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Fandom Shadowhunter Academy


Roleplay Availability
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Hello hopeful ascendants!

Let me be the first to say welcome to the Shadowhunter Academy. Sure it's a little... out of sorts. But, after being closed for so long, of course there are some kinks to work out. Nevermind that though. This is meant to be the most exciting part of your young soon-to-be-shadowhunter lives. There will be everything from exciting hunts to not-so-exciting exams, so be prepared as only the fittest make it to drink from the mortal cup and obtain their first marks.


Amelia Ashdown

Shadowhunter Academy

Lead Instructor

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Amelia Ashdown

Amelia Ashdown placed her suitcase on the ground in front of the Shadowhunter Academy. The dilapidated building looked pitiful. She shoved her right hand into her pocket and fumbled for the keys. She retrieved her key ring and turned to the one marked "FD" for front door in partially-worn black sharpie. She carefully inserted the key into the lock and turned it, resulting in a creaking "click" as the door opened. Very gently she pushed the door open. The building was a mess. 'Well,' she thought to herself. 'The Clave insisted it wouldn't kill anyone.' But Amelia had to admit, she wasn't so sure.

The school was a mess. The floors were in desperate need of a through mopping. For that matter so were the walls. She poked her head in the kitchen and nearly wretched. Apparently when the building had been closed, no one had thought to clean anything out. Amelia was beginning to panic. The students were supposed to arrive in four hours! With a deep breath (outside of the kitchen, of course) Amelia hauled her bags to the largest room she decided to claim as her own and tossed them on the bed, which erupted a cloud of dust. "Okay..." She muttered to herself. "So tonight I order new mattresses. ... and take out for the welcome dinner." Amelia was nothing if not efficient. She pulled her wavy Bronze locks into a ponytail and grabbed a mop and got started cleaning the academy from top to bottom. Four hours came and went, and the Academy was somewhat presentable. She changed into clean clothes and propped open the large wooden doors of the academy. She would return this place to its former glory, and she was ready for the next great shadowhunters to walk through its doors.

Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy.

@MissEffy @jacunliffe @Halcyon @Dannygirl900 @BlackSparrow @SpectroVector @Amityvillager @Miss Mack @MidnightAnew @deadpool42 @Dolphan of Lyfe
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Azalea slowly walked up to the Academy's entrance. It seemed awfully quiet and she wondered if she was either the first one or if she was the last one. She was uneasy but at the same time filled with excitement. She loved what she did as a shadowhunter and coming to the academy meant she could make herself even better. Though a fact she would never share with anyone was that she was already pretty dang good. She also hoped to make some new friends here. She had a few close ones, but none were coming to the academy with her, which would force her to have to adjust and make new ones. She was okay with that, it would just be a working process.

"Hello?" she called out, walking inside of the academy. Amelia Ashdown was the instructor she knew would be here, there were a couple others but she wasn't a hundred percent sure who just yet. Almost as soon as she had spoken though she saw Ms. Ashdown and she couldn't help smiling a little. A new part of her life was about to begin and she planned to make the most of it.


Nathaniel was no where even near the Academy, where he was supposed to be by now. He was currently occupied with a young woman, 'teaching' her a few of his signiture fighting moves. A small group of younger shadowhunters was gathered around. They all had some free time and he was doing what he did best. He was showing off and making this a privilage for the younger ones. He could laugh, the admiration they held for him would disappear so quickly if they actually knew anything true about him. However he had done a good job making sure that didn't happen. He returned his attention to the girl. At least she was pretty, though he didn't much care for her attitude. She was too stuck up and she demanded too much attention. She was too much like him. He sighed a little, the longer he was showing her some of his moves, which really just meant he got to hold and touch her, the quicker he was becoming bored. He didn't want to go to the academy yet, but he wasn't really sure what other choices he would have. If his parents found out then he would have to stay longer than agreed. With a sigh he pulled away from the girl and gave her one of his signature smiles.

"Sorry darling, but I just remembered I have business elsewhere. Keep pacticing." he says with a slight wave of his hand, turning to leave. The crowd parted slightly for him to get through.

"Wait, Nate when will we have our next lesson?" she asks in her too high of a voice. He cringed a little, very few people were allowed to call him Nate.

"First off, I told you, it's Nathaniel. Secondly, I have no idea. Maybe I'll see you around sometime." he says, it was mean but he managed to somehow make it sound otherwise. With that he actually left and made his way to the academy. At this rate he might be a little late, but he didn't much care, he was going and that should count for something.


