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Fandom Shadowhunter Academy

It didn't take long for someone to notice the massive horse that stood outside the Academy--and after a moment, its master as well. Said someone was a thick, massive man who exuded an aura of ancientness and safety. Heloise Linette was taken aback by this monster of a man, although he seemed kind enough. "Salve! You are being discipula- -student--it is true? Am being Quintus Antony. Am instructor in this place, Academy," he introduced in broken English and Latin, shaking the young woman's entire arm, even though it seemed like he was trying to be gentle about it.

Heloise nodded, but with her whole body jostling, it was impossible to tell.
"Ouais, monsieur, Antony," she began in her dulcet accent. "My name is Heloise Linette Verlac. I hail from France." Quintus then complimented her fine stallion--in Latin, but one knows a compliment when they hear it, especially said horse (he's a bit vain). Then before she could say anything, the man grabbed her horse's mane gently and began leading it inside. She let out a few choice words before grabbing three of her bags and following the man, who took the other three. They happened to pass a seemingly empty room so Heloise's bags just got tossed inside--except the bag holding her bouzouki which got sat down gently. She kept the one that held her horse's supplies.

"Quis est nomen? Er, what is the name?" he asked, meaning her horse, who was a bit startled still about the man grabbing him, but he followed along.

Ignoring the looks from a few students, Heloise was about to introduce her horse to the big man before a red-haired student stopped them. Well, he actually stared for a bit. He introduced himself as Seth before asking questions.
"Obviously there is at least one horse here, mon lapin," she said just a bit sarcastically. "But I am Heloise Linette Verlac, and this is Auguste, a champion through and through," she stated proudly, standing a little taller. Although that didn't help much since she was so petite. Even Auguste gave a flick of his head.

"Ah, you are of Gaul. It is good meeting you, Discipula Heloise. Are being pulchrissima." This adoration came off-handedly, as though it only occurred to Quintus as a brief afterthought. The giant Nephilim gave a nod of his head to Seth, when the young man came up to them, and gave a similar explanation about himself as before during the interim between Seth's greeting and Heloise's reply.

"Ah, Augustus. Good name, very good name." He reaffirmed, continuing to lead the steed through the halls of the rotten mansion until they reached the garage, which he supposed was the closest that they were likely to get to a stables.

@MidnightAnew @Amityvillager
Amelia recovered from the violent shaking of the large man relatively quickly. She had work to do. She glanced at Grayson's suitcase and sighed. Why was her boyfriend so difficult? There was something sweet, deep inside, but it had been bruised and battered by the poor hand he was granted in life. He had yet to show it to her openly, but she was able to catch glimpses. The way he protected Ivy, the way he looked at her when she wasn't paying attention... She picked up Grayson's suitcase and took it up to her room. 'He can move it later...' With some difficulty she managed to get it up the stairs and into the room. She began to descend the stairs and stopped dead in her tracks.

There was a horse. In her lobby. Which she had just spent hours cleaning.

Amelia ran quickly down the stairs and followed them into the garage. "What are you doing?!" she stared at them incredulously. Leading the horse was Quintus, and two student stood beside him. Amelia took a breath and regained her composure. Amelia stoked the magnificent animals nose gently before taking the lead. "He is yours?" She glanced at the female student. "I will lead him out to the barn." She glanced at both of the students. "I'm Amelia. It's nice to meet you. You two can accompany me to the barn or you could pick out your room." Amelia led the horse to it's own stall in the barn, taking a moment to stop by and see Sapphire. "Hello..." she cooed, kissing the brown and white paint's nose. The mare nuzzled and rubbed her head against Amelia's side affectionately. The girl grinned. "I'll come back and see you tomorrow." Amelia had to prepare for the welcome dinner. It was set to start in an hour.

@deadpool42 @MidnightAnew @Amityvillager

Azalea had had her earbuds in, not planning to exit her room until dinner. While she wanted to meet everyone, things had seemed like they could get hectic, and she needed time to adjust herself first. However at one point she had decided to leave her room, just in time to see a horse being led outside of the lobby. She was curious as to why a horse was in there in the first place, but more than anything it just made her smile and she began to wander around some, trying to figure out key areas in her new home.


Nathaniel stayed in his room for only a short time before leaving to explore, he saw another girl a while later after watching the incident with the horse with a wide grin and walked over to her. She seemed alone and for the time he would intereact with her.

