Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)


This should be fine. Accepted.

Also, all role players are welcomed. Experienced or not.


Konoha is still open, if you'd like...
Haha, no. I'd be alone. So until other people join or want to or something, I'll just be Haru.

But do we even have enough for anything like the Akatsuki?

I think I have to eat soon so I probably won't be on for a bit.
Oh my, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Well, if you'd like to make another character, then the Konoha team is open.
Name: Horosha Hofuna


Gender: Male

Rank: Jounin

Affiliation: Konohagakure




•Going on Adventures


•Bad Guys/Ladies


•Being Hungry

Appearance: Hofuna is well muscled man with tan skin and dirt scuffs all over his body, He has short black messy hair often filled with leaves that change color as the months change and are replaced by stray twigs here and there during winter months, His eyes are a leafy green and he stands at the average height of 5"6', Hofuna constantly has a half smirk on his face and looks as though he is about play some sort of practical joke on you all the time. The Jounin typically wears pair of brown cotton shorts edged in gold silk with a twisting dragon climbing up his left leg, with his he wears a similar brown hooded cotton vest with no shirt underneath but instead of a golden dragon there is a silver tiger running down his right side. Hofuna keeps his wrists wrapped with white cotton bandages that reach halfway up forearms leaving his fingers uncovered. Hofuna is usually seen carrying around a large backpack complete with a summoning contract, a gourd full of sake and all the ninja tools he needs along with a sleeping bag. Hofune has customized his head-guard into a large bracelet that hangs loosely on his left wrist, around his neck he wears an emerald leaf necklace.

Personality:Hofuna is a happy go lucky guy and tends to err on the bright side of life, brave and confident from his years of experience Hofuna is headstrong and often forgets to plan before he acts opting for the 'head on assault' his former team-mates and sensei had often berrated him for his thoughtless action. Despite his recklessness Hofuna knows that teamwork and strategy are keys to survival. Patience is a virtue Hofuna has to work on and he has the determination to work at it.

Abilities: Hofuna focuses on his unique falling leaf style which utilizes earth and air chakra, Hofuna's abilities lie in ninjutsu, summoning jutsu and sealing techniques, his weakest attribute being his taijutsu skills but he knows the basics and can hold his own if need be. Adversely Hofuna can only use basic genjutsu. Hofuna can adapt very well during combat and can keep calm in most situations.

Background:As a child people often talked about Hofuna, some fondly and others bitterly, he was to be a prodigy but all Hofuna wanted to do was stare up at the peach blossoms and watch them fall to the ground. It was not to be so, his skills though lacking in certain areas were advancing at an incredible pace. As time passed by Hofuna became popular among his peers due to his easy nature and ability but one day he simply wanted to be alone for a little while and decided to go to the nearby woods to lie down and watch the swaying canopy above, it was not to be so, up in the branches was Nene, she was in his class too but they had never actually talked before, not wishing to disturb her he turned to go somewhere "What's the matter, too good for the likes of me are you?" She accused her face angry, surprised and confused Hofuna could barely manage to shake his head negating her statement. "N-no not at all i just thought you'd like to be alone." he offered but this seemed to make the red haired girl angrier. "Alone!!! Who wants to be alone!!" she cried and from that moment on Hofuna and Nene came to be good friends. A week after their Chunin exams Hofuna and Nene were ordered out of the village on a mission to recover a scroll from some mercenary ninja who had stolen it from a neighboring country, the mission went horribly wrong and Nene didn't make it out with the rest of his team. In his grieving and guilt he pushed people away, it was later revealed to Hofuna by a mysterious rogue ninja that the mercenaries they were sent after had actually been ordered by the village elders to kill Nene though he knew not the reason for it. The moment Hofuna became a Jonin he left the village in order to find out what really happened to his friend and love. One day he got a message from the Hokage to return to the village, teach a new team of genin and in return the Hokage would tell him why Nene had died.

Extra: (Optional)
Name: Rika Komaba

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Rank: genin

Affiliation: Kumogakure


• Sweets

• Playing in groups or swimming

• Singing


• Being teased & pranks

• Being looked down on

• Schedules

Appearance: Rika is a slender young girl with shoulder length dark hair that has slight curls at it's end. She has calm droopy light brown eyes which defies her hot personality. Her skin is tan colored and her full light pink lips shows off on her light brown face (Like African beauties!!!). Her eyebrows are long in a curved shape under her broad forehead (But not as broad as Sakura's childhood!). She wears normal shinobi out fit on missions because she doesn't to attract attentions but in regular situations she use different clothing, even borrows dresses from family members! Rika usually places her weapons in bags and pockets else she is afraid of dropping them. She uses gloves and ties her forehead protector on her forehead, where it should be! Her ears are rather small so she just can wear one pair of piercings and she changes them according to the situation. She doesn't wear make up unless there is an important party or ceremony because her father has thought her that she should let her teammates see the real color of her lips, skin and nail as these colors can show if you're healthy and can operate or you have been injured and may be bleeding inside your body. Finally, she has got a normal or rather fine and athletic figure as a teen girl.

