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Fandom Shadowhunter Academy


Riley tumbled out of bed with all of the grace and coordination of a newborn giraffe. She awoke with an irritated groan and looked up for her place on the wooden floor. Light poured in through the window, illuminating the room with a bright glow. Riley groaned louder. Was it really morning already? Why had she agreed to come to a school of all things? Schools meant having to wake up at reasonable hours. Speaking of... Riley glanced at the purple alarm clock on her nightstand. Bright red numbers proudly displayed the time.


Shit. Riley was going to be late for her first day, and she cared more than she would admit. She quickly threw on the usual skinny jeans and a purple and navy striped top before tugging on her boots. She bolted to the restroom where she pulled a brush through her tangled locks and brushed her teeth in record time. Back in her room, she tossed her toiletry bag on the bed and tossed her school bag over her shoulder.

8:04 Riley strolled into Runes and Other Shadowhunter Artifacts. Nick, whom she had met briefly at the welcome dinner was standing up at the table, obviously enraged, and glaring at the instructor. "Oh shut it, Dragonway." Riley quipped, finding a seat near Seth. "What's up?" she greeted casually, pulling a piece of paper from her bag. She looked up at the board and began to sketch the runes. Child's play. She saw the fearless rune last and blinked. Riley had never heard of such a thing, though Amelia was the Clave's rune expert, second only to the silent brothers, and she was not ready to question it's existence. She didn't have a clue, so she simply drew a dinosaur on her paper.

@SpectroVector @MidnightAnew
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Connor sat back and continued to at least try and pay attention in class but muffins was tied of being in the backpack. She waddled out of Connor's backpack and onto the desk, sitting on his paper, mewling at him. The little tuxedo kitten got irritated that Connor's undivided attention was not entirely on her and swatted his pencil right out of his hand. Connor just looked at her sighing, he didn't know if Amelia approved of cats in the class room but she wasn't hurting anything so why kick her out? Connor reached into his bag, grabbing another pencil and beginning to write again, but that pencil too, was batted out of his hand. Connor sighed staring Muffins in the eyes who immediately purred and nuzzled herself under his chin. He smiled and slid his hand under her rump and held her against his chest where she fell asleep as he took notes.

Amelia watched the class trickle in and begin their work. She couldn't help but feel a tad smug as the students scribbled down the first three with ease before glancing at the final rune and looking completely off guard. A lot of her students believed they knew everything and that having a runes class was silly, this proved the contrary. She frowned as one of her students stood and began to cause a scene. Pheonix Dragonway. She had heard he would be trouble.

"The explination, Mr. Dragonway, is that despite your parentage, you do not know everything." Her eyes locked with his before addressing the class. "The fearless rune is a recent one. I'm sure you've all heard of Miss Clary Fray of the New York institute? She created this rune, and it was of much use in the war." Amelia stood and began to clean the chalkboard before glancing back at Nick. "And Mr. Dragonway, I suggest you refrain from causing a scene in the future, else you will be suspended from training classes for a week."

Amelia began her lecture. She taught the basics, she new there were some inactive families in the room. She taught the iratze, angelic power, what a rune was. Lastly she explained the parabatai bond. "The parabatai bond is especially special. Two shadowhunters tied to one another, fighting as one. Ivy Winters and Grayson Winters are parabatai. And even the somewhat infamous Jace Wayland has a parabatai. Alec Lightwood." Amelia noted that Magnus was in the room and she shot him a smile. She liked having the support. "There are some rules with parabatai. They have to be chosen before the age of 18," She continued on. "And lastly one cannot fall in love with their parabatai. The Clave expressly forbids it. But, in truth, if the Clave had a nickel for every time that rule was broken in secret..." Amelia glanced at the time. "Well, that's it for today. Next we meet, I want a two-page paper on the uses of the runes we've discussed thus far. Thank you!"

The class began to trickle out, and Amelia approached one of her students, Connor. "Connor I don't mind you having a pet, just please try and leave him in your room during classes. It is a distraction. Thank you." Her smile was genuine, and Connor wasn't in trouble.

She waited for the class to leave before approaching Magnus. "Was that okay?" Amelia was nervous. It was a new experience, teaching these shadowhunters, and she wanted to ensure she was doing alright.