"Hey gorgeous, I'm Nathaniel..." he says with a charming smile.


Azalea spun around and then smiled. She was holding back every sassy comment that she had bubbling to come out. Instead it ended up as sarcastic.

"Well hello handsome...I'm Azalea." She says, smiling a little too kindly. "Can I help you with soemthing, or is being an obnoxious flirt just something you do on a regular basis?" she asks. Nathaniel couldn't help grinning broadly.

"No dalring, 'fraid this is me in all my glory." he says.

"And it works?" she asks, crossing her arms. He laughed.

"Usually, but you seem to just be peculiar." he adds.

Amelia made her way upstairs to her bedroom. Once there, she picked out a skirt and blouse and quickly changed. It was the welcome dinner, and the first time everyone would be gathered in one place. It would also be the first time she addressed all of them. She wasn't about to lie, she was a little nervous. This was already going opposite of plan. She had planned to have the chef cook a nice meal, and elegant assortment of culinary delights served on the academy's best dishes. However, due to the rather tragic state of the kitchen, they would instead be having pizza on paper plates. With a sigh and a final glance in the mirror, Amelia made her way into the dining hall.

The students were already beginning to assemble around the large table. Amelia took a glance at all of the faces and smiled. She took pride in what she was doing. She hoped that these young shadowhunters would grow to be great hunters and people, and she hoped to aid in that quest. Amelia stood in front of her seat at the table.

"Good evening," She addressed the group. "First, I'd like to officially welcome all of you to Shadowhunter Academy. I know the arrangements are poor at best, but new mattresses should come in first thing tomorrow and I'll be addressing other housekeeping matters as the time here continues." Amelia paused to take a breath and to steady herself. "Second, as we all should know, classes start tomorrow. Your first class will be with myself and learning about runes and other shadowhunter objects. Quintus Antony will teach history, and Grayson Winters will teach basic training." Amelia pitied them briefly. She made a mental note to supervise that class. "And lastly, everyone enjoy!" She glanced at the pizza boxes on the table. "I promise much better meals in the future... As soon as the kitchen is in order." With a smile Amelia took her seat.

@MissEffy @Amityvillager @BlackSparrow @Dolphan of Lyfe @Dannygirl900 @jacunliffe @Halcyon @SpectroVector @Miss Mack @MidnightAnew @deadpool42 @Demonhunter
Phoenix Dragonway

Nick, now sweating, emerged from the weapons room, his blade sticking out of his boot again. His arms were tensed, and his whole body felt stiff. He loved it. an hour or two in training made for the best feeling. He felt tired, yet accomplished. He closed the tall, wooden door behind him, and decided to go downstairs; he had no idea if it was dinner time, yet, but his rough calculations shouldn't have been too off. He bounced down the stairs, tiredly, his big biceps poking through his black t-shirt. He hung his arms down at his side, always ready for an attack. He reached the bottom of the stairs and heard chatter coming from what he believed to be the dining room. He went through, into the large room, and saw that most of the kids had already joined there. Amelia was at the head of the table.

Pizza boxes were scattered around. Nick didn't particularly mind bout the food; as long as it fulfilled him, but it was hardly a great welcome. Nick walked in, not phased by the fact that he seemed to be late. He took a seat at the far end of the table, with the smallest amount of people surrounding it. He fell into his chair and sat forward; resting his elbows on his knees. Amelia began some sort of speech, that Nick wasn't too bothered about. He just wanted this first day to be over. First days were always the worst. Everyone tried to be welcoming and everything didn't properly start. Nick wanted to get back into training as soon as possible. Nick was snapped out of his thoughts when Amelia mentioned Rune classes. Nick snorted. "Rune classes? Jees." He said, under his breath, humoured by Amelia's words. Nick didn't need rune classes. He knew all the runes he needed to know. He needed to fight. He needed to get his name out; the name of a humbled warrior. He definitely didn't need
rune classes.

Parker sat in the large chair in the library, shifting through the shadowhunter codex. He knew this book by heart but he still loved reading through it. He ran a finger through his black hair. It wasn't until a few minutes later he looked up, noticing the clock. He thought for a minute before realizing the time. Parker got up, walking over and placing the book where it belonged. He didn't bother changing or anything. He figured his hoodie and black skinny jeans where good enough. The boy then left the library, making his way to the dining room.

