Ship crash [Inactive]

"Here." Ellian put Riley's arm around her shoulder to support her. "Come on...? Sorry, i don't think i caught your name." She said to the girl, motioning for her to follow.
Kerri got on the other side of Riley, just make sure she didn't fall. "Should we warn other people? Or by now do you think they get the point? I don't know what to do! Riley are you sure you're okay? You don't look it." 
"Oh, I'm Kerri."
Riley weakly tried to push the girls off, but gave up. "Sure, yeah they might appreciate it. Like your dad Kerri. And... other guests."
Alice smiled at Monica before both women were thrown backwards because of a large wave hitting the ship. "****!" Monica exclaimed as she got up from the floor again. "Dammnit!" Alice said as she also got off the floor. Alice was wearing a purple thin shirt and a pair of red trousers with blue sneakers. Monica was wearing a blue thin shirt and black leather trousers along with brown boots. "Let's just stay on the bed." Alice said. "Agreed." Monica said as she climbed onto the bed.
"Oh my dad...He knows! He's probably already at the boats. He he." When Kerri could finnaly see the light she breathed a sigh of relief.
Ellian released the breath she didn't know she was holding. Her mind was in full panic mode, her whole body shaking with fear.

She barely heard Riley ask Kerri a question, but it managed to worm its way into her terror ridden brain.
Kerri's parents are both stumbling everywhere in the hallway, "Shit! This way is easier to get through, c'mon!" She yanks on Riley to make a sharp left.
Riley is dragged to the left, her balance is lost and she ends up against the wall. "Maybe we should ask for help..." She moans.
A wave smashed against the ship with enough force to crack Monica and Alice's cabin window. They didn't see the crack in the window due to them focusing on each other. "I wonder if the captain intends on getting us to land?" Monica thought aloud. "Of course. I mean, he wouldn't continue to sail us through this." Alice said as she leaned in to kiss Monica. "So, you're being kind?" Monica said to Alice as she kissed her again.
((Could I get a summary? I had no idea this started, I checked on a whim. Thank heavens for that.))
Caitlen checked out of work for the day, she was half asleep and a bit tipsy, she grabbed against the banister, the ship was crashing against some waves, she began to feel a bit seasick.

She checked the walls for her cabin number, once in her cabin she threw on her sleepwear and layed down on her half-made bed and attempted to fall asleep.

The waves kept crashing against the boat.

Caitlen fell fast asleep waiting for the storm to be over
Ellian frowned. "Maybe everyone's already above deck? Lets just get up the stairs..." She said, helping Riley forward.
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