Phoenix Dragonway

Nick held a duffel bag by his side. A large, backpack peeked over his shoulders and a blade protruded from inside his
boots. He stood outside of the Academy, gripping the bag at his side, tightly. The place was quite quiet, but he knew that he would be early. His Parents lived only a few miles away, and he didn't need to pack much. He had only brought a few items of clothing, along with all of the weapons that he owned; which was unsurprisingly a lot. He put down his duffel bag and looked up at the building. It was old, and although Nick adored things from History, he could hardly see the Academy being opened for long. It had been shut down once, there was no need to start again. Academy's weren't necessary any more; kids could learn how to fight anywhere. Even at home. And, it wasn't like he was a kid. He still hadn't come to terms with the fact that his Parents had made him go to the Academy. He would only have to spend a little over a year there; he was already focused on his fighting. He knew where his life was going.

But, no matter how annoyingly tedious the adventure might turn out to be; Nick knew that his family name depended on his visit to the Academy. If he could work hard enough and get his name around, the Dragonways would no longer be that old, burnt out, ancient family; they'd be new and relevant and exciting. Nick brushed his hands on his jeans, rubbing off any sweat, and picked up his back again. He cracked his neck and then made his way up the cold, grey stairs, towards the large, open doors. He stood in the entrance. It was awkwardly silent. He looked around the corner. The inside was just as dated as the outside. "Hello?" He spoke, loudly, but not quite shouting. He looked to the left, and noticed a girl. They had uttered a greeting at the same time. Nick smiled, vaguely, and looked in the direction that the girl was looking. The woman his Parents had told him to expect, the Ashdown lady, was there. "Nick. Nick Dragonway." He said, proudly, putting down his duffel bag once again and holding out a hand for Amelia to shake, a ring on his finger displayed clearly; a 'D' imprinted into the silver.

Azalea glanced over at the young man who had also just entered. As he introduced himself to Amelia Ashdown she stayed quiet. She recognized his family name, though she didn't know much about it. Not that it mattered, it wasn't like she had some Shadowhunter family name to be known by at all. She returned her attention to Amelia and a beautiful smile graced her features. "Azalea Darkwood." she says as introduction, mentally slapping herself for not doing so right away. She was quite again after that though, she had nothing mroe to say. She looked aorund again, taking int he dtails of the place and then then details of the people here with her. She noticed Nick's dufflebag which was twice the size of her small backback. The thing she had the most of were her weapons, but other than those she didn't have very many belongings to bring with her anywhere.

((I'm replying again so soon because it'll be about 8 hours before I can respond again))
Lily stopped outside the academy. This is a place she's heard about a lot, from other people besides her uncle and aunt of course. She saw some windows open and tilted her head slightly. People were here already. Honestly, Lily was nervous. Nervous that no one in her family had practiced as a shadowhunter since her parents death. Nervous, about what if she's not accepted? What if they don't accept her because her family has been inactive for so long... The thought made Lily turn around to walk away "Lily, your parents were Shadowhunters, which makes you a Shawdowhunter. They will accept you..." she said to herself quietly.

The thoughts about her parents put a small frown on her lips, she didn't know what they were killed by, it was never determined. She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath trying to calm herself. "Goddamn Lily... why are you so weak..." she said angrily to herself before setting her bag on the ground and sitting on it with her elbow on her knee and her chin on her hand. "Maybe I should just go home? It could prevent me from getting killed in the future..." she kept talking to herself in a quiet tone. "Ugggh" Lily groaned and set her forehead on her knees.

((What sorta things should they be wearing?))
In an abandoned subway station beneath Manhattan, a man whose physique and size would put Goliath to shame lugged a duffel bag around, striding down musty, gloomy hallways, clad in an old sweatshirt and -pants, and a Mets baseball cap. The giant man reached a boarded-up doorway, then rustled around in his pocket and dug out a note scribbled on a scrap of looseleaf. This was the place.

Quintus reared back one massive arm and made the moldy would splinter with one strike, then another, then another, until the doorway was cleared. Wiping off his knuckles, he ducked through, and continued into the darkness, footsteps echoing loud. It was only now that he began to feel it; the telltale raising of his hackles, the reaction of his vestigial celestial instincts. Something chthonic and infernal was nearby. At this point, he dropped his duffel and unzipped it, pulling forth a claymore which was as long as some people were tall, its blade damascened by celtic knots, an emerald implanted into its pommel.

"Shadowstabber." The ancient templar breathed. Were it a proper holy sword, just speaking its name would result in a mighty burst of hallowed essence. But, it was far too old, had been even when Quintus had inherited it. Thankfully, it had enough inherent blessedness to injure demons nonetheless.

Which was good, because this was the precise moment one attacked.