It took him three tries before he found the dining room. He entered, finding a seat and plopping down. He reached out,grabbing a single piece of pizza and placing it on his plate. Before eating he looked up, making eye contact with Amelia as she spoke. She was just giving small bits of info such as who their teachers were and promising better meals in the future. When her little speech was done Parker shifted his focus back on the Pizza. Parker wasnt a picky boy. He'd eat anything. But, he hardly ever ate. Right now was one of those times he just didn't have an appetite. He picked off a piece of pepperoni and placed it in his mouth slowly chewing it. His white eyes burned whole into the pizza as he stared at it. He was not so sure this was the right place for him to be.

((@Demonhunter Tessa and Jem are no longer in the Institute. Sorry.))
Lily looked at the girls hand shyly and slowly took it, "Lily..." she smiled a little. The communcating was was short before Lily found herself at the dining room. Everything seemed dusty old... probably because it was. She shyly took a seat beside a black haired boy who looked to be about her age, maybe a little younger. She studied him as he took a piece of pizza but quickly hugged her bag to herself and looked down. Not bothering to take a piece.

Lily listened to the woman talking and rolled her eyes a bit. She was excited about the classes, she wanted to learn what her parents died for. Runes, that was her favourite. She only saw pictures of them, and remembered seeing some on her parents. She closed her eyes tightly for a second to calm herself, she was shaking a but.

(whoops sorry! My bad!)

Connor was led from the portal by a silent brother of an unknown name. Both still wore clothing that was distinctive of egypt. The best way to describe Connor's appearance would be a man with the body of main character in prince of Persia but with the eyes of a kicked puppy. He still hurt and some of the stitches in his back bound together fresh wounds from just three days ago. He was simply led in and the silent brother abruptly left him. Connor hadn't noticed his escort was gone and had attempted to talk to him. "Uh wh- hey wait." and it was too late. "Do they give out maps here?" he asked himself. This place was brand new to him and nothing like the Cairo institute.

Connor just began wondering... Aimlessly through the halls. The silence began to sink in and mess with him. Silence meant time to think, and time to think meant flash back and memories he was trying to leave behind. He was told to find someone named Amelia, but that could be anyone and he was never given a picture to recognize her. He opened the doors to a dinning room and then just walked aimlessly around looking at the sealed letter he was given signed by 'Brother Enzei'. The whole idea of being around people freaked him out. The marred skin on his back was crawling from the fresh stitches and gashes under his shirt, the bruises on his cheekbones throbbed and the rope burns still left his wrists ankles and throat raw and painful to touch. He had some runes, but very few and did not know how to draw any yet without looking at a picture of one.

He then realized he'd walked in in the middle of someone's speech. He felt embarrassed and immediately sat down in the closest chair.he cursed himself for being so awkward. Then curiosity set in. He'd never had pizza before. He'd never even heard of it. There was a box right next to him so he decided to at least try it. It was love at first taste in all it's cheesy deliciousness. He then began patiently waiting until Amelia had some spare time or if she approached him. He didn't want to disturb her but he did need to deliver the letter.
Grayson and Ivy sat in the study, one sucked into the book and the other sucked into Pokémon. The two had disappeared for a few days, telling no one...not even Amelia. Though Gray and Amelia were an item, his first duty was to his sister and Parabatai.

"Am I supposed to be teaching or something?" Grayson looked up at Ivy, placing the 3DS onto his lap.

Ivy couldn't help but roll her dark gray eyes. Grayson was ridiculous 120% of the time, this was no expeception. Why had anyone allowed him to be around children? Seriously. "Probably. At some point. Haven't you talked to Amelia?"

"Uh...no..." He ran his fingers through his coarse hair, unsure what to say. Grayson knew he was letting her down, but people had never been his strong suit. "Have you made friends?"

His sister shook her hair, her eyes beginning to glaze over as she got sucked into the book. "No. I've been too busy dying..." Sadly, it was true. The curse was getting worse. She was coughing up blood more than usual. Things were getting messy.

Magnus Bane

Magnus looked up at the Academy. It was big and old and reminded him of the days when it was previously open. When aspiring young shadowhunters would come in and out, hopeful that they could make a name for themselves. Magnus chuckled under his breath, and ascended the large steps. He felt a warm feeling inside; nostalgia? Perhaps. The few occasions that Magnus actually visited Idris held little memories, but there was remnants of the past everywhere, nonetheless. He walked through the large doors of the academy, and he ran a hand through his coal coloured hair. He had put on his silver glitter eyeliner, for a special occasion. And, although he was fashionably late, he still needed to make an impression. He knew Amelia's family, and he had had brief encounters with her when she was a child, but aside from that, he doubted that the would knew every single child that was currently at the Academy.