Personality: Rika genetically is happy! She doesn't give too much deep thought to what happens around her and live in the moment. She enjoys music and loves to sing but her voice is not good enough to perform on the stage. She acts like a tomboy when hanging out or holding a mission with guys but is you let her in a hen party, she is just like other girls. She laughs loudly and makes others laugh but her anger is a bad one, she goes all out if you step on her tail. Rika barely messes with elders and doesn't like children to be around her. She is full of energy and wants to use it all up everyday. She does small mischief and encourages her friends to accompany her. She is not the type that study hard and is not really smart, with her normal brain, she just tries to learn what is essential for her life.

Abilities: Rika's main nature is water but she has never tried to find her own natural chakra, as has tried to master lightening for the sake of learning her village's special techniques.She wishes she can learn medical jutsu as it's suited women but she fail to proceed because she is not calm enough to control her chakra properly. She has learned as much as healing normal wounds with first aid stuff.

Background: Rika lives with her parents. She has learned many things from parents and their friends and feels like they are more teachers than family. Rika counts herself a normal energetic girl while her father is as crazy as she is and mother is always tired of the silly team in the house.

Extra: [candidate for jinchuriki!]
[MENTION=4319]ninbinz[/MENTION]- accepted.

[MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- alright, that's good. I added her for the Jinchuuriki, by the way.
Should you be still seeking Akatsuki members, I also have a few characters that will very easily fit into those roles. I don't remember if you said there was a character limit, but I notice most people on this site tend to put one on their RPs. I can handle as many as 4 characters if you need extra ones to flesh out roles such as Kage, Jounin, and Akatsuki.

PM me with what roles you specifically need filled, and I will fill a few of them.
Name: Kirino Takeda

Nickname/Alias: Kirino the Tempest

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Age Appearance: Early Twenties

Sexuality: Bisexual

Village: Sunagakure

Birthplace: Sunagakure

Organization: Sunagakure

Clan/Bloodline: Takeda

Rank: Kazekage

Chakra Nature: Fire, Wind, "Inferno" ( Fire/Wind Kekkei Genkai )


View attachment 11086

Personality: Kirino is very friendly and personable, and can be flirty if doing so allows her to get a laugh or embarass someone. However, despite this cheerful nature... she does not abide by unnecessary stupidity or goofiness. When seriousness is required, she is... well... serious.

History: Kirino grew up in a troubled home. Her father was a drunkard, her mother was forced to be promiscuous and sleep with other men for money, and her two brothers were... abusive... to say the least. Often times, her father would come home at night and beat on the two boys simply because they looked at him funny. The brothers would then take it out first on each other... then on Kirino. More than once they knocked her out, and she would wake up later on... tied to the bed and without clothing. She would cry out for someone... anyone... to just let her go or let her die. Every time, her mother would rush in and untie her from the bed... whispering comforts to the traumatized girl who cried in her arms.

As the years went on, the abuses got worse. Finally... Kirino struck back. The now 13 year old girl was about to get hit on the head by her older brother and subjected to more 'bed time' as they called it... when the girl spun around and smashed a thick plate over her brother's head. The second young man rushed her and was met with a broken plate shard slicing into the flesh of his wrist and arm. Both boys were not fatally wounded, but the violence drew attention from the drunk father. The husky man grabbed the club-like object he used to use when he beat the boys, and brought it to bear against his daughter. That was when the despair ended for Kirino... when her mother took the heavy blow that was meant for her.

Her father's powerful swing sent the club smashing into the torso of her mother. It was then that Kirino knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she needed to stop him. He'd kill them if she didn't. The anger built. ... No... not anger. Something... else. Righteous Fury was more like it. That bastard had forced her mother into prostitution, and allowed her brothers to beat and rape her. Enough was enough. Kirino screamed as loud as she could and took the broken shard she had cut her brother with in her hand. The big man she knew as her father gripped the club tightly. This would be it.