A hissing fortress of chitin and venom scuttled forwards from the shadows, all crabclaws and stingers. The scorpiofiend leapt at the Nephilim with a crackle of chittering legs, its wicked tail shooting forwards. Quintus evaded with unusual alacrity. He'd spent centuries wearing the same suit of heavy platemail. Without it, his body just seemed so light. The barb annihilated into the wall just beside him, but now it was he had the right of way. With a sweep of his greatsword, he dismembered the arachnid's tail from its body, and it fell to the floor in a shower of black ichor.

One of the creature's pincers bit into the demi-angel's calf, and he grunted, raising his weapon's handle above his head and letting its point hang downwards before plating it in the monster's head. It pierced through the carapace ontop of its body, then the layer below, and then the stone of the ground beneath that. The creature died with a final gurgling hiss.

Following this extermination, Quintus cleaned off Shadowstabber and bound his wounded leg. For some reason or another, the demonic venom didn't have too much affect on him- perhaps he'd built up an immunity, from being bit so many times as a Crusader. Or perhaps it was a perk of his apparent immortality. Either way, the Nephilim emerged from NYC's underground just in time to see the sun rising over the ocean. That was odd, for him; he was used to seeing it set over the sea.

Quintus began heading towards the Academy, following the directions the Clave had given him. Despite leaving at dawn, however, the man didn't arrive until nearly noon. Navigating this city with its glass spires and noisy steel steeds was not easy for the Medieval man.
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Ivy Winters struggled to haul the two overflowing suitcases she carried up the crumbling stairs. Despite what it may look like, they were not both hers. One belonged to her older brother and Parabatai, Grayson Winters. Angel only knew where he was. Finally. after struggling for some time, the young woman got both suitcases up the stairs with minimal damage to herself or the suitcases. It was almost a miracle that she didn't pull a muscle. What the hell had Gray packed? His collection of pet rocks? She shook her head, and rolled them in the rest of the way. A few students were already here, but she was more interested in finding Amelia. Someone had to tell her that her boyfriend was more or less missing.

It wasn't difficult to find Amelia, seeing as how she already had a crowd of people around her. Ivy hung back, waiting for her turn to speak to Amelia, running slender fingers through her dirty blonde hair as she did so. Her gray eyes drifted from person to person, committing their faces to memory. They were surprisingly an attractive group of people.

Well, well, well. Maybe this wont be so bad after all.

Riley Wakestorm had her backpack slung over her shoulder, her knee-high boots clicking on the sidewalk as she approached the academy. She sighed to herself. This was a school. Admittedly, it was a shadowhunter school, but still a school. That meant there were be tests and books and all that shit. Riley didn't want to go. It was rare that Riley didn't get her way, but this happened to be one of those times and she was disappointed. But on the other hand, Riley was an only child in a mostly deserted institute. She never had the chance to interact with people her own age. Here she could actually have friends. It was kind of a strange concept.

Riley entered the doors and saw everyone beginning to gather around the only instructor who had arrived. Amelia Ashdown. The one who had sent the letter. Riley waved a hand half heartedly. "Sup." With that she considered her greeting to be done with, and she continued downstairs to the rooms. She picked one at the far end of the hall. Hopefully no one would care to venture that far to select a room. The Academy was built to accommodate many more than were actually going to be attending, there was no reason for Riley to need a roommate. Riley had spent her entire life not sharing, and there was no reason for her to start now. She tossed her bags onto the bed and went back upstairs to greet some of her fellow students.


Amelia was a shy girl, and very quiet, and the scenario unfolding around her was slightly overwhelming. She didn't know anyone. 'Where's Grayson?' She thought to herself. Not that she wanted him around students, no. Not until she talked with him. It was just that him and Ivy would be familiar faces, which would make this easier. "Hello!" She greeted everyone with a smile, regardless of her emotional state. She tried to connect names with faces. "Yes, hi, and Welcome! Phoenix, Azalea, yes.." She noticed a girl strut by with a simple 'Sup'. "And that must be Riley.." She took a deep breath. "Ms. Ashdown?" She chuckled at that. "Please, call me Amelia, I'm not that much older than all of you." She smiled nervously and her eyes locked on Ivy and her expression relaxed. "Ivy! Nice to see you!" She turned to address the group as a whole. "All of you can go ahead and find your rooms, alright? Talk, get to know one another... Dinner is at 6 in the dining room." The group dispersed and Amelia approached Ivy. "Ivy... it's so good to see you. This is a bit much, and I'm the only instructor here right now... Where's Grayson?" She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know the answer.