Magnus heard voices distantly, down the halls. He made his way towards the voices, picking up the sound of laughter every now and then. Finally, he found the room where the laughter was emitting from. He took in a deep breath, straightened up his shirt and opened the door. He stepped in and was greeted by the back of Amelia and the many faces of budding Shadowhunters. He tapped Amelia on the back and tried to pull an
I'm-sorry-for-being-late face.
Connor had gotten lost in thought, and any time Connor got lost in thought it was usually a bad thing. Magnus's colorful in trance into the party was enough to abruptly startle him, which... Well... Was a dangerous thing to do around him. He jumped harshly but finally settled down after a few minutes of trying to reason himself into believing he was in no danger. He slid back down into his chair and looked him over. Who on earth was this flower puff? Eyeliner? Well eyeliner was common in Egypt, even among men, but silver was kind of girly. in a way he sort of looked like the way people used to paint pharaohs, colorful and in very intricate and extravagant detail. But here he was lost in thought again and Magnus closing the door and the 'creeeeeek' noise it made set him off.

Memories of the basement door slamming as he was locked in to deal with the shock his first rune caused with absolutely no help, the loud slam the whip would make when a drunk man hit the floor or wall instead of him. They all haunted in in one moment and he couldn't reason himself out of any of it. He remembered pulling on the ropes the held his wrists as his back was brutally shredded and fear began to drive his action. He stood quickly drew a dagger and skillfully threw it. The dagger soared eerily close to Magnus's shoulder but did ultimately hit the door instead. The haze he created soon lifted and he became aware of what he'd just done as he was drawn an actual sword to fight with. He then became aware that all the abrupt movement had made him sore again aaand he was stuck in another awkward position. He'd just accsedently tried to kill another sh- um... Well what was Magnus? His eyes were strange and he seemed too... Happy? To be a shadow hunter, it usually meant joy was squashed from a young age. Downworlder maybe? but if he was a Downworlder here then that meant the lady he was talking do had to be Amelia. His expression sank, his lucky he'd probably get himself expelled the first day. Why wouldn't brother Enzei just come with him to make sure he didn't get himself into trouble?
The pureblooded Nephilim had, after the meeting with Heloise, followed Amelia into the banquet hall. He was glad when he noticed the white boxes of soft wood. They contained one of the extraordinarily few things he liked in this strange future-land.

He stood beside the Institute's head as she gave her speech, doing his best not to loom like the impending shadow of fucking death itself. It was difficult, being an almost seven-feet-tall goliath, when your boss was as normal-proportioned as Amelia. When she mentioned his name, however, he did deign to draw attention to himself, giving a small wave at the assembly. Truth be told, he was still rather miffed, if not outright confused, by his placement as the History Instructor. The cumulative amount of time he'd been engaged in combat was probably longer than most people here had existed for. He'd trained countless recruits during the Crusades.

On the other hand, he had no idea what qualifications he had as a History Instructor. It was true he'd lived through the Crusades, but he'd also sort of been out of the picture ever since being trapped by those Liches, so there was quite a sizable gap in his knowledge. Also, he was illiterate. Reading and writing had been for scribes and priests in his time, not knights.

Privately, he suspected that this Grayson fellow's position was an act of nepotism, given his and Amelia's apparent relationship. However, all that could be addressed later. Currently, he was willing to keep up the chirade of a dimwitted brute and hold his tongue. The important thing was just getting this Academy up and running.

Interrupting his thought process was Magnus Bane, who, based on the presence of a bad taste in Quintus' mouth, was probably a Downworlder of some sort. His initial reaction was, of course, kill, however his good sense got the best of him, as he recalled that not all Warlocks were utter evil nowadays. His hand was not so stayed, though, when Connor attempted to sheath a knife in the newcomer's chest. It was surprising, how quickly such a huge body could close the gap between the head of the table and the place where the young man stood. But sure enough, there Quintus was, putting Connor in the ancestor to a half-Nelson.
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Amelia stared at the screen of her phone under the table. A conversation with Grayson was opened. She glanced at the empty seat next to her and frowned as she began to type.

