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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Assassin RP

OOC (Dang, you killed off Lucifer already! I had wanted to help, but hey, it's all good! The only issue is what to do with the remaining four glowing creatures, seeming how they were there to fight just in case things got hairy. I definitely don't want to harass you all with a total of eight ice monsters, four is proving to be WAY too much at this point. @Esther_Silvers)

(I couldn't decide on whether to make the kill even more gory and intense, like make Ezrael and Lucifer fight each other. Maybe I should edit the post and do that? It's just that the current one seems so plain.... @Jzork And it's okay, I'm sure I can handle eight. e fist need to settle the matter of who exactly kills Escora xD)
It was pointless. There were too many coming at her, their eerie blue glow lit the venomous scowl on Farazia's face. 

The largest of them all, the most distinctive of the bunch, who was watching her struggle with a toothy grin that she intended to wipe off of its face. She took a step toward it, grunting in agony. She swiped at the little beasts that were clamoring and chanting. Another step, like walking on glass, every step a deep, penetrating cuts that sent jolts up her spine.

Another step.



Farazia continued on like this, parting the sea of frosty beasts. Step after step, the verglass slowly clambering her legs as if to further her endeavour. She slowed, her fight seemingly gone. She panted out a breath of hot of air, the smoke billowing through the air before parting and vanishing into the cutting wind.

"Damn you." Farazia spat.

The blade sliced through the air, towards the azure beast. For a moment there was the only whisper of wind. With a determined flick of her wrist, her sword was hurtling towards it.

 @Jzork @Esther_Silvers @TheCountryWarrior @DeathValley105 @HumansArentReal @Wick


(Xerxes "God of Consumption.")(Location: Boreal Forest)(With Ezrael and Vixen)(Mood: Enraged & Confused.)

Traversing leisurely through the pasty underbrush of the boreal forest was something unimaginable to experience, Xerxes pupils strafed from left to right and to up and down, dangling the bloodied Elk’s detached leg as continuously treads through the dampened snowy grass. Earth’s blooming flora and fauna was definitely something to be admired in comparison to the emptied void of the blackened space he had once been surrounded by as a youngling. He could definitely get used to envisioning more of this in his travels except something had been left unsettled inside of his mind, like an awkwardly fixated picture frame that had been left dormant on the confines of that brain of his. Faraza “Death”, wanted to achieve nothing more than to bore down in the very centre of the Earth, where it’s susceptible heated core boiled at its customary temperature, far beyond anyone’s grasp until she manages to fulfil her wishes that is. Was she planning to fragment the core? Eventually resulting in Earth’s inevitable destruction? Xerxes halted in his very tracks, adjusting his hand up over his rugged stubble as he lost himself for a moment in thought about if this was a righteous task in the end of it all, assimilation of all life-forms on a single planet is a scheme that is simply laughable in comparison to all the other celestial bodies throughout the vast solar systems but then again why solely this one in particular? He gently drifted his arm back against the side of him, letting it dangle as he followed the trail once more, picking up the pace in the process as he huffed underneath his breath. Questioning such things in the back of his mind only made him feeble, Xerxes couldn’t allow him to be bothered by such frivolous events as he was destined to accomplish his own duties and being the determined one that he was, he couldn’t allow himself to plunge into failure. A familiar scent caught him by surprise as he descended further into the darkness of the Taiga, there were stenches of several creatures composing of this section of the forest but one specifically grabbed a tight hold of his attention as it reeked of a decomposing scent that had not been caused by his own violent actions.

Not to mention it had a certain power behind it, that of a God or a significant being which had been injured by who knows what. “Was I too late?” Xerxes gasped, appalled that he had not provided any assistant earlier to the mysterious God, self-condemnation soared through his thoughts as he hustled further into the woods, expecting the worst out of the scenario until being shocked at the sight of it all. Xerxes skid across the icy terrain before coming to an immediate halt, coming into contact with Ezrael and… A Mortal right beside the ferociously mangled body of the diabolical Lucifer, both of them looked to be in cahoots with one another. He stood there, as if he was a deer being captured by the high-beams of an oncoming vehicle. Dropping the slab of dismembered meat onto the floor beneath him, Xerxes stepped a few feet towards the seemingly lifeless body of Lucifer before clasping his hand around his face while abruptly laughing in the process. “I’ve already failed my duties, but i’m more surprised at the fact that a being of exceptional prowess has sided with that of a mortal, betraying whom we are supposed to serve for the greater good.” Xerxes dumbfounded smirk faded off from his expression once he turned his head back towards the direction of both Ezrael and Vixen, God of Innocence and life aside that of a injured assassin who could barely hold herself up off of the ground. Judging from this scene alone, it would’ve taken a substantial amount of strength to impale someone like Lucier onto a metal rod. “Ezrael.” He commented with curiosity in his tone, gradually piecing together the horrific scene that had transpired before emitting his continuous response. “You’ve betrayed your brothers and sisters, I should’ve expected you to side with a human but this? God of innocence.. Brutalizing one who shares the same divine blood? Now that I didn’t expect from someone like you. You know, Farazia would probably want me to eat both of you right now but there’s no point in wasting my time, Farazia would never believe that you would have the stones to kill Lucifer… So tell me Ezrael, why have you betrayed our cause?” Xerxes voice was compiled with tremendous wrath but he was genuinely more bewildered, he wanted nothing but questions out of these two.