@Trundle @BlackSparrow @SpectroVector @Amityvillager @deadpool42 @Ember Miles @Prince
Phoenix Dragonway

Nick stood as a girl entered the room and told him to shut up. He became even more enraged, especially since she was part Downworlder. He sucked in a large breath and was about to challenge her, before Amelia answered his question. She was talking some rubbish about someone being able to create runes. Nick thought it was a load of rubbish. He folded his arms and nodded, sarcastically. He waited for her to finish, so that he could counteract her stupidity, until she threatened to take away his training. He rolled his eyes, dramatically and slouched back into his chair, annoyed.

He looked over at the girl who had told him to shut up and squinted at her. There was something strange about her, like she wasn't elegantly beautiful like the other fae, but strikingly so. Not that he would ever admit that she was beautiful, oh no. He watched her for the rest of the class, until it was over. He took his bag, and off to the weapons room he went once again.

Magnus Bane

As the class came to a close, Magnus saw Amelia approach him. "Of course!" She had asked if it had been okay. Magnus was very impressed. She had been calm, disciplined but also relate-able. Magnus smiled brightly as she stood in front of him. Magnus remembered Charlotte's face being this pleased when she found out that she could run the Institute. "I think you handled it amazing." He tipped his imaginary hat. "That Dragonway boy is going to cause some trouble, I would bet my life." He said and then sneered, "If you could ignore the pun."
Elijah didn't stand up right away, instead he waited for other students to leave before he did. He had a question for the teacher, and for Magnus, just a quick one before he ran off to his next activity. His gaze locked on the DragonWay boy for a moment, his eyes slightly narrowed,' troublesome...I'll have to ignore him in the future', he made a mental note. He stands up finally and walks over to the teachers desk slowly, hiding his face a bit to draw less attention to his face," Teacher, can I ask you a couple questions?, I'll be quick" he asked in the most neutral tone he could muster
"Aw. But she'll be lonely." he was still in baby-talk mode, not even realizing he'd just baby talked back to his teacher. "Oh no. Um. Well, I guess I could leave her in the dorm. I'm just afraid she'd get lonely... Or worse, bored." he was still cuddling his kitten against him, Muffin's eyes locked onto Amelia, she extended a paw at her in an attempt to swat at her.

Suddenly the door closed, slammed even, scaring Connor half to death. The sound was enough to send his mind into a panicked frenzy. He noticeably stiffened and was about to do something dangerous, until Muffin's licked his cheek, mewling in his ear. She'd gotten him to calm down and brought him back to reality. Her paw was kneading on Connor's cheek and she was purring. "It's okay li-baaabb-" the rest was lost in a fit of baby talk. He decided to stay in the classroom for a bit and get started on his paper before he forgot what the lesson was about. Muffins then sat by the paper, watching Magnus, Amelia and Elijah, walking across the desks and sitting between the three, her eyes drifted from person to person, but all Magnus's glitter caught her attention the most.
Seth had acknowledged Riley with a nod and a slight smile when she sat near him in class. "Nice rune," he said with a slight smirk as he glanced at the girl's dinosaur. Seth had drawn the Fearless rune, although he wasn't positive he had gotten it right. As Amelia mentioned, the rune did exist, and it was important. Seth knew all of that, but he wasn't so sure he had gotten it exactly. All the same, he was admittedly proud that he knew of it. The boy was honestly intrigued by the idea of a parabatai. He had read plenty of books about Shadowhunting and learned knowledge firsthand from his family, however, knowing about things was different than actually knowing something. That's what Seth wanted to gain from this school- actual experience. The thought was a little unnerving; he wouldn't be able to stay in a classroom or library forever although he would have been content to do so. He paid attention throughout the lesson, only losing his focus occasionally. As much as Seth loved cats, it was quite distracting.

