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Shaparita Academy

"Yupp!" She told him, "thanks." Alexis stood up, "look out teacher is here." She told him as she saw a male teacher with sport jacket and a clip board walking towards the oval.
"Better getting back to normal." Towa smiled and shifted back to normal before walking over to the teacher.
"...He seems familiar... Waitaminute. Dad?!" Towa thought to himself as he walked over to the teacher. "I'm Mr. Keyes and I'll be your PE teacher. Everyone. Change into Anthro form and we will start." Towa's dad said before changing into his Anthro form: A black panther. Towa changed and crossed his arms over his chest, hoping for an explanation after this class.
Alexis changed to her form. That's his dad?! She thought, maybe all his relatives runs this school. She wait for further instruction from Mr. Keyes.
Johnson Keyes (Yes, that's his name.) looked around until he found a black dragon with red markings. He smiled before continuing: "I'll test all of your speed first. Note that this is a ground test so no flying." He then called Alexis to go first of the class.
Alexis sighed then step to the white line. One more lap, no problem, she thought and wait for the signal. She gave Towa a smiled, "wish me luck!"
Towa nodded with a smile, his arms crossed over his chest." Well well well... What do we have here." Johnson thought to himself and smiled. "Get ready! Set! Go!" Johnson called with the timer in his hand and pressed the button to start the timer.
Alexis took off, and gaining speed as she go further and further. She smile when she saw the half way line and increase her speed. Everything around her became a blur, she didn't care, she could see the white line, where she had started and just figures of people standing on the side. She crossed over the white line and slowed down, then finally came to a stop, not far away from the group. "How did I do?" She asked Mr. Keyes.
"1 minute 20 seconds. Not bad for a wolf." Johnson stopped as Alexis crossed the finish line, answering her with a smile. Then students after students came up until it's Towa's turn. "Ready. Set. Go!" Johnson called and Towa took up with a gust of wind behind him. Only a minute later, he finished his run. "1 minute flat, not bad." Johnson grinned with a pat on Towa's back.

"Towa, can you hold this for me if you don't mind letting me show them..." Towa nodded and took Johnson's things. "Ready! Set! Go!" Towa called. Johnson took off with a blur and less than a minute later, he finished with a grin. "45 seconds." Towa said with a smile on his face. "Still faster than ya." Johnson bumped Towa's shoulder as he got his things back.
Alexis frowned, "1 minute and 20 second?" She can do better than that. When it was Towa's turn she was surprised, he was that fast. Mr. Keyes had a turn and Alexis stared at him, "you're kidding right? 45 seconds?" It was unbelievable, 45 seconds!
"Yet I'm only a black panther. Cheetahs are even faster than me." Johnson said to Alexis. The bell rang and the class ended. "That's good for now. I'll see you next time!" Johnson said as he shifted back along with others and Towa. "Dad... I've met Aunt Monique and you as teachers. Our family run this school?" Towa and his dad talked with each other for a while before Towa headed to the locker room and took his things. He then walked to his next class after waiting for Alexis.
Alexis changed back and start walking to her locker, she got changed quickly then walk to the next class, which Towa was also in it.
"My family runs this school. That's why they wanted me to go here." Towa said to Alexis, walking with her with a smile on his face.
"So I guess they have eyes on you now," Alexis grinned as she look up to see the sign on the door to her next class 'SCIENCE LABORATORY' she frowned, "this is my worst subject!" She stood there, not wanting to get inside at all, "I think I'm going fail this subject...again."

((Sorry gotta eat))
"Thank you," Alexis smiled as she opened the door to science room. A lot of students were already in class, talking to each other. Thankfully, they didn't pay attention to Alexis and Towa as they stood at the door.
Alexis took a seat with Towa and took her book out. She have a bad feeling that she really is going to fail this class. She sighed and wrote down the date at the top of the first page of her book, with the title 'SCIENCE' all capitalized.
The famale teacher came in before the class started. She was with glasses and a white labcoat. "I'm Mrs. Keyes and I'll be your Science teacher and lab instructor." She said before starting to teach them basic informations they needed.
"And here's your mum!" She whispers yelled then gave a small smile to Mrs. Keyes. Alexis tried to focus on the information, but it was giving her headache. All these symbols...she thought, my head is going to explode!
"If you need to, I can explain it all to you later." Towa whispered with a smile, taking notes.
Alexis gave him a thankful smile and nodded, "yes please." She then try to pretend to listen to all the informations.
Soon class was over and Towa packed his things up. He talked to his mom a bit before walking out with Alexis.

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