Ship crash [Inactive]

"Name's Riley, but who was that? Why did he pull you back in? And did someone hit you?" She felt kinda stupid for only now seeing the mark.
Monica and her partner arrived in their room. They hoped it was just a rough storm and sat down on their bed. "Mon, I don't like this." her partner told Monica. "Nor do I but i'm glad i've got you." "Same here." They told each other as they kissed each other. "Next time, i'm booking our vacation." Monica told her partner after they kissed. "It's just a storm. It'll blow over soon and we'll get to start our vacation soon." The partner reassured Monica. "I hope so." Monica remarked.
"He was my dad, and No! I just fell over when the boat swayed." She lied terribly, she never was good at lying. She didn't realize ontill now that she had been squeezing the other persons hand the entire time, due to her frighteness. She let go of the hand and looked at the stranger and said "Sorry." " Wait if the boat is sinking...why are we going below? Shouldn't we be getting into the rafts or life boats or..whatever you want to call em?"
"It hasn't been announced that it's sinking, but that doesn't mean that it's not. For now, though, just keep your balance and follow me." Riley could tell that the girl was lying, but she decided that now was not a good time to push for details. "You holding up okay Ellian? You're kinda quiet."
Ellian stumbled slightly as the boat tipped again. "Are you afraid of the dark?" She asked the younger girl.
"Yep and it's just me, you and the beach." Alex, her girlfriend, told Monica as she gently patted her knee. "Yep." Monica said as she rested her head on Alice's shoulder. They both believed the ship would be okay. "I love you." They both told each other. "Jinx! I get to make a wish!" Monica joked to Alice. "Oh, what is that?" Alice asked with a smile. Monica whispered something into her ear.
"No..." She said while shaking taking one step very slowly into the darkness of cargo area of the ship. "I'm not afriad of the dark..." She said shakily, taking hold of Ellian's hand and grasping it tightly.
"Oh my goodness are you serious." Riley groaned "Okay look, I don't want to sound mean or anything, but you are going to have to deal with it. I suggest taking a deep breath and thinking positive thoughts. Like rainbows and kittens or something."
Kerri nodded her head. And walked on with the two. She finnaly let go of Ellians hand and walked on her own into the cold, wet, darkness. "So how long, do you figure we're going to be down here?"
"It would be crue..." Alice said before both women were thrown from their bed when the ship gave a violent sway. "I hate storms." Alice muttered. "Same here." Monica commented as both women got up. "As i was saying before i was rudely interrupted by the ship, it would be cruel to deny you your wish. " She said as she gazed in her lover's eyes. "You wouldn't be cruel to little old me would ya?" Monica asked as she gently grabbed Alice's right hand.
"Ah, good, you did it. Congratulations." Riley smiled slightly. "Hmm, I really couldn't answer that..." She trailed off as she went into thought about it. "Hey Ellian? You write storys, right?"
Ellian shivered from the cold. She didn't particularly love the dark either. "Yeah. Why?"
"You could totally write an exaggerated version of this. This is secretly a super hero origin story, you just don't know it yet." Riley grinned.
The violent sway of the ship sickened a young girl who had perched herself atop the bed that reside in her room. Her roommate had set out to ask a few questions about what was happening, and had left Hannah alone in the confinemens of the room. The ship jerked once again, causing the already frightened girl to grip the blankets on the bed tighter as she waited for the return of her companion.
Ellian smirked. "Ha ha. At least you have a sense of humour. Why are we down here anyway?" She said and looked around in the darkness, her fingers played with the strings on her eyepatch.
Riley splashed some water around at her feet. "I can't tell, is it still rising?" She mumbles something about regretting wearing shorts and work boots.
Ellian shrugged. "Don't ask me. I have terrible depth perception, what with the eyepatch and all."
Riley groaned. She raised her hand above her eyes. "I can't really make out much. Maybe we should head for a life boat and forget the annou-" A large wave caused Riley to loose her balance and slip to the ground, hitting her head in the progress.
Riley took Ellian's hand and got up. She reached around her head to see if she was bleeding. When she brought her hand back she could already see some red liquid.

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