@BlackSparrow @SpectroVector @MissEffy
Parker Thrushsend

Parker Thrushsend walked down the sidewalk, a book in his hands. He was paying little to no attention as he made his way to the academy, in tow behind Tessa and Jem. Tessa and Jem were the only actual parents he knew even though he's only known them for 5 years. He didn't care though. He loved them either way.

Parker looked up from his book at the couple. Any other day they would be hand and hand, not leaving each other's side. However this morning they had a fight once again. They both used the excuse of holding one of Parker's suitcases even though he could have handled it himself. He figured he was the reason for all this tension in the relationship. Raising a child that wasn't even yours could be a great deal of trouble. Parker rolled his eyes slightly and went back to reading his book, trying to ignore their harsh whispers.

Tessa and Jem

"I still don't know if sending him here is the best idea Jem. I mean. He's a child. And he's different." Tessa played with her jade pending, looking back at the boy reading and walking. She really had no clue how he avoided running into people without looking. Jem shook his head, groaning slightly under his breath.

"He's not a child. He's 15. Plus we moved into the Institute when he was 12 for him to learn. He did just fine there." He assured his wife, pursing his lips. Tessa furrowed her eyebrows crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but he only had 2 other people learning as well." She whispered, worried slightly. That when they arrived in the front of the Academy. Tessa looked over at the girl sitting on her bags before walking up to the door, opening it. There was Amelia along with another shadowhunter girl. Tessa walked forward, interjecting the conversation.

"Amelia. Lovely seeing you again. It's been so long. Oh you've grown so much." Tessa cooed, placing her hand against Jem's back. Jem stepped forward, taking Amelia's hand and gently kissing the back of it. The half Asian man gave an award winning smile. "Pleasure Amelia. I'm sure you've heard about our, er, special case." He gave a soft laugh, backing away from the group and pushing Parker forward. "Go on. Introduce yourself."

Parker Thrushsend

Just outside the Academy Parker felt another presence. He looked up, his pure white eyes making contact with the raven haired girl. He stood, just staring for a few seconds making evaluation. He knew she was a shadowhunter and from her groans she didn't want to be here. He gave a bored look before turning and realizing Jem and Tessa where already inside. He made his way inside and went back to reading his book, keeping his distance from the group making introductions. That was until Jem pushed him forward slightly. Parker looked up, his white eyes looking bored. He looked that instructor up and down before closing his book.

"Parker of the Thrushsend Family." He said firmly, standing up straight. He then looked back at Tessa and Jem.

"We'll be leaving now. Please, do expect visits." Jem grinned, his charming personality seeping from him. He took Tessa's hand for the first time today and headed out the door, leaving Parker with his bags and such. The 15 year old looked at them and then back up at Amelia. He blinked a few times before grabbing his bags and heading downstairs. He was quick to find a room to himself. He expected he's be getting a roommate soon, but until then he liked the quiet. He placed his three suitcases on the bed. He started unloading them, neatly folding the clothes and hanging them. Once he was finished he opened the third suitcase, filled with history books, biographies of famous people, fantasy novels. Anything that Parker found interesting. Which was almost everything Parker sat down the book about Spain he was reading and opened up "The Picture of Dorian Gray". He plopped himself down of his bed and started reading, ignoring the outside world.
Brandon started walking up towards the academy. The young man dressed in pink and grey had approached the building slowly. It looked fine on the outside, and was sure it would be fine on the inside as well. He had his backpack slung across one shoulder as he sped up. He didn't want to be late. Was there even such thing as being late for a move-in day? He thought, chuckling. He finally neared the academy doors and he looked to both sides and looked at a girl who was sitting on a bag.

"Eh, hey. You look sad. Is something wrong?" Brandon asked. He looked at her. She did look pretty down. He always was a good one to cheer up. Cheerin' up is my speciality. So is being annoying, He thought. He looked in the window and saw some other people. The thought of being late creeped up on him again, but he shook it off.


I am a dolphin.

Also, sent from Atlantis using a shellphone.
Ivy gave Amelia a quick squeeze, genuinely happy to see the older girl; it was nice having a familiar face in a sea of unknowns. "Hey, Aims, it's really good to see you." Her smile was contagious, and had worked its way into her eyes. Her smile began to falter, though. She knew she wasn't going to be able to avoid Amelia's questions about Grayson forever. Truth be told, she wasn't sure where he was. "Uh, he's coming. Just running a little late. Nothing to worry about. Well, I'm going to go ahead and find my room. Here's Gray's stuff." With that, she left one of the suitcases with Amelia, taking the other one with her. Amelia and Grayson were adults, they could figure out their own living arrangements.