There was a resolute crack as Farazia's blade struck the side of the monster, it's toothy grin quickly changing to unbelieving shock. The sword was now lodged in the side of the beast, sending a decent chunk of ice and snow to the ground. While it hadn't been sliced in two (thanks to Dar'Vange), one of the tubes connecting to it's arms had been severed, and it started spewing a freezing goop out at a rapid pace. The gauge on it's forehead started to drop. It was starting to lose control and bleed out.
Shock quickly turned to rage, and the creature did it's best to force it's way off of the blade and closer to Farazia, it's bright-blue blood starting to now flow from it's mouth. Callously, it spat the subzero fluid at Farazia every chance it got, making use of it's rapidly declining supply of innards. Drops of the creatures blood that hit the snowy children contorted their shapes, adding extra arms and heads to their already haunting frames. Some finally had the courage to leap off the ground and cling to Farazia's back, pulling at her hair and arms.

"I'm losing them." Annabelle confided to Jay. "They're all copies of the original, merely clones with a task to complete. The actual one summoned from the icy orb... it's back at HQ, waiting to see how the battle there is going. Once it comes back, it'll be safe to return... but for now, we must help out here as much as we can. I just don't know if it's even possible to kill her..."

She watched the battle starting to turn sour before her eyes. It was true...

...Annabelle might have summoned them... but she had no idea how to maintain control.

@Emberskull @Wick @TheCountryWarrior @Esther_Silvers @DeathValley105 @HumansArentReal

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


"You did it!" Vixen as bursting with joy, making Ezrael wonder if she actually understood the consequences of this fate. "You did it, Ezrael! I--I never knew you were strong enough to do such thing, but--but--"

"Stop it!" snapped Ezrael. "Don't you see that this just made things worse? Once Farazia finds out, she'll kill me." The very thought send a chill of fear over Ezrael, but he was too angry to care. He had just committed a sin. Did that mean he was no longer innocent? Ezrael thought of Dar'vange for a split-second, wondering if the God of Judgment would show favor should that ever happen. 

"Farazia? Ezrael, if you could kill Lucifer in one fell swoop, than killing Farazia---"


Suddenly, something interrupted Vixen. An abrupt laugh echoed across the bloodied room, the source coming from Lucifer's dead body. Ezrael turned around, only to be greeted by the sight of Xerxes, the God of Consumption. Ezrael swallowed, remembering what he had heard of this deity. Xerxes was able to kill Gods by eating them whole. He could morph into a powerful, hellish beast that would even put Cerberus to shame. Ezrael knew getting into a brawl with this God would be foolish and stupid. Especially when he had Vixen to protect. Upon hearing his first few sentences, Ezrael glanced at Vixen, who was on the ground, pain etched on her face. She returned the glance with an uneasy glint in her blue eyes. She was afraid, something Ezrael had never seen her feel. Being weak and injured must surely be the cause. 


"Your cause is nothing but murder," answered Ezrael boldly. He guessed that experiencing darkness has led him to have a confidence that he would've never achieved while still in his forest. "The Gods who accept and carry out Farazia's treacherous orders are not my brothers and sisters. They are merciless, deranged deities whose selfish wants will bring us all to our downfall. Lucifer was no different." Ezrael gazed at Xerxes, his pale blue eyes aflame with a determination and courage that he himself never knew he had.


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(Xerxes "God of Consumption.")(Location: Boreal Forest)(With Ezrael and Vixen)(Mood: Annoyed.)

Overhearing Ezrael confidently spouting off those bumptious words was enough to swell a raging firestorm deep within his ‘breadbasket’ which was beginning to yearn for something more scrumptious that of a God would do nicely but on the other hand he was clandestinely suppressing those indignant thoughts, locked deep inside the lonely inner-sanctum of his mind. Xerxes flaring petulance had concluded once he became fully engrossed with proving Ezrael’s fallacious inaccuracies for what they truly are! Foolish misconceptions based off nothing but instinctive morality which he believed had been clouding Ezrael’s wild judgment as if he were a muddled dog, concealed by a thick fleecy blanket. “Our cause is nothing but murder?” He ‘snappily’ catechized Ezrael for his very words, Xerxes cautiously approached both of them except in a fashion that didn’t give a conception of violence but more of an outrageous distaste for his presence than anything else, Xerxes shared his forbidding glance at the weakened damsel across from him, did he believe that protecting these creatures would help provide a ‘better’ cause? One without Death’s iron-fisted grasp held over Gods, Goddess, and even these mortal-beings? That’s too good to be true, Xerxes exhaled quietly and abruptly let out a degrading chuckle, the thought of even attempting to associate the likes of his own species with that of these insignificant life-forms wouldn’t prove anything but difficulty as they would inevitable be their own downfall. “You say that our cause is murder but you’ve slaughtered someone in cold-blood. Then again, i’m not sure if he was worth sparing in the first place as Lucifer wasn’t the most pleasant to be around.” Xerxes huffed, regrettably agreeing with Lucifer’s death, as he was thought to be a wildcard more than anything, putting him down was going to be a part of the inevitable future but he never expected it to be caused by the now blood-stained hands of Ezrael as he invoked compassion and righteousness.