A parabatai, he thought as he left the classroom. Seth had a hard time imagining anyone he would even consider a close friend. But parabatais seemed like a really nice thing- to be able to trust someone fully and know that they would always be there...hm, it was interesting indeed. "That two page paper, though..." he muttered to himself. This Amelia lady wasn't kidding around. Seth didn't have too many expectations when he enrolled here, but he didn't expect a paper on the first day, even if it was a short one. He shrugged, not minding all that much, and continued on his way.
Sable had been distracted for quite a bit of the class, she couldn't help but watch the kitten, after all cats were her weakness, but she managed to catch most of Amelia's lesson. She thought about what Amelia had said about parabatai, but not much although it sounded interesting Sable wasn't sure who would even want to be her parabatai so she paid the thought little attention, and focused the rest of it on the two-page essay she was already planning out in her head as she made her way back to her room.

Riley shot a grin at Seth. "What? I like my dinosuar." Riley carefully filled it in with a blue highlighter as Amelia began to teach. Riley took decent notes. Sure, it was irritating having to be in a school, but Wakestorms do not fail. Some of it was actually interesting. The stuff about parabatai... Riley had considered havng a parabatai. Of course, you had to pick before you turned 18. It was hard to think of her trusting her life with someone she's known less than 2 years. Though, it wasn't impossible.

Riley glanced to the side and noticed Nick Dragonway's eyes on her. He didn't like her, that much she could gather. She was half-downworlder (half mermaid actually, don't ask how) and Nick had a bad attitude towards them. Strangely, that wasn't the look he was giving her. A frown set upon her face as she listened to the rest of the class. A two-page paper due next class? Ew.

Carefully, she watched as Nick left the classroom. It was a safe bet to say he was on his way to the training room. Funny, Riley had planned to train too. She stopped by her room and dropped off her backpack, grabbing her duffel with her gear. She ascended the steps and entered the training room. Sure enough, there stood Nick. "So what was the deal in class today?" Riley was not the type to beat around the bush. She tossed her duffel onto a table and unzipped it. She would be fine training in her jeans, but she preferred to train in her gear shirt. "Did I have something in my teeth?" She took off her shirt, revealing a black sports bra, and glanced back at Nick. She tossed the shirt in her duffel and slipped on her gear shirt. "I wanna train too. I hope my downworlder-ness doesn't offend your delicate sensibilities." She zipped up the bag and went to the weapons wall, grabbing a bow and quiver of arrows.

@SpectroVector @MidnightAnew (mentioned)
Phoenix Dragonway

As Nick drove a large, silver sword down on a sand bag, he heard the large, wooden doors open behind him. He ripped the sword out of the bag and held it tight in his hand. Nick hadn't been interrupted as of yet, but now that he had, he didn't know what to say. He wanted privacy, but this was an open room, so his words would mean nothing. He breathed in and turned around, expecting to try a welcoming method. But it was the Downworlder. The girl who had rudely interrupted him in class. Now he would confront her. He opened his mouth to talk, but she began before his words could slip out. She questioned his nature, and he didn't know how to respond. She didn't seem too upset by his words, but they had definitely agitated her. As she began to change, Nick turned around, feeling overly awkward as she began to undress.

His back to her, he spoke, "Train all you want. Just don't bother me with your words and don't think for a second that you can borrow my weapons." He avoided her question about class, not quite knowing what he had been doing himself. He was entirely confused by his behaviour, but if his Father had taught him anything, it was that confusion was just another word for weakness. A kink in the defences. Nick willed himself to forget it. He held the sword out in front of him and pointed it at one of the stuffed dummies. "Absolute silence, if you please." He sucked in a breath and pushed his arm out, jabbing the dummy and tearing the material around it. He yanked it out and began again.


Riley scoffed. He was intentionally avoiding her question. "You know, I asked you something else too." Riley dug in her bag and pulled out a speaker and her iPod. She plugged it in and turned the volume all the way up. Fall Out Boy. Perfect to train too. Riley smirked and prepared her bow. She lined it up with the target clear across the room. She took a breath and let it loose. The arrow shot through the air and landed in the center of the target with a satisfying "thump." Perfection. Riley liked that.

Elijah took the lack of a responce as a sign that the teacher was not interested in talking with him..so he simply left instead. He sighed,' why do I bother....remember Elijah, these people don't give a crap about you and you shouldn't care ether...all that matters is training'. He thought to himself as he walked down the halls to his next activity. He wasn't really sure what to do with himself at the moment, and started to regret not talking to at least the warlock.

