Shadowhunter Academy

Quintus is a main dude. Also, if you want Amelia to interact with you specifically you have to engage her right now and tag me, as she's running around like a chicken with her head cut off

Fffffuuuuu~~~ gotta catch up, sorry I'll post soon Dx if someone needs interaction, I'll try and run into them in my first post perhaps
Amelia is going to love that Heloise has a horse x3 @Amityvillager

Also, I have a paper to write *dies* So I'll probably try and advance to the welcome dinner tonight/tomorrow
@SimplyMusicality I figured since her family raised and bred horses it would only be appropriate she brought her little--er, very large--beau from France! I'm tossing the link in the first post, but I'll probably attach the file somewhere in my CS as well :3

Okay so, our school musical just opened and this is the first real free moment I have had - it won't be until Sunday that I can respond again, though very possibly on Saturday if I have time between my soccer game and then my musical performance....Sorry
BlackSparrow said:
Okay so, our school musical just opened and this is the first real free moment I have had - it won't be until Sunday that I can respond again, though very possibly on Saturday if I have time between my soccer game and then my musical performance....Sorry
No worries! :)
Just out of curiosity - can I have a super quick summary?

I'll try to catch up as best I can, I just have a limited time where I can do that, though once I am I'll try to stay caught up until my next abscence which will be in about two weeks.
Sure! Everyone has arrived except Beatrice @jacunliffe and Bliss @Miss Mack. Quintus arrived, so all three instructors are now present. Quintus, trying to help, led Heloise's horse INSIDE the Academy with Seth, and Amelia just went to go move the horse to the stables.

The welcome dinner is set to start soon. (Tonight or Tomorrow afternoon. It will be a very short arc, just getting everyone in one place at one time and Amelia addressing them all.)
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Thank you!

Okay, I have my two characters already in their rooms, I may just sort of hop in a little now, and then add more detail once the dinner has begun.

I hope that's okay.
So ALL of the brownie points to (Except for like 2. Minus 1 for not using Godfrey Gao, and minus another because Amelia is offended by Phoenix's belittlement of her class. But you still have like, umpteen thousand so....) @SpectroVector for stepping up to be Magnus Bane! ^^
I do love Godfrey, but I didn't think I should use him because it's sort of AU? Kind of? I can change it? And yeah, Nick's an ass.

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