However he was going to have to make a choice between Farazia’s cause and his own pure ideology. “But, Ezrael you must understand. We are the what keeps these beings alive! We are preventing their own destruction, saving them from themselves! Farazia even knows this. We lead them away from our rule and what will happened? Continuous bloodshed from their own kind against one another. But.” His facial expression gave mixed feelings. Something had been a bit off, Xerxes paced back and forth before eventually sitting himself down, shifting his eyes from left to right at Ezrael then back at Vixen. Attempting to figure out if he had been doing the right thing all along, after all Xerxes didn’t fully comprehend the reasoning of Farazia’s full intentions. “You better not make me regret all of this Ezrael.” Without a moment’s notice he gave his full attention to the injured woman, whose face was stricken with a painful sentiment, without treatment she could get a serious infection it was evident now that he had to do something to prevent another senseless death occurring in the future. “She’s exceptionally strong, i’m surprised that she hasn’t fainted from those wounds of hers. But, she’ll still need medical attention despite all this. I’m willing to provide any necessary help in order to make this situation a little less grim, mark my words though, after this you’re both my enemies. I’ll be heading off to meet-up with those that are still loyal to our own cause, but before this we’ll have to make sure that she doesn’t succumb to infection or these injuries.” Xerxes couldn’t believe it, was he now a traitor to the cause as well? He’s always dispatched those that had went against Death but now he’s doing the exact opposite and letting one of them live, looks as if he’ll have to provide an explanation to Farazia about Lucier’s death.


Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life


Ezrael felt Vixen instinctively lean towards him out of fear at Xerxes outburst. He was frightened as well, but he could tell it was not out of rage. Ezrael could tell Xerxes did not enjoy agreeing in the death of Lucifer. Ezrael could not believe he had managed to do such thing. It made him realize that maybe he was capable of more things than he thought. Dark things. He frowned at Xerxes' excuse more defending their cause. Ezrael was about to retort something back, until he noticed Xerxes' uncertainty and mixed feeling about this 'cause' of his. It wasn't surprising; Farazia's intentions were very vague and unclear, but Ezrael was convinced it was anything but beneficial for humanity.

Ezrael almost gasped as Xerxes offered his help for Vixen. He was right; it was quite a miracle that Vixen hadn't fainted yet. He guessed that traumatic past of hers has prepared her well for these end times. Ezrael glanced at Vixen. His eyes sparked in worry and concern. Vixen was struggling to keep tears in check, her breaths were shaken and disoriented, and she was on the verge of falling unconscious. Ezrael realized he had been too angry with himself to notice any of this. Her excitement and shock at Lucifer's death and Ezrael's hidden capabilities must've jolted her from falling unconscious. Now, she was falling for the dark again. 

Xerxes was right; if Vixen succumbs to an infection, she'd die. She needed medical attention.

Ezrael glanced at Xerxes, knowing he had to trust the God of Consumption. 

"Alright," he answered, voice low. "Help me get her to a medical room. It's not too far from here; Vixen says there's a futuristic drug there that will help us."



OOC (Am sorry *^* I have been unable to reply, but I have now returned o,o..)


Jay Conners


Jay must have blacked out for a moment, because the next thing he knew, Farazia was facing off against so many of the icy creatures at once, he could barely count them, and he had almost missed what Annabelle had said. My gods, Annabelle. She was cold, in fact she was the owner of the cold hand resting on his shoulder. Her eyes glowed a bright sky blue color that pierced the darkness of the storm, and her skin was so pale, no warmth about it. He realized she had complimented him on his shot, and then explained how she was only able to do so much when it came to keeping track of her minions. Jay looked back at them, clawing their way up Farazia's flank and freezing her slowly. Even she seemed to be having a hard time shaking them; and what happened when, or if they finished her? Would they round on Jay and even Annabelle?


There wasn't much he could do. He could pop his leg back into place, but it would be incredibly debilitating, and would not fully fix it; at least not immediately. He turned back to Annabelle.


"You have to regain control of them, or the gods will not be the only ones dying here. You have to focus. How did you create them? What could you do to weaken them." He glanced at the battle. "I'm afraid to say that letting them kill Farazia might not be in our best plans anyway. Farley, he had once mentioned something; some information he had gotten from a goddess. She had told him about a drill. We already knew she had something planned with the Earth, but what could the drill be used for?" He looked back up at Annabelle. She stayed silent for a moment. Jay's heart sank. What if she wasn't even in total control of herself at this point? What if she decided it would be a fun idea to kill him where he lie; he wouldn't be able to stop her. He tried to persuade her some more.