Kirino awoke in a medical facility, with her mother at her side. When the girl asked what happened, she was quickly brought up to speed. She had jumped at her father, who buried the blunt weapon in Kirino's ribcage. The man then walked over to her and was about to deliver the final blow, the young girl had thrown the jagged shard with such precision that it buried itself in the front of her father's skull. ... taken aback... Kirino thought about this for several minutes. Then realized that she and her mother were free.

But then... a Ninja she recognized as a unit from the Military Police entered the room. Immediately, Kirino apologized for murdering her father and pleaded with the man to show her leniency. He waved his hands a few times and explained that she was in no trouble, and that even her two brothers were under arrest due to evidence they had found during her treatment, as well as testimony from Kirino's mother. Truly... they were free. But the ninja DID ask something of her. Willing to do nearly anything for the person she felt helped her get free of her nightmare... she instantly agreed to enter the Ninja Academy.


Ten years later...

Kirino is a successful Jonin-Rank Shinobi. Her skills in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are fairly advanced, and she knows how to utilize more than one element... allowing her to create her own Kekkei Genkai that she has dubbed the "Inferno Style". The years have been kind to her since escaping her former life... and she plans on keeping it that way by showing the same kindness to others. After all... what comes around goes around.


Three Years Later...

Kirino was elected to become the Kazekage after the third Kazekage died due to illness. Her dedication to duty while maintaining a fairly lighthearted attitude was a factor in her selection, as it garnered her much adoration among other shinobi as well as the common folk. Reluctantly, she accepted the posting. Knowing that if her talents could be used in defense of the home she loved, then she would rise to the occasion. But at the same time... she knew that it would be unlikely that Sunagakure would be attacked directly. Nevertheless... she has shown to be a fair and reasonable Kage so far...

Theme Song:

Non Battle Theme Song:
Battle Theme Song:



Kunai/Shuriken scrolls on wrists

Large Roll of Ninja Wire

Paper Bombs x20

Seal Tags x5

Tanto x2



Special Traits

Kekkei Genkai: Inferno-Style

Name of Kekkei Genkai: Inferno-Style

Type: Dual-Nature

Clan: N/A

Description: By combining Fire-Nature Chakra with Wind-Nature Chakra, the heat and force delivered by Inferno-Style Jutsu far exceed jutsu from either of the parent natures. Inferno-Nature Chakra is unrivaled in it's destructive capabilities, and can cause major damage to anything caught in one of the jutsu associated with it.


1. Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb

2. Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Technique

3. Fire Style: Flame Whirlwind

4. Fire Style: Great Dragon Flame

5. Fire Style: Red Spider

6. Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu

7. Wind Style: Air Cutter

8. Wind Style: Air Cannon

9. Wind Style: Dust Storm

10. Wind Style: Pressure Damage

11. Wind Style: Gale Palm

12. Wind Style: Spiralling Wind Ball

13. Genjutsu: Death Mirage

14. Genjutsu: Smoky Distraction

(( Works as link, except it is ash and smoke instead of flower petals ))

15. Genjutsu: Mist Servant

16. Genjutsu: Blast Wave

(( Works as above, except it uses a small but incredibly bright explosion instead of a flash of lightning ))

17. Genjutsu: Descending Hell

18. Shadow Clone Jutsu

19. Taijutsu: Hellfire Insertion

(( Yeah... had to. But generally, if used in combat... Kirino will substitute fingers for an explosive tag. Gives new meaning to the term "Explosive Diarrhea" right? ))

Name of Technique: Inferno Style: Flame Cyclone

Type of Jutsu: Offensive

Rank: B-Rank

Range: Medium to Long

Nature Type: Inferno

Handseals: Ox -> Tiger -> Snake

Description: The user of this Jutsu inhales deeply, kneading their chakra into the air in their lungs. Upon exhaling, a massive blast of fire bursts from the user's mouth and rushes toward the target. At impact, be it with the ground, the target, a tree, etc... the blast erupts into a rotating pillar of intense flames and punishing wind


Name of Technique: Inferno Style: Cataclysm

Type of Jutsu: Offensive

Rank: A-Rank, Possibly S-Rank

Range: Any Target the user can see

Nature Type: Inferno

Handseals: Rat -> Monkey -> Horse -> Ox -> Boar -> Bird -> Ox -> Hare -> Palm Thrust

Description: The user initiates the hand seals, focuses their chakra, and thrusts their palm at the target. Once the user thrusts their palm outward, an immense ball of whirling flames rockets in the direction of the thrust. If it misses, the user can control it's trajectory with hand movements. Upon impact, the hellish blast explodes violently and with a radius of several dozen meters. The damage is dealt in the form of terrible burns, numerous cuts caused by depressurization, and raw impact damage.

