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Realistic or Modern Ships Haven Split (Closed)


Now that everyone's settled into thier new school lives we can get into the more fun parts of our year! As the end of October draws near we can start talking about our annual Fall Ball, the first black tie event of the school year to celebrate a school year well started and the start of the excitement that is the football season! So on Friday night of this week, put on your best gown and tux and grab a date! Maybe you'll even snag the title of Fall King and Queen! We hope to see you there! (We are gonna start on the Monday morning of the week before)
(Please check the tabs below!)

1. Gym

2. Spanish

3. World History


5. Physics

6. Advance Algebra

7. Drama




Hope everyone's enjoying themselves! Remember to respect one another and have fun! Any questions or concerns just message me! Also, for the fall Queen/king thing I'll set up another poll like I did for the scene and get you guys to vote!
code by pasta
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For those in mobile:

Now that everyone's settled into thier new school lives we can get into the more fun parts of our year! As the end of October draws near we can start talking about our annual Fall Ball, the first black tie event of the school year to celebrate a school year well started and the start of the excitement that is the football season! So on Friday night of this week, put on your best gown and tux and grab a date! Maybe you'll even snag the title of Fall King and Queen! We hope to see you there! (We are gonna start on the Monday morning of the week before)
Clary James
mentions: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray interactions: Marina Skye Thornton~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Clary had barely slept a wink. The night before shit got really bad in her house and it had gotten to the point where her brothers in fear for thier sister called Axel in panic. By the time Axel had gotten there her dad had decided she wasn't worth his time and trudged off to a bar though Clary had been in a bit of a panic. There wasn't as many bruises as usual, she wasn't sore at all the next day. But she had been scared shitless. Her dad had pinned her to the wall by her neck and cut off air flow, it was the first time in awhile Clary feared he could actually kill her. Looking in the mirror after her shower that morning she could see bruises on her neck but those were easy for her to cover thanks to thier light colour. As she got dressed and put on her makeup she kept telling herself she needed to forget about it and move on, she had kids to take care of and she had to get to school.
Besides the stuff at home her life had been pretty good for the first month of school in the Eastside. She still fought with teachers, and certain students but it wasn't as terrible as she had thought. Then there was Chase. The two did hang out after the pep rally, and more after that. They ran and trained together a fair bit, Clary getting back into being active though she wasn't sure if she would try out for the school track and basketball teams. Clary just was comfortable around the jock though if any exchange between them seemed to be less teasing and flirty and more affectionate she would basically run away. She knew she had feelings for the jock, she just wasn't prepared to admit that, hence why even her closest friends had no idea. "Boys! Time for school! Axel! Put coffee on would you?" Axel had slept on the couch that night in case the older man came home. No one was surprised he didn't.
Axel Frankford
interactions: Marina Skye Thornton ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat mentions: Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla

Axel was already pouring a cup of coffee as he heard Clary call out. Since he slept there he got up early so he could shower and get cleaned up before he got wrapped up in the pure chaos that was James family mornings. "Got it already!" He poured Clary a mug and smoothly passed it to her as she went to pass Marnie on to one of the neighbours to drop her off at school. When he had gotten the call from the twins the night before he expected the worst. That they'd have to go to the hospital or worse. When he had gotten there Clary was just sat on the ground, hand at her neck touching the bright red around it. She wasn't crying, she was just stiff.
Sighing he shook his head waving to the twins as they ran out the door to catch thier friends for a ride. School had been ok for Axel. Sales were good. People he hung out with really hadn't changed though he had been paying extra teasing attention to Brea. He enjoyed the reactions he could get out of her, and how she rolled her eyes and got annoyed with him. It was entertaining to say the least. "Ready when you are Clar" he followed the girl out to the truck, sitting in the back seat and dropping a text to Mari. 'Slept at Clarys last night, shit was fucked. I need a smoke. I'll see you at school'
coding by cychotic
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Chase Mitchell Montgomery
14ca2ffa15ad1949f3f9ac75a8bfe592--stephen-amell-attractive-men.jpg Chase had taken a long time to fall asleep the night before, having had a petty but heated argument with his parents which had caused him to struggle to shut his mind off. They'd been on and off pissed with him since they found out about him punching Grant. With both of their parents present, Chase and Grant had been made to apologise to each other. Despite doing so to silence their families, the relationship between the two boys had remained cold and damaged. Since then, Chase's parents had been nitpicking at him and pissing him off when he knew they should have been focusing their attentions on Abigail's issues. After another argument over breakfast, Chase stormed out of the house with Andrew rushing behind him and he drove to school, collecting Trent on the way.

Chase was at least glad his detentions had stopped and he didn't need to worry about staying after school to be tortured by the coach. He'd been doing some training with Clary too, so was thankful for the extra energy he would now have for that. Their relationship had continued to develop, with them often flirting and teasing each other. He could tell she didn't want it to be an affectionate relationship, at least not yet, so he made sure to keep things casual so as not to scare her off. He'd also continued to be friendly with Brea and Mason, not letting any newfound friendships with the Westsiders get in the way of that. Overall, things were going better in the first month than he'd initially expected them to.

