[Shatter the Circle] Main OOC Thread

I'll let you know how I feel about my new hours at the end of the week, I'm still currently unsure about it (the pay spike is nice,though).

I'm fine with you rolling the damage to speed things along. If I ever forget to post numbers, the weapons I have are recorded at the bottom of my sheet, which also include the strength modifiers.

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 2, Defense 4, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage 5, Defense 2, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 5, Damage 2, Defense 3, Rate 1

Daiklave: Speed 5, Accuracy 14, Damage 8/2, Defense 7, Rate 3

Powerbow: Accuracy 13, Damage 6/2, Rate 2, Range 300

An idea to make things easier for you, Kacie, is that all PCs are under a permanent 2 die stunt for the proposes of mote regeneration. Saves you the trouble of having to assess each and every individual post for stunt-worthyness, but anything that really impresses you can be given a bonus in terms of dice or whatever.
Okay - so apparently I have to migrate the game into the new system.

I'm totally unenthused about this, but it has to be done.
All righty!

That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I'm still not thrilled. I'm sure there's a way to get our snazzy image over here, but I haven't figure that out yet.
Hurray! I was invited to join such an awesome game! \ o /

No but seriously, let's pulverize this Rotten guy :tongue:
Please do!

I had a long debate on whether to end it earlier, but felt there was more that needed to come up in combat.
CI - go ahead and do your defense, then do whatever attack you'd like.

Work's been bad, I've been bad, etc. Sorry. :(
I feel your pain with the work thing, my own place of employment has been draining me as of late. Good luck on your end of things!

And don't worry too much about the game, slow but steady is better than dead and gone =]
Folks, I PMed CrazyIvan a bit ago, and haven't heard back.

I'm stuck on a business meeting this coming week, and if I'm bored out of my skull in my hotel room, bored enough to brave the censure of work laptop balking at this website, I'll be posting regardless.
Good luck with the business meeting, and try not to take too many risks when posting on your work laptop. I'd rather you not get in to trouble for the sake of RPing :tongue:
I am the worst at replying. Double conference plus "Oh shit, I need to actually deploy this to a server and I have no idea how to do that" plus a grant deadline. Will try to be posting soon.

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