' I guess I should at least talk to someone to get as much information as I can, I need to know my way around....I'll think of it as practice for group missions or recon',he thought. He takes a breath and starts looking for someone who looks like they are knowlageable, teacher, older student, or something along those lines.
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Heloise Linette let out a small sigh when the teacher revealed they had to do a two page paper over the runes they discussed. It's not that it would be hard--especially since she planned on double-spacing--but it was a waste of time. She folded her the paper with runes and Auguste sketched on it in half and tucked it into her notebook. When Amelia had spoken about parabatai she tuned her out. Hel was barely too old to have one, and at this point she didn't really care just

because it was directly irrelevant to her life. She pushed the thoughts away; this entire group was on the cusp of being too old for a
parabatai anyway. She rose to her feet, sliding the chair from behind her noisily. She shoved it a bit more gently beneath the desk and made her way to the door. She paused just long enough to pet the Egyptian boy's pretty cat, who let out a purr and tried to grab her hand as she pulled away. Hel smiled and made her way through the door. She walked back to her room slowly, allowing the sunlight pouring in through the dusty windows to caress her skin for but a moment. When she got to said destination, she grabbed her bouzouki and headed out to the stables, where her horse Auguste greeted her with a happy whinny. She patted his nose and led him out into the small field. While he ran and pranced around--mostly for the mare in the stable's benefit--Hel played old French folk songs she learned in her youth.
Elijah stepped into the training room, and looked around. He moved away from where he saw the Dragonway guy practicing and decided to speak with Riley. He stands agenst the wall behind her and watches at first , smiling a bit at her perfect aim,' perhaps she could make a good ally in combat' he thought to himself. He took a breath, flipping hims hair to cover to burnt side of his and attempted to speak," um...hello?"

Amelia smiled at Magnus. It was nice talking to someone who wasn't a student. Magnus was so confident in her abilities to teach, it was certainly refreshing. Amelia took a breath. "Yeah. The Dragonways. I've been around the family. They're... yeah. Hopefully he'll mellow out." She thought back to the class. "His eyes were on Riley Wakestorm the whole period. Interesting given her parentage and his... unfriendly disposition towardss downworlders." Amelia stretched and glanced up at the large clock on the wall. She looked over where a boy- Elijah- had been sitting and noticed he was no longer there. She shrugged it off. He must have found something better to do. "Well," She addressed the warlock once again. "I've got some time to myself before dinner, and I'm going to head outside. I'll see you later."

Amelia ascended the main steps of the academy and entered her bedroom. She discarded the sleek teacher clothes in favor of jeans and a flannel shirt. Much better... She thought, pulling her hair into a ponytail. Amelia pulled on her boots before making her way to the stables. "Hello..." She cooed to the paint mare, stroking her nose lovingly. "Let's go for a nice ride on the trails." She glanced over and noticed that the stall beside Saphirre was empty. Shifting her gaze to the fields, she located the large horse. She watched the horse prance around and noticed the owner, Heloise, watching. Amelia led Saphirre out of her stall before brushing and saddling her. With a kiss to the horses nose, Amelia led her over to where Heloise stood. "He really is magnificent." She commented politely. "It's Heloise Verlac, correct?" A genuine smile crossed Amelia's face as she addressed the girl.

@Amityvillager @SpectroVector
Seth made his way back to his room and flopped down on the bed. He sneezed lightly as some dust flew up in the air. He had already forgotten about how old this room was. What to do, what do do? he thought to himself. There was the library, of course. That was the first thing to come to mind. Although, he had already been there and felt that it could be important to know his way around the Academy a little better. Seth picked up a notebook that still had plenty of clean sheets, along with a sharpened pencil. He made his way to the training room and quietly sat in the corner, taking care not to disturb anyone. Seth started writing a rough draft of that paper about runes. If he needed to fact-check later, he would; however, he figured he could write a decent amount based upon his own knowledge of the subject. If he looked busy, then it was likely no one would try to talk with him or ask him about his combat skills- but he would also look decently social and could scout out his classmates to know what he would soon be up against.
Heloise had just finished plucking the last of the notes on the strings on her bouzouki when Amelia walked up, her horse Sapphire in tow. Hel put the instrument down gently and thanked Amelia when she complimented her horse. "That is correct. Although my aunt Elodie called me Heloise Linette usually, seeing as though I was always in trouble," she joked. She gave a small laugh. "And don't let Auguste know you said that. He's a very arrogant and vain." Said horse trotted over upon seeing Amelia with his mare. Hel took him by the mane when he got close enough before he could cause a nuisance. "You could say he's the last of the Verlac legacy," she said with a smile. He was the last descendant of the horses that were lost to the nest of demons when she was a child. She aggressively rubbed the side of his neck and cooed at him. "Your horse is also very lovely. She has a beautiful pattern." Heloise was at a bit of a loss then. It wasn't often she showed her nicer colors. But with Amelia, her mentor, she felt as though she could drop the facade she kept up to protect herself. "Ehm, why don't we go for a ride?" she said, gesturing between the horses.