"Annabelle listen! If there truly is a drill, then we need to find a way to stop it! Farazia is the only one who knows how to do so!" The wind was howling, seemingly empowering itself by the second. Jay could barely hear Farazia's screams of agitation at this point.


@Jzork @Wick @HumansArentReal @Obsidian @Esther_Silvers @DeathValley105(Good to see you!)

Farazia screeched as the oozing blue monster clung to her back, clawing to grip it's talons into her skin. She herself feebly, attempting to fling the rampant beast from its perch on her injured spine. 

She jumped backward as to land on top of the beast. They both collided with the frosted forest floor with a thud, momentarily loosening the creature's grip, long enough for Death attempt to stand up and catch her breath. 


As she was dropped down, she felt airless.

Jennifer groaned, wiping the snow from her face and a shaking the rest in a great shiver.  She watched Farazia struggle with her posture what seemed to be a bazillion beasts attacking. She tried to stand up, only for her body to ache in protest. She lay slumped against a tree, watching the scene unfold before her eyes. Noticing her brother running towards her at full speed, she straightened in surprise.
Annabelle remained silent for a while, her near unblinking eyes observing... waiting.
Farazia had managed to get a free moment to catch her breath. A moment free of the clutch of Annabelle's clones of ice.

"Cover me." She commanded, removing her hand from Jay's shoulder. She moved from her hiding spot and into the raging blizzard, gliding lightly on the frozen surface of the ground. Slowly, she made her way into the center of the clearing, the icy winds and snow hiding her position.

There was a moment where Annabelle had ceased to be visible, lost in the furious white.
Then in an instant, the howling wind seemed to stop dead in it's tracks. The snow storm's intense rage was calmed, and in the middle of it all stood Annabelle, her arms stretched outward to either side, as if she had forced it to be so. She brought them slowly to her sides, and her gaze to match Farazia. The children of the frost receded from Farazia's ankles, the creature fumbling to reform its shape stopped in it's place, even the blood oozing out of the injured beast seemed to slow to a halt.

"I am not here to make petty conversation, Farazia." Annabelle droned, emotionless. Icicles seemed to hang on every syllable. "I can easily make this battle resume. I can easily make this a nightmare. These creatures were made to kill gods the likes of you."

Annabelle was bluffing about being able to make the battle resume. She had barely enough control over the rampant beasts as it was. No, if anything would make the battle resume, it would be the impatient creatures that were now impatiently waiting. She could already feel her grasp on the situation slipping like melting ice from her hands. These were merely clones, weak minded enough that Annabelle could exercise brief dominion over them.
The actual creature, first summoned from the icy orb, and the creature merely lending its power to her... was slowly returning to it's summoner from HQ. 

"I need information. Information about that drill... and I need it now."

@Emberskull @Wick
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(Xerxes "God of Consumption.")(Location: Boreal Forestish area)(With: Ezrael and Vixen)(Mood: Shamed)

Xerxes was criss-crossing his legs while situating his palms on both of his knees, still awaiting Ezrael’s response but having an inner-confliction battle within his very person over whether or not he should still continue helping this ‘traitor’, after all he did mercilessly murder Lucifer, Farazia’s associate in cold blood, but then again Xerxes didn’t find great enjoyment out of simply killing off someone who was wounded and another who wasn’t going to exert much energy into a conflict rather than to stay passive and conceal himself. Ezrael’s impression of Xerxes did not change too much once he offered his own help, perhaps he didn’t fully trust him? Looks like he didn’t have much of a choice as Vixen was beginning to lose consciousness and those unsightly wounds that she beared weren’t getting any better by remaining untreated. “There’s a hospital not too far from the Taiga? That’s surprisingly convenient” Xerxes answered lightly, eventually picking himself up off of the ground and brushing off the collected grime that came about on the front of his pants. There wasn’t any time to waste, Xerxes edged his footing forward and gazed upon the critically condition assassin, estimating how long it would take before they’d get to their destination as well as considering how long it would take for this mortal to bleed out from those deepened wounds.