Once he parked up in school, Chase walked with Trent to their first class, carrying his gym bag with him.

Mentions: Wonder Woman Wonder Woman apolla apolla Jessii Jessii

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Brea Summers

location: first period | mood: annoyed | with: no one | Mentions: Axel ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman ); Chase Misty Gray Misty Gray )
Brea rolled her eyes as she listened to her father's rantings. It was one of the rare mornings where both of her parents were home, and while she was just trying to eat a waffle, her father was reading the newspaper while simultaneously complaining about the westside. Though Brea loved her father dearly, the last few months had changed her perspective on the west side, but she couldn't tell him that. While she and Clary still didn't quite get along, she and Axel, well... just thinking of him brought a smile and a small blush to her face.

"Why are you turning red, Arianna?" Her mother's voice interrupted her thoughts, and Brea's head snapped back up.

"No reason."

"Is it a boy? Are you and Chase back together?" Her mother could barely contain her excitement, but it took everything in Brea not to roll her eyes and throw the half eaten waffle at her mom.

"No." She stuck with saying, moving to the trash can, her appetite gone. She tossed the waffle and grabbed her school bag, stomping out of the room without saying a word. Both of her parents watched her go, and if she'd lingered at all, she would have heard them start whispering about her.

Once she reached the school, she realized she was a few minutes early, so she sat in her car. The first class was gym, and she was definitely not looking forward to running the track this early. Groaning, she shut off her Jeep and begrudgingly exited the vehicle, heading into the school and towards the gym. Their gym uniform consisted of a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, and tennis shoes of course. Sports were never really her thing. She wasn't exactly out of shape, but she'd rather sit on the sidelines and watch.


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

Interactions: Open for Any| Mentions: Axel Frankford- Wonder Woman Wonder Woman |Clary James|Miles Macdonald- MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat | Marianna Thornton| Brea Summers- apolla apolla
Richard woke up by his annoying alarm clock and he knew what today was, it was Monday morning and that the weekend was over and time to go back to school and actually learn something in out life. He turned off his alarm and he groaned into his pillow knowing that he said to leave his sleep behind him, once he turned around to get out of his bed he heard and saw his two dogs Roxie and China seating down looking at him with their tounges out. "You guy wanna get walked don't ya?", he questions them as they both start running in circles for him to walk them. He stands up and starts walking towards the dresser and pulls out a white tank top and puts it on along with his sneakers and with that he grabs their leashes and walks out the front door going for a run with his two dogs.

After his run with Roxie and China, he took them both inside the house and his mother has finally woken up when he saw her in the kitchen drinking coffee and reading the book she reads every morning. "Hey Richie how was your walk?", "It was fine mom, I gotta get ready for school before I'm late, I'll see you later". She nodded and Richard walked away going into the shower to wash his body since he was sweating during his run with his two dogs and what not. It was finally a month into the school year with East and Westside going to school together and from what he experienced he was actually getting along with them a bit and seeing that they all have flaws even if they are crazy rich. For example, the girl Brea was her name, he was talking with her and stuff from time to time getting to know each other, however, he still trying to break her a bit more to show who she really was and Axel loves to tease her from what he sees when his around the both of them. Axel and Richard were always the closest of friends along with Clary, Miles, Mariana. They were always around and always helped him when it was needed even money wise and he always returned the favor. After showering and getting dressed looking into the mirror one last time before leaving his house he was fixing his hair a little bit and left his house saying bye to his mother and his dogs and starts to drive away in his black challenger and drives his way to school. Once he has arrived there he leaves his car in his washed up blue jeans and a t-shirt with some type of writing on it along to put over his shoulders which were a long sleeve shirt opened button down and a pair of shoes on. He knew his first class was Gym so he grabbed his things and walked inside the school.
coding; all rights reserved deer deer deer deer

Candice Piper
Since the pep rally, Candy had continued to sit with Miles in some classes and hang out with him around school whenever they got the chance, by which she meant when she wasn't too scared to approach him when he was with his other friends. She thought he was a great guy and she had a big crush on him, but she was too scared to say so in case she'd completely misread things. The last thing she wanted to do was make him awkward around her and spoil things between them. Regardless, whenever she sees him for they first time each day, she feels the butterflies in her stomach.

Sadly, Candy had missed the last week of school as she'd come down with a sickness bug. Being poorly in the Piper household was boring and lonely. During the day she'd only had Loki, her cat, to keep her company and a television with basic channels. On the plus side, Nathan had finally managed to "procure" a smartphone for her a week into school so she could at least keep in touch with people and go on Facebook. She'd even managed to exchange numbers with Miles, storing his name as Smiles.

As Candy was about to leave the house for school, her mother stopped her and Nathan by the front door. "Nathan, don't forget to look out for this boy Candy has her eyes on." When Candy looked to her mother with both shock and embarrassment, her mother chuckled. "Don't think I can't tell you fancy someone. Just make sure he's not a dickhead like the last one," she added, recalling the Eastside jock Candy had got involved in.