Weakness: The user of this jutsu is likely to suffer some damage if it is used in close quarters due to the blast radius of the technique.

Name: Inferno Style: Tempest Armor

Type: Defensive, Supplemental

Rank: A-Rank

Range: Self

Nature: Inferno

Handsigns: Clap Hands Together

Description: The user of this technique is enveloped by a swirling mass of flames and wind pressure similar to the Flame Cyclone Jutsu, but on a much smaller scale. The heat of the flames and the speed of the moving air around the user is a very effective armor as well as a weapon for offense, subjecting anyone who confronts them in melee combat to additional damage caused by the burning heat and biting wind. Though formidable-looking and potentially damaging to those unprepared for it... anyone with significant speed can attack the user (with a punch, kick, etc) and remove the attacking appendage (arm, leg, etc) quickly enough to only sustain minor scrapes and burns, while dealing significant damage to the user of this jutsu.

Weakness: If used in short bursts, there is no real weakness. The user's own "Inferno-Nature" chakra protects them. If... however... the user is forced into a defensive fight and relies on this technique too often, the effects of the armor begin to harm them as well as their foe. In time, the Tempest Armor will burn away the user beyond all hope of healing or survival. Therefore, the one using this technique must be careful to not overuse it.

Name: Zen'no Ohashi

Nickname/Alias: Mistress of Birds

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Age Appearance: 16

Sexuality: Straight

Village: Konohagakure

Birthplace: Amegakure

Organization: The Ohashi Merchants

Clan/Bloodline: Ohashi

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Wind


Personality: Zen'no is a bubbly and friendly person more often than not. Her sunny disposition and quick wit are often welcome among her acquaintances as she's the first to lighten the mood when things go bad. If serious attitude is needed... Zen'no will not shy away. She can be cold or stoic... but her actions always trouble her later.

History: Zen'no was born in the Village Hidden in the Rain. Her family was rather unremarkable, much like herself. The Patriarch of her clan was once a powerful tribal leader in the forests surrounding the village, and now a respected warrior in the minor land's military. Zen'no's father was a weaponsmith, and her mother was a seamstress. Together, they made weapons and clothing for not only the Ohashi Clan, but for the Village as a whole. They lived a good life.

At the age of eight, Zen'no was accepted into the Ninja Academy. A high honor for one so low ranking in her clan. Still, she would make the best of it. She was skilled, and progressed well in her training. He often earned respectable marks. She was no elite student, but she was far from a failure. Granted, elite status didn't matter much to her... she was just happy to make her family proud. That, of course... would all change.

Several years later, Zen'no graduated. Strangely, her father did not show up. "Must have a big order to make." Thought Zen'no as she headed home. ... what she found when she got there... changed her. Her father lay dead in his shop, and the Ohashi Clan Leader's head was placed unceremoniously on the counter. Before she could scream, a pair of shinobi grabbed her and set a Genjutsu on her. She would quckily fall unconscious.


Three days later.

Zen'no awoke on a cot... with a throbbing headache. Her home was gone. She was not in the village. Where was she? Her mother's voice soothed her doubts. "Rest easy, Zen'no. We've all been through a lot these past few days. Your father... the Elder... and several others. They were found guilty of conspiring and planning an act of terrorism. They wanted war. War with Kumogakure. ... I'm honestly glad they were stopped." Before Zen'no could speak, she resumed. "They exiled the rest of the Ohashi Clan. ... it's upsetting, but I don't blame them." She lifted her daughter to her feet and smiled sweetly. "Mom... I'm sorry." said Zen'no as she walked out of the makeshift hut. ... "I'll make this right again. Don't worry." She said with a cheerful but forced smile.

And so... for the past two years, the Ohashi Clan have become wanderers. Not persecuted... but not usually welcome. They have been kind to Zen'no... but she finally felt it was time to strike out for a time. Armed with her graduation presents and the skills she learned and honed at the academy, she must now make her own way.

In time, she found her way to Konohagakure. After a series of tests, she was found to be honest of heart, sound of mind, and strong of spirit... and was happily accepted into their military, now serving as a Genin Squad Leader.

Theme Song(s):

Battle Theme.