'Wherever you are, it better be important.' She tapped send and frowned at the message before quickly typing another.

'I'm not angry, just really disappointed.' She paused.

'I love you.'

Without a doubt it had something to do with Ivy. It was tough. Not only was Ivy his sister, but also his parabatai. She didn't want to interfere, it wasn't her place. But at the same time sharing his heart entirely with someone else was... difficult. Sometimes she found herself wondering if there was enough room for her. He never had problems making time for Camille. As soon as she thought it, she quickly regretted it. Camille was-

Amelia jumped at the tap of her shoulder. She looked up to be greeted by an especially sparkly Magnus Bane. Amelia couldn't help but grin. It had been so long. "Hey" she said with a smile, offering a hug. "How have you been?" Amelia saw the dagger out of the corner of her eye and quickly located the source. "Please place your weapons in the training room. There is no need for them at dinner." She was told of the boy's past, and was perhaps a little harsh in her tone. Grayson's absence was frustrating, and making her irritable.

@MissEffy @Demonhunter @SpectroVector


Riley strolled into dinner, having a seat next to some guy she hadn't seen before. She only half listened to Amelia's speech. She was a little occupied shoveling a piece of cheese pizza into her mouth. It was delicious. Amelia's small voice carried through the hall and Riley leaned back in her chair. Welcome, blah, blah, food, blah, rune classes, blah. She heard the boy next to her mutter about rune classes and she shot him a smirk. Quietly, and in an over dramatization of Amelia's voice and demeanor she spoke. "Oh, um, this is an iratze. It heals people. There are also other runes that hurt things, but those are mean." She smirked in amusement and raised her eyebrows at the boy. "I'm Riley Wakestorm by the way."

Parker kept his gaze on the pizza, not once letting his eyes leave the food. He sat perfectly straight, just staring at the dinner.

"I'd rather you not stare at me." he mumbled harshly, picking at another piece of pepperoni. HE was totally okay if someone wanted to look. In order to do so however, he'd rather them talk to him. He felt as though he was a freak when people watched him and would rather avoid that feeling at all cost. Parker then reached over, wiping his fingers on a napkin before sighing and looking at the girl. He stared at her blue eyes, his white ones seeming to pierce her soul.

"You have no reason to be scared. You'll be fine." He explained with no remorse or pity. Infact, he sounded rather bored. He returned his focus on the pizza only to be interrupted by another magic presence. Parker looked up and noticed a very flamboyant warlock. He had on glitter and just screamed gay or something of that sort. Needless to say now Parker was staring at this creature who he shared half his bloodline with. The boy then watched as another shadowhunter lunged at the warlock, only to be stopped by the large Quintus who was one of his teachers. Parker looked unimpressed staring at the knife in the wall. Parker slowly stood up, walking towards Magnus. He ultimately ignored the warlock, only glancing in his direction once as he grabbed the knife from the wall.

"Your aim could be better. Or use something with more of a range like my fan. More or less, still an impressive throw." Parker spoke softly, looking at the dagger before throwing it back towards Conner's chair. Parker then looked at the head instructor.

"May i be excused Ms. Amelia?" His emotionless face asked, white eyes glancing towards the door wanting to escape.


@deadpool42 ((mentioned))


@SpectroVector ((mentioned))


Azalea made her way to the dining room. She grabbed a couple of slices of pizza, but waited to eat them until after Amelia was done talking. Then she hungrily began eating, she hadn't eaten at all that day and she was starving. She found her gaze shifting to the other students, wondering if she would become friends with any of them, or maybe even find her parabatai.


Nathaniel followed Azalea in, taking a seat beside her, he smirked as he watched her take a coupel of pieces of pizza. He took a few of his own. What could he say, he could eat a ton of food and still be hungry afterwards. He listed distantly to Amelia, more focused on studying his surroundings and the other students.
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Connor just seemed dazed and ultimately confused. He didn't remember throwing the daggar and he just got here. The second someone touched him he snapped, he forced the back if his head into Quintus's face out of sheer fear itself. His stitches tore in his back and his gashes began bleeding again. He screamed as he kept trying to get away and reason with himself. He kept telling himself it wasn't real. Quintus's arm kept brushing by the bruises on his throat causing a stabbing pain. He tried to calm himself.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, that letters for you." Was able to reply to Amelia but he just wanted to be let go. Blood seeped through his shirt from the gashes.
Quintus decided he was going to take Auguste to the garage, but since Heloise had absolutely no clue how to get there, she followed him. Not long after Quintus went through the whole spiel he did with Hel already, a disgruntled woman who seemed a bit flighty ran over to them. She talked to them for a moment before taking Auguste to the barn. Hel went with her long enough to leave her horse's things there and coo to him a bit more before hunting down the room that would be hers and settling in, tuning her bouzouki and playing for just a bit before it was time for dinner.

