Maelstrom Engineer
Yeah, and the other thing I haven't mentioned at all yet is that I'm not playing or running anything else here. I came back after needing Exalted and Esbilon and Epiphany telling me that 3e is pretty good. I gave it a third look and they're right.I'm just making sure you are ready for trying to wrangle this herd of cats.
What has always happened is I love gaming so much I start wanting to get into other games playing and running until it's too much and I have to declare bankruptcy.
I'm putting my foot down that this is it. At least until I know what it takes to sustain it and know that I can. If I get down that road and there's time, I'll play or run something else. But—more likely—if not, I'll just be running this. Which will be all I need with the way these characters are shaping up.
You guys, serisously. They're so fun and awesome. Good work, so far, all.
Esbilon , Epiphany , Rykon , D. Rex , Funnier President , Random Word , Teh Frixz