Non-Battle Theme


Name of Weapon or Item: ????????? (Ohashi no Kuchibashi)

Description: The axe known as Ohashi no Kuchibashi has been passed down in the Ohashi clan for several generations. It is a strange weapon for a shinobi to use, but has history dating back to the days that the Ohashi were nothing but tribesmen in the surrounding forests.

View attachment 11087


Name of Weapon or Item: ????? (Sukai no Tsume)

Description: The trademark kunai of the Ohashi which appear overly simplistic, hinting back at the days of old.

View attachment 11088


Special Traits

Moderate speed for a Genin

Slightly above average Physical Strength

Good Chakra Control

Knows fewer jutsu than most Genin of her age

Zen'no can communicate with birds. (Clan Ohashi Hiden Ability)

Academy Techniques ( Clone, Substitution, Chakra Control, and Basic Transformation Jutsu )

Genjutsu: Flower Petal Escape

Wind Release: Gale Palm

Name of Technique: Wind Release: Wings of Divinity

Type of Jutsu: Supplementary, Offensive

Rank: D-Rank

Range: Self

Nature Type: Wind

Handseals: Hands clapped together, then spread apart like wings.

Description: Chakra floods into the arms and shoulders of the user, creating massive wings from their shoulder blades. These wings can be used for one of two purposes.

1. To allow the user to fly. If used this way, only other supplementary justu of D-Rank or lower may be used while sustaining Wings of Divinity.

2. To send a huge burst of air pressure at a foe, cutting them several times. If used this way, the Jutsu dissipates immediately after use. The attack is similar to those launched from Temari's fan, albiet not as powerful. any solid object of moderate thickness can stop the attack, and thick clothing lessens the cutting damage.

Weakness: Indicated in Description.

Special Clan Technique: Yacho no Koru Jutsu. Call of the Wild Birds.

Clan: Ohashi

Description: Eminating the energy that is common to most flying animals, Zen'no sends out a siren call to any and all birds within range. These birds flock to her side no matter what species they may be. Sparrows, Hawks, Woodpeckers, Eagles... all avian beings hear her call. They will aid her in any way they are commanded, be that fetching an item or in battle.

At high chakra levels, an aura spouts from her body. It manifests as a pair of colorful but translucent wings over her arms and claws at her feet, at this stage, Zen'no can simulate flight by forcing the chakra through her hands and feet.

(This technique is similar to Wings of Divinity, but differs in that it can be used in conjunction with other offensive jutsu.)

Name: Hotaka Kakuta


Gender: Male

Age: 41

Age Appearance: Mid 30's

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Village: N/A



Clan/Bloodline: No Notable Lineage

Rank: S-Rank Criminal

Chakra Nature: Wind

Appearance: View attachment 11090

Personality: Having lived for 41 years, Hotaka has seen a fair amount of things. He has seen people die... people be born... people grow up... and more people die. He saw his wife murdered, and then sat and did nothing to stop his two young sons from trying to gain revenge against her killers. Because of the circumstances that have led to his current position... Hotaka is quite a cold person. Should he show any compassion or attachment, it is likely to gain an advantage in some way. He can also be quite vulgar if provoked, but tries to keep his cool in most situations.

History: The events in Hotaka's younger years were dreadfully uneventful. Graduated at age 12, Promoted to Chunin at age 16, Jounin at age 21. Married at the age of 24, had two sons, and lived a generally pleasant life. What IS noteworthy is what occured in the twelfth year of Hotaka's marriage. A full report is on file with the Bounty Offices in each major nation.

In short, just before Hotaka returned from a mission... his wife received word of his imminent return. Happy to see their father again, their two sons ran out the door and toward the spot Hotaka always told them he would wait for them when he got back. However... this left their mother alone... and a group of unsavory-types capitalized on her lack of protection. Knowing she was not a shinobi, the three men and two women burst into the house and were immediately sent from a "break stuff and steal" mood... to a "kill the ***** and send a message" mood... as a seal tag placed on the ground just inside the door erupted in flames and immolated one of the thugs to death. These were calibrated to the life force of Hotaka and his family... so the man triggered it by simply walking over it.

The remaining four thugs stormed into the house and broke whatever was in their way before reaching Hotaka's wife in the kitchen. The woman had grabbed a knife to defend herself. Against four armed thugs however, it was of little use. She lashed out at one of the female criminals, and the blade bit deeply into her arm. One of the remaining men punched the knife-weilding woman square in the face, sending her tumbling backward and causing her to drop the knife. The fight was now over and the killing had begun. The thugs stabbed the woman in each of her hands, nailing her to a table. They then cut out her eyes... and then set her on fire. The screams she let out could be heard by many, and the village police force was on their way, as was Hotaka and his sons. Sadly... two of the attackers would escape, and the two who were captured would not speak the location of the others, only stating there WERE two others.

