• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Ships Haven Split (Closed)

Clary James
Mentions: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

Clary got into a position to start so when the the teacher said go for the first one she was ready. The girl made it to the end second it seemed a little behind Chase. She knew he was a little faster than her but she was also a stubborn asshole soooo she wanna definitely gonna try. As the rounds went on people got eliminated until there were about 12 people left (so everyone can decide how thier characters are doing at this point XD) and Clary was getting a little winded but she hadn't faltered yet so she felt good. As they ran the next sprint she finished but before she could turn she felt a firm slap on her ass, turning to instantly react. "Clary! Don't start a fight if it's not worth it. Grant! Keep the flirting out of my gym ok?" The old coach shouted over Clary just staring the idiotic athlete down. Ever since she had been spending a bit more time with Chase which she thought was low key, Grant had been a little more open with his douche pervness. Clary knew she could take him though so she wasn't that worried.
"You touch me again you lose your hand ok?" She half growled at the jock, a few of the preppy girls that had basically given up on the competition for the sake of thier makeup had began to gossip, staring at the dark haired girl. Clary couldn't care less as she got ready to run the next one.
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Cedric had not slept this well in at least a month. Mostly due to the fact that his father had been home and in a hellish mood all month long. Cedric had been grounded ever since the pep rally which had only worsened their strained relationship. Finally, his father had been called away on business and had left the night before. Leaving Cedric eager to take advantage of his freedom.

Ced stretched luxuriously and slowly opened one eye to glare at the clock. It had been buzzing on and off for the last half hour. He jumped slightly when he saw the time. Make that the past two hours. He threw off his sheets and hurried to his closet to get dressed. He half-jogged down the stairs, in too much of a rush to think about sliding down the banister. His phone buzzed in his pocket as he entered the kitchen. "Morning Beth!" He called to the cook as he checked his phone distractedly. It was from Valentina.
'Hey, want a ride?'
He frowned slightly, glancing out to the driveway where Whitaker already had his car idling. 'Umm....' He texted back, setting his phone down so he could think it over while he retrieved his plate of breakfast from the oven where it was staying warm. He held his phone gingerly in his mouth, using his other hand to grab his drink as he went to the breakfast room. He settled himself in one of the chairs and took a few bites of his food before giving Val a more definitive answer.
'Sure, why not.'
It wasn't that he disliked riding with her, escpecially since they had rekindled their friendship over the last month, but his Baby was waiting for him in the driveway. He gave it a longing glance. Val's BMW just wasn't the same. He returned to his meal and shrugged to himself. It was just one day and if she could get him there close to on time, he would be cool with it.
He finished inhaling his breakfast and went up to his room to grab a jacket and his backpack. He hesitated slightly by the front door. Cedric had mostly ignored Whitaker since his father had yelled at and grounded him, so the butler had started making himself scarce. Cedric chewed on his lip, knowing that the incident wasn't entirely Whitaker's fault. After all, he knew his father could be intimidating and Whitaker knew better than to lie to the man. "See you later bro!" He called, pausing to see if there would be a response. He heard the distant response of, 'Catch you later, sir.' A quick smile crossed his face as he closed the door behind him. Of course Whitaker's betrayal had hurt just as much as it usually did, but at the end of the day, the old butler was always there. Even if he kept his distance sometimes.
Cedric retrieved the keys from his Baby's ignition, storing them safely in his backpack. He probably had time to put her in the garage before Valentina showed up, but it didn't seem too likely to rain, so he didn't see the harm in leaving her outside. He sat on the little bench in the front garden to wait for Val, keeping an ear out for the sound of her BMW's unmistakable engine.

Mentions: Valentina Bruno- @Aaliyah Veda

Marina Skye Thornton


Marina giggled lightly rolling her eyes at him as he mentioned his "temple." But that lightheartedness quickly went away as he began to tell her about what had happened at Clary's the night before. Mari's heart sank, knowing that Axel was trying to keep his emotions in check but was really torn up about the whole thing. She buried her emotions away on Clary's situation a long time ago, and offered her friend support, a place to crash, and a listening ear whenever she needed it. Mari and Miles had tried countless times to tell Clary she should take her siblings and move out, and they would help her pay for it. But Clary was stubborn like Mari, and wouldn't accept their help.

"I know," Marina responded with a sigh, taking the joint again and inhaling. She looked up for a brief moment and closed her eyes, forcing her emotional barriers back into place. But Axel's next question was one she was expecting nor wanting to answer. "Into me, huh?" she said with a bitter chuckle, "All he wants is to fuck the West Side girl who rejected him to prove to his buddies that he can. I don't have time for that." Her tone had returned to its normal icy emotionless sound as she shrugged her shoulders and passed the joint back to him. "What about you, lady's man? I heard you have two girls lined up." She was a bit jealous, but she would never admit that to him.

Mentions: Mason ( Jessii Jessii ) | Interactions: Axel ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Miles MacDonald


Miles noticed the confidence return back to Mason's expression, but he couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. Shrugging the thought away, Mason grinned and shook his head. "Dude, I know you still try to talk to her. Everyone does," he responded easily, shoving his hands into the pockets of his gym shorts. Shrugging his shoulders, Miles turned and looked out at the other students in the gym class. "Well, whatever happened, you must of upset her pretty bad. Mari doesn't just give people the cold shoulder like that. She'd rather yell until they cry and beg for forgiveness honestly. So something you did got to her," Miles added, shrugging nonchalantly, "See you around, man."