Later. . . .

Heloise had decided to brush out Auguste before dinner. She took her time, spending the two extra hours she had even after tending to her instrument. She rubbed the big horse's soft nose and gave him small kisses before leaving and closing the stall behind her. She took a moment to admire Amelia's own mare, who may not have been pure blooded but was still magnificent. She began making her way to the dining room, knowing she was going to be quite late. But when she opened the doors, ready to throw out a cheeky comment to any one who called her out, but instead a knife planted itself firmly into the door beside her head.
"Bordel de merde!" she called out in startled French. She whipped her head to look at the perpetrator. An Egyptian boy held a sword in his hands, looking at a warlock that came in before her. She took a few steps in his direction, tossing out an angry "t'es un salaud" before sitting down next to a white haired girl and her companion and partaking in a popular American dish, although she would rather have andouillette.

Magnus Bane

Amelia looked at him, the way an old friend would. A lifetime of memories and happiness and emotion in their eyes. "Naturally, I've been wonderful. I've seen a lot of America; actually. Isn't it funny how one century I'm being kicked out of Peru and the next; I'm the High Warlock of Brooklyn?" He laughed awkwardly, though he did find the fact rather amusing. But, mid laughter, he felt something fly passed his head, and clip his ear. He brought his hand, fingertips neatly painted black, and touched the top of his ear. He brought the hand before his eyes; a neat drop of blood lay on his finger. He licked the bead of red liquid off of his finger and turned around. "Really?" He looked at the boy, who was positively frightened now, "My first day; nay, my first hour here, and someone has already attempted to kill me." He crossed his arms over his chest, "I've gotta say; I'm quite offended." Though his face suggested otherwise; he was smiling.

Phoenix Dragonway

Nick noticed a rather flamboyant Warlock enter the room. Of course he knew him. He was the infamous Magnus Bane; High Warlock of Brooklyn. Nick rolled his eyes as him and Amelia exchanged pleasantries. He watched, as one of the dumb kids around him got out of his seat and began wielding a dagger. Nick got up, but before it was too late, it was flying through the air, past the Warlock. Next thing he knew; this kid was bashing someone in the face and saying that he didn't mean to. Nick laughed, but his instincts set upon him. He got to his feet and sprung over to the boy, grabbing his arm and pushing it behind his back. "Didn't your Mother teach you any manners?" Nick whispered, but he squinted as blood began to seep through the boys shirt. He let go off the boy and took a step back, "What the-"


Azalea watched amused as Magnus talked to Amelia, she had heard of him, but had never actually seen him before.

"Stop gawking, it's not polite." Nathaniel says, with a smirk. Azalea elbowed him gently int he ribs.

"I'm not gawking." she defended. Nathaniel just laughed at her and returned his attention to his food.


Azalea sighed and turned her attention to the girl who sat beside her. She hesitated a moment. She was trying to make friends, but honestly she was just shy and it was not an easy task. She returned her attention to Magnus for a little while. "Have you ever met him before?" she asks, turning her attention to the girl next to her this time.

Connor was not enjoying all the physical contact with people,

Too many people touching him way too soon. Magnus's speech tward him did sort of bring him back to reality an calm him. If it didn't hurt to smile back he would but the bruises on his cheekbones made it hard to make any facial expression but still, he tried. Then someone else was on him again, but he managed to talk himself out of another episode. He couldn't hide the initial fear and pain though. Thankfully he was released soon enough. But somthing still irked him. "Don't speak about Lisa like that ever again. But I'm afraid you broke my stitches."
Unfortunately, quite a lot more than an inadvertent reverse-headbutt was required to K.O. Quintus. The Nephilim's sheer size alone meant that Connor's head banged only against his chest, rather than his face, and regardless of the young man's squirmings, he was most certainly not getting anywhere. Not when a three-hundred pound paladin was putting him in a headlock.

