Ship crash [Inactive]


Out of Practice
KaiaWolf submitted a new role play:

Ship crash - The most trustworthy ship on the sea, a minor detour, a storm, and the bermuda triangle.

"This is the S.S.Johnson, the most trustworthy ship on the sea. We have to detour to avoid a storm. We'll be back on course within the hour."
That was the last broadcast heard from the S.S.Johnson. It was lost at sea.

Or so they though.

You are a survivor of the ship crash. You're stuck on an island somewhere in the Bermuda triangle.

Good luck.
Read more about this role play...
"This is the captain speaking. We advise all passengers to go below deck, as we're about to go though a bit of a storm. Repeat, we advise all passengers to go below deck." The announcement bellowed through the ship.

Ellian barely heard the announcement, but managed to tear her eyes away from her book. She glanced up at the quickly darkening sky, taking a deep breath of the sea air before making her way below deck to her room.

On her way there, she smacked straight into someone, her book flying out of her hands.
Riley had been looking at a picture of her family in her wallet when the announcement was made. After hearing it she returned the wallet to her back shorts pocket. Unlike a lot of passengers, Riley wasn't to fazed. Her work had her on quite a few ships and this certainty wasn't her first storm.

As she walked down the corridors her mind wandered, causing her to bump right into someone.
"Ah, sorry." Ellian said, going to pick up her book. What a way to tear myself away from a good novel. She thought, frowning and dusting the cover off. Turning to the girl she bumped into, she apologized again. "Sorry about that... I'm not to most aware when i'm reading... You don't know the way to the mess hall by any chance, do you?"
Riley shrugged. "I'd hope so." After a moment of reconsideration she added "Yeah. Do you need help finding it?" She faked a smile. Although it would have taken a keen eye to catch it, because of her years of practice doing it in business. Riley held out her hand. "Name's Riley. Riley Coggs, and yours?"
Ellian shook Riley's hand. "Ellian Grey. Pleased to meet you. And yes, i'm kinda lost..." Ellian said, fiddling with her eyepatch. Oh god... How do i talk to real people again? She thought, looking to all the stories she'd written for help, but her brain had just stopped working. Complete blank.
Riley started walking down the hall and motioned for Ellian to follow. "You worried?" She asked while putting her hands in her pockets.
Kerri was terrified when she heard about the storm. Her parents rushed her down into their cabin. Kerri was shoved down obviously the bed while her parents paced around the room. They were just as panicked as she was. When the boat swayed her parents jumped. She giggled at how silly her parents were being. That was a mistake. Her father take her by the mouth and make her look atbhim 
At him. He yells at her look"You think this is funny?!" "I'll show you something funny!" Whacks her across the face.
"Not particularly. Though the writer in me is freaking out. 'Oh no! A storm! We'll crash on some unknown island in the middle of nowhere!'. The usual cliche'd book plot." Ellian rolled her eyes.
Riley chucked, smiling more warmly now. "So you're a writer? That's pretty cool. What kinda stuff do you wri-?" Do to the boat swaying Riley tripped mid sentence. After standing back up, she brushed herself off. "Ahem. As I was saying. Writing. Yes. What type."
Ellian seemed to relax more, though looked slightly unnerved at the sudden sway of the boat. Writing was a subject she could handle. "I write novels mostly. Sometimes i try to keep journals, but i never remember to keep writing in them. I wrote a few travel guides for different places..." She trailed off as the boat swayed again, more dramatically this time.
"Whoa, man, this outta be fun to ride out." Riley said dryly while trying to keeper her balance. "We better not hit an iceberg. I swear to god if we hit an iceberg." Riley sighed. "I seriously don't get payed enough for this shit." As she continued to walk she slipped on some water, presumably from wet shoes, and slipped to the floor. "Ack! Ow..."
Ellian held out a hand to help Riley up. "You okay?" Then she noticed that the water on the floor was actually growing. "Where's this water coming from?" She said, half to herself.
Riley got herself up, not noticing Ellian's hand. Staring at the growing water she started to slightly panic. "Oh my god, are we sinking?! They made the announcement only a minute ago! Storms don't sink a ship this fast! Or maybe they do, I don't know. But we have to hurry-" Riley paused to regain balance after the boat rocked. "Like, right now!"
"Go where? We're on a boat in the middle of the ocean! We're at least two days away from land!" Panic was clear in Ellian's voice now. "I knew it," She said under her breath. "The ship is gonna sink and a bunch of us are gonna be stranded on a island. All the young, attractive ones, if i know my books, and i know my books!" She started chewing on her knuckle.
"This isn't a book Ellian! And I meant to the life boats. Okay, so take a deep breath and lets go!" Riley grabbed Ellian's hand and started to drag her down the hallway quickly. But the more water that leaked in, the more difficult it began to run.
"I'm sure they heard! And they can see the water! Unless it doesn't go under the doors. Crap! I don't know." She banged on the nearest door. "Hello?!"
Kerri stood up with a new red angry mark obviously her face and fresh tears in her eyes and walked out of the room. And she ran right into a girl.
Renna sat quietly in a closet on one of the lower decks of the ship. She was a stowaway on the S.S Johnson. Moments after the captain's announcement she had hidden herself there to escape the commotion. She couldn't risk being seen. She wondered what was going on beyond the prison of boredom where she waited. She longed for excitement and adventure. Eventually, when she could no longer sit still, Renna slowly stepped out of the closet.

She was relieved to see that the hallway was empty and decided to keep walking. She was half way across the ship when she realised that she was being followed. Her heart stopped.
Monica hugged her girlfriend as the ship gave a violent sway. "What the!?" She exclaimed and hadn't been paying attention to the announcements. "Hon, can we go back to our room and ride this storm out?" She asked her lover as she looked out the window and saw the weather was getting worse. "That's a good idea." Her partner replied and the pair made their way to their room.
"Oh sorry, excuse me." Said Kerri and walked to the right of the ladie. When she saw a girl heading out for the dock in the hallway, she fallowed her. "Hello! Please help me!" She shouted out to the person.
"Eh? Are you lost too? Geez they need maps or something." Riley motioned for the young girl to join her. "Come along now. And watch your step."
Kerri turns around to look at the stranger, " No I'm not lost! What the hell is going on?! I need to get out of here!" She walked carefully over to her when her father bust out of their cabin door. " You're not going anywhere!" And yanks her inside with a powerful force, then with a sway of the boat her gets knocked off of his feet and she slips pout of his hands. Kerri runs and hides behind the Kind stranger she had just met.
"What the heck? You do realize we're sinking, right?! We need to get below deck! Our rooms aren't safe!" Riley motions for Ellian and the girl to start walking.

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