"You're so embarrassing," Candy replied. She then gave her mum a tight hug. "Don't worry, I'd rather date a pile of dirt before getting involved with another jock loser."

When Nathan drove into the school carpark to drop Candy off, they both saw her ex and Nathan made a comment about running him over. Instead, they waited a time until he had walked out of sight so Candy didn't have to walk near him. As she got out of the car, she glanced to Chase and his friend. They were jocks too, but from what she'd observed, they weren't as infuriating and awful as most of the others. Still, she had so far managed to avoid interacting directly with him.

As she walked towards where she remembered the gym was located, she recalled her teacher suggesting she try out for the cheerleading squad. Sure, she was good at gymnastics and super-flexible, but a cheerleader? The thought almost made her vomit in her own mouth. Besides, those girls would eat her alive with their bitchy attitudes and snobbishness.


MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

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Interactions: Cedric Vanley Shadow Shadow | Mentions: Alex Frankford Wonder Woman Wonder Woman
Valentina groan hearing her mother complain about how she should not wear sweats today and wear a nice skirt, she came in her room at 6:50 in the morning trying to find clothes and still is when Val was down in the shower of what she should wear to school and hell all you could hear from this women was "Gosh Valentina, why do you even wear this stuff, it's so disgusting, I need to buy you more". All she did was roll her eyes at her and says "I don't need any more clothes okay, why can't you understand that I will dress how I want to? And still look pretty in it", she asked her mother as she just ignored her question and kept looking for clothes. "Oh here I found something", she pulls out a pair of black jeans and a tight sleeveless crop top with a plaid button down shirt to cover her shoulders. Valentina looked at her mother and says "Can I at least wear a hat on my head?". She shook her head leaving her room while Ishe was still in her towel.

After putting on the outfit her mother has put out for her she texted her friend, Cedric, over the month their relationship has increased over the time and it was getting better every day. "Hey want a ride?", she texted to him. She then went downstairs to where the family was and they saw that there was a smile on her face and her older brother looked at her weird and says "What's up with that look on your face?", her brother says. "What is with that ugly thing there? Oh wait it's your stupid face". "Hey be nice to your brother", their father said to her. She rolled her eyes at the both of them and she leaves her house going towards her BMW and goes to stop by some coffee. During her month with west side being in our school, it is different for her but she is getting along with a few, like Axel she still talks to him along the way still some flirting here and there but it was nothing more than just that they were just friends and a hook up if she needed anything, she needed to get more active with talking to the others but she was just feeling like she wasn't fitting in with them but she will try and see where things take her in Gym today.

coding; all rights reserved deer deer

✿Gemma Hudson✿


Location: School
Mentions: Brea - apolla apolla Richard - Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Gemma sighed as she got into her red Volkswagen beetle convertible, getting ready to drive herself to school. The past hadn’t bene that bad with the west siders at the school, but she never really interacted with them. Most of her time had been spent with Brea or with the other cheerleaders, focusing on the squad. Though everyone had been angry about what happened at the pep rally, the cheerleaders had finally gotten over it, and even laughed about it at times.

The only thing that had gotten harder for Gemma, was the awkwardness at her home. Her mother had started talking to her a little bit more, but that was only to remind her to stay away from the west siders or to question her about them and her relationships with them. Gemma had started avoiding her house even more, and would either go study at a coffee shop or take her lovable dog for a long walk. She had been happy for Monday to come back around so she could focus on school and hide there.

The drive to school had gone fast, as she spent most of the ride lost in her thoughts. Gemma parked the car and began her walk to the gym, knowing that was her first subject of the day. As she was walking, she noticed Richard a little bit in front of her. He was one person who had kind of surprised her during the past month. Knowing their families feud, she had wanted to see what had made him so bad. And after secretly watching him for the past month, she couldn’t find anything. He didn’t even really seem that bad and even seemed like a decent guy, not that she’d admit that out loud to her family.
Code by @Starfish


Mason West


Location: School
Mentions: Mari - MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Monday morning was a nightmare for Mason. After spending all weekend staying up late, he had to get up early for school, and of course his parents were not letting him get to school late anymore. They had practically dragged him out of bed, forced him to have breakfast and pushed him into his car. He had grumbled to himself as he drove to the school, wishing he had more sleep to help him through the day.

It was a month into school, and things had been normal for Mason. Well, as normal as it could go with the west siders being in the same school. He continued to be in the same social circle as before, and with the same friends. The only thing that had bothered him, was Marina. He still saw at her school, but they hadn’t really talked since the pep rally. And it definitely wasn’t from a lack of trying on his part. He had tried to figure out what happened, and in the end blamed it on his friends who kept staring and laughing. He had snapped on them at the pep rally, and the bet was never brought up again, though it was always on the back of his mind.

Mason knew that if he wanted, there were lots of girls that he could entertain, but he still didn’t understand why Marina had turned him down. He had debated asking her multiple times, but something in his head told him that it’d be a bad idea.

