Shadowhunter Academy

I am going to try to post for Riley today, and perhaps Amelia tomorrow. Just as a disclaimer, I do have finals and other final band obligtions starting right about now so your patience is greatly appreciated :) I try to be patient with y'all so try and be patient with me, haha.
Happy thoughts are appreciated! I have 4 classes today... and 4 finals. Dx

On the bright side, should I survive this, I should be clear to post for Amelia tonight or tomorrow ^^ so yay
Oh. My. Butts.

So I'm rereading the entirety of the MI, and I stumbled upon something extremely interesting. Something that makes me want to facepalm because it was totally an accident and I haven't even read these books in two years. I'm on the third one and it introduces Sebastian Verlac.

His family was killed by a nest of demons, so he was raised by his aunt. Who is the head of the Institute in Paris. Pretty much like Heloise.


So I guess Hel has an interesting little secret now.
I completely forgot about that! I blame it on my terrible memory, especially since it's been so long xD

So I won't actually mention it in the role play unless someone brings it up lol. But it'll be interesting when it happens!
To my fellow roleplayers, I'm sorry my posts are short...its bin a really bad few doing my best I promise
Well, I'm less stressed. I think after having a bit of a breakdown, I'm fine. Can you get me up to speed and I'll try to post?

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Good to hear! I'll add you back to the active list tomorrow!

Well the first class just ended. Phoenix made a scene, Amelia handled iT. Everyone did well. Connor brought a cat. There was a 2 page paper assigned. there's only 4ish posts. If you find the one by me that says end of first class and the ones after, you'll be pretty caught up :)

@Dolphan of Lyfe
Some housekeeping!

Today is my last day of finals, thus starting tomorrow I will be a lot more free than I have been. I want to start this rp on a schedule. One outside RP day will be a class day, the next after school, then dinner, then the next class day and so on. So one RP day is three outside days. This should allow everyone to post AT LEAST once an RP day, as well as get this RP moving quicker.

I also have a lot of people signed up, but half that are posting! This is who I have active at the moment:

@Trundle @Prince @Dolphan of Lyfe

If you are on this list you MUST post before Friday. Failure to do so will lead to your character going inactive, and you will have to resubmit for acceptance. Just trying to clean house of people who are no longer roleplaying this.

On a final note: I have an interest check up! It's an original idea and there will be a two LITERATE paragraph minimum post count. Please check it out! Second link in my signature! :)
Hello all!

First, an apology for my brief hiatus. The usual excuse of school and work and such.

This RP will start on a schedule TOMORROW. Beginning with Class day 2 and Basic training with Amelia. As of right now this is who I have active in this RP. (I am defining active as having posted in class day one.)

@Trundle @Prince

Inactive and must resubmit for acceptance:

@MissEffy @deadpool42 @Dolphan of Lyfe

Thanks for your patience guys now let's get this rolling! I have some special stuff in mind ^^

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Hello all!

So RPNation choosing last night to update threw me off just a tad. I'm typing up a post right now for the first day of training with Amelia. Class day will be tomorrow (since it's late) and after class with be Friday and so on with the schedule.

Sorry for all the inconsistency but this time I got it! :D

@Trundle @Prince
SimplyMusicality said:
Hello all!
So RPNation choosing last night to update threw me off just a tad. I'm typing up a post right now for the first day of training with Amelia. Class day will be tomorrow (since it's late) and after class with be Friday and so on with the schedule.

Sorry for all the inconsistency but this time I got it! :D

@Trundle @Prince
I have a trip this weekend and will be gone until Monday, So is it okay if I post the reply to Fridays session until Monday? Sorry for the inconvenience
Hello all!

So yet another change. I've realized it's a little unrealistic for 1 day = 1 class because not everyone can post everyday. So I'm proposing 2 real time days for class and 2 real time days for after class? Please leave comments/suggestions!
Hey guys!

This is probably going to make quite a few of you upset, but i'm gong to drop out of this RP.

I actually havent been on RPnation for 2 straight days and i only want to keep a few rps.

Hey. Sorry I've been absent. I kind of needed brain surgery and I just got released from the hospital. I'll try to hop in.
Hey guys! It's been a while and for that I apologize. Lately, I've found myself incredibly busy and this RP has gone a bit to the wayside. I'm officially dropping out as GM. If anyone wants to take the idea and run with it, they have my blessing! But for the moment I don't really have the time and for that I'm sorry.
I'll take a crack at it if that's the case. I have a lot of free time and ideas and am willing, so if that's truly the case I will.
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