Speak of the devil.

Grayson Winters made his way down the empty street slowly, his head pounding as the sun glared down at him angrily. Why was it so bright? Last night had been rough on his liver, and the rest of him for that matter. He groaned as he made his way up the dilapidated steps of the academy, each step making his head hurt even more. 'I'm getting too old for nights like that,' he thought. Students, or what he could only assume were students, were walking around nervous as their beady little eyes darted around in their skulls. "Pathetic." Gray had never learned how to filter his words, and he was sure that some of the students had heard them.

Oh well.

They were learn soon enough that he detested them all. Now, where the hell was Amelia?

"Aims?" His voice was hoarse, lower than usual.


Amelia blinked and towards Jem. "Oh hi.." Her face flushed red and was adorned with a rather dopey grin. Ivy would refer to it as 'Jem face' which apparently was different than Grayson face. Grayson face was entirely smitten while somehow managing to appear constipated. She flushed even redder as Jem kissed her hand. "Nice to see you." She ignored Tessa and turned her attention to the boy. "Hi Parker it's nice to-" the boy walked away. "Okay." Amelia sighed and turned as the door opened.

"Grayson?" Her voice jumped the octave, eager to see her boyfriend. It had been nearly a month. Upon catching sight of him her mood instantly turned worse. She made her way towards him quickly and pulled on his arm and hissed through her teeth. "Grayson Adair Winters what in the angel's name have you done to yourself?!" He was wreck. His clothes were dirty and reeked of booze and cigarettes. And also Grayson, which Amelia had missed. He was so-

No. This was not the time. She was angry with him. Her lips pursed and her brown eyes were locked on his accusingly.

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Lily quickly stood up when she heard the boys voice. She studied him for a moment and raised an eyebrow. The way he was glancing at the building made it look like he was in a hurry... maybe he was? She shyly picked up her bag and shook her head "Nothing's... w-wrong..." she said quietly and looked down "uhm... I - I'll see you around" she nodded and quickly scurried inside. She would never find a parabatai if she didn't start socializing with people.

Lily looked around at the people and held the straps of her bag tighter. She saw a woman being crowded by people, she seemed uncomfortable... She's probably the woman who runs the place.. the one who sent the letter. Lily reached into her purse and grabbed the letter she recieved and read the name, Amelia? Yeah. Probably. She slowly made her way over but didn't say anything, just lingering off to the side, waiting until she wasn't busy.
Phoenix Dragonway

Nick nodded, as Amelia returned his greeting. She seemed to be getting a little crowded, so Nick decided to take off to his room. He didn't need much of an invitation. Nick jogged up the stairs as everyone else swapped names and exchanged greetings. He could still hear them even as he ascended the tall stair case. At the stop of the stair, he came to a long corridor. He could see various doors leading off into what he suspected to be bedrooms or weapons rooms. Nick intended to drop his things in his room and then go to the weapons room. He could be truly alone there.

Nick closed the door to his new room. It was large, and the bed was big enough to fit two people. It was dark, and a little dusty, but Nick could hardly have expected the Ritz from a building that had been out of order for so long. He had two seraph blades attached to a harness on his back. He could feel the coolness of the handles against his neck. The blade that was in his boot was now in his left hand, bonded to his palm. Nick looked out of the large windows of the place. Light shone through them; revealing specks of dust that were flying around. Nick didn't actually know where the Weapons & Training room was, but he intended to find it. And his intentions were worth while. After opening a few doors, Nick struck lucky, and found one of the Weapons rooms. It was cold, the wooden floor creaked under his boots and the air felt rather damp. Nick sighed. The place needed a little bit of fight in it, and he intended to do just that.

Nick cracked his neck and removed both of the blades from the harness. He held them in his hands. He whispered their names, quietly. Haniel and Cassiel. His Father's old blades. He smiled. They glowed, that adamas of the blade heating under his hands. He began his training.
The shadow of a hekatonheires was cast forth by a man who suddenly began standing in the doorway of the Academy. He was better than six and a half feet in height, and possessed a musclebound physique that would put many bodybuilders to shame. His hands wrested on his hips, and his brow rested low upon the bridge of his misshapen nose.

"Is this the damnable Shadowhunter Academy?" He asked, blue eyes cascading over the various denizens of the entrance hall. Some of them were men, some of them were women, they were all whiter than him- he figured that this was a pretty good candidate. Then again, that's what he thought about the last three buildings he'd went into, and all of them had resulted in him being chased out and chastised as a 'crazy homeless man'.