With that, Miles began walking towards the weight room next to the locker room. Back on the West side, the weight room consisted of one bench with the bar and round weights, and some dumbbells. But the East side had a fancy room with mirrors, mats, and every piece of equipment someone could need. Miles was in to working out and keeping in shape, it helped calm his mind and nerves. He chose the Pec Deck to start on, adjusting the weights to fit his needs. Miles sat down on the stool and grabbed the bars on either side of him, pulling them to meet in front of his chest before releasing and repeating.

Interactions: Mason ( Jessii Jessii )

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Candice Piper

On the first sprint, Sean's girlfriend, Laura, had made a point of moving into Candy's space to nudge her to the side. Candy had managed to maintain her balance and continue running. It was only a few rounds and Laura was knocked out of the running, which brought a smile to Candy's face. She'd seen the likes of Chase in action and knew she wouldn't be winning this, but she figured she could at least make the last five and beating Laura was a reward in itself. She would still push herself as much as she could, even if her bruised knee was starting to hurt her from her earlier trip and fall.

When there were only five people left, Candy put her all into it, but the discomfort in her knee caused it to buckle beneath her and she almost tripped over her own feet. Frustrated, Candy gave up and hobbled back towards rest of the class who were out of the running. She was annoyed as she knew she would have been able to do better if it hadn't been for those bitches hurting her in the first place. She found an empty spot and sat down on the cold gymnasium floor, massaging her knee as she watched the remaining teens race.


Chase Mitchell Montgomery

As the rounds went on, Chase could see how competitive Clary was being. He liked that she wanted to win as it meant she seemed to be enjoying being back into training and sports. Even if she managed to beat him, he'd be happy as he'd wanted her to get back into sports since she'd told him she used to do it in the past. From the corner of his eye, he noticed Candy's knee buckle and if she hadn't stopped running, he would have told her to anyway. He'd tried to run through an injury in the past and learned his lesson when it made things worse. If he couldn't pursue a career in athletics he was very interested in becoming a physiotherapist.

Chase saw Grant slap Clary on the butt and he could feel his irritation growing. With the coach watching and Clary doing well at sticking up for herself, Chase made a sensible choice and decided to ignore it. At least, he would ignore it until he was next alone with Grant and perhaps then he would give his former friend a piece of his mind. It seemed like Grant was purposely trying to piss him off and admittedly, the asshole was succeeding.


Wonder Woman Wonder Woman


Brea Summers

location: gym floor | mood: annoyed; hurting | with: no one | Mentions: Chase Misty Gray Misty Gray
Brea was putting her all into running, if for any reason just to get her mind off everything. Maybe she should run more often, she thought, as she touched the gym floor then turned to sprint back to the other side. As she was turning, she saw Grant slap Clary's ass, and she shook her head as she ran past him. He was laughing and high-fiving his friends, but really, he was just being a douche. Knowing that the last time Grant had done something stupid Chase had punched the daylights out of him, Brea turned her head to look for him.

Thankfully it appeared he was ignoring the other jock, and she blew out a breath in relief. But as she turned her head forward again, she saw that one of Laura's stupid friends who was still in the running had appeared beside and slightly in front of her. She recognized her as Tessa, a perky brunette who played more dumb than she really was because she thought it was cute. Brea had planned on ignoring her, but it seemed that Tessa had other plans. As they reached the other side of the gym and moved to tap the floor, then turn around and run back, Tessa made sure the coach wasn't looking before ramming her body into Brea's, sending the blonde girl crashing to the hard gym floor.

She twisted her ankle on the way down, and her eyes widened in pain as she lay there, mouth open but silent. Lifting her head after a moment, she saw Tessa jogging backwards away from her. "Stick with your friends, Bree. Not those nasty west siders." She turned to run away as the coach blew his whistle, sharp and piercing even through the noisy gym. Brea knew she couldn't stand, though she didn't think her ankle was broken or anything. She was definitely out of this round.


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Clary James
Interaction: Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla mentions: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

Clary quickly recovered from dealing with Grant and got her head back into the game, that was until she saw a bitch knock another bitch to the ground. She cringed as Breas ankle seemed to heavily roll, common sports injury. She remembered Ryder being on crutches for weeks after he did it playing pick up basketball. The girl bit her lip as she debated what to do finally groaning and making her way over. "Come on princess." The girl bent down and wrapped the girls arm over her shoulder, before standing up though she had to keep bent since she was so much taller than the blonde. As she brought her to the wall Clary hadn't noticed the mix of her sweat and movement with Brea caused a bit of the makeup on her neck to get moved and show a bit of the bruising though it would only be seen by someone close. Once they got to a wall Clary lowered down and leaned Brea up against it. "You'll need ice, get a friend to get it for you. Also, let's not talk about this. Got it?" She kept her voice low but made sure her body language would be read as the two weren't friends. Straightening up, the girl glanced around and saw the people staring. Keeping her face straight she made her way back to the line for sprints, not wanting people to think she's soft or one of Breas bitches. She wasn't even sure why she did it. She wouldn't have done that a month ago, what's changed? Her mind wandered to the blue eyed jock in her truck bed, the one she'd been hanging out with so much. Could he be changing anything? No. No he was just a fling, they'd get bored of eachother soon enough and that would be that.
Axel Frankford