Sighing to himself, Mason got out of his car and started heading towards his first period. He was not a fan of gym class and did his best to give the minimum amount of energy required to just get himself a passing grade.
Code by @Starfish

Clary James
Interaction: none mentions: Chase Mitchell Montgomery ~ Misty Gray Misty Gray Richard Dawson ~ Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla Gemma Hudson ~ Jessii Jessii

Once they got to the school Clary went to get her gym bag from the back. The girl hadn't bothered going to a gym class since the year started, opting to smoke with her friends outside, but today she decided to finally do it. Richard goes, and she thought Miles might so she'd had some Westside back up. Plus Chase was in the class even if she wasn't sure if she'd talk to him that might make it less obnoxious. After rolling her eyes at Axels teasing she made her way into the school and to the gym to change. In the change room a couple girls looked up at the tall girl and scrambled to get out of her way. The girl had built a little reputation not just from being a Westside bitch but also telling off both Brea and Gemma. Once she changed she looked at herself in the mirror, making sure the makeup still covered the marks on her throat. Once she knew she was covered she went into the large gym waiting for someone she knew. She knew she was gonna look it of place until one of her friends or another Westsider came since her gym clothes were from goodwill and she bought her sneakers off a neighbour for cheap. When she bent down to tie her sneakers she heard a whistle, straightening up and turning to unsurprisingly see the jock that had been cat calling her since the first party before the school year even started, who she now knew was named Grant.
"Whistle at me again I punch your face in okey?" She gave him a sarcastic smile before shaking her head and walking to the other side of the gym.
Axel Frankford
interactions: None mentions: Brea Summers ~ apolla apolla Gemma Hudson ~ Jessii Jessii Marina Skye Thornton ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Once they were at the school Axel hopped out of the truck and was about to make his way to thier newfound smoking spot when he noticed Clary take out her old gym bag. He remembered the bag from when they would go to the community centre and play basketball and whatnot. "Wait you're actually going to gym?! Clarys being a good student?!" Axel began to tease thigh he was curious as to what made the girl suddenly want to go to gym class.
"Fuck off Axel."
Was the only response he got out of the girl before she went into the building. Rolling his eyes he moved to the side of the school, taking a joint out of the small tin he kept in his pocket. He wasn't about to start going to gym today. As he hung out and smoked he watched the other students go in, rolling his eyes as he spotted the usual dumbass jocks coming in together and a couple freshmen girls scramble in together. He wondered when Brea would get there or if she already had. Wonder what she'd day if she saw him skipping to get high. That girl was a riot, she always had a fun reaction. Or maybe he'd see Val, she was a little fire cracker. There was also Marina who'd just laugh and join him.
coding by cychotic

Candice Piper
Candy found a quiet spot in the changing room to get dressed, away from the more vocal and popular girls. Her clothes from last year thankfully still fit her, which was good as she hadn't wanted to nag her parents to buy her a new kit. She didn't care if it wasn't like the other girls were wearing as she liked it. She hoped this class wasn't one where people picked teams as she knew she'd be one of the last to be chosen, even if she was good at athletics and gymnastics. If you weren't popular, you weren't getting picked until the end. She'd learned that long ago.

She was sure she'd heard a group of girls laughing at her, but decided she was just being paranoid as she wasn't the only Westsider in the changing room. Dressed in her kit, she made her way towards the main gym, a mixture of excitement for the class itself but apprehension about the other students. She noticed Clary and Grant already in the gym, along with a few others. She was snapped out of her daydream as she tripped over a foot which had been purposely stuck out in her path by Sean's girlfriend. Candy heard the girl say something to her friends about her being a dirty scrounger as she fell onto her hands and knees. Candy was about to snap at the girl when she saw someone crouch down in front of her and hold out his hand. She looked up to see it was one of the jocks; Chase. So far, he had seemed less awful than some of the others, so she accepted his helping hand and got up onto her feet. "Thank you..." she gratefully told him before rushing away to a spot on her own. She looked down to her throbbing knees but was glad to see her skin wasn't broken, though she didn't doubt there would be bruises later. "Stupid bitches," she muttered to herself.


Chase Mitchell Montgomery
As Chase got changed, he and his friends joked around a bit. All harmless fun. He loved sports, so there was no better class to start the day with, as far as he was concerned. "You alright, Mason?" he asked the Eastsider and sent him a friendly smile. Although they were friends, Chase was aware Mason wasn't as big on sports as he was.

Deciding his friends were taking too long to get ready, he excused himself from their company so he could start warming up. As he walked towards the gym, he saw the group of girls behind the brunette he knew to be Candy. He'd heard all about what Sean and some others had done to the Westside girl last year. He thought it was a shitty thing to do and had expressed his distaste at the time. Before he knew it, one of the girls tripped Candy over and the group started laughing. He rushed over to Candy and helped the flustered girl to her feet before she thanked him and rushed off.

"Hey!" he called over to the girls. "That was a pretty cliche thing to do, don't you think? Not to mention horrible. You had your fun last year - even Sean's over it all. Move on, maybe?" The girls seemed to take him seriously, though he expected they'd just go off and grumble about him with each other.