Three Years Later, Hotaka's sons had graduated the acadamy and were hell-bent on revenge for their mother. They went and interrogated the two convicted of killing her, and somehow managed to get what they wanted out of them... the location of the others. As it turned out, they had kept in contact through hidden missives and messages over the past three years. The two Genin immediately rushed off to confront the two criminals who had robbed them of their mother... only to be found dead two weeks later. Hotaka could have stopped them, but had grown very indifferent and apathetic since the death of his wife. Now he had lost his sons as well.

This would be the final blow, as it turned out... and something inside Hotaka's mind simply snapped. When he looked at the lifeless bodies of his children, he began to laugh. To the horror of the Chunin who had escorted him to the morgue, Hotaka made a single handsign... and enveloped the young man in the Infinite Darkness jutsu. Robbed of his sight, the boy was powerless to stop Hotaka from stabbing a blade into the base of his neck. Yet another life cut down before it's time... and the first outright murder committed by Hotaka.

Proceeding up the stairs and out the door, Hotaka murdered every civilian working the morgue that night... smiling maniacally, even as he took their lives. ... this man has been on the run for two years now... and has yet to be captured. Rumor has it that he's reviving a group of like-minded psychopaths and criminals... but as of yet, these rumors are unfounded and should be dismissed.

Theme Song:


x10 Sealing Tags

x10 Explosive Tags

x10 Flash Bombs

x10 Smoke Bombs

x3 Bags Makibishi

x1 Wakizashi

x1 Tetsubo

50m Ninja Wire

x100 Shuriken*

x100 Kunai*

x20 Demon Wind Shuriken*

x20 Bomb Balls*

x10 Paralysis Poison-Tipped Kunai*

( * indicates contained in a scroll and summoned when needed )


Special Traits

Immense Genjutsu Skill

Significant Fuuinjutsu ( Seal ) Skill

Average Taijutsu Skill

Average Ninjutsu Skill

High Chakra Pool

Mental Barricades

Five Elements Seal

Forbidden Jutsu: Impure World Seal Destruction

Forbidden Jutsu: Reanimation

Three Seal Barrier

Wind Style: Gale Palm

Wind Style: Air Bullets

Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere

Genjutsu: Shiranui

Genjutsu: Black Bog Disappearance (same as link, but dark water droplets not flowers)

Genjutsu: Ephemeral

Genjutsu: Infinite Darkness

Taijutsu Fighting Style: Crushing Fist

Taijutsu: Falcon Drop

Name of Technique: Four Blades Seal

Type of Jutsu: Offensive, Fuuinjutsu

Rank: A-Rank

Range: Melee

Nature Type: N/A

Handseals: Horse -> Tiger -> Ram

Description: The Four Blades Seal is a technique used to seal away a foes senses. The senses sealed away are not all lost immediately. First the user loses their sense of taste... fairly trivial in combat. Next to vanish is the sense of smell, also fairly minor in most combats. Then, the victim loses their sense of hearing... a hefty loss. Finally, even sight is lost... rendering the victim nearly helpless and with only their sense of touch and feeling left. This was initially developed by Hotaka as a torture technique.

Weakness: Unknown

Name of Technique: Genjutsu: Past Pain Remembrance

Type of Jutsu: Offensive, Genjutsu

Rank: A-Rank

Range: One Target, Medium ( 20m )

Nature Type: Genjutsu

Handseals: Snake -> Monkey

Description: This terrible Genjutsu is initially invisible, and some may even think it to be a botched jutsu because of this... but that's what the user counts on. A few seconds after activation of this attack, the target is subjected to immense pain as various injuries from their past are brought back to reality. Broken bones, cuts, blunt-force trauma... any and all significant wounds are revisited.

Weakness: Should someone have few wounds in the past, this jutsu's effectiveness is greatly diminished.