“Well, well, ironic huh? Ezrael is going to have to lead the way, I on the other-hand will have to carry you there. Humorous how these things can happen sometimes, don’t get use to it.” A side of him felt completely bitter about what he was doing but there had been a hint of compassion fluttering through him when it came to this living creature, Xerxes had kneeled his left leg right beside her and was only mere inches away from the woman, one single swipe could’ve ended her life but why was he hesitating? He gritted his teeth against each other, disloyalty felt as if it was crawling alongside the curvature of his own spinal column, Vixen choking back tears had captured his eyes. He was mentally incapable of understanding this conception of fear and pain but his physique became more cautious when it came to hauling the woman up underneath his arms, Xerxes ideology was becoming twisted by being with these two, especially that damned assassin. “Don’t give me that look, you’re not going to die, okay? Anyway, Ezrael you’ll lead the way i’ll be right behind you and if any other God or Goddess comes along that’s with Farazia, hide. I’ll be able to negotiate with them.” Shooting his head away from Vixen, he tried his best not to feel anything as he followed Ezrael, to think that he had gained even a smidgen of kindness towards those that have slaughtered his own kind made him disgusted.
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"And the world is a wonderous place, my dear Miss Lillibet. Yet we are too awful to comprehend it's true form, for the world rests within the limitless confines of the universe and reality itself. These things need no exploration but rather thought." Although through an amused sigh, Lazarus chuckled softly. "I remember when I was in my twenties. War, women, and books. I wasn't that interesting." Locking his hands together, Chauncey gazed downwards at the polished wood flooring and shrugged. "I never dread history being made. I dread the wrong legacies we'll leave behind. Vile memories of a holocaust, that tarnished a thousand lives in order to feed our arrogance and greed. Nay, Lillibet, I believe Farazia will make a mistake that shall haunt us for the next millennia." As she nudged him, Laz nudged back with a humorous grin. "You have the lifetime of a God. If this is the life that satiates the hunger of curiosity, then I begin to wonder if you speak the truth or loyal service. Although I am a rather handsome drunk librarian, so that is an upside." He snickered, all too impressed by his own comedy.


"I can't. I would love to, trust me, I would take a voyage around the world any day to discover two-headed snakes of exotic origins. But I have a purpose, and I can't leave till I fulfil my duty. I was entrusted by my father, to keep the records, and to collect every copy of every book ever written." He replied, glancing over at the book she had open. Reading the pages, by looming over her shoulder. "But you, you should visit the wonders of the globe. And it should be you, who I collect the books of your adventures. Through the Egyptian deserts, and the deep Amazon jungles, or the snowy tundras of Antartica." The demi-god dramatically recited, wiggling his brows. "My time for travels has come to an end. Yours begins."




As Jennifer was dropped by the icy orbs, one whom almost decided to take advantage of his sister, Vei collapsed beside her in the snow, dragging his sibling into a tight embrace. The Huntsman engulfing Jenny in his arms, as he kissed the top of her head sharply. "Don't you do that again - don't you dare, ever do that, again." He scolded in low mutterings. "I can't lose you too. Understand? I can't." He continued to hug her, till he regained his breath and the panic began to fade. Glancing over his shoulder to the battlegrounds, he exhaled heavily. "You're incredibly stupid. But I don't think we're being invited back to another party."


Lilah had been out lost in the blizzard for what seemed like forever now, she'd kicked herself for getting stuck in it to begin with her but now she had no idea of her bearings at all she felt even more ashamed. Her father had always warned her to be weary of her surroundings, that it could change at any second and that nature is an unbiased killer. With shivering arms tucked around her body Lilah continued trudging onwards in the hopes of finding a building of sorts, when she heard shouts her first instinct was to put her hand on the knife she'd collected not too long ago and hunker down. With the blizzard in full force still Lilah could hardly see and thing and didn't know how to precede, it was only when she saw blood and still bodies did Lilah really grasp what was happening. This wasn't her first time seeing a dead body but the amount of corpses she could see around her warned her that this was no ordinary thing. Lilah's instincts kicked in and she tried to remain as alert as possible under the harsh conditions, leaning down she started to inspect the dead body.
@Jzork @Wick @DeathValley105 @Esther_Silvers @TheCountryWarrior

Farazia started at Annabelle blankly, right before releasing a bemused snort. 

"Small child, I've got to admire your courage. You come here to stare Death in the eyes, ask for information and honestly expect me to believe your threats when you look that frightened?!" 

All the pain in her shoulders and legs had disappeared. 

Which meant something terrible must have happened to Lucifer.

Having realized this, Farazia grabbed the girl by the chin and lifted her up into the frigid air, producing a small dagger and holding it to the girl's soft neck skin. Beads of blood traveled along the blade tip. Death held the girl tightly by her freckled face. "You are one lucky little girl. I have business to attend to," she said, not even bothering to mention that she knew Jay would shoot the Goddess if the girl was dead.

"You're off the hook, for now." 

The Goddess slid the knife slowly along the side of the girl's face. "To remember me by." She said, smiling sweetly. Then she tossed Annabelle full-force at Jay, then proceeded to pick something up from the snow and dart forward, grabbing Escora by the two blades that had her shish kabobbed, ripping the handles out of the hands of the attackers.

Then they were gone.



Jennifer gladly accepted his embrace, laughing from the hysteria nagging at her stomach. "I'm s-sorry. I thought you were dead... I couldn't let it happen." 

She sighed somberly. 

"What are we to do now, Vei?"


@Songbird500 Suddenly, Lilah had a large hand over her mouth and a gun to her temple.

"What's your business here?" A gruff voice asked from the blur of the storm.

Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life



It was ironic. Which was why Ezrael was about to protest. He was certain letting his enemy hold Vixen was a terrible idea. He was the enemy after all; what if this was just a trick to get close to him and the girl assassin? A trick that would leave them fooled and dead...

