Shadowhunter Academy

You can, definitely don't have to though. And yeah, it's kind of AU but running pretty parallel, and I don't think what you use for appearance matters much. *shrug* and yeah xD Riley and him will likely get along

Also, fun fact Magnus would know: Amelia is descended from Charlotte Branwell. Her and Clary are distant cousins! @SpectroVector

@SpectroVector Riley also introduced herself to Nick if you wanted to respond to that at all. :)

So everyone is trying to beat up Connor simaultaneously
Lol someone should get Connor a therapy cat/dog/horse... Yeah poor Connor! If someone'd READ THE DANG INSTRUCTIONS HE CAME WITH they'd find the issue lol.

At the moment Magnus is the only one in the room anywhere near the letter. Perhaps he could read it out of curiosity and come find Connor to return it? Of corse Connor'd feel terrible for ya know... Trying to kill him. If he's not freaking put about being tied down. Things like that tend to set him off. But short list of stuff not to do around Connor quite just yet.

-touch him

-slam doors

-confine/ tie him in any position

- sudden loud noises

I do plan on him getting better though, but it will take time just as real PTS patients have to get better. But it will take time, effort and quite a few more episodes often involving him throwing things.
I'm so sorry- something came up and I haven't been able to respond. I'll catch up and post again tonight.
Hi there. I've been interested in this Rp and I read the wiki on the books so I know some basic things about the series. Is it ok if I make a werewolf that is not on a pack? Ad I'm trying to get the first book (mortal instruments right?) and I will read it ASAP. Is this ok or should. Read the books before joining?
Hey all! Sorry or my absence. I had my first Saturday to myself in nearly a year so I went to a festival and worked on cosplay and slept, then I worked all day Sunday. I will likely advance to the first day of classes today or tomorrow so get your posts in if you wish to post prior to then :)

@Trundle You are more than welcome to sign up! But, the character would have to be a shadowhunter or a mundane planning to ascend. I love the interest, but the RP is centered around the academy which is where shadowhunters learn to be shadowhunters :)
Hey guys... I'm sorry I haven't been active. School and crap like that. If possibly, can I be brought up to speed?

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
@Dolphan of Lyfe You didn't miss much. At the welcome dinner Amelia spoke about classes and so on, Connor had a meltdown and threw a knife at Magnus and was restrained by Quintus. Riley is with Ivy, Seth, and Connor in the library.
Hey all, sorry for my MIA-ness and all. I got REALLY sick these past few days :( But, I'm feeling mostly better and will likely progress the RP today :)

Ugh. I'm just done... I have so much pressure on me that I seriously can't handle roleplaying currently. I might even quit rpnation. I'm just gonna leave this rp or put it on hold. @SimplyMusicality.

I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Heeey! I will be away until Friday, so I apologise for my absence. I officially grant access to both of my characters to @SimplyMusicality until then, if you need to move them. See you then, guys!
@Dolphan of Lyfe Sorry to hear that! thanks for letting me know

@SpectroVector Alrighty!

@Allina Auburn Please post a character in the character sign up to join!

OOC Rant: Not that anyone cares, but I got the S6 edge and dropped a lot of money on a protective case, only to have the screen crack the first time I drop it. I've had it less then a month. It will cost me $200 to replace the screen. I wrote the case company a strong email. Grr. I didn't even drop it. It slipped out of my pocket. SO MUCH RAGE.
SimplyMusicality said:
OOC Rant: Not that anyone cares, but I got the S6 edge and dropped a lot of money on a protective case, only to have the screen crack the first time I drop it. I've had it less then a month. It will cost me $200 to replace the screen. I wrote the case company a strong email. Grr. I didn't even drop it. It slipped out of my pocket. SO MUCH RAGE.
Ugh "protective cases" are just great, aren't they... >.<'
MidnightAnew said:
Ugh "protective cases" are just great, aren't they... >.<'
I am literally enraged. And otterbox doesn't have a case for it!! I will likely be buying the Unicorn Beetle case... My mom had that for her S3 and ran over it with her bike once.
SimplyMusicality said:
I am literally enraged. And otterbox doesn't have a case for it!! I will likely be buying the Unicorn Beetle case... My mom had that for her S3 and ran over it with her bike once.
No kidding- that really sucks D:

I have an iPhone but otterboxes are so bulky. So I went with lifeproof, but it's been screwing up my sound on phone calls. I'm too lazy right now to send for the warranty, so I've been using no protection at all for like a month O.e
MidnightAnew said:
No kidding- that really sucks D:
I have an iPhone but otterboxes are so bulky. So I went with lifeproof, but it's been screwing up my sound on phone calls. I'm too lazy right now to send for the warranty, so I've been using no protection at all for like a month O.e
Yeah... but the protection is AMAZING. I could literally thow my phone at the wall. I'll usually take it off when I only have 4 months-ish left before an uprgrade and buy a cute case. xD I'm extremely careful and have never cracked a phone prior to yesterday, but having 0 protection freaks me out x.x

@SpectroVector Ahhh you added Godfrey <3. +1 brownie point xD
Yeah, that happened to my phone. I tossed my phone through a window and it hit the edge of the bed and messed up the screen -.- I even had a case on that sucker! I got a new phone Sunday though, so that's good.

Also, I was super busy with a debate speech and other such school work, and prom was this past weekend. Sorry about my hiatus!

I like that a lot~ even though notebook paper is totally professional lolololol

Also, I'm typing my post right now~ :3
Now it's printer paper xD and she probably would. She's not tech-savvy. And Grayson is busy being entirely unhelpful to show her how to email multiple people at once xD

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