Name of Technique: Forbidden Genjutsu: Writhing Abyss

Type of Jutsu: Offensive, Area of Effect

Rank: S-Rank

Range: Any and All foes, Medium ( 20m )

Nature Type: Genjutsu

Handseals: Snake -> Monkey -> Ram -> Tiger -> Rat -> Snake -> Slam Palms to the Ground

Description: Foes within the area this jutsu affects witness the ground below them dissolve away into blackness, save for a small section beneath their feet. The void then grows slightly brighter as a river of magma slowly comes to light. A great wind blows and a howling can be heard in the victims minds. The howling escalates into a cacophany of wailing voices and black tendrils writhe from the darkness below. They grab hold of the targets, whose flesh decays and rots under the touch of the tendrils, but does not fall from their bones. This is a truly vile Genjutsu, as commented by the few who have escaped with minimal mental damage.

Weakness: Time needed to form Handseals is somewhat higher than most jutsu, user is winded after activation of this jutsu.

Name of Technique: Genjutsu: Impermanence

Type of Jutsu: Offensive, Genjutsu

Rank: A-Rank

Range: Single Target, Long Range ( 50m )

Nature Type: Genjutsu

Handseals: Ram -> Tiger -> Rat

Description: The target watches in horror as the flesh on their limbs decays into nothingness before their eyes. While this attack deals no physical damage, the sight of their limbs all but dissolving is likely to traumatize all but the most battle-hardened of shinobi.

Weakness: Those used to intense battle are far less likely to be taken in by this attack.

Name of Technique: Wind Style: Gale Armor

Type of Jutsu: Defensive, Ninjutsu

Rank: B-Rank

Range: Self

Nature Type: Wind

Handseals: Ram

Description: The user of this technique constantly emits a strong breeze that intensifies the closer a foe gets to them. This, in turn, slows down anyone attempting to engage the user of this jutsu in combat. Physical attacks are thrown slightly off target by the intense air pressure at Melee range, and weaker chakra-based techniques are simply blown aside.

Weakness: Terrible against Fire-Style attacks and ineffective against Genjutsu

There you have it. Should other roles need filled, simply tell me.
[MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- You didn't have to repost your character, if you didn't want to. I think all you had to do was go back and edit. To be honest, I just read the one tiny section that needed to be changed, because I thought she was going to remain the same- with the exception of rank, of course. So to answer your question, yes.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION]- all accepted.
Awesome. A link to the IC Thread would be most appreciated. Or has it not started yet?


Addition: ... will the other characters have a Jutsu List, or will they be pulling techniques out of nowhere?
If needed I will edit my char sheets and add Techniques blah blah blah, i hope konoha gets filled up soon my fingers are itching.

I should probably get some topical cream for that.
Actually, I think I'm going to change the character limit to four characters per person.

It wasn't such a big deal to begin with, anyways.
Okay, I kind of got in trouble and have a lil bit of homework, so I'll try to post my character as soon as possible (I'll use this phone if I can't in a day or two, because I don't want to make all you guys wait) and think of a list of jutsu. I can revise Haru too.
[MENTION=3691]Ethuil[/MENTION]- alright, that's fine. You don't need to make a list of jutsus, because it's not required. You can if you want, but it's not necessary.
Alright. I actually don't know if I feel like taking the time to do it before anymore. I'll probably keep my own list as they use things...

I'm still using a phone, but I could try making him tonight if I know exactly how I want this character and it's not too late/I'm not tired.
((This is sort of pretty much done now?))

Name: Toshiwakai Gyouja

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Konohagakure


Being happy



Figuring out how things work

His friends being happy

Magic tricks/illusions

A challenge


Being bored

Being bested


Not getting his way

When people he cares about are upset and he can't do anything about it.

Appearance: (I'll draw something probably today)

Short dark curly hair, green eyes, a bit taller than average. Isn't too muscular or skinny. Will usually have something long-sleeved on, like a jacket or just a long-sleeved shirt. Open-toed shoes, pants or baggy shorts, doesn't wear bold colors. Clothes are kind of old... They fit alright, but they're a bit worn. Oh yeah and he layers clothes a lot.

Personality: He's pretty harmless if you just take a few glances at him, but he likes to play jokes on and tease other people and sometimes goes just a little too far and occasionally it'll cause more serious people to snap at him. If he cares about someone, he really cares and usually he'll hate it when they're upset and try to make them smile just a little, at least. because he doesn't think anyone deserves to live a horrible, depressed life. He likes smiling and laughing and punny things and stuff too, even if it's something small, because deep down he's a pretty sad and unsatisfied person even if he doesn't admit and/or realize it. Unhappy people tend to laugh at things a lot, it's science kiddies. If he really doesn't care for you, Toshi can be a little mean, but it isn't too bad. However, if you're an outright jerk to him and\or his friends and get him really angry, he can lose it before he can calm down or ignore you. If Toshi doesn't know someone very well, he'll try to not form opinions too quickly, and will just carry on with his normal routine, though he'll make some decisions on a whim based on how he's feeling so ''routine'' might not be the best word. Also, if it means helping someone he's friends or family with, he doesn't mind breaking the law too much if it's something little like stealing bread. Also despite the fact that they're not popular, he likes fake magic. Like the stuff magicians at shows do. I don't think most magical ninjas would be impressed by that. But, Toshi practices, fake magic too, even if it doesn't even entertain his younger siblings all the time, or other people in general.