Despite these suspicions, Ezrael kept his mouth shut. His instincts told him that Xerxes meant what he said, even if it was revolting for the God of Consumption. He watched, his body tense as Xerxes hauled Vixen up with surprising gentleness. She was barely holding on to consciousness, but it was evident she had definitely noticed Xerxes holding her. Despite the pain and the fact that Xerxes's intentions were to help, Ezrael could see rebellion firing in her blue eyes. It made him wonder just how deep this hatred of hers was for Gods. What had his kind done to Vixen to deserve such disdain? 


Upon hearing Xerxes orders, Ezrael gave a single sullen nod, and turned around to the direction of the medicinal room. At the mention of Farazia, Ezrael's eyes immediately went up to Lucifer's impaled body. The gory image sent a chill down the young God's spine, and his skin prickled with fear. Farazia would know about this; would it be any use hiding? He had no allies (with the exception of Vixen of course), and he was only one God against Farazia's legion of dark disciples. Even if Vixen's other human friends were against Farazia, they would never accept him. He was a God after all; of course they would never trust him. Ezrael cursed his own naivety. The General was right; how could they trust him when he still called the Gods his own?


They left that bloody battle scene, and Ezrael felt relieved. He couldn't stand the sight of countless corpses on the ground, their humanly red blood pooling underneath them. The HQ was damaged, and the rest of the surviving assassins fled, probably to regroup and plan there. Of course they weren't done yet; they wouldn't stop until revenge had been served. And the Gods wouldn't stop until the humans would learn to kneel. Ezrael wondered if the humans even acknowledged how many of their kind had been lost to this horrendous battle. He wondered if they felt any guilt at every kill, at every swing of the sword. His heart ached at the realization of how much innocence had been lost, including the probable loss of his own.


Finally, they had made it to the medicinal room. Vixen let out a cry of utter pain as Xerxes put her down on the stained hospital bed. Ezrael rushed to her side, a gentle hand on her shoulder, to calm her down. Vixen was breathing hard, trying to contain the agony, pain etched to her face. "Don't worry," he tried to reassure, his voice soft. "You'll be fine. It'll be over soon; all you need to do is tell us where this 'special drug' is, okay?"





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(Xerxes "God Of Consumption")(Location: Infirmary Area)(With: Vixen & Ezrael)(Mood: Content.)

(Computer had an error while I was typing this, so if it looks off that's why.)

Time could be felt slipping through the atmosphere as he ambled his way up next to Ezrael while still enveloping his arms underneath the harshly battered woman, only distinguishing that she was alive from the painful pants pushing out from her lungs and the faint heartbeat that she emitted through her presence, Lucifer truly did a number on this poor woman by the looks of it. Speaking of Lucifer, Ezrael’s glistened eyes were directed at his mangled corpse, most likely feeling remorse from his violent actions that he had committed, witnessing the gory display was enough to remind him that even the most innocent of creature are prone to these aggressive acts of brutality, Xerxes couldn’t help but question himself momentarily. Gods and Goddess were meant to be the definition of perfection and incapable of dealing with any flaws as they were the prominent lifeforms, blessed with a multitude of astounding abilities that mortals could only dream of, but how is it that one had succumb to their own emotions? Did that also mean that even him was comparable to a simple human? Xerxes shuddered his shoulders back at the notion of it becoming a shocking reality. Silence made itself present throughout the area as they gave Lucifer one last ‘goodbye’ before eventually continuing wayfaring their way to the Aesculapian section of the installation, so many lifeless bodies had been passed as their feet shuffled from location to location, was this the inevitable future of mankind and the Gods? 


This, pointless violence? Xerxes knew that his own kind was better than all of this senselessness but he also knew that stopping this conflict was above his own power, even attempting to negotiate a peaceful resolution between mortals and Gods would definitely result in them being considered persona non grata or simply executed for treason and thrown away like common trash. Understandably Xerxes and all of the others deities who have been questioning themselves and the reasoning behind of all this madness would have to make a decision in the end, join with Farazia and try to expect the unexpected or side with these emotional creatures and risk their own demise. Upon reaching the operating room, Xerxes came into contact with a relatively unappealing hospital bed. Judging from by the looks of it, it appeared to have already been used and has not been cleaned yet. Unfortunate to say that all the other ones were either shattered to pieces or were not to be seen around this room. He had no choice but to set Vixen down onto the frame of the bed, Vixen letting out a weeping cry of excruciating pain after being set down. “Shoot, i’m sorry.” he exclaimed, feeling guilty for setting her down so carelessly. Xerxes was hoping that he had come better equipped with something to cover the bed that she was laying on but he didn’t think anything like this would happen, deciding to make himself useful he stepped away from both Ezrael and Vixen to thoroughly search cabinets, cupboards, and closets for any sanitized sheets or blankets.