interactions: Marina Skye Thornton ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Axel gave a defeated shrug as the girl agreed with him about thier friend. Though he couldn't help his mind wandering to what could happen; what if something happened and Clary died?
The only thing that happened to lighten his mood was Maris joking about the blonde guy that had been up the the girls ass trying to get her attention. "Hey you're hot, why shouldn't the poor guy be begging for your sweet ass." Axel gave her a wink before chuckling at her comment. "Ah yes two Eastside girls wanna get down with Axel Frankford" he added a slur to his voice before laughing. "I don't blame them either. I'm pretty hot myself love" he chuckled and winked running his fingers through his hair. He was about to speak again when a jock walked up to him. "You run low again?" His voice fell to his rough gang voice, the one that intimidates and shows power.
"I'm not just buying for me asshole ok? Just here you go" the jock handed over a wad of cash and in response Axel leaned over to his bag and pulled out a couple baggies, but before he handed them over he stepped up to the jock. "Call me Asshole again, and I kick your ass. And whoever youre buying for ok?" He laid the bag in the jocks hand before pushing him. "Run along." Once he was out of sight he groaned. "Dick."
coding by cychotic
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✿Gemma Hudson✿


Location: Gym Class
Mentions: Brea - apolla apolla

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As Gemma was getting ready to do the sprints, she looked to see Brea come up beside her. She smiled at her friend as she began stretching. “Nothing really, everything is about the same. How about you?” Gemma had been interested in her friend’s answer, as she had noticed that her friend had been distant from her lately. They hadn’t been talking much, or when they Brea just didn’t seem as involved as she used to be. Gemma wasn’t really sure what the reason was, but she couldn’t help but to wonder if it was something to do with Chase or if something really bad was going on. Though, Gemma believed that if something important was going on in her friends life, she would have told her.

The girls were cut short as the sprinting competition started. Gemma did her best keeping up with everyone else, until there was about 9 students left. She had tried her hardest as they went to run again, but unfortunately she had come in last. Gemma sighed as she made her way over to the benches, and waiting for the rest of them to finish running. She talked to one of her cheerleader friends as she waited, but was distracted as she heard someone fall. Gemma’s eyes widened as she noticed Brea on the ground, and Tessa smirking at her as she walked off.

Gemma got up and quickly rushed over to Brea, who had been brought to the sidelines by Clary. “Brea! Are you okay? What happened?” She quickly questioned her as she kneeled beside her, hoping that her friend would be okay. "What can i do to help?"

Code by @Starfish



Mason West


Location: School
With: Miles - MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Mentions: Mari

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Mason watched as Miles walked away from him, after making comments that he must have hurt Mari in order for her to ignore him like she had been doing. Surprisingly, Mason was able to keep his mouth shut and not run after the west sider. Instead, Mason focused on participating in the sprinting competition. Usually Mason was the first or second one out, but this time he lasted until the fifth round, and that was a new record for him.

Being able to make It to the fifth round without getting too tired brought Mason’s confidence back. Though he couldn’t help thinking about Mari and how much his friends absolutely ruined his chances of anything. Since the pep rally, he had distanced himself from his friends, mainly because he was still pissed at them for ruining anything.

Once he dropped out of the competition, Mason headed over to a spot by himself and leaned against the wall. He wondered what would happen if he just snuck out of the door and left for the rest of class. He was seriously considering it, not wanting to do any other physical activity.
Code by @Starfish


Brea Summers

location: gym floor | mood: annoyed; hurting | with: no one | Mentions: Clary Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Gemma Jessii Jessii
Someone came to Brea's rescue, but it wasn't someone she'd been expecting. Clary hung Brea's arm around her neck and helped her hobble over to the wall, out of the way of the other people running. While they were walking over to the wall, Brea had turned her head slightly, just enough to look at Clary without it looking like she was staring at the girl. She wasn't complaining about the help, but she was genuinely curious as to why Clary, of all people, had been the first to her side.

She didn't have long to dwell on that thought though, for Brea noticed the running makeup and bruising around Clary's neck. She was careful not to gasp or say anything about them, even as Clary set her down against the wall and instructed her that she would need ice, but to get a friend to get it for her. Brea made sure to make eye contact with the girl, but before she could even say thank you, Clary was gone. Brea reached up to her own neck, touching it gingerly, wondering what type of person put bruises like that on someone else.

Gemma appeared at her side then, and Brea smiled at her, lowering her hand. "I need ice, and probably to see the nurse. I tripped, I guess." She wasn't sure why she didn't rat Tessa out, but honestly it just wasn't that important to her. Besides, Brea knew things about Tessa that could really destroy her if she wanted to be petty; Tessa should have thought twice before doing what she'd done. "It's not broken or anything, but jesus fuck it hurts."


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

✿Gemma Hudson✿


Location: Gym Class
With: Brea - apolla apolla
Mentions: Chase - Misty Gray Misty Gray

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Gemma nodded and ran into the gym office to grab an ice pack, knowing that the gym teacher kept some in there just in case there were any injuries. She brought it back to where Brea was and handed her the ice pack. "Here, this should help for now." She told her friend. She thought it was weird that her friend had just tripped but she didn't challenge her on it. "we should get you to the nurse, at least this will get you out of the rest of the class." Gemma suggested, while trying to lighten the mood.

As strong as Gemma was from cheer leading, she knew that it would be a little difficult for her to help Brea get all the way to the nurses office on her own. "Maybe we should get someone to help you." She looked around the class room, her eyes landing on Chase. "Hey, Chase! Can you help us?" She called over to him, knowing that the two of them would definitely be able to help Brea.

