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Fandom Shadowhunter Academy


Elijah had woken early that morning, doing a few push up's to warm up before basic training. He wanted to be ready for anything, to learn as much as he could so he could practice on his own later. ' I am a weapon...and today I start sharpening my edge', he thought, taking a shaky breath. Once he was done, he towered off quickly, adding deodorant to mask the smell of sweat, then got dressed quickly before heading down to the training room. He froze in the door for a moment when he saw Jace, his eyes widening, bitting his lip. He pulls on his hood and walks in slowly. " good morning", he said to Amelia, while avoiding looking in Jace'so direction. He crossed the room and takes a spot further back, before turning to face the front, his hidden eyes locked on Jace, he was eger to study the famous Herondale in action.

Riley yawned loudly as she left her bed with an enthusiasm level of 1. On the bright side, today was basic training. They would be working with weapons and showcasing their skills. However, it was unlikely that she would be learning anything new. The thing about the newly revamped academy was that everything was joint. Riley had grown up in an institute. She didn't need to learn how to hold a sword, nor did she need to learn how to balance her weight between her feet in order to achieve maximum flexibility and movement. She knew all of that already. She needed to know the fancy stuff. How to vanquish a demon in one blow. That's what she needed to learn.

The brunette donned her usual attire before ascending the stairs to the training room. She pulled open the large door and her jaw hit the floor. Standing in the front of the room was Jace Herondale. THE Jace Herondale. By the angel, he was more perfect than she imagined. His hair framed his face in delicate blonde waves, and his eyes were the color of molten gold. She stumbled, legs almost giving out beneath her. She forced herself to take a breath before taking a spot in the classroom. She had to do her best to impress him.


Jace nodded to acknowledge everyone as they walked in, still playing absentmindedly with the sword in his hand. He couldn't help but smirk when a brunette more or less stumbled in at the sight of him. He heard Amelia whisper beside him.

"That's Riley Wakestorm. She's a fan." Amelia clarified.

Jace chuckled and shot her a wink. Why not throw the poor girl a bone? As he watched the class trickle in he looked over the class roster Amelia had given to him. The class was small, but it was a start. And his friend was doing the best she could. He was glad she had received the position. No one else he knew of could do a better job. He looked over the class list and began to pair some students up in his head before addressing the class.

"Alright guys, let's get started..."


@SimplyMusicality and Seth @MidnightAnew

@Ember Miles and Elijah @Prince

@BlackSparrow and Phoenix @SpectroVector

@BlackSparrow and Parker @Halcyon

(Tried to pair up those who have been active lately and those who haven't to get an interaction in for those who are active! If I forgot you tag me in OOC!)


Jace coached them through the basics. Stance, holding the weapon, and basic maneuvers. They were certainly not prepared to fight their first battle, but the group showed promise. The blonde would step in now and again, correcting minor flaws in form, but for the most part everyone did well. A smile crossed his face. Amelia was doing a good job teaching. Everyone in the room would be a good shadowhunter someday.
Seth had woken up at a reasonable hour- not so early that he didn't know what to do with himself, but not so late that he had to rush to prepare for the day. He remembered that they were training today and put on some comfortable clothes. He was a little nervous because basic training was bound to be his weakest course, but that's why he was here- to get better. Seth nodded to himself, feeling determined to learn something new today. He assumed they weren't expected to know much already, so at least that was comforting.

It was not so comforting, however, when he saw Jace Herondale. The guy was practically a living legend, and everyone knew it. Seth was a little better at keeping his emotions to himself, unlike some people. Yet of course, he was equally surprised and admittedly impressed at their instructor. If anyone could teach them how to fight, it had to be Jace. When the partners were assigned, Seth walked over toward Riley. He followed Jace's instructions and examples, trying to mimic the blonde's stances and actions. Although Seth felt rather stiff doing them, he hadn't fallen on his face yet. Always a good start. Seth glanced over at Riley a few times, noticing that she seemed to catch onto this stuff pretty quickly. That, and she couldn't stop staring at their instructor. "Try not to drool too much. If you make a puddle in here, it could really be dangerous," he mumbled with a smirk.