 “So... Are you two a part of some interspecies relationship now? Ha, sorry. Bad time for joking. Also, i’m looking for anything that can help soothe the pain, or at-least makeup for the dirtied bed. Judging from the appearance of that awfully stained bed it looks like it had been used a numerous amount of times. Ezrael it’s best if you stay with her while i’m searching, just incase anything happens.” Luckily for Xerxes he had discovered a couple of sheets and a bottle of disinfectant in the luggage of carrying case not too far from the bed, it looks like the previous owners were going to use this but were interrupted, probably by Lucifer once he made his arrival here. Once he gathered all of the things he could find he approached Vixen once again. "This pain will only be temporary, better than risking an infection." Before they both could interject with a comment, Xerxes tore the package containing the sanitized sheets and threw the plastic container across the room, carefully pushing Vixen to her side so that he could tuck the new blankets underneath her before setting her fully back down onto the frame. "As for gauze or anything to wrap the wound, we can use the extra sheets and we'll be able to use that container over there to help out with any of those lacerations." His voice became hushed once he shifted his eyes back to Ezrael, Xerxes eyes became full of serious intentions once he stared at him." "You know that this war will only end one way right? You cannot negotiate with Farazia as if it were me.  Do you plan on fighting against the Gods Ezrael?" He asked, knowing that he couldn't keep avoiding these violent altercations. 

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Vixen Lockeheart

The pain was just too much. Vixen had to use every ounce of strength just to stay out of the dark. Ezrael's stupendous show of power jolted from unconscious, excitement rushing through her veins, almost numbing her pain entirely. It was amazing! If Ezrael could kill Lucifer with such ease, why would Farazia be any different? Vixen felt so light with happiness; her dear little brother's death would finally be avenged; everything she had ever fought for, ever dreamed, could be just within arm's reach!

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sadly, Ezrael had completely different sentiments. His uncharacteristic outburst made confusion and utter disappointment crush her like an avalanche. Anger started to boil, until her eye caught a certain figure in the shadows, near Lucifer's body. Their abrupt chuckle made Ezrael turn too, and by the looks of it, he recognized them. Vixen's eyes widened as a large, muscly man appeared, and by sounds of it as well, he was a God. Hatred started to stir, as well as fear. Was this an ally of Death? Was he here to destroy them? Vixen felt a shiver of fright crawl down her spine; she had no way of defending herself. A useless ankle and no weapon; she felt herself instinctively lean against Ezrael, despite the pain that came with it. She knew she would have to rely on Ezrael yet again. It made her feel disgusted, but she knew if she wouldn't, Vixen was good as gone. Besides, despite doubts, it was starting to feel not as bad as she thought it did. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She caught Ezrael's uneasy glance, and she returned the sentiment. She knew whatever came next would be anything but good for the both of them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]To her utter, utter shock, Vixen's sure assumptions were [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]wrong. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]This God, Xerxes's offers to help, despite his own doubts, made Vixen wonder for the second time for a fleeting moment, if her beliefs of these Gods were true.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]No, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]she thought stubbornly, a spark of hatred igniting in her again, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]How can you think such things? Dimitri was killed [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]because [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]of those bastard deities! He suffered so much because of them. His sweet smile...smiling through every horrible day...such an innocent child. How could they? He [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]never [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]deserved to die! [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tears began to pile up; not because of the physical pain, but the emotional one. The grief of losing sweet Dimitri was pounding each flow of unexpected emotion into her chest. She wanted to cry, but just as always, she kept them in. She suppressed the aching feeling, her cold and emotionless demeanor taking over again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Suddenly, a wave of pain shook through her, but Vixen kept her cry of pain inside. Her face was etched in pain, and suddenly, it was harder to breathe. Pain throbbed through her body, and sweat began to form. Black dots began to dance around the edges of her vision, and she knew she was going to fall unconscious.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Her state only let her catch snips of her surroundings and what was going on. Everything was muffled and blurry. She caught the critical gaze of Xerxes, staring at her, and wanted to gasp as Xerxes picked her up. She wanted to fight back, wanted to do everything just to get away from this bastard. Resentment filled inside, and a fire lit in her eyes. Xerxes looked at her and said something, even though she could not make out the words because of pain, she gave him the best expression of hatred she could muster.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]He glanced away before he could notice though. Disappointing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Vixen felt as if it took a thousand years until they reached the medicinal room. The pain was so unbearable; Vixen couldn't help but let a few tears escape. She was placed on the bed rather roughly and the agony that ensued made her cry out in pain. Her ankle sent waves of torture throughout her body. Vixen cursed that scourging ankle of hers. She was breathing harder, trying to contain the pain. A raging headache pulsed through her mind, and gods forbid, tears ran down her cheeks as well. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The sudden misplacement and the suffering that followed worsened; and Vixen knew she was going to fall unconscious. In her failing vision, she saw Ezrael right next to her, and what seemed like a hand on her shoulder. He was asking her something,but she could barely make out the words. 'Drug,' was she picked up. Knowing they had to get that drug, she ever so slightly pointed to the drug. It was on the counter, toppled over, it's contents spilling all over the place, in a glaring blue container.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]And then, she blacked out.[/SIZE]





Ezrael, the God of Innocence and Life



Ezrael was glad Vixen got what he meant, despite her state. Ever so slightly, she pointed at a blue container on the counter, it's contents spilling out. Ezrael got the container as soon as possible, and went to Vixen's side, only to discover she had blacked out. Panic rose inside him, but he had to push it down. He had to act fast and focused, not the other way around. Vixen needed him right now. 