Abilities: He's fairly intelligent. He knows the Academy basics, obviously. His chakra nature is wind, and he can use some wind type jutsu. I might make a list later. He's pretty okay with taijutsu, a good punch won't usually stop him, but he's definitely not a tank. Toshi will use mainly taijutsu with the assistance of various weapons. Genjutsu isn't something he's amazing at, but it's better, than his ninjutsu. For weapons, he'll use kunai, shuriken, explosive tags, poison, smoke pellets, other various knives, he will sharpen some of his nails and paint the tips with poison, and before a battle a lot of the weapons will be inconspicuously hidden on him, giving his opponent the idea that he may be weaponless and this will sometimes add elements of surprise too when stuff comes from nowhere.

Background: Another unfortunate sob-story belonging to the constantly fighting- and tragedy-filled shinobi world. Toshi's parents' marriage wasn't approved by their parents, and the were given no support, financially or otherwise. They became poor from the beginning of their marriage, only Toshi's mom was a shinobi-a half-rate one at that- and his father kept going from low-paying job to low-paying job. They had four kids (Toshi being the oldest) and their situation never improved. As the kids grew older and needed more and more food and clothes and such, they slowly started resorting to borrowing, not being able to pay back, stealing foods, and then stealing jewelry, they were almost caught and then cut back on thievery, and eventually they got connected to and in trouble with the wrong kinds of people. Toshi was out one night, and when he approached his house heard an argument between his dad and some other voices he didn't recognize. After hearing some crashes he ran inside as the strangers filed past out the door, to find what valuables they had destroyed and his parents beaten to death and terribly disfigured in a pile of blood on the floor but his sleeping younger siblings still, luckily, alive. The strangers had seemed to forget about them. He ran out of their rooms after checking to make sure they were alive, and he slipped and fell on something. Getting up, he looked down, wondering what he had slipped on. It wasn't water, so what was it? He found out quickly enough when one of the murderers re-opened the door and, grinning at a terrified crying Toshi, threw a match in. The stuff on the floor? It was oil. The house quickly caught on fire, and Toshi barely remembered to to get his siblings. They were a lot younger, and after waking up his four-year old sister and trying his best to explain something he didn't understand while demanding she get out with incoherent babbling and crying, he went to get his other two siblings. With his sister gone, and a now also crying two-year old in his hands, fire was everywhere. he had to get out, but there was still one more. But he couldn't carry anything else and his sister wouldn't come back in. Toshi was forced to leave the youngest, a one-year old little girl, behind. he managed to get out but he was burned, and was choking on the smoke. By then, neighbors had come too see what was going on, and water-style using shinobi were starting to show up. But it was too late, and only the three survived. Afterwards Konoha ANBU quickly found and tore apart this secret and dangerous organization, but Toshiwakai still was left on his own with no relatives wanting to help and a terrible traumatizing past, enough to scar anyone for life. A year later he enrolled in the academy, because he wasn't old enough for any other jobs, and he still had two siblings, the now five-years-old girl and three-year old boy, to take care of. People that know his past think he's strange. How could someone be like him after what he had seen, and at such a young age? Parents that knew what had happened may have whispered about it, or told their kids to stay away, but with the relative peace happening, the Konoha officials might have wanted something like this to be more hushed.

Extra: He probably got books on how to make the poison himself, and it's probably relatively simple. He might have gotten his weapons by stealing them.

I'm sorry I woke up this morning and decided it wasn't tragic enough.

Toshi please don't hate me.
[MENTION=3691]Ethuil[/MENTION]- Okay, I'll just go ahead and add him up there. Also, yeah, a simple image would have been fine too.

Im actually considering drawing Raizo (because he's just precious) but he keeps turning out wrong. Male anatomy

isn't working for me.

[MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- LOL I forgot to check that. At least I have Sasuke, though. The only character I think I can half-way play as.
[MENTION=3680]T o b i[/MENTION]

Okay yeah, I edited it a little bit.


Still have to draw something.

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