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After waitressing the instructions, Elijah quickly took to the basic's like a fish in water. He smile slowly formed on his face as they continued the training,' this is my element..finally real progress', he thought victoriously.....but his good vibs quickly faultered, when he lost his grip on the practice sword during a stance. He shivers in frustration as he leans down to pick up the tool. He always had a little trouble maintaining a grip with the hand that was scared, and he hoped that strength training with his new family had helped him over come that.....clearly he was wrong. Once back in the ready stance, he took a deep breath to calm himself,' it's ok....just use your other hand, you can do something about the arm later'' he reasoned with himself quickly, then got back into a comfortable rhythm. He hoped no one would comment or say anything and just keep working, the last thing he needed was something to mentally drown out.

Jace truly was a god. She watched his graceful movements, his toned body... Her attention was only half on her partner, Seth. He was inexperienced and Jace's very existence commanded her attention. Every now and again, Seth would land a solid hit and Riley would be forced back down to Earth. "Ouch!" She muttered, a dulled blade hitting her ankle. "That was- Hey!" When she realized exactly what her partner had said, her cheeks flushed red. "I am not drooling." She protested through clenched teeth. She went to strike at the particularly irritating redhead that was her partner. Frustration made her sloppy, and she left an opening in her torso. Her reckless move gave her partner the advantage and she was met with a solid strike to her abdomen, knocking her to the ground. One green and one blue eye met Seth's, embarrassment turning her cheeks red.

Of course, their guest instructor would choose then to walk past. "Excellent form, Avenara." There was an amused glint in his eyes as he laid his eyes on Riley. "Don't let him rile you. Keep calm, otherwise you give him the advantage." The blonde gracefully crossed the room to focus on another pair, and Riley's eyes followed him.

Taking a breath, Riley stood. "Let's go again." This time Riley found victory quickly. She was not about to make a fool out of herself in front of Jace twice. Upon knocking her partner onto the ground she offered him a hand to help him up. Her shirt was drenched in sweat and her chest raised and fell in heavily. "Let's get water." Riley approached her water bottle and popped the purple cap, taking a long drink. Beside her water bottle on the bench was Seth's open backpack. She could see pages of supplementary notes for their paper due in Rune class sticking out of the top. Jeesh, she thought, this kid is taking it seriously. Doubt bubbled in her stomach. She was struggling to reach a page on her paper. Academics were difficult for Riley. Not that she'd ever ask for help. She quickly cut her gaze to the side, pretending she wasn't looking at his paper. As she looked away, her attention was pulled by Jace Herondale lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat from his brow. He truly did have the abs of a god.


Azalea looked around as they were assigned partners and went to who she thought she remembered was Parker. She introduced herself, though it was sort of a mumble. She was in her element here, the fighting was somethign she was very good at, it was the confidence that she needed and having Jace Herondale watching their every moves was making her anxious. Fighting demons was easier, of course that coud be because she didn't have to concentrate on anything other than the demon she was fighting. She mimicked the stances and moves with ease, having more trouble focusing as she went through the basics. Periodically she would glance to Parker, wondering how he was doing.


Nathaniel looked aorund for Phoenix, when he spotted him he walked over. His usual cocky self was apparent, but he remained polite and as respectful as he could manage. He was more interested in seeing what kind of fighter his parnter was, he himself was pretty good, one of the best. Sort of, and this was moving slow for him, but he tried to enjoy it nonetheless. And in a way he was, it gave him more time to show off and observe.

Connor walked into class late, fear was beginning to take over him, he was probably going to be forced to fight. What if he hurt someone? What if he slipped into another attack? He took a deep breath and just waited in a corner for someone to alknowlage him. He was a really good fighter, fought like a wild wolf to be more precise, all out of fear and panic. All the blades clashing at each other kept flashing before his eyes, closed them in hopes for making it go away.