Code by @Starfish



Candice Piper

As she sat on the floor, Candy was approached by the coach who wanted to know why she'd suddenly backed out of the competition. She told him she'd hurt her knee whilst running and it was too painful to keep running. The coach didn't question her story and left her to rest her knee. Candy had seen Tessa knock Brea over but kept a straight face whilst the coach was talking to her. Once left alone, she got up onto her feet, annoyed with the way the group of bitches were now even hurting their 'own kind'. Candy decided to remove herself from the gym before she ended up saying something to Laura or Tessa that would get herself into a fight... or beaten up.

On her way back to the locker room, she could hear sounds coming from the weight room. Peering into the room, she was impressed by all of the equipment they had and she was quite tempted to grab a couple of dumbbells to work on her arms seeing as legs were out of the question at the moment. As she slightly limped into the room, she noticed the guy using some of the equipment. She perked up a little when she realised it was Miles. Not wanting to catch him by surprise or anything, she stood back until he rested between a set. Once he was resting, she stepped into view. "Good morning, Smiles," she cheerfully greeted him. "Don't you like running, huh?" she teased.


Chase Mitchell Montgomery

Chase's attention was drawn to the coach who had for a moment stepped over to Candy to check on her knee. He heard the thud caused when Brea was knocked over, but he thought nothing of it. When he did start paying attention again, he looked in time to see Clary helping Brea over to the wall. He wasn't sure what had happened, but he was feeling oddly happy to see Clary assisting Brea. When Clary started walking back towards him, he was about to head over to Brea himself, but something else had caught his attention. He could see the bruising on Clary's neck and it took him by surprise as he hadn't noticed it before.

"What happened to Brea? I saw you helping her," he said, allowing a small smile to appear on his lips. But no matter how much that thought pleased him, he couldn't ignore what else he'd seen. "Your neck, Clary," he quietly said, careful nobody else could hear. "What happened to you?" he asked her. Sure, she'd told him a few weeks ago that she'd got in a fight with some guy, but there had to be a point where that couldn't been shrugged off. Leaving bruises on a woman's neck was beyond that point, as far as Chase was concerned. He was interrupted when he heard Gemma shouting for his help. "I should help them... But we need to talk about that later," he said, referring to Clary's bruising.

Chase sprinted over to Gemma and Brea, crouching down to his ex. "What happened? I hope you're not getting clumsy," he lightly joked, having not seen how she fell. He looked down to her ankle, inspecting it for a moment. He then wrapped one of Brea's arms around his shoulder and help her up to her feet so he and Gemma could take her to the nurse's office.


Clary James
Interactions: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray mentions: Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla

Clary glanced over as Chase spoke to her, shrugging lightly. "Bitch on bitch cat fight? Who knows." She smirked as she joked, trying her best to ignore the smile that had for some reason made it's way onto the jocks lips. Then, as his voice got low and he pointed out her neck the girl tensed, her hand subtly going to it and cringing as she felt the wet of the sweated off makeup running. She opened her mouth to make up an excuse when Gemma called out for him. She watched for a moment as he walked over before excusing herself to the bathroom which was just he changeroom. If Chase had seen that... Brea must've too. The girl felt sick to her stomach. The face she could write off a fight but bruising on her neck? That's harder to brush away.
She got out her bag and patted the sweat off her neck before cleaning herself up and putting makeup back on over it. She then decided she was better off just getting fully cleaned up and dressed since the next period was starting soon. Once she was done she sat on a bench in he changeroom thinking to herself. What was she going to say? An Eastsider wouldn't understand why she took the beatings instead of telling anyone, they wouldn't understand how hard it is to get your siblings out of foster care before you're even 18, or how if cops got involved it wouldn't take long for them to figure out that Clarys income wasn't exactly legal. What the fuck was she supposed to do now?
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Brea Summers

location: gym floor | mood: annoyed; hurting | with: no one | Mentions: Clary Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Gemma Jessii Jessii Chase Misty Gray Misty Gray
Brea took the ice pack that Gemma handed her and placed it gingerly on her twisted ankle. "I just remember now why i chose to stay away from sports in high school. Who woulda thought gym class would be this bad?" She tried laughing it off, but the laugh died quickly. Gemma called Chase over, and Brea looked up at her ex, who was talking to Clary a little ways away. She saw the seriousness of his expression, and her own expression blanched, both due to a jolt of pain from trying to move her ankle and the look on his face.

She wondered if he'd noticed the bruises on Clary's neck, and if he had, she was in for it. Not with anything bad, but Chase was a caring guy, and he if cared about you... She looked over at Clary, and shook her head. Chase wasn't going to let it go, if he'd seen them.

But then Chase came over to her and leaned down, making a joke. She laughed at him and playfully smacked his shoulder. "Well, you know me. Clumsy as ever. Except in high heels, surprisingly." She smiled at him as he helped her up and took her to the nurses office, where they deposited her on the bed that the nurse told them too. "Go ahead and leave me here." She waved them off. "I'll be fine."


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

Marina Skye Thornton


Marina rolled her eyes, blushing slightly as he complimented her in his special "Axel" way. Most girls would find his words rude, but Mari knew him a lot better than that. She was about to say some snarky reply about his ego when a jock approached. Mari felt Axel tense next to her, so she immediately put on a stoic bitch face. She stayed quiet during the transaction, glaring at the jock when he called Axel an asshole. As the jock walked away, Mari left out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding.

"You should probably be careful doing that kind of thing on campus. This place has a top notch security system," Mari said seriously, looking over at Axel. Then she cracked a smile and shook her head. "Who am I kidding? With a gang and a expert thief at your disposal, you can get out of anything," she said and a light laugh, pulling a back of cigarettes from her bag and lighting one up. She glanced over to the gym door, knowing that the others would be in there. But she's glad she skipped. Her last job hadn't been the easiest, and she was a bit sore. "So, which one are you taking to this fall dance thing?" Mari asked Axel, distracting herself and referring back to the two girls fawning after him.