"I am believing that this one is needing a, how to say, time-out." He announced, and made a simple decision. Connor was behaving quite unpredictably right now, and was struggling and resisting attempts at restraint. He was also armed. And wounded. Thus, there was a fairly straight forwards solution: Quintus lifted one arm up and planted his elbow down onto the top of the Shadowhunter's head, enforcing the blow with a sizable amount of his considerable upper body strength.

"Am going to infirmary now. Carry on with feasting." With this, the enormous Nephilim slung the unconscious boy over his shoulder, and trundled off to a nearby unused room that he deemed adequate for using as a medic's cubby. The ex-Crusader had stitched both himself and his comrades up innumerable times in the past; he was fairly confident with his skill with a needle. After clearing some curio a table, he laid the Shadowhunter out upon it and got to work. The first step, of course, was repairing the torn sutures and stopping the bloodless. After that, he preformed a thorough pat-down and disarmed Connor of any weapons on his person, before finally tying up the boy's hands so that, whenever he awoke, he could be dealt with in a safe manner, without worry of another sudden outburst again.

Amelia watched the scene unfold with a frown. This wasn't going exactly as planned. She ran a hand through her hair anxiously and addressed Parker with a sigh.

"Yes. You're excused. I find myself quite tired as well."

Amelia looked up at Magnus. "I'll talk to you tomorrow?" With a parting smile, she took her leave.

@SpectroVector @Halcyon

* * *

Once in her room, Amelia took a seat at her desk. It was littered with papers and a lamp illuminated the mess. Amelia was scrawling half-heartedly into a notebook. She was trying to draw up a lesson plan for the next day, but the phone on the corner of the desk kept grabbing her attention. She hadn't heard from Grayson. She glanced at his backpack by the bed and frowned. Surely Grayson had seen her text. But why was he ignoring her? You don't disappear and then not talk to your girlfriend when you get back. Unless he was with...


The thought was brief and she hated herself for it. She took her phone and tossed it into a drawer. Out of sight, out of mind, she hoped.

Grayson made his way towards the room that he and Amelia would share, his eyes never leaving the bright screen of his 3DS. He was trying to become the very best, a destiny that would wait for no one. Not Camille. Not Amelia. His Pokémon needed him.

It took him a few minutes to find the room, but he finally found it. Amelia was sitting at her desk, looking slightly frazzled. "You're cute when you're frazzled." He said as he entered the room, practically diving onto the bed.

"Oh, have you seen my phone?"



Ivy was curled up on a couch in the study, her golden hair pulled into a messy bun and her nose buried in a book. While she was a friendly girl, she found it exceeding difficult to get to know new people. She was out of her element, and so far out of her comfortzone that she was practically in outer space. No, she was not awkward, it was more the fact that she was spoiled and found more enjoyment in books than the world around her most of the time.
Connor felt terrible for having an episode and almost killing someone. He sighed finally calming down and not struggling against Quintus anymore. He couldn't look Magnus is the eyes due to the shame. "Look. I'm so sorry I didn't want to throw it, it just. Happens. The letter explains it all I have Post Traumatic St-" He was so distracted by Magnus that he didn't even notice Quitus's sudden strike to the head coming, scattering his thoughts and his vision faded to black.

As the Nephilem hauled him off his letter was left on the table reading

'Adressed to whom ever it may concern.'

In the infirmary Connor's skin looked like he'd been through hell, which he had. There were fresh wounds on top of many scars, some of his gashes were still stitched together but there were a few that were open and bleeding. There was not an inch of skin on his back that had not had a whip lashed across it in angry red lines. He had previously inflicted rope burns on his wrists, throat and ankles and his right eye was slightly bruised as if it wasn't as fresh as the new marks on his back. He had small circular burns from cigarettes littering his chest and one Cattle brand on his singed hip, he even had a few old lash marks that were nothing more than reddened scars now. He had but one rune and it was his angelic rune, he'd never been marked any other time. The few stitches he did have still in tact were the work of the silent brothers in Egypt, all of which were carefully stitched and perfectly placed. Connor's swords were strange, not the usual design but still worked just the same. He awoke and went to move, but the rope binding him prevented it. He pulled a little at it rubbed against his old burns making him bite his lip. He kept trying to tell himself he was safe and that it was okay but thoughts kept creeping up on him.

"Please untie me now." he asked still obviously shaken up, but trying to hold off the episodes."I really need to go apologize to... Well... That guy."

(@SpectroVector @deadpool42 )
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