Chase noticed Clary nearby and sent her a wave before he started some warm-up exercises on his own accord. He didn't need to be told by the teacher.

Jessii Jessii Wonder Woman Wonder Woman


Brea Summers

location: first period | mood: annoyed | with: no one | Mentions: Chase & Candy Misty Gray Misty Gray
Brea tossed her gym bag into the locker she'd chosen for the day, now clad in her shorts and long sleeved overshirt, with a tank top underneath. She'd tied her hair up to keep it out of her eyes; it was something she couldn't stand when she was running or doing anything physical like that. She bent over to tie her shoes, ensuring they were both tight before standing back up and stretching out the kinks in her back. Glancing around the locker room, she wondered for a moment where Gemma was.

As she made her way out to the gym, she paused by the bleachers when she saw a bunch of east side girls trip a west side girl. She knew the girls who tripped the brunette, but didn't know the girl. The girls were all people Brea had known pretty much all her life. She'd gone shopping with them, gone to parties with them, gotten high for the first time with one of them. But ever since the westsiders had come to this school, she'd been more and more disgusted by the eastsiders actions.

Well, not all of them. A smile appeared on her features as she saw Chase go to her rescue. She couldn't hear exactly what he'd said, but he helped the girl to her feet. He was a prince charming, she knew, just not hers. She was so busy watching the scene unfold that she missed it when the gym teacher stepped into the gym and blew his whistle, which meant everyone was to be doing warm ups.

Brea jogged over to Chase, tilting her head to the side a little as she jogged in place. "Run with me?" She asked him, jogging backwards a few paces. She was a competitive girl, although they both knew she couldn't take him in a real race.


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

Chase Mitchell Montgomery

As Chase warmed up, he couldn't help but feel annoyed by some of the things his friends had been doing as of late. Sure, it wasn't the first time he'd had to step in and stop them from bullying others, but for some reason it seemed to irritate him more these days. Perhaps it was because he'd been really supportive of helping the Westsiders settle in and his friends picking on them really wasn't helping his cause. He didn't even know Candy, but he did know how he'd feel if it was his sister being picked on like that. It seemed like those outside of his friend groups would always see him as the same as people like Grant and Sean, but he couldn't do anything more about that as he wasn't about to reject his genuine "jock" friends just to make himself look different.

He noticed Brea jog over to him and she then asked him to run with her. He smiled at her and nodded his head. "Sure, Brea. Is everything going okay?" he asked her.


apolla apolla


Brea Summers

location: first period | mood: annoyed | with: no one | Mentions: Chase & Candy Misty Gray Misty Gray
Brea thought about his question before answering. She thought about this morning with her parents, she thought about the past month or so with the westsiders. More specifically, Axel. He'd been worming his way closer to her, even if it was just through teasing remarks to see her reaction or by calling her blondie. Realizing there was more to this city and life in general just because he'd burned down the west side school and made them all come to the east side was hard for the girl, and she hadn't really talked about it with anyone.

Glancing at Chase as they jogged, she wanted to tell him, but she wasn't sure how he'd react. She didn't expect him to fly off the handle, but she'd done that before and it had led to serious fights between them. She knew he wasn't judgmental of people like that, and most of their fights had been about the two of them, but still she couldn't bring herself to say what she was really thinking. So she smiled and nodded as they ran side by side, panting a little as she spoke. "I mean it's going." She laughed a little.

"How are you? We haven't talked much since the pep rally." She thought back to him talking to Clary, and though she hadn't asked, she was curious how long they'd talked and what they'd talked about. "Not that running is really the best time to catch up, but you know." She laughed again, shaking her head. She caught sight of the girls who had tripped Candy and they waved at her as she and Chase passed them, and Brea smiled at them, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. "Bitches." She muttered. It would probably be surprising to hear her call them that, but she'd never purposefully tripped someone just because she didn't like them. She wasn't like that. She normally just retaliated if something was done to her.


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
Clary James
Interaction: Candice Piper~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

As she stretched out her arms Clary caught sight of a couple Eastsiders push a girl she knew to be Candy to the ground. Instantly, Clarys instinct was to rush over and slam one of those girls so it was probably a good thing that Chase got there first. Once he got her up and had walked away she made her way over, giving him a small nod as a response to his wave before smiling at the girl. "Hey, your Candy right? Miles friend? Come on run with me" usually Clary wouldn't be so nice but she knew he girl had been hanging around Miles plus Westside sticks together.
Clary nodded to where everyone had begun running laps, starting a slow jog since she knew her long legs would make her go a little faster anyways. "How's the school year going? I haven't seen you around much" The girl seemed really sweet and quiet so she wasn't about to be her usual scary self.
(Sorry for how short it is I got writers block)

Chase Mitchell Montgomery

Chase smirked at Brea as she started panting a little due to jogging and talking. Her response to how things were going caused him to raise a curious eyebrow. "You don't sound too convincing. Is something wrong?" he kindly asked her. When asked how he was, he nodded his head. "I can't complain. I've finished serving time in detention since punching Grant, so that's a bonus. Other than the usual school stresses, things are going well here," he assured her. "My parents are being assholes, though. They're convinced I'm going to end up in jail and ruin my life just because I hit Grant. Seriously..." he trailed off.