"Sure!" Amelia smiled at the girl. There was no harm in fostering good relations with her students. Amelia pulled Saphirre beside the fence before climbing it and swinging her leg over the saddle. Once properly on her horse, Amelia reached down and patted the paint mare's neck. "Saphirre has been itching for a ride. Between the move here and getting everything set up... It has been a while." Amelia smiled. She loved her horse, and leisurely rides were certainly the best part. Well, barrel racing was pretty incredible. Amelia glanced over at the girl besdie her. "There are these great trails just north of here."

The two rode on and Amelia allowed herself to relax a little more. She did not know much about her student, and that was definitely something she wanted to remedy. Ideally, Amelia would know at least a little bit about all of her students. "So tell me about yourself." The blonde paused a moment before adding a disclaimer. "But only as much as you're comfortable." There had been some awful things centering around the Verlac family recently. Amelia hoped that this academy would provide a bit of a refuge.



It was hard to hear over her music, but Riley believed she could make out the faintest 'hello'. "Oh, speak up Dragonway!" She was quick to chastise the boy. With a frown she glanced over her shoulder at his tall figure as he buried the sword into the sand bag once more. He was an itch in the back of her brain, and a rather annoying one. She couldn't shake the way he had been looking at her in class. Him avoiding her question did not help. With an irritated grunt, Riley picked her bow back up off the table. It took her about that long to notice that the hello had not been from the Dragonway boy.

With a glance behind her, she noticed that she and Dragonway were not the only ones in the room. She recognized the kid from class. Night... something. "Hello to you too?" It was more of a question. He sounded unsure of himself, and his appearance matched. His was in the training room, but not training. Just observing. It was a tad odd.

@SpectroVector @Prince
" I'm sorry to disturb you...you seemed like...your easier to approach then the Dragonway kid" Elijah said with as nice tone as he could. He was not used to opening talks with people, he was used to talking to people who approached him, cause answering and ending the talk was easier then starting one," I'm Elijah Nightwine" he added with a slight bow of his head. He hoped he didn't seem pathetic, the last thing he needed was his nice words answered with distain for normal people like him," do you mind if I ask you a couple questions..I haven't bin here very long and I'm not sure how it works here"
Phoenix Dragonway

Phoenix was lost in his training. His mind and body was focused on bettering himself. He was about to drop his sword when he heard the girl from behind him speak once again. "Excuse me?" He turned, and realised there was another kid in the room. He rolled his eyes and tried to ignore his rather irritating presence, before he said something that particularly angered him. He swooped around and stalked towards the boy. "And what's wrong with me?" He held the sword tight in his hand and he could feel sweat dripping down his arm. "Just a tip; don't anger me when I'm holding a sword in my hand and I am built up on testosterone. Okay?" He squinted at the kid. "Perhaps you should go elsewhere and stop bothering us. We're training." His stare was hard and cold, and he felt something strange that he had never felt before. A sense of protection? Jealousy? He shrugged it off and turned around, feeling shaken with feelings. He continued his stabbing, but this time with a stronger arm.