Azalea left quickly, trying to avoid the bulk of the people. She was still shy, no matter what she tried. She found the rooms and chose one at random that was still empty. She didn't know who her neighbors were, but at the current moment she didn't really care as long as she got a room to herself. She set her backpack down on the bed. There were three changes of clothes...she would probably have to get more eventually, a large assortment of smaller weapons, a sketch bok and pencils, and three books. She picked up one book, it was her absolute favorite, as could be seen for how worn the leather binding was. Hidden inside the cover was a letter, and she itched to pull it out. She stopped though, she hadn't shut the door, and now was not the time nor the place. She set the book back down and got up from the bed. She organized everything to perfection and then pulled out her sketch book and pencils.


Nathaniel ended up sprinting with his fairly large duffle bag to the academy. He didn't actually know if he could be late, but he felt like he was. By the time he reached the doors it was obvious that he was one of the last to arrive. He walked in like he knew what he was doing though and like he was completely on time. He saw tht most of the students were already going to their rooms, he took a guess and assumed they were choosing their own rooms. He was very much okay with that. The one he chose had a large window out into a garden. He went through his duffle and pulled out his weapons and organized them lovingly, then he threw his duffle onto the ground, he didn't really care how things worked out from there, as long as his wepons were taken care of. He then left his room, shuttign the door behind him, and wandering ot the other rooms, seeing what the people were like who he was basically going to be living with for a while.

Amelia took a breath and glanced around, noting the new arrivals including the incredibly tell man speaking rather loudly at the door. 'That must be Quintus...' Amelia thought to herself. She looked up at her boyfriend and let out a shaky sigh, placing a kiss on his cheek gently. "There's coffee and Gatorade in the kitchen. Wait for me there. I'll be there to deal with you in a second." She hadn't wanted Grayson to turn up hungover, but this was Grayson, and she had to prepare anyway. The same way his itinerary stated the move in date to be two days earlier. She cared for him, truly, he was just so... Infuriating. Amelia began to turn away before turning back to Grayson. "Talk to any of the students and it will be the last thing you do." Her words were ice. It was almost comical to watch. Grayson stood much taller than Amelia, and his muscled stature was imposing. Yet, there was this small girl doing her best to put him in his place. As much as she cared about Grayson, the Academy was her first love and he would not stand between her and restoring it to its former glory.

In an instant, her smile was back and she greeted the students who had walked in as she approached the large man in the doorway. "Hello!" She pipped cheerfully. "I'm Amelia, I take it you're Quintus?" The Clave had mentioned he was a relic, not his sheer size and force of presence. Amelia took a moment to pity the students who would be learning history from someone who had been there.

@MissEffy @deadpool42
Parker sat in his room, reading out loud at this point:

" 'Alan, it was murder. I killed him. You don't know what he had made me suffer. Whatever my life is, he had more to do with the making or the marring of it than poor Harry has had. He may not have intended it, the result was the same."

"Murder! Good God, Dorian, is that what you have come to? I shall not inform upon you. It is not my business. Besides, without my stirring in the matter, you are certain to be arrested. Nobody ever commits a crime without doing something stupid. But I will have nothing to do with it."

"You must have something to do with it. Wait, wait a moment; listen to me. Only listen, Alan. All I ask of you is to perform a certain scientific experiment. You go to hospitals and dead-houses, and the horrors that you do there don't affect you. If in some hideous dissecting-room or fetid laboratory you found this man lying on a leaden table with red gutters scooped out in it for the blood to flow through, you would simply look upon him as an admirable subject. You would not turn a hair. You would not believe that you were doing anything wrong. On the contrary, you would probably feel that you were benefiting the human race, or increasing the sum of knowledge in the world, or gratifying intellectual curiosity, or something of that kind. What I want you to do is merely what you have often done before. Indeed, to destroy a body must be far less horrible than what you are accustomed to work at. And, remember, it is the only piece of evidence against me. If it is discovered, I am lost; and it is sure to be discovered unless you help me."

"I have no desire to help you. You forget that. I am simply indifferent to the whole thing. It has nothing to do with me."

"Alan, I entreat you. Think of the position I am in. Just before you came I almost fainted with terror. You may know terror yourself some day. No! don't think of that. Look at the matter purely from the scientific point of view. You don't inquire where the dead things on which you experiment come from. Don't inquire now. I have told you too much as it is. But I beg of you to do this. We were friends once, Alan."

"Don't speak about those days, Dorian—they are dead."

"The dead linger sometimes. The man upstairs will not go away. He is sitting at the table with bowed head and outstretched arms. Alan! Alan! If you don't come to my assistance, I am ruined. Why, they will hang me, Alan! Don't you understand? They will hang me for what I have done."

