adam Westwood | 45

Extras: N/A
Marilee Williams
name: Marilee Renee Williams
age: 18

sex: Female
orientation: Heterosexual


s t a t s

Grade: 12
Height: 5'4
Body type: short, but curvy in the bum area
Overall Appearance: Only standing at 5'4, Marilee is a mixed girl with black shoulder length hair that is naturally curly. She has nice, plump lips, and often wears a nose ring. She has what you would call a video-vixen body, having a lot of booty and a flat stomach, due to working out twice a week. She has more of an "urban" style when it comes to clothing, obsessing over the latest and best trends.
Style: 1. 2. 3.

Likes: ♡ Singing/Listening to all types of music
Making money
Meeting new people
Dislikes: Arrogant people
School in general
Country music
Quirks: ♧ Always loud when talking, walking, or doing anything. You always know when she's in the building.
She hums when trying to think.
Her edges always have to be laid.
School: Westside

Personality: Marilee is definitely a girl you would either love or hate. Her personality rubs people the wrong way sometimes. She's very blunt, even if you're her best friend, she will always tell you how it is. Instead of being super uptight, she's more of a laid back, go with the flow, type of person.
Mari is extremely loud, but lovable, as well. Due to her tough upbringing, she never wants to be like her mother. She doesn't do drugs but smokes the occasional joint and drinks a few shots from time-to-time. She managed to do ok in school, averaging around C's in every single class. She's was more interested in her music than classes, When she sings, many people tell her she has an amazing voice. People often compare her to Alicia Keys and Rihanna.
Car: x
Apartment: x


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Marilee grew up in a high crime, and drug-induced area, also known as Harlem, New York. At only the age of sixteen, Lorena Paterson had given birth to a biracial baby girl, Marilee Renee Williams, which didn't sit well with her parents. Lorena's parents were extremely appalled and outraged. They believed that she brought shame to the family name, and in result, she was cut off from all family contact. By seventeen, Lorena was on the Harlem street, homeless, with a one-year-old. After only a couple of months of being the street, her parents let her move back in, in hopes of changing her life style. They were wrong. Her mother turned to drugs and prostitution, because of her pain inside. She felt as if nobody understood her and that she was a burden, which was completely devasting.
Only being twelve, Mari has seen it all. Nothing phased her anymore. She had very little idea what her mom was like sober, and that statement alone made her feel different than the other kids. Did her mom love her? Did anybody love her? That's really all she wanted: a stable and loving family. Her grandparents hated her guts, that, she knew for a certain. With very little recollection of what her father was like, from what she remembered, she had only seen him twice. Once on her fourth birthday party, and another on Christmas Eve.
Now, being eighteen, she understands a lot more than she did. She knows that her mother does drugs, and she vowed that she would never be like her. When she's older, she aspires to become an R&B singer. She wants her story known to bring awareness to situations like hers.
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