Chase saw Brea wave to the mean girls and then call them bitches under her breath, which causing him to briefly smile. "You saw that too?" he asked. "Honestly, I can't get my head around why people need to be like that. Their lives can't be as exciting as they make out if they have to pick on people for entertainment."


apolla apolla

Candice Piper

Candy was about to find a space away from the others to warm up when Clary approached her. She'd seen the Westsider around quite a bit and knew she was friends with Miles. She still felt a little intimidated, though, as Clary always seemed quite tough. When the girl spoke to her, Candy was surprised to find she was being nice to her, rather than mocking her or telling her to get over it.

"Um, yeah, I'm Candy. Miles' friend..." she replied, smiling a little at mention of Miles. Regardless of what she though were Clary's intentions, Candy nodded and began to jog with her, not wanting to refuse. When asked how the school year was going, Candy practically scoffed at the thought of what those girls had just done to her. "I think half of that can be summed up by what just happened," she replied, glancing to the girls in the distance. Candy knew it hadn't all been bad as she'd met Miles and he was just wonderful, but she somehow needed to tell Clary that without making her crush obvious. "There have been good moments too. I made friends with Miles and he's a really cool guy," she said, with a warm smile. "I guess I just stay out of the way a lot and I was ill all last week," she said, in response to Clary not seeing her around much. "How about you? How is school going for you? It's different from our old one, I know that much!"


Wonder Woman Wonder Woman

Clary James
Interaction: Candice Piper~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

Clary nodded as the girl talked, a knowing smirk rising onto her lip as she talked about Miles. Then when she asked how the year was going her eyes wandered slightly forward towards Brea and Chase before looking back to Candy, shrugging. "It's been interesting to say the least. Lotta bitches here" she laughed lightly before glancing over at the girls from before. "You know, we look out for eachother in the Westside ok? So if they give you anymore grief, just tell me and I'll help you out" being an older sibling made her a softie in certain circumstances especially when it came to other kids from the Westside. "I'm sure Miles would also step up" she winked continuing along.
As she kept going she kept conversation up with Candy, the girl seemed sweet for a westsider, it was refreshing. Every so often she could see out of the corner of her eye the bitchy girls from earlier, making sure she gave them her usual scary look. Brea and Gemma gave her a bad taste for what Eastside girls are like, since they seemed to be sour bitches. "So do you usually come to this class? What happens usually?"

Candice Piper

Candy laughed when Clary mentioned there were a lot of bitches. "Yup, I've noticed!" she agreed. The girl mentioned Westsiders looked out for each other and even offered to help out if the girls continued to bully her. Candy was quite surprised by that, as she never expected another girl to want to stick up for her. Again, she mentioned Miles, which brought a fond smile to her face. "Thank you, that's really kind of you," she told her. "I never know what to say to girls like that to make them stop. I'm not really a fighter."

"You know," she began, noticing Clary glancing to the bitchy girls. "I just keep thinking back to them getting covered in paint at the pep rally. It was hilarious seeing them squirm." When asked what usually happened in this class, Candy shrugged. "Sometimes more of this. Perhaps some athletics or team games. I'm kind of hoping no team games, unless Westsiders just get to be one team," she joked, though suspected that wouldn't go in line with the whole integration thing. "At least if it's too dull, there's some nice boys to look at," she cheekily added.


Wonder Woman Wonder Woman

Clary James
Interaction: Candice Piper~ Misty Gray Misty Gray

Clary nodded as she explained what the classes are usually like, laughing lightly and shaking her head. "I don't think they can do that without 1 team being fucked on drugs while the others actually good at sports." As she joked she had begun working a small sweat from jogging but it was more so from the hoodie she was wearing than the running, since she was training with Chase she was definitely in better shape. Soon after the gym teacher blew his whistle, signalling for everyone to meet in the middle.
"Ok! So today we are gonna do some old fashion sprints! Those of you with smokers lungs can suck it up, you're here to be active!" Clary internally smirked, sprints were probably her best event for running, since her smoking habit did give her a bit of a smokers lung that made distances a little more difficult though they were getting better. She glanced over at Chase and gave him a small smirk before turning her attention back to the gym teacher. The only person in the whole school that knew what Clary was capable of was Chase since he had been the one training with her all month. "We are gonna make this a bit of a competition, last one to make it to the end is out and we will keep eliminating people until we have one winner who gets bragging rights! Ok everyone to the wall"
As they walked over, Clary pulled off her hoodie so she'd be in her sports bra and not get overheated. "You ready Candy?"