"There is no good in prolonging this scene. I absolutely refuse to do anything in the matter. It is insane of you to ask me."

"You refuse?"


"I entreat you, Alan."

"It is useless.'"

Parker spoke the dialogue dramatically, quoting the words almost by memory now. The Picture of Dorian Gray had always been one of Parker''s favorites. He loved Dorian got away with things simply because he looked innocence, even though he was more evil than the devil himself. Parker put the bookmark inside the book and stood up. He peered around the room, taking in the small little details such as the way the light shined into the room just perfectly to see the small specks of dust floating about. Parker gave a small little smile before walking over and grabbing his two fans off the bed. Japanese Iron fans. Most would think maybe a female Shadowhunter would carry them around since fans were considers feminine but to Parker, these were the best of the best (that is except for Seraph Blades). Parker first learn about them when he was twelve and Jem brought him to the Tokyo Institute. A combination of marital arts, aim, and quick relaxes were required for this weapon and Parker was quick to learn this all. While the four other institutes he stayed at often tried getting him to use different weapons, he never did.

Parker admired the runes on the fan he held in the light, twisting it around. He one swift flick of the wrist and arm extension he had the fan stuck in the door, causing the wood to split slightly.

"Oops." He mumbled under his breath sarcastically as he walked over and pulled that bladed fan out of the door. Parker's emotionless face examined the door. He gently ran his fingers along the deep scratch, grinning to himself. He was bored now. He thought for a moment of maybe switching to look like someone and mess with their heads. However he wasn't one to flaunt his powers and decided against it. He would be better off to just pretend to be a normal Shadowhunter during his stay.

Parker blinked a few times before closing his fan and sticking it in his belt along with his other fan. He opened his bedroom down and started walking down the halls in search for the library.
"Salve, domina." The giant greeted, pronouncing the "v" as a "w" in the typical Roman accent. He hunched down somwhat, so that the height difference between he and Amelia was not quite so stupendous, and clasped his meaty, callused hands around one of hers, giving it a shake. "Ita vero, it is true; I am Quintus Antony. It is very good to meet you, Domina Amelia. Too many times I have gone to the wrong place. This city is not so big as Rome, but many times taller and even more confusing."

The paladin explained his toils whilst still shaking poor Amelia quite vigorously, only stopping after sheepishly realizing what he'd been doing.

"Seen by me many people are finding rooms. Needed by me is not much space, preferably down low. I will go find, and then I will return for helping Domina Amelia. OK?"

With this clunky explanation, Quintus promptly turned away from Amelia and strode straight down a side corridor from the main hall. After a bit of navigating, he found himself in an old servant's cubby, and from there found his way down into an ancient, musty wine cellar. Dim lit, concrete-lined, remote from the rest of the Academy... perfect.

"You have got to be kidding me!"

A short, petite young woman tapped her foot impatiently. A man who was nearly twice her size shrugged his shoulder apologetically.
"I can't help it. Since your horse is being, ah, difficult, then we have to. You can't just go ride him in the streets. It's kind of illegal." The man shoved his hands in his pockets. The young woman uncrossed her arms and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to think of something to do. She was already late for the whole welcoming day at the Academy. Come to think of it, she had no idea if they had anywhere for her horse to stay. But it was an old building, surely there was? She sighed loudly.

"Then I'll stand in the trailer with him. You just don't know how to handle a real horse," she hissed in her lilting French accent. Sadly, most of the time it didn't intimidate Americans, it just made them smile at her small cuteness, like the man before her. Infuriating. The man opened the trailer door and let the girl in, followed by a handsome Percheron, but only because of its companion's beckoning. The horse looked down at her, a bit of nervousness deep in his mischievous eyes. "Auguste, Auguste. Must you give everyone trouble, you mischevious little shit, you," she cooed softly, stroking the horse's soft, warm muzzle. Then the trailer moved a bit forward, and she was on her way to the Academy.

Later, at the Academy

The trailer slowed and came to a stop. The young woman knew it was because they were at the Academy. She patted Auguste's cheek and walked down his left side, running her hand down his side as she did so. She stepped out after the man opened the doors. She stretched a bit, then patted her horse's flank to get him to back out. She took the bridle in her hand before turning to the man.
"Would you take my bags inside, monsieur?"

He nodded and walked back up to the front of the truck, grabbing four of her six bags.
"Of course, Little Bird," he said with a toothy grin. She glared at him until he got close enough. Then she threw a fist into his right kidney.