He clenched his fist in annoyance as Xerxes spout out his badly-timed joke. Ezrael had heard of affairs and friendships between Gods and mortals. It never ended well. He knew that even if he wanted such a thing with Vixen, she would never dream of it. She hated Gods; the last thing she would want to do is be in a relationship with one. It made him realize that he had never experienced the kind of love lovers shared. He wondered, for a split-second, what it would be like. All those stories of God x Mortal relationships displayed the consequence that comes with it. It only displayed the bad in a relationship like that; but was bad all it really was?

Maybe...thought Ezrael hesitantly, glancing at Vixen's face. Maybe we could---


That thought was interrupted by Xerxes, who gentle rolled Vixen to her side to put clean sheets underneath. Ezrael nodded at the ideas, and he started to read whatever was on the blue container. Upon reading it, Ezrael found out she needed 3 pills, if it was a case of a broken bone. As quickly as possible, He saw a saucer of water, and even though it didn't seem very clean, it was the best they've got. One by one, Ezrael managed to get Vixen to swallow, despite her unconscious state, with some help of his telekinetic abilities. 


As he was finishing up, Xerxes's question startled him. 

He was right; there was only one way this war could end, and it was anything but pretty. Ezrael couldn't keep up this aversion. He would have to face the circle of Gods soon. The question was, would he do it alone, or with allies? Ezrael glanced at Xerxes, remembering what the deity had said. Once this healing process was done, they were back to being enemies. Xerxes, Farazia, Escora, Lucifer, the Headless Horseman, Dracke...all of them immortal enemies. He knew he couldn't hide or avoid them any longer and prolong this suffering. He had to face them, sooner than later, it seemed.


"I..I do," he answered, avoiding Xerxes's glare. "I plan to defeat the Gods, and restore harmony and peace with the mortals.I know good will triumph." His voice sounded so sure, as he added, "It always does."


Lilah's whole body tensed when she felt what she could only assume to be a gun pointed at her temple. In any normal situation Lilah would have bitten the hand that covered her mouth but considering the environment she found herself in this did not seem like the wise decision. Lifting her hand from the hilt of her knife and raising it slowly to the side of her face, Lilah couldn't believe how badly her day had been going. First the storm and now this, Lilah had always prided herself on being one step ahead but this time it appeared the gods were working against her. Lilah opened her mouth to speak and a small croak came out instead, going to speak again she tried her best to look at the foe that had so easily jumped her. "I was just passing through....I mean no harm"




(Xerxes "God Of Consumption")(Location: Infirmary Area)(With: Vixen & Ezrael)(Mood: Pleading.)

(Apologies, if this is poopy, I have a terrible migraine.)

Relaxation stretched across his barely existent stubble once he felt as if his duties had been completed, Xerxes caught a good glimpse of Ezrael and the injured woman once he situated himself upon the fabric recliner located in the corner of the infirmary. He couldn’t believe it, he actually felt comfortable? Being next to his soon to be sworn enemies? Even though they didn’t present much of a threat they were still a danger to his cause and he had been treating them as if they were bunk-mates. Hearing Ezrael’s unyielding perspective yet again was discouraging but Xerxes expected as much, stubborn as always and wanting to uphold the rights and wrongs above all else but then again, what was truly right or wrong? An enormous groan wriggled its way from his mouth, revealing his swift displeasure held towards Ezrael’s unchanging views. The God of Innocence’s deliverance was short but had great meaning to each word that pieced itself together. At this point Xerxes was having trouble trying to figure out which side was truly righteous although in the end he did not wish to hurt those who had been considered to be family for so many years. “You’re making this incredibly difficult for me.” Leaning forward, Xerxes clasps his forehead with his hand in disappointment, figuring the worst out of this scenario that they’ve both made for themselves.

Planning to completely abandon Farazia was out of the question as she had provided so much for him, making him truly feel welcomed among his brothers and sisters. “Understand this, I do not side with Farazia because I wish to disrupt harmony throughout the land. I do this because I am in a great debt to her as she is the one who banded us all together, tightened our bonds between us Gods and Goddesses and made us all whole once more and because of that, I have many allies, many people who I can call friends, my family." He wasn’t going to be persuaded so easily, tranquility was that of a fairy-tale he thought, there was no possible way of ending all of this and not expecting any form of retribution to play out as a consequence for the actions that had already been committed. “Seeing your female friend over here, brutalized, beaten, and suffering from excruciating pain is disheartening. I do not find enjoyment out of seeing this young woman so hurt but it does not have to be this way Ezrael! Both of you can get out of this mess while you still can. Farazia doesn’t know that you’re working with these ‘assassins’ neither does she know that this girl is associated with them, you can still go back to the way things were, let Farazia have her way and we can avoid this violence.”He brought himself out from the cushioned seat and made his way up to Ezrael, out-stretching his arm and offering his hand to him in strong hopes that he’ll get them both out of the situation that they were in. 


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