Marina Skye Thornton


Marina leaned over as she took the corner has, her motorcycle easily moving to accomadate. She felt Miles' arms tighten around her waist, and she couldn't help but grin underneath the helmet. He had always hated her motorcycle driving, but had nonetheless continued to ride with her. Within a few minutes the two had pulled up to the school. Mari parked her motorcycle in a crossed out space that wasn't actually a parking spot, but she didn't really care. Miles slid off first, and Mari followed, pulling off her helmet and shaking out her long brunette hair. "Woman, I swear you want me dead," Miles said with a stern voice after pulling off his own helmet. Mari rolled her eyes and glanced around the people meandering outside of the school. "If that was true, you would've been dead a long time ago, my friend," she responded, shooting a mischievous grin his way. Miles simply rolled his eyes and walked towards the school, grumbling something about her terrible driving.

Mari hoisted her backpack over one shoulder and was about to walk into the school when she smelt someone smoking a joint. Glancing around, her eyes landed on Axel standing off to the side. "Of course," she murmured with a smirk, locking her helmet to her bike before walking over to where he stood. "Breakfast of champions?" Mari asked teasingly when she neared him, sliding past and taking the joint from him on the way. She leaned against the brick wall of their school and offered him a pretty smile before taking a long drag before passing it back to him. Over the past few months, Mari had noticed him spending less time with her and more time with other girls. While it had hurt, Mari knew better than to let her emotions get the better of her, and decided to just ignore it, just like she was ignoring that Mason guy. "How was Clary's last night?"

Mentions: Mason ( Jessii Jessii ) | Interactions: Axel ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman )
Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Miles MacDonald


Miles held on tight as Mari rounded the corner, his eyes widening in fright. He hated when she drove this thing and he had to ride bitch, so he didn't really understand why he still did it. Not soon enough, Mari finally parked the motorcycle and Miles quickly jumped off. After they bantered for a moment, Miles rolled his eyes, locked his helmet to the bike, and took off into school. Gym was first period, and probably the only other class besides art that he actually enjoyed going to. Miles slipped into the gym just as the bell rang, and quickly changed into his gym clothes in the locker room. Stepping out, Miles glanced around the gym for familiar faces. Many of them were, as he had a knack for making friends wherever he went, but he was looking more for his closest friends. Miles noticed Candy and Clary standing together not to far away, talking about something that he couldn't quite hear. It made him happy that the two were getting along, though he couldn't really place why.

Miles noticed Mason standing not to far off, looking deep in thought and perplexed. Miles couldn't help but grin, knowing that Marina had been giving him the cold shoulder for a few months now. Miles didn't really know the whole story, as Mari wasn't one to talk about things like that, but he was definitely interested. Whatever happened had upset Mari, Miles knew, even though she wouldn't have showed it. Miles shrugged and sauntered over to Mason, a light grin on his face. "Hey, man, how's it hanging?" he asked, waving his hand in front of Mason's face to get his attention from zoning out. Miles scratched the back of his head sheepishly with a smile. "So dude, I got to ask. What happened with you and Mari? She won't tell me."

Mentions: Candice ( Misty Gray Misty Gray ), Clary ( Wonder Woman Wonder Woman ) | Interactions: Mason ( Jessii Jessii )

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat

Candice Piper

Candy laughed at Clary's comment about one team being on drugs. "You could be right. Although, looking around at some of the other team I'd say they're probably on steroids," she joked. Obviously, she didn't believe that, but the testosterone that emitted from some of the Eastsiders made the joke hard to resist. Whilst Candy's heart rate had increased and she'd warmed up, she wasn't feeling tired or sweaty yet. She didn't smoke cigarettes and was quite an active person. As for drugs, it's not that she would completely refuse a joint or something similar, but she just hadn't yet been in a situation where she felt the urge to. People often assumed she was a sensible girl or she didn't want to upset her parents, but she simply found enjoyment in her own little ways. As for her parents, they'd be more likely to ask her to share a joint rather than tell her off for getting high.

When the gym teacher blew the whistle for them to gather in the middle, Candy awkwardly did as instructed. As she did, she noticed Miles had arrived in the gym and she sent him a friendly smile. Then she felt the butterflies in her stomach again and Clary would likely notice her cheeks had turned a little more pink than they already had been. Candy forced herself to focus back on the teacher, frowning a little when they explained this was some sort of competitive exercise. Candy was actually good at running and enjoyed exercise, but she didn't like when things were turned into a competition. It didn't mean she wouldn't try to win, she just hated when people took things too seriously.

Along with Clary, Candy also removed her small hoodie so she wouldn't feel too warm. "Oh yeah. I was born ready," she brightly replied, with a grin. Candy glanced to the group of bitches and was curious as to if they would even want to work up a sweat and risk messing up their perfect hair and make-up.


Interaction: Wonder Woman Wonder Woman
Mention: MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat


✿Gemma Hudson✿


Location: Gym Class
Mentions: Brea - apolla apolla

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Though Gemma had arrived to school on time, she was still one of the last people to be changed and to enter the gym. She looked around to see that everyone had started doing their laps, most doing it in pairs with their friends. She had looked for Brea, but she had been running with Chase so Gemma decided she would just see her friend later.