"That's for calling me Little Bird, you ass. No one calls me that," she hissed. She began her way up to the steps and waited. "Bonjour!" she called up the steps, hoping someone would hear her. She knew it would be totally unacceptable to bring a horse inside, even a fine beast such as hers, especially since Auguste was a bit on the mischievous side. She stood there for a moment, ignoring the look the man gave her as dropped the first of her bags at her feet. It's a good thing her bouzouki was in a hard case, otherwise she would have hit him again for tossing around her inherited instrument. So she began the waiting game, allowing the man to finish bringing her things to her and leave without incident.

Riley glanced around from her seat on the couch. Some new faces had turned up since she had arrived. A rather attractive bunch, she had to admit. She stretched, her arms high above her head and shirt rising to expose her midriff and pierced navel. She noted all three of the instructors were there. There was Amelia, who looked more irritated than nervous at this point. Probably because the second instructor, most likely Grayson, had arrived hungover. She gathered from their interactions that they were an item. A cute couple, but an odd one. If first impressions were anything to go by, Amelia was a pretty straight laced person. Very innocent and seemingly sweet. Than there was Grayson who had shown up to the institution he was to begin teaching at hungover and called all of the students amateurs. Cute, but odd. How did that work? Amelia had to be a freak in the bedroom or something.

Riley let out a bored sigh and glanced at Quintus, who seemed... excitable. Joy.

Riley glanced around and noted a girl, about her age, with long brown hair who appeared to be having a panic attack. Riley stood and approached her. "Relax. It's not that scary. The building probably won't fall over." She glanced at the walls and reconsidered her statement briefly. "I'm Riley Wakestorm." She offered her hand for the girl to shake.

Quintus emerged from the subbasement he'd claimed for himself, marching back through the servant's corners, and the side-corridors, until he was again in the main hall. He returned to the front entrance just in time to glimpse Heloise's arrival. Without much hesitation, he approached the comparatively diminutive woman, mostly paying attention to her mighty stallion.

"Salve! You are being discipula- student- it is true? Am being Quintus Antony. Am instructor in this place, Academy." He explained with his clunky half-English, taking and shaking the petite woman's hand in a similar manner as he'd done with Amelia. This time, however, he remembered to stop before he jostled the poor girl's arms out of their sockets.

"Optimus eques." He commented, regarding Auguste, gently tugging upon its mane, to lead it through the main hall. The ancient Crusader likely assumed there was a stables somewhere on the premises. He rather enjoyed horses, although he'd never ridden one; suited up in full paladin gear, he weighed the better part of a quarter ton. A rhinoceros was a better choice of mount, for the Nephilim. "Quis est nomen? Er, what is the name?"
Seth was both excited and nervous as his parents said their goodbyes to their son, reminding him of what-to-do-should-this-or-that-happen and how they hoped he would learn a lot at the Academy, plus a few other things that Seth forgot as he stared at what would be his home for the next step in his Shadowhunter training. I promise I'll make you proud, he thought to himself after his parents had left and the boy held his suitcases at in front of the building. Seth reached into one of his bags and produced a notebook. He wrote down the date and drew a quick sketch of the Academy before writing, 'Arrived at the Academy to train as a Shadowhunter.' Seth kept a journal, more like a log due to its brevity, that held a record of anything important to his journey in becoming a Shadowhunter. He wasn't always sure why he did such a thing, but he felt that it could possibly be useful for another family member somewhere down the line, perhaps.

As he approached the Academy, he wondered where he was supposed to start. He assumed that students were still arriving and just decided to follow the crowd. Everyone seemed to get their own room, from what Seth could tell. He didn't mind that at all, to be honest. Seth found an empty room and unpacked a few things, though he was a little shocked at how...ancient the place looked. Well, maybe he expected that, but he figured it would have shown more signs of use by other students before them. Seth swiped some dust off of a shelf and placed a few books there. He figured it might be more important to get a feel for the place first and unpack the rest of his belongings later. The boy wondered what other students would be here, and if they would be from important Shadowhunter families. He secretly hoped not.

Seth wandered back toward the front of the school, his eyes falling on a creature that he was sure had not been there before or else he would have noticed. Although he should have been intimidated by its size, Seth found himself walking toward the large Percheron and its owner. He glanced back and forth between the female and the larger male who he assumed might be a teacher. "Sorry, I don't mean to stare. I just didn't know there were horses here," Seth remarked before realizing he hadn't even said a friendly greeting or introduced himself. "Um, well anyways, I'm Seth Avenara. Pleased to meet you. Per chance, do either of you know if I have to sign in somewhere or do anything specific at the moment?"

@Amityvillager @deadpool42

((Sorry for the late post, everyone D:))

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