@Prince @SimplyMusicality
Elijah turns to the DragonWay, his face expressionless, like he had turned off his emotions," I was not speaking to you, and your threats serve no purpose, so if your so busy training then train, I'm not bugging you so there's no reason for you to be speaking to me if I'm so below you" he said simply, no spit or anything in his tone, just a neutral coldness...as if he was indifferent to the idea of death...Elijah had bin given death threats from his new family more then once, so the familiar steel pressed to his skin was almost welcoming. He turns back to Riley , putting on the kind mask that was his smile
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Nathaniel lost himself in training. The only person he had really talked to since he got here was the Darkwood girl. It was odd and uncharacteristic for him. Normally by now he had surrounded himself with every person he could, lettie ego take over. He didn't mind though, he had liked the girl just fine. As of now though that was not something he would concern himself with. Except occasionally when he would look to make sure she was alright.


Azalea had gone to train, but she was unsure of herself. She knew she was a good warrior, but she was afraid if she trained in front of so many she would find out otherwise. She sighed and went and found a space fairly void of people and took up one of her favorite weapons before beginning to train.
Seth felt himself growing increasingly nervous with the vast amount of people holding weapons, and himself equipped with nothing but a pencil and some paper. He was a little hesitant to stay after hearing the exchange between Riley and Phoenix. The ginger haired boy removed himself from the room and stepped out into the hall. He found he was having trouble focusing on the paper they were to write, but he had gotten a good start. Perhaps it would be easier later this evening. Seth took a deep breath and headed back into the training room. He picked an open spot at the end where hopefully less people would notice his lack of skill. Seth decided to practice some archery- out of all the combat skills, archery was the one he sucked at the least.
Class Day 2 - Basic Training


The next morning, Amelia arose and donned her gear. Today she would be teaching the basic training class, and she had to admit, she was nervous. Amelia was as good as the next shadowhunter, but she was never phenomenal. Her true strength lied within her brain. Her intelligence is where she was useful to the Clave and shadowhunter kind as a whole. Runes and facts came easy, training was harder. She tied her hair up in a neat ponytail before picking up the phone on the nightstand. Delicate fingers typed her password and the screen pinged to life. She grinned at the text from Jace. It had been a while, and having backup for the first official day of training was nice.

She practically ran down the stairs to greet her friend. "Hey!" She called with a grin. She embraced the golden haired male before taking a step back. "Good to see you! And thanks so much... I really appreciate it."


Jace embraced his friend before she pulled away. "It's not a problem. Besides," He crossed his muscled and marked arms behind his back. "These kids need to see a real shadowhunter at work. You know," He looked around the dilapidated academy disinterestedly. "They need something to dream about." A smirk crossed his face as he watched Amelia roll her eyes. He could almost hear them clang against her skull.

"You never change." The girl sighed exasperatedly. "And you call them kids, but they're only two years younger."

"And they'll never match my greatness. A tragedy really..." Jace mused as he followed Amelia into the training room. It was certainly the cleanest room he'd seen thus far. Probably because it was used the most often. With his usual swagger, he approached the rack of blades on the wall. He selected the one on the far left and held it to test its balance. Not bad. Taking the sword, he leaned against the wall beside Amelia, awaiting the arrival of the students.

@Trundle @Amityvillager @SpectroVector @Demonhunter

Azalea had always been an early riser. She went through her morning routine, making sure her weapons were all cleaned and that nothing was out of place in her room. When she was satisfied she donned her training clothes and headed to the training session. When she arrived she saw she was the first other than Amelia and Jace. She had to take a double take, not believeing that Jace was actually there too. She had never met him in person, but like everyone else she had heard of him. She was extra excited now. While she wasn't confident in her skils, she was thrilled to be having both Jace and Amelia training her and the other students.


Nathaniel wasn't in a rush to go anywhere. He slept as late as he could and then some before managing to drag himself out of bed. He normally didn't like to sleep late, in fact sleep more than five hourse was rare for him. But he didn't want to have to deal with anyone. He hadn't had a chance to get the attention he wanted and his already small bit of confidence was starting to diminish. He had only really talked to that Azalea girl. He sighed and got out of bed and got ready before heading to where they would be trained. When he got there he let out a low whistle. "Well isn't this a surprise." he says, seeing Jace. He gave Azalea a wink, earning him an eyeroll from her, he just smirked as he turned his attention back to Jace and Amelia. "You know it's a pleasure to actually meet you in person." he says to Jace, his signature cocky smirk remaining on his features. "Morning." he adds to Amelia.

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