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Shaparita Academy

Alexis said thanks to Ms. Marades as she gave her the exercise paper. Maths was Alexis' strong subject and unfortunately, biology was her worst. The class ended quickly and everyone start rushing out of the room. She stood up and walk over to Towa, "people really don't like Maths, do they?"
Towa talked with his Aunt for a while as she gave him the exercise paper. He quickly caught up to Alexis and nodded in agreement. "My aunt told me that I'm good at it, though." He said, walking with his hands behind his head.
Alexis smiled, "of course you are! You finished really fast!" This was the first time she'd met someone who's better in Maths than her, "so what's your next class?" She asked him, looking down at her paper.
"Same!" Alexis grinned. Maybe were in all the same classes...she thought. "Oh, can you be my partner, if we need to pick one?" She didn't want to be park up with some random people, at least she knows Towa a little, that makes her more comfortable.
"I'm fine with that. I don't have any friend besides you anyways." Towa said with a of, jeering to the lockers room.
"Thanks!" Alexis suddenly hugged him, it was her habit, she always loves giving hugs to people as a thank or when she's happy. She quickly let him go, her cheek were burning up. "Sorry, it's...a habit," she told him.
Towa chuckled. "It's ok. I enjoyed hugs anyways." Then he continued to walk. "I'll meet you outside, I guess." Towa headed inside the male lockers room and put his things away and changed into the PE uniform which was sent to him.
"Sure," Alexis grab her gym bag and walked inside the girl's change room to change into her PE uniform. Not long after she exit the change room, in her PE clothes and put her gym bag back inside her locker.
Alexis walked outside, knowing that Towa was probably out already. She stood next to Towa and smiled, "wanna race?"
"We have some spare time so yeah." Towa nodded with a grin and shifted into his Feral form. Spreading and waving his wings a bit, he stretched and warmed up.
"No flying," she told him and change to her form. Her hair was longer, the wolf ears and tail appeared and even her sense and speed increases. "800 meters, two laps, starting at that white line," she pointed to the white line now far from them.
"Oh well." Towa turned back into his Anthro form and stretched a bit, walking to the white line.
"Set" Alexis grinned, "go!" Once she the word go left her mouth she took off straight away. People were on the oval but she shout at them to get out of the way.
Towa dashed ahead of Alexis as he started off with an incredible speed, leaving a blur behind him as he ran, dodging anyone on his way.
He's fast! Alexis thought and increase her speed, soon she was right behind him. When she was about to catch up she saw something in the distance and as she came closer, if was a girl, who seems to fell on the oval. On no no no! I can't go around, Alexis sighed and jumped over the girl and landed gracefully on her feet. Now she wasn't behind Towa anymore. I've got to catch up! She ran faster, trying to catch up to Towa.
Towa finished the first lap and continued, dodging and jumping over any obstacle in his way. His wings folded behind his back at all time.
Alexis ran past the white line. First lap done, she thought. With Towa jumping and dodging the people around them, she have the advantage. She ran as fast as she could and try to catch up with him, soon she was almost next to him. Just a little bit!
Towa grinned as he spotted Alexis. He leaned himself forward a bit and dashed away, still dodging the obstacles while remaining his speed.
Alexis was going to say something but she knew better to save her breath and speed up. She could see the white line, come on you can do it! She knew that Towa was going to reach it before she does, but she could try to end this with a draw. She ran as faster and faster, not taking her eyes off of the line.
Towa ran at his full speed, leaving a blurred line behind him until he reached the finish line. He slowed down and stopped, panting lightly. He doesn't look too exhausted.
Alexis saw Towa crossed the line just before here and she frowned. After crossing the line she stopped then dropped to the ground, "that...was....fun!" She smiled.

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