After quickly doing some stretches, Gemma joined the rest of the class with their laps. Gym class was definitely one of Gemma’s favourite classes, though she wasn’t big on the hands-on sports. Other than cheerleading of course, Gemma loved running and it was something that always helped her clear her head.

Gemma continued doing the laps until the teacher called for them to stop, and explained that they’d be working on their sprints. She made her way over to the wall where everyone else was, and waited to start.

Code by @Starfish



Mason West


Location: School
With: Miles - MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Mentions: Mari

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

Mason slowly made his way into the gym class, hoping he would miss most of it. Of course that wasn’t the case and the class had just been starting. He watched as everyone got ready to start running their laps, as he hung out near the gym entrance. He nodded as Chase had asked him if he was alright, which he guessed was because Chase knew Mason’s dislike of sports. “Never been better.” He replied, his usual confidence coming through.

Knowing that he had to start doing something, Mason ran a couple laps around the gym before stopping for a break. He took that time to look around the gym noticing who was there and who wasn’t. He tried to look for Mari, but she hadn’t shown up yet and Mason guessed that meant she wasn’t coming.

He was brought out of his thoughts as someone began waving their hand in front of his face. Mason turned to them with an amused look on his face, but a curious look quickly replaced it as he realized it was Miles. He never really talked to Miles, but Mason knew that he was close friends with Mari. He was about to respond to his first question, when Miles asked about what had happened with Mari. Of course, there had to be some other motive for them talking. A confident look came on Mason’s face as he shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, nothing happened. We talked for a bit, and now we don’t. That’s about it.”
Code by @Starfish

Axel Frankford
interactions: Marina Skye Thornton ~ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat

Axel glanced up as he heard Marina, chuckling and rolling his eyes as she snagged his joint and slinked past. "Of course, only the best for my temple" as he said the word 'temple' he gestured to his body which admittedly was a bit lanky but he had some muscle. He had missed Marina a bit, Clary had been off doing her own things and he had been getting flirty with a few girls so it felt like thier crew was beginning to fray.
Then, as she asked about Clarys he tensed up a bit. He had to admit it was getting to him, Clary was like his family since she was his longest friend. "It was rough, the twins were freaking out, Marnie was crying." He shook his head and took a deep puff of the joint, not wanting his emotions to come through. "Thier dad was gone when I got there but it was easy to figure out what happened plus the twins told me. He choked her, apparently it was pretty bad. Her neck was still red when I got there" he sighed groaning slightly. "She's not gonna listen to us." He shrugged and leaned back.
"Hows avoiding lover boy? He seemed real into you Mari" he went to move away from the topic of Clarys life since he knew it would build up the emotions he didn't like showing.
coding by cychotic

Brea Summers

location: first period | mood: annoyed | with: no one | Mentions: Chase Misty Gray Misty Gray Gemma Jessii Jessii
Brea rolled her eyes, smirking a bit as she looked over at Chase. "Oh yeah, Chase. You're the resident bad boy who's going to jail for some petty high school bullshit." She laughed even as she said it, obviously not believing a word she said. "As far as those girls go, I can tell you their lives aren't exciting. All they do is sleep with people they don't really care about and shop." Brea herself loved shopping; she'd never turn down a shopping trip. But she didn't go around spreading her legs for just anybody.

She blushed slightly at the thought, but before she could say anything else the gym teacher blew the whistle and told them to line up for sprints. Groaning, she ceased her jogging and slapped Chase playfully on the back. "Good run." She managed to get out before the whistle blew again, and she made her way to the sidelines like everyone else.

Spotting Gemma, she made her way over to her friend. "Hey." She smiled at the other blonde, bending over to stretch out her back. Coming back up, she placed her hands on her back, looking around the gym. She hated sprints, but she wasn't horrible at them. She did some cheering back in middle school, before it really mattered, but in high school she'd decided to stay away from sports. She spent more time socializing, doing things that she wanted to do. That's really how she became friends with the girls who had tripped Candy, although after that shit show she was really doubting those friendships. She'd been distant from them, and Gemma, lately anyway. She wondered if the other girls had even noticed with how far their heads were stuck up their behinds. "What's up, girl?"


coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

Chase Mitchell Montgomery

Chase laughed at Brea's bad boy joke. "Exactly. But you know what my parents are like. They only pay attention when things don't go as they've planned and then they overreact. Hell, they still give me crap about the two of us breaking up." He shook his head. His parents were all about image and presenting the perfect lifestyle to their friends, so anything Chase did that went against he grain was the end of the World for them. As Brea talked about the girls, he nodded along. "That comes as no surprise to me. I hate to admit, but I've heard plenty about what some of them get up to from the guys. Who's slept with who and all that..." he trailed off.

When the teacher blew the whistle and instructed them, Chase slowed to a walk and gave Brea a thumbs up as she slapped his back. He walked to the sidelines himself, more than ready to start the sprinting. He caught Clary's smirk and grinned back at her, expecting she would do quite well judging by how she was in their own training sessions. He was in his element when it came to being competitive, but he was no stranger to not winning outright.


apolla apolla Wonder Woman Wonder Woman


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