Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION]- I understand and I imagine that you must have spent quite a bit of time on that, so it would be a waste if I weren't to edit at all. I'm just informing you that it might take awhile for me to get it up there.
That's not a problem. As long as my work wasn't in vain, then there's no issue. Forgive me if I came off as impatient.
We could also use Akatsuki members, right??
If they would like, I will give up Zen'no for Seever to use. It saves him/her the trouble of making a character, gets him/her right into the story, and Zen'no is a very solid character in any situation.
Being an Atkatsuki member sounds cool~! But I'm still really new to this so I dont know how effective I would be at the role, or where would I start in the RP but I'm up for trying if it's ok. (And thanks for the offer Beta but I'm good)
I can only suggest you ask someone to 1x1 in order for you to effectively learn how to rp or you can simply read through

other posts and threads to get a general idea of how you might like to write
Should a bit of tutoring or instruction be needed, I would be more than happy to assist.
Yeah I've been reading other peoples RP's to get an idea of how most people usually RP. But I'm pretty sure doing a 1x1 rp would be pretty awkward for me especially because I'm new Q_Q
But that's also why it would be a big help. It would go far in getting you past that awkwardness. Besides... 1x1s don't need to be all about *insert black bar here* and *pixelation here*. They can be about combat between two players, simple character development, or... well... pretty much anything a mulitplayer RP can be about.

Should you like to run a short 1x1 for the purpose of brushing up a bit on your skill and/or style, don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks Beta~! :D the advice helped alot the way you explained 1x1 roleplays is making this a bit easier. I'm gonna try to keep an eye out for a 1x1 rp and try it out. Thanks friendo
Feel free to make a character, Akatsuki or not, I think we can handle it.

So far, the Akatsuki isn't such a big role currently, so If you would feel more compfortable making an Akatsuki member, that should be fine.
Also if you're worried they could be lower-ranking in the Akatsuki so you don't have to rp someone that's amazing or something, if that's what you're worried about??

I've never rped any Akatsuki before, now that I think about it.

So we'll both be learning!

But rping is for fun and you should just enjoy it, unless you really don't want to be an Akatsuki memeber, or would rather 1x1 with soomeone.

So what I'm trying to say, I think, is just do whatever you'd like and worry about being good later and learn along the way??


I was zoned out I edited in Rika's name in instead of Mizuki's srry
Name: Tegeal

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Rank: Missing Nin


• Learning new jutsu.

• Pranks.

• Challenge.

• Traveling


• Sleeping.

• Being ignored.

• Being Bored.

• Genjutsu

Appearance: Has chocolate skin, and wild white hair that he never really takes care of. He also has large round glasses (Probably damaged his eyes reading late into the night) and hazel eyes.

Hes pretty short for his age only reaching 4'10. Not only is he short he's also incredibly thin escpecially compared to people from his former village.

Personality: Tegaal is an extremely hyper active fun loving kind of guy. But he loves having fun to a point where he will disregard sleep to have fun. Which usually results in him blacking out from exhaustion, but he doesn't mind. He does this because of his Dads mantra, he is willing to do almost anything to have a good time even at someone elses expense. He also loves researching, creating, and discovering new jutsu. Despite his age he can act pretty childish due to his energy, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. He's a very avid reader which is one of the reasons he usually doesnt sleep. He is also very forgiving, why waste time being mad at some one when you could be having fun. Tegaal also enjoys a good fight. For him fighting is like watching a play, it interests him to see what techniques or strategies other people have come up with.

Abilities: His chakra natures are lightning and wind. He isn't very strong so he relies on his Jutsus to increase his combat prowess. Besides his lack of strength has an above average store of chakra but nothing special, and is exceptionally quick on his feet.

Background: Tegaal is a former ninja from Kumogakure. He grew up in a relatively happy house hold. His fathers' duty as a special ops ninja being the stint of happiness in his life. Despite that he grew up happy with plenty of friends and even got assigned into a team. But of course as his future only looked brighter by the second things changed. He sprinted to the hospital after hearing a message that something went wrong during his last mission. He learned his father had been poisoned and they didn't have the supplies or resources to keep him alive. So he watched his dad die right in front of him leaving him traumatized. He later learned from a friend of his Dad that his Raikage had essentially sent his pops on a suicide mission, and that the higher ups were surprised that he even managed to make it into the village. His Mom also in pain refused to talk to anyone even him. Tegaal could only give a half hearted effort to his assignments and team mates. He eventually just declined from everything and mostly just stayed home in bed. Until he heard his mom finally speak after weeks repeating a saying his dad had always told him

"Do what makes you happy, not what makes others happy". The next day he found a bag packed with some clothes and food with a note attached only saying "Be happy". Knowing what he had to do he left the village and has been traveling for a few years living on his Dads' advice.

Extra: Akatsuki recruitment

(Um hope its alright I can get rid of or elaborate on something if needed)
You're doing good, but I might need you to change his age to about 19.

Other than that, it should be fine.
Post, people! Post! I'd post as Zen'no, but I don't have much for her to do. Instead, I guess I'll post as Hotaka.

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