Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)


No problem.

Also, having only one paragraph isn't a big deal, in my personal opinion. I know it's difficult to think of things to say sometimes and I do have this problem occasionally, so I'm usually not picky about things such as that. Despite that I do have a fairly large amount of rules, I'd still like for this to be laid-back and some-what friendly. I will let one sentence post slide by occasionally, so long as it doesn't happen frequently. If another one-two sentence post is made, than I'll remind everyone to be creative with their post, etc. I know you're probably not the only person who feels this way.

[MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION]- of course. There's an open spot in team Konoha.
It's fine, I spoke to Suika and the post was edited for greater length. No big issue in the end.
Name: Mizuki Sato

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Konohagakure


• Training

• Peacefulness

• Helping Others

• Sweet snacks


• Show offs

• Ramen

• Slackers

Appearance: Mizuki is about 5'1 with brown hair that goes a little past her waist and side bangs. She wears a purple ribbon that holds her hair in a pony tail to prevent it from interfering. She wears a purple shirt (Kind of like Sakura's) but the zipper goes straight down. She wears blue shorts, Like spandex almost, and a purple skirt that is knee length over the shorts. She has the wrapping on her leg and wears one kunai holder and a shuriken holder on her back above the waist. She wears blue sandals and has wrapping on her legs that start a little below her knee and down to her ankle. She also wears blue gloves with the metal piece on top. Her headband is tied on her arm (Like Shikamaru)

View attachment 11249 If it helps picture her outfit a little bit.

Personality: She has a friendly personality. She helps anyone in need and loves doing exactly that. She is playful yet serious at the same time. She never takes a mission lightly, or even her training.

Abilities: Mizuki's chakra nature is water. She is always on target and uses her hidden mist jutsu to an advantage in every fight. This is the only chakra nature she uses at the moment. She can also uses hand-to-hand combat but her strong point is her ninjutsu.

Background: She was born into her father and mothers care, that is until they both were defeated in a battle. Her guardian now is her older sister who believes being a shinobi is a great honor. Her sister always wanted to be a shinobi, but their father would always say being a shinobi isn't her sisters type of life. Ever since that day when her parents passed away, Mizuki wanted to be just like them. She wants to be a great water style ninja and hopefully learn medical ninjutsu like her mother. She considers her Sensei a father figure in her life a person who can help her achieve her goals.

Extra: She is training her hardest to learn medical ninjutsu.

Let me know if i made any mistakes please.
[MENTION=4037]YukiUchiha[/MENTION]- accepted.


Is there anyone with a Konohagakure character that would like to be a jinchuuriki? We need one. It doesn't have to be a genin; it can be a Hokage or Jounin, etc.
Oops missed last post haha.

Where are you people come on I posted

It was really high quality stuff

Why won"t you repli to mah past
There hopefully I helped diffuse a fight and if not then at least it'll start off as a 2 vs 1 scenario


Um I'm not sure whether you just didn't read my post properly and realise Hofuna is male, if I haven''t been clear enough in my writing for you to understand Hofuna is male or if you are trying to 'subtly' insult me or not.

Xandi's aggressiveness is refreshing but if you and [MENTION=3691]Ethuil[/MENTION] have pm'ed each other bout a fight then i can edit myself out of that situation

Oh no, we PMed nothing xD
crap then i just walked Hofuna into fight for nothing i spose but then that's true to his character
Also I dunno if Toshi's jaw was really clenched I'm sorry that one thing bugged me lol. But you don't have to fix it.

Also I think this will be my last post 'cause I have to sleep,,,,,
Sorry. I was very tired, so I wasn't paying attention. Sorry. I fixed it, though.
Tobi. What happened to making hyperlinks for the characters like I taught you? If you would prefer, I could do it. But as a GM, that is more your responsibility. That said, I'm still willing to help out. Anyways... post incoming.
[MENTION=4098]SuiKaFTW[/MENTION]- the jinchuuriki thing was intended for characters from Konohagakure, unless your character is from Konohagakure. If so, that should be fine.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION]- I'm still slightly confused on that and I'm busy. If you want to, you can.
Nuuuuu!!!!!! Nin!!!!!

... if this is going to be filled with ninja nonsense ( Anyone see what I did there? ), then I'll be withdrawing... I actually prefer more serious settings as opposed to light-hearted ones.
Pshaww shhh Beta, I needed it for something I'm thinking of, it is a prelude to something more serious, I'll see if I can't pm you what I'm thinking
Business happens, T. And as far as the silliness goes, I'm not mad at occasional silliness. Please note that I said that if the RP ends up FILLED with nonsense.

A bit of it here and there isn't an issue... I was just stating that I hoped it wouldn't end up the norm.
ok I will keep my own sillyness to a minimum, I'm just catching up o what i've missed
[MENTION=3680]T o b i[/MENTION]: I sent you an updated roster complete with Hyperlinks. I do hope my work was not in vain as I did that work for everyone's benifit.
[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION]- Yes, I realize this and I'm very thankful. However, I'm having problems with my internet connection so I'd appreciate it if you would give me a moment.

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