This was absolute hell, if someone could make a hell for Connor, this would be it. He kept it to himself and sat down on the ground, trying to block it out. But nothing. Nothing left. He snapped, he'd made it five minutes before he finally snapped. He saw his reflection in a bent mirror, making him look just like his father. He growled and picked up a knife from a weapons rack and threw it, striking his own reflection and shattering the mirror. He kept gasping for breath but he felt like he was choking, he swore he could feel whips lashing into his back again. He grabbed his sword off the rack and got into a deadly battle stance, knowing no friend. Attacking him would mean gashes, slashes and more panic. Only way to make him back down was to talk him out of it or give him the one thing that could calm him down. Muffins. His sweet little kitten that gave him comfort.

Amelia watched Jace teach the class, and allowed herself to relax. Jace was doing a fine job of teaching the students the basics. A small smile crossed her lips as the class ended and Jace approached her.

"They look good. And they all really look up to you. ... Thanks again for doing this. It means so much." Amelia's tone was genuine, and her sentiment sincere. I would have been difficult teaching her students. Amelia was a fine shadowhunter, but her true strength was in her mind.

"Not a problem. I'm going to head home. Date night with Clary. But call me if you need me, okay?" Jace responded, a smile crossing his face. This kind of smile was odd for Jace. It was an actual smile.

Amelia nodded and offered her friend a quick hug before seeing him to the door. Amelia glanced at her watch. Class had ended right on time. She headed up to her room where she changed into some more casual clothes before finding herself back at the stable.

(Sorry for short post! Have to go to work! >.<)

End of Class Day 2

@Trundle @Amityvillager @SpectroVector @Demonhunter


Once the class had ended Azalea felt a litlte better about herself. She was a good fighter, but having one of the best helping to teach them made her feel better about what she already knew. She made her way back to her room and showered and changed. She wanted to go to the garden, maybe read a book while she had a little bit of free time.


As the class came to an end Nathaniel found himself cleaning up and going to the stables. He used to ride horses a lot, he hadn't had a chance since things had been going south, and he hadn't even had a chance since he got here. What he was afraid of was who else would be there too. He wanted to be alone, he hated keeping up his facade, but he wasn;t sure how to deal with it otherwise.

Elijah made his way to the garden after class was over. He had not bin to any gardens since he had visited his old nabourhood, where there was a community Greenhouse, and they had the same strange violet flowers that he kneeled before now," I wonder how many of our nabours where actually Downworlders in glamour" he wondered aloud . He found a place to lean against and slumped against it, taking time to think about what happened in class. He hoped Clary Fray would not come in to help with a class, at least Jace was a warrior.
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She grabbed the book she had started and walked to the garden, taking her time as she went. Once she got there she couldn't help but be amazed and want to take in every little thing that was there. She froze though when she got pretty far in and saw someone else there. She recognized him, obviously, but she wasn't really sure who he was. She hadn't really met anyone but Nathaniel since she got here. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." she says, her voice showing she was soft spoken...until you got to know her.

Elijah looked up at her from where he was, blinking as he became aware he was not alone. He knew she was a classmate but didn't know her, cause he normally paided more attention to the lesson," it's fine, the garden is for everyone right?" He said with a kind smile. He figured he should be nice,it was the first step in gaining possible future allies for missions. He stood up and gave a slight bow of his head," im Elijah NightWine at the moment, a pleasure"
((I'm so sorry, it's been ridicuously busy recently. Hopefully I'll have a little more time now though))


Azalea smiled and returned the slight bow, it just felt natural. "Azalea Darkwood, and the pleasure is all mine. Do you mind if I join you?" she asks. She really just wanted to read, but making friends here was important. She brought her book up and held it against her chest. She recognozed him and now she was glad she could place a name with him.

" by all means miss Darkwood" Elijah said, taking his seat again but this time making room and tapping the spot next to him lightly. " I hope im not imposing, but what is the book your reading?" He asked, hoping partly to study his new, possible ally, learn as much as he can through this little talk, the whole time also trying to keep part of this face hidden, not wanting his scars to show.
((Not sure if there is anyone else besides us))

Azalea looked down at her book as she took a seat and shrugged a little. She didn't like telling people what she read because she was afraid they would judge her. "It is a book on ancient Egypt. Their culture, armies and everything else." She explains.

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