Mentions: Mason ( Jessii Jessii ) | Interactions: Axel ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Miles MacDonald


Miles continued on that machine for 2 sets of 20 reps before moving on to the leg press machine. He was in his zone, having put in his head phones to distract him from any discomfort in his muscles. Miles liked to keep in shape. It made him for confident as well as made his job a whole lot easier. Fighting goons of dealers trying to screw him over was a frequent process. The loud rock music flowed into his ears, subconsciously making him work harder and harder, pushing himself until the rep was over.

Miles stood from the machine, shaking his legs out so they wouldn't collapse when he walked. He pulled out his headphones just in time to see Candy step in to view. He immediately grinned, walking over to her to greet her. "Hey Candy Corn, how's it going?" he said, grabbing a towel and wiping the sweat from his forehead. Miles nodded when she asked about running and shrugged his shoulder sheepishly. "I run every morning anyway. Didn't seem worth it to run again when they've got all this crazy equipmeby in here, you know?" It was then that he noticed she favored one leg over the other. His eyes narrowed in concern, "Are you alright?"

Interactions: Candy ( Misty Gray Misty Gray )

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Candice Piper
Candy mirrored Miles' grin as he greeted her and called her Candy Corn. "Things aren't too bad..." she began to answer his question, watching as he wiped away the sweat from his forehead. "I hope you didn't miss me too much last week. Being ill is the worst! How are you?" she asked him. "Well, your fitness plan makes sense and clearly you know what you're doing with your workout. I just can't believe how much equipment they have here and that none of the things not bolted down haven't been stolen yet," she joked.

Miles then pulled a concerned expression and asked if she was alright. She figured he'd noticed something wrong with her leg. "Oh, this?" she asked, pointing to her red knee. "You remember that bitch I was telling you about a few weeks ago, Laura? She decided to trip me up, probably to show off to her friends," she told him, her face turning more serious than usual. "I'm so annoyed with her. I wanted to keep running out there, but my knee packed in."

Candy looked to the floor for a moment, not wanting to look unhappy in front of Miles. She then opened her eyes wide as if she had some juicy gossip or revelation. "But two very unexpected things happened after that!" she began. "The jock who talks to Clary actually helped me up from the floor after I'd been tripped. I wasn't expecting that! And then, Clary actually came over and asked me to do the warm-ups with her. She's really nice," Candy told him, with a warm smile. Even though she and Clary were both Westsiders, Candy had felt quite intimated by her until this morning. Obviously, she felt differently now.


Chase Mitchell Montgomery

Once in the nurse's office, Chase stood around until the nurse and Brea told him to leave. "You look after yourself, Brea," he told her, glancing down to her ankle. He hadn't been told what had happened, but something told him she didn't fall because of her own clumsiness. He left the room along with Gemma. "I presume someone caused her to fall," he said to Gemma.

Chase returned to the gym hall and when class was pretty much over, he made his way into the locker rooms to get changed. As he chatted with his friends, he saw Grant nearby. When he found out the Westsiders would be joining their school, Chase had been worried about the East/West divide. But right now, he felt like the only divide he was experiencing was amongst his existing group of friends. Grant, Sean and some of the girls were all causing trouble with people they were meant to be friends with. It was starting to get to him. He also hadn't forgotten seeing Grant slap Clary's butt and that pissed him off too. Chase got up and quickly walked towards Grant, ready to give the guy a piece of his mind. However, just as Chase was about to slam his hand on the locker to make his presence known, he saw the coach standing nearby. Swiftly, he threw his gym bag over his shoulder and casually walked out of the locker room as if it had been his intention.


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Clary James (Edited)
Interaction: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

Clary finished up getting cleaned up and moved to leave as people started coming in to change. As she came out she reinforced the scarf around her neck, now wanting to insure her bruising stayed as covered as possible. She then glanced up and saw Chase leaving the gust change room at the same time, remembering thier earlier conservation she wanted to avoid him though she knew sooner or later they'd have to talk. So she took a deep breath and stepped over to him.
"Uh hey Charming" She wasn't an emotional type and she couldn't think of a good enough lie to explain the bruises without Chase getting worried or whatever. It's those stupid blue eyes. The ones that make her feel stupid and like she can trust him. But he wouldn't understand... but she had to say something. Ugh this is confusing. "Wanna ditch or something? Not exactly in the mood to learn Spanish" she tried to keep her sarcastic bad girl thing up but it faltered a bit with nerves.
Axel Frankford

interactions: Marina Skye Thornton ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla

Axel laughed lightly as the girl pointed out his invincibility when it came to gang stuff. "Very true, I'm like superman. But way cooler" he winked with a laugh, finishing his joint before putting it out under his foot. Then, as the girl asked about the school dance he broke laughing shaking his head. "Axel Frankford, at a school dance? Never." His laugh quickly trailed off into a chuckle before he heard the bell ring. "Come on love, lets go learn some Español!" He chuckled with a wink before heading into the school with his hands tucked into his pockets. He tried getting there for at least a couple classes, thankfully Spanish was one of the ones that he could actually focus on, especially when he was a little high.
Once he was in the school he wandered through the halls with his hands tucked in his pockets, as he walked he wandered past the nurses office, raising an eyebrow as he caught sight of a blonde. "Blondie? What happened here? Fell from your throne" he teased as he came in, giving her a wink.
coding by cychotic
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Brea Summers

location: gym floor | mood: annoyed; hurting | with: no one | Mentions: Axel Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Gemma Jessii Jessii Chase Misty Gray Misty Gray
"I will, I promise." Brea gave Chase another smile as the nurse shooed him and Gemma from the room so she could do her examination. She poked and prodded, thankfully the ice pack had numbed the area slightly so she didn't feel it as much. But she could roll her ankle, move it this way and that, and the nurse nodded.

"Not broken, just twisted. We'll keep the ice on it for a while, and you should ice it at home, too. If the swelling doesn't go down you'll probably want to get it looked at by a doctor, get an x-ray to make sure it's not sprained." The nurse explained as she moved to rummage through a nearby closet. After a moment of her moving things around, she came back out with a pair of crutches. "You'll probably only need these for a day or two, just until you can put your full weight back on your foot or see your family doctor."

Inwardly Brea groaned, but she thanked the woman as she left the room to go do some paperwork. It wasn't much longer after that the door opened, and Brea looked up, smiling when she saw Axel. She laughed at his comment and shrugged. "Well, you know, it is pretty high up there." She rolled her eyes, glancing at the clock. She knew she'd get a note for spanish, but she was still in her gym clothes, and she had to go get her things from the gym. She wasn't looking forward to that.

Deciding against telling him what happened with Tessa, she changed the subject. "Missed you in gym this morning. Running not your thing?" She laughed again, pulling her good leg up onto the bench.


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

✿Gemma Hudson✿


Location: Gym Class
Mentions: Brea - apolla apolla , Chase - Misty Gray Misty Gray

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Gemma put her arm around Brea’s shoulders as they went to help her get up and brought her to the nurse’s office. She focused on just helping her friend as the three of them walked through the school until they made it to the nurse. They walked into the room, and helped Brea onto one of the beds. “Okay, let me know If you need anything.” Gemma told Brea, as her and Chase exited the nurses office. She debated telling Chase about her theory about Tessa having something to do with Brea falling, but figured it was best not to say anything. She did not want to get too involved in whatever was going on. And she wasn’t sure that Chase wouldn’t say anything to her. “I’m not sure, I didn’t see anything.”

As Chase left, Gemma walked back to the change rooms where she changed out of her gym clothes and into her regular clothes. She checked herself in the mirror, making sure she looked fine, and then headed out into the hallway and to her next class.

Code by @Starfish



Mason West


Location: School

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Mason had stayed leaning against the gym wall as he watched Brea be tripped to the ground. He had been surprised to see that it was by one of their supposed friends, and then to see a west sider help her up. First the jocks fighting with each other and now that, what was happening to their beloved east side? Everyone was going crazy. But at least for the most part, they were leaving him alone. Though he was still pissed off with his friends.

Finally happy to hear that class was over, Mason had quickly changed out of his gym clothes and made his way out of the gym. He really did not want to go to Spanish class, but he dragged himself there anyway. He looked around to see that he was one of the first ones there, and grabbed a seat at the back of the classroom.
Code by @Starfish


Marina Skye Thornton


Marina chuckled but agreed. "You and I wouldn't be caught dead there." She watched as Axel stood and disappeared into the building. Mari sat there for a mome t longer, finishing her cigarette before stomping it out beneath her boot. She easily pulled herself up, dusting off her butt before slinging on her backpack and heading to class. She furrowed her brow momentarily as Axel stopped into the nurse's office but shrugged it off. Not her business anyway. Mari continued down the hall, stopping at her locker to toss her rucksack in and grab her Spanish books. The only thing decorating the inside of her locker was a photo of Miles, Axel, Clary and herself.

As Mari stepped into the classroom, she noticed it was fairly empty. She rolled get eyes, internally laughing at the fact that she was tasty to class for once. Marina noticed Mason sitting in the back, but continued to ignore him. Instead, she walked to the opposite back corner from him and sat down, pulling out her sketch pad. Mari was a surprisingly good artist, both on paper and on her guitar or piano. She began to shade the sketch of a leopard she had drawn a few days ago, running out the world.

Mentions: Mason ( Jessii Jessii ) and Axel ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Miles MacDonald


Miles narrowed his eyes as she mentioned Laura tripping her, feeling a sense of anger well up in his chest. He frowned and was about to say something on the matter when Candy perked up and began talking about what else happened out in gym class. He grinned at the excited look on her face and leaned against one of the machines to listen to her recount the events. "See, I told you Clary wasn't as intimidating as she seemed," Miles responded with a low chuckle, glad the Candy finally got to see the Clary he knew and loved...as a good friend.

As the warning bell rang, Miles glanced at the clock in the weight room. "We better change and get to Spanish, probably shouldn't be late again," Miles said with a cheeky grin. "I'll save you a seat." With that and a wave, Miles went into the boy's locker room, taking a quick shower and changing back into usual clothes. When Miles arrived at the classroom, he noticed Mari in one corner and Mason in the other. He rolled his eyes and shot Mason a knowing look before taking a seat in the center of the class, making sure to save a seat beside him for Candy.

Interactions: Candy ( Misty Gray Misty Gray ) | Mentions: Mason ( Jessii Jessii )

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Chase Mitchell Montgomery

As Chase left the room, his head was filled with anger towards Grant and the fact he hadn't been able to get his grievance out in the open as the coach had shown up. He almost didn't see Clary until she had stepped closer to him. He couldn't help but smile when she called him Charming. By now he was getting used to Clary's dry and sarcastic kind of personality. He found it quite endearing now they'd got to know each other a little more and he knew how to take her attitude.

"Hey, Wonder Woman," he replied, flashing a cheeky grin. All the while, the bruises on her neck were playing in the back of his mind. Chase wasn't one for ditching classes just for the sake of it. However, he saw it as a good opportunity to talk to her alone. Plus, he wasn't very interested in Spanish. "You're a bad influence, Clary. Though, considering I don't really care about the next class, I'm happy to ditch it with you," he told her.

Chase got the feeling Clary was nervous and he figured he knew why. Once they were walking away from anyone else, he turned his head to look at her face. "Before I went to help Brea, I noticed the bruising on your neck. What happened?" he asked, his voice full on concern and sincerity.

Wonder Woman Wonder Woman

Candice Piper
Candy noticed Miles narrow his eyes when she told him what Laura had done. She found it quite charming that he seemed concerned about her. As the warning bell sounded, Candy didn't even bother to hide her disappointment and groaned out loud. She would have much preferred to stay in the gym for another full period. "Woo. Spanish, what a treat!" Candy remarked, almost difficult to tell if she was genuinely excited or being sarcastic. "Cool. I'll try not to be too late. Don't give my seat away," she said, flashing a smile before she rushed off to get changed.

As she entered the changing room, Laura and her friends were just leaving and they sneered at her in some snooty bitch way. Candy watched the girls walk away and grinned to herself as she noticed the back of Laura's skirt was tucked into her underwear. Candy hummed a tune to herself as the thought of telling Laura never even entered her head. She hoped half the school would see the girl's wardrobe malfunction.

When Candy finally entered the classroom for Spanish, she couldn't even looked towards Laura as she knew she would start laughing. Seeing Miles was sat and had saved her a seat, she quickened her pace and slid into the empty spot next to him. "Hola, Smiles! Cómo estás?" she playfully spoke to him. She didn't know too much Spanish beyond that, but she still said it in a confident and natural way,

MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Clary James
Interaction: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

Clary bit her lip to contain the smile that halfway forced itself onto her lips as he called her Wonder Woman, before letting a small half heart laughed escape her lips as he called her a bad influence but agreed. As they walked she tucked her hands in her pockets glancing around slightly to avoid looking at him, but also checking to make sure no one was nearby. When he asked about her neck again Clary shrugged, pushing a door open and heading outside. "It's nothing, you don't have to worry about it or anything" her voice almost went weak just like the lie she had attempted to tell. The night before freaked her out, more than she wanted to admit. She felt her vision going black and her lungs burning without air. She had felt her arms and legs go weak. She also knew the one of the only reasons she was alive was because her own father got bored.
"It's just a bruise, no big deal. I mean the bruises on my face were a lot worse" she was trying her best to put up her defenses and go cold but remembering the night before made it hard for her to be the emotionless front she usually put up.
Axel Frankford

interactions: Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla

Axel chuckled lightly and was about to asked what actually happened when the blonde quickly changed the subject to his absence in first period. "I'm not really in to seeing sweaty jocks fight over who has the bigger dick by running for no reason no" he teased with a wink watching as she moved her leg up onto the bench. "Want a little help love? I've alwayd wanted to check out the girls change room at the posh school" he chuckled yet again moving to get the crutches that were leaned up against the wall. "I'm guessing these are for you gimpy" he smirked and carefully leaned the crutches against the bench so the girl could reach them before heading over to the door and glancing out in the hall "looks basically all clear blo- what?" He involuntarily questioned as he caught sight of Clary and Chase leaving together through the door across the hall. That makes sense as to why Clary had been so different lately... the guy at the pep rally! The random guy she hooked up with and who offered her a ride home wasn't so random, it was the king of the school. "Uh... um... so shall we?" He regained his composure before gesturing at the door.
coding by cychotic

Brea Summers

location: gym floor | mood: annoyed; hurting | with: no one | Mentions: Axel & Clary Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Chase Misty Gray Misty Gray
Brea laughed at his hearty description of gym class, shaking her head. "I don't think that's exactly how it happens, but whatever floats your boat I guess." Leaning back against the wall, she nodded at his question, though her nod quickly turned into an eye roll when he said he wanted to see the inside of the girls locker room. "Not exactly how you pictured getting into the girls locker room, I'm sure. Helping a gimp in there to get her clothes back. Oh, and I love the upgraded nickname." She took the crutches from him, a sarcastic smile on her face.

He walked to the door and she pulled the crutches closer, positioning them under her arms and pushing herself off the bench to her feet. She wobbled for a moment, but steadied herself. "Well this is not fun." She laughed, hanging her head for a moment. When she looked back up, he was looking out into the hallway, obviously at something pretty important. She hobbled over to him. "What is it?" She caught the tale end of Chase and Clary going through the doors, and cocked her head to the side. "Ohhhh."

Glancing over at Axel, she studied his face for a moment, wondering if it bothered him. Before she could ask him about it though, he seemed to regain his composure and gestured towards the door. "We shall." She nodded, hobbling out of the door and into the hallway. She glanced at where Chase and Clary had disappeared to, then turned in the direction of the gym. After a few moments, she spoke. "She a good friend of yours?"


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

Chase Mitchell Montgomery
When Clary told him he didn't have to worry about the bruising, Chase awkwardly bit his lip. Her voice didn't have the usual edge, it seemed weak. Perhaps she was right and he didn't have to worry. She had friends who had known her for much longer so why would she open up to him after just a few weeks? Well, time meant nothing to Chase in this situation - the bruises were there and so was his concern for her.

"I don't know, Clary. Bruises on your face are bad enough, but can be caused in a simple fight. But the marks on your neck... that's severe and it's pretty concerning. That's more than a fight, Clary." The whole time he spoke, Chase's voice remained calm and controlled. He stopped walking and looked her in the eyes. "Is someone threatening you?" he asked, his voice now more powerful.

Wonder Woman Wonder Woman



This was the last time he was going to be late for school. At least, that's what he had told himself last Monday when he arrived two minutes after the final warning bell. Of course, the fact that he was still in bed put that declaration firmly in the 'wouldn't that be nice' category. He slid out of bed with a groan, grabbing a sweatshirt from the hook on the back of his door. He hopped into a pair of jeans before heading downstairs, trying to act as alert as possible. There was a note on the refrigerator that said his father and Tia were out on a bike ride. He shook his head slightly. He could barely wake up on time and they were already doing exercise? No thanks. Which actually made it rather convenient that he would be missing his first class, since it was gym. He didn't mind working out, staying in shape, and all that, but not this early in the day.

He poured some coffee into a to-go mug and headed outside. His car was covered in morning dew, only adding to the feeling that he shouldn't be up this early. He drove carefully, not seeing the point in speeding. After all, nothing short of a miracle would get him to gym class on time, so he might as well relax and take it easy. He turned up his music and enjoyed the lack of early-riser's traffic.
He got to school in a reasonable amount of time, considering. And since he was able to completely skip the first class, he ended up being one of the first people in the Spanish classroom. He took a seat near the back next to a West sider girl. He gave her a polite smile, eyes flashing briefly to her artwork. He took a sip of his coffee and flicked his notebook open. He found himself just staring at it, thinking.
He hadn't really made friends in the past month, too busy with homework, home life, and....he wasn't really sure what. And he certainly hadn't talked to many West siders, although that wasn't entirely his fault. It wasn't like any of them would want to talk to a weird, slightly nerdy guy who didn't wear leather. Still, one month of minimal socializing was probably enough.
"That's a really cool drawing. Most of my doodles are usually just stick-men." He said, smiling easily at the brown-haired girl.


Mentioned- Marina Thornton, Jessii Jessii
Clary James
Interaction: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

For a moment Clary thought he was going to drop the conversation of how or why she had bruises on her neck, but then he came back to it with his voice strong, the girl stopping as he did and staring at him and those stupidly blue eyes. "Well uh..." she had no idea what to do or what to say. She had never fully told anyone what happens in her house, Axel and Mari were just around enough that it was easy to put the pieces together. And then there was the voice he used to back up his question, it had a push to it the girl wasn't used to hearing from the jock. "Why do you even care? I'm just some Westside bitch that you've been making out with between reps when we train together." Saying that, Clary felt a pinch in her chest, knowing that wasn't true at least for her. Even though it had only been a few weeks she cared about Chase, but she's Clary James, scary bitch drug dealer. She doesn't care about people outside the West.
"Even if someone was threatening me, I probably did something to warrant it. Maybe stole something, told someone off, vandalized something" as the girl spoke her hand had absentmindedly moved to rub her neck, feeling the sting of the fresh bruises under her fingers full force brought her back to the night before. Her brothers screaming, Marnie crying. She had been too loud making dinner for the kids, that's why her dad choked her. Such a small thing. Since the girl had fallen so deep in thought she hadn't noticed right away that her eyes were welling up with tears, looking away from him she wiped them away before they had the chance to fall taking a deep breath. "You don't have to care about me"
Axel Frankford

interactions: Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla

Axel chuckled as she thanked him for her new and improved nickname giving her a nod in response. "Of course, gotta refresh my game every once and awhile" he teased before watching as she hobbled out the door following close behind. As they walked he was a bit taken back as she asked about Clary but tried his best not to show it. "Uh yea actually, Clarys one of my oldest and best friends" he shrugged continuing down the hall "from what I knew she's not the biggest fan of King Chase, so I'm a little surprised that she would skip class with him" he shurgged seemingly uncaring now about the whole thing but in the back of his head he was concerned. Clary had too much happening right now to get wrapped up in a hook up with an Eastsider guy.
Once they got into the gym it was empty since the teacher had a free period, so he followed the girl over to the locker room door and held it open so she could go in before following. "Wow this place is way cleaner than any guy change room I've been in, fuck man girls keep shit nicer thanks dudes" he chuckled before looking down at the girl "so what do you need help with Blondie?"
coding by cychotic

Chase Mitchell Montgomery
Chase felt a little disheartened by Clary's response and the implication that he shouldn't care because she's a Westsider. "I don't care whether you're from the Westside or anywhere else, Clary. I'm getting tired of everyone making a big deal of this so-called divide. I hope I'm not just some guy you just want to have a bit of fun making out with, because that's not really my thing," he assured her. As she gave excuses that she might have warranted the injury, he didn't believe any of it but would play along for the moment. "So, which was it, then? Theft? Vandalism?"

Based on her closed demeanour and the apparent awkwardness, he believed things were more serious. It seemed like this was something deep. He did start to wonder if this was something closer to home. By which, his mind thought she perhaps had a boyfriend she hadn't mentioned and he perhaps was just a bit of fun on the side, just a make-out buddy. Though that thought hurt him, it didn't make him any less concerned. "You're right. I don't have to care. But I do care and I can't just turn that off. Something isn't right, Clary, and I can't just ignore it. You're hurt."

